The Boy Next Door - Weebly

The Boy Next Door - Weebly

The Boy Next Door - Weebly


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He'll have to stay in Robbie's old room. I'll start moving my sewing things out of it.<br />

I'm happy to hear about your neighbor, anyway. Why, it sounds like something out of<br />

Touched by an Angel, or that new show, what is it called? Miraculous Cures, or<br />

something. I'm glad to hear that she has woken from her coma and is doing so well, and<br />

will be out of the hospital in time for the holidays, though why her nephew should have<br />

tried to kill her....I'm telling you, Melissa, I just don't like you living in that city.<br />

It's too dangerous! Murderous nephews and serial killers who wear dresses and men who tell<br />

you one name when it turns out their name is something else entirely....<br />

Just think, if you moved back here, you could have a mortgage on a three bedroom house<br />

for what you're paying in rent for that little bitty apartment. And you know your old<br />

boyfriend, Tommy Meadows, is a real estate agent now. I'm sure he could get you a very<br />

nice deal. But I guess if you're happy, that's all that matters.<br />

Daddy and I can't wait to see you. Are you sure you don't want us to pick you up at the<br />

airport? It seems a waste for you and this John person to rent a car just to drive from the<br />

airport out to Lansing.... But I suppose you both know best.<br />

Call before your flight leaves, at least, so we'll know when to expect you. And<br />

remember, don't drink on the flight: you'll want to have all your wits about you<br />

in case the plane starts to go down, and you need to make an emergency exit.<br />

Love,<br />

Mommy<br />

To: John Trent ;<br />

Mel Fuller <br />

From: Genevieve Randolph Trent <br />

Subject: Sunday dinner<br />

Your presence is requested at dinner this Sunday at my home at 366 Park Avenue.<br />

Kindly be there promptly at seven for cocktails. Dress will be informal. Jason, Stacy, the<br />

twins, and the newest addition to the family will also be in attendance.<br />

And might I add that I am very pleased to be issuing this invitation to you, Miss Fuller. I<br />

have a feeling that in the future, we will be enjoying a great many more Sunday dinners<br />

together.<br />

Stacy has suggested that, now that you've gotten a taste for writing together, you two will<br />

want to start a newspaper of your own. I must say I find such an idea markedly distasteful.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re are far too many newspapers in this town already, in my opinion.<br />

But then, I'm just an old woman. What do I know?<br />

Looking forward to seeing you,<br />


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