The Boy Next Door - Weebly

The Boy Next Door - Weebly

The Boy Next Door - Weebly


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To: John Trent <br />

From: Genevieve Randolph Trent <br />

Subject: I am very disappointed<br />

in you, John. We had yet another family get-together the other night, from which you<br />

were once again absent. I must say, I am becoming extremely irritated by your continued<br />

disdain for us. It is one thing to refuse to accept our financial aid. It is quite another<br />

simply to cut us from your life completely. I have been given to understand from Stacy that<br />

you and this Fuller girl are quite the item. I must say I was astonished to hear this, as I<br />

have only met her once and under, I must say, some extremely unusual circumstances. In fact,<br />

it is not clear to me that she even knew the two of us were related. Your brother and his wife-who<br />

is, by the way, as large as a house; I am quite certain her physician is wrong about her<br />

due date, and would not be surprised if she gives birth at any moment--are quite reticent to<br />

discuss the matter with me, but I feel certain that you are up to something, John.<br />

And Ashley and Brittany had some very interesting things to say on the subject of your<br />

wedding to a certain red-headed lady, at which they presume they will be flower girls,<br />

and are planning their wardrobe for the occasion accordingly. Is this true, John? Are you<br />

planning on marrying this girl, whom you have not even properly introduced to your family?<br />

If so, I must say, I never expected such behavior from you. Some of your cousins, perhaps, but<br />

not you, John. I do hope you will take steps to rectify this matter immediately. Only give me a<br />

date during which you are both free, and I will arrange a casual family dinner. I would be only too<br />

happy to introduce Miss Fuller to the rest of the Trents...those who are currently<br />

on parole, that is.<br />

Do not mistake my flippancy for lack of caring, John. I care deeply. So deeply, in fact, that I am<br />

willing to overlook your exceedingly odd behavior in the matter.<br />

But only up to a point, my boy.<br />

Sincerely,<br />

Mim<br />

To: Genevieve Randolph Trent <br />

From: John Trent <br />

Subject: Don't you worry<br />

Mim,<br />

Just give me another week. Okay? Just one more week, and you can meet her--properly,<br />

this time. <strong>The</strong>re's just a little something I have to tell her beforehand.<br />

Can you be patient just a little longer? I promise it will be worth it.<br />


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