Cubby, Inc. v. CompuServe, Inc., Stratton Oakmont, Inc

Cubby, Inc. v. CompuServe, Inc., Stratton Oakmont, Inc

Cubby, Inc. v. CompuServe, Inc., Stratton Oakmont, Inc


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is a far cry from web technology in the mid-1990s. Nonetheless, the basic message from<br />

Congress has retained its traction, and there should be a high bar to liability for organizing and<br />

searching third-party information. The bipartisan view in Congress was that the Internet, as a<br />

new form of communication, should not be impeded by the transference of regulations and<br />

principles developed from traditional modes of communication.<br />

In the end, the majority offers interactive computer service providers no bright lines and little<br />

comfort in finding a home within § 230(c)(1). I respectfully part company with the majority as to<br />

Part 2 of the opinion because the majority has misconstrued the statutory protection under the<br />

CDA for Roommate's publishing and sorting of user profiles. The plain language and structure of<br />

the CDA unambiguously demonstrate that Congress intended these activities--the collection,<br />

organizing, analyzing, searching, and transmitting of third-party content--to be beyond the scope<br />

of traditional publisher liability. The majority's decision, which sets us apart from five circuits,<br />

contravenes congressional intent and violates the spirit and serendipity of the Internet.<br />

Specifically, the majority's analysis is flawed for three reasons: (1) the opinion conflates the<br />

questions of liability under the FHA and immunity under the CDA; (2) the majority rewrites the<br />

statute with its definition of "information content provider," labels the search function<br />

"information development," and strips interactive service providers of immunity; and (3) the<br />

majority's approach undermines the purpose of § 230(c)(1) and has far-reaching practical<br />

consequences in the Internet world.<br />

To begin, it is important to recognize what this appeal is not about. At this stage, there has<br />

been no determination of liability under the FHA. In dissenting, I do not condone housing<br />

discrimination; I simply underscore that the merits of the FHA claim are not before us.<br />

The entire opinion links Roommate's ostensibly reprehensible conduct (and that of its users)<br />

with an unprecedented interpretation of the CDA's immunity provision. The majority condemns<br />

Roommate for soliciting illegal content, but there has been no determination that Roommate's<br />

questions or standardized answers are illegal. Instead of foreshadowing a ruling on the FHA, the<br />

opinion should be confined to the issue before us--application of § 230(c)(1) to Roommate. The<br />

district court has not yet ruled on the merits of the FHA claim and neither should we.<br />

Application of § 230(c)(1) to Roommate's Website<br />

Because our focus is on the term "information content provider," and what it means to create<br />

or develop information, it is worth detailing exactly how the website operates, what information<br />

is at issue and who provides it.<br />

To become a member of Roommates.com, a user must complete a personal profile by<br />

selecting answers from dropdown menus or checking off boxes on the screen. The profile<br />

includes "location" information; details about the residence, and the "rental details." The last<br />

section of the profile is the "Household Description" section, which includes the total number of<br />

occupants in the home, their age range, gender, occupation, level of cleanliness, whether they are<br />

smokers, and whether children or pets are present.<br />

The remaining sections of the registration process are completely optional; a user who skips<br />

them has created a profile based on the information already provided. At his option, the user may<br />

select an emoticon to describe the "household character," and may upload images of the room or<br />


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