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Creating “Gay” Children http://www.rsvpamerica.org/crafting%20august%202001.htm<br />

think change of homosexual orientation is possible and whose meetings are<br />

constantly disrupted by gay agitators. Is gay identifying so fragile that it cannot bear<br />

the thought that some people may not wish to be gay?…. If a gay man wants to<br />

marry and sire children, why should he be harassed by gay activists…. strafed by<br />

gay artillery fire of reverse moralism. Heterosexual love…is in sync with cosmic<br />

forces… Not everyone has the stomach for daily war with nature. [42]<br />

Paglia’s observation that “Heterosexual love…is in sync with cosmic forces” is one,<br />

which is not supported, in the current political climate.<br />

The official Statement of Policy for the National Association for Research and Therapy of<br />

Homosexuality (NARTH), psychoanalysts, psychologists and other behavioral scientists as well as<br />

those in law, religion and education addresses, identifies academic censorship and conscious<br />

misinformation as the impetus for forming their organization.<br />

With the sharing of knowledge, NARTH serves as an antidote to the misinformation<br />

disseminated by the media, as well as the misinformation of some of our own<br />

psychological and psychiatric professional organizations. The homosexual, his or her<br />

family, and the public have a right of access to scientific information. We believe this is<br />

true even when this information runs counter to the ideas of socio-political activists….<br />

During the last twenty years, powerful political pressures have done much to erode<br />

scientific exploration and study of this disorder. Many researchers have been<br />

intimidated into trading truth for silence…. Homosexuality distorts the natural bond of<br />

friendship that would normally unite persons of the same sex. It works against society’s<br />

essential male/female design and family unit. Yet today children from kindergarten and<br />

beyond are being taught in public school that homosexuality is nothing but a normal,<br />

healthy option…. Our task is to discuss issues misrepresented by social-activist<br />

groups, who have portrayed sexual deviancy as a normal way of life. [43]<br />

Gagnon Says Hide Gay Origins. Absent any biological evidence of homosexuality, those<br />

now labeled “lesbian, gay, and bisexual teenagers” are exhibiting classical symptoms of childhood<br />

trauma (e.g., parental violence, alcoholism, sex abuse and/or other dysfunctions). Concerned lest<br />

the public become aware of the traumatic histories of most allegedly “gay” youth, by 1987, National<br />

Research Council advisor and Kinsey researcher, John Gagnon, told sex researchers to hide the<br />

causes of homosexuality:<br />

The wish of some gay men and lesbians to locate the origins for their desires in<br />

…biology or early experience deserves a respectful response even though I think<br />

it to be wrong… Attempts to placate the oppressors will only invite further<br />

persecution. The source of freedom in everyday life for gay men and lesbians is<br />

continued vigilance and practical political action. [44]<br />

Eager to conceal any causes rooted in bad parenting or early sex abuse which suggest adult<br />

responsibility, even crime, Kinseyans, supported by the media, formed groups like, PROJECT 10,<br />

PFLAG, (Parents and Friends of Lesbians and Gays) and later, GLBT, (Gay, Lesbian, Bisexual And<br />

Transgendered) youth. Since historical, cross-cultural, literary and testimonial evidence clearly<br />

identifies a homosexual etiology of family disorders, it is understandable that many parents zealously<br />

insist their child was “born that way,” avoiding the personal blame and public disgrace inherent in their<br />

offspring having been placed in harm’s way. But, how did 21% of America’s leaders—largely<br />

America’s intellectual community--adopt these radical new views on sex and homosexuality?<br />


To answer that question we turn to Alfred C. Kinsey. In 1989 the prestigious National<br />

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