OW 94 - OutWeek Magazine

OW 94 - OutWeek Magazine

OW 94 - OutWeek Magazine


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money. My research (research,<br />

Donna,' not political wishfulthinking)<br />

revealed that it isn't just<br />

because we putatively eam less<br />

than men (still an unproven<br />

poin~ in my mind) but because<br />

dykes are often closeted about<br />

the fact that they do have money<br />

and are, as women, less weI/socialized<br />

to deal with the macho<br />

particularities of economic<br />

power. Indeed, I mentioned all<br />

those "nameless" dykes who<br />

.won't lift a finger for anything<br />

but their credit cards. Lesbians<br />

•<br />

need to take some responsibility<br />

for what we do and do not have,<br />

Donna, instead of twirling<br />

around in a tired old dance of fin-<br />

.ger-pointing and retrograde<br />

political analyses.<br />

My article was about rich<br />

dykes talking for themselves and<br />

about themselves. If you don't<br />

like these women, categorically,<br />

.because they have money, then<br />

you have a little work to do on<br />

your notions of sisterhood. Oh,<br />

and Donna, valorizing poverty in<br />

a city that is crumbling with desperate,<br />

hungry people is sick to<br />

the point of being obscene, in<br />

my mind, If you would prefer a<br />

world where everyone is "downwardly<br />

mobile and proud" as<br />

opposed to a world where everyone<br />

had an equal and decent<br />

economic chance to make it in<br />

this sick capitalistic culture, then<br />

you can have your goddamned<br />

.revolution. I myself am sick of<br />

eating spaghetti every night for<br />

dinner and fending off creditors<br />

until my anns are black and blue.<br />

Wake up, Donna Minkowitz, and<br />

take off your own rose-colored<br />

glasses. Eat the rich, indeed.<br />


Regarding Maria Maggenti's<br />

excellent piece on wealthy lesbians,<br />

Iwas sony to see her seem<br />

to support the notion that wealth<br />

is a big exception in the lesbian<br />

world. She did this primarily by<br />

focusing on lesbians who inherited<br />

money rather than those who<br />

get it "the old-fashioned way."<br />

Such an editorial focus contributes<br />

to the widespread myth<br />

that dykes are generally poor. We<br />

are not Overlooked Opinions in<br />

Chicago, the only reputable company<br />

that accurately surveys the<br />

queer community, did a major<br />

economic poll of lesbians and<br />

.gays last year. They found that<br />

while the national median income<br />

of all American households is<br />

around $30,000, the national<br />

median income of lesbian households<br />

is $41,000 and that of gay<br />

male households is $44,000.<br />

While this clealty shows that gay<br />

men earn somewhat more than<br />

dykes, it also clealty shows that<br />

dyke households earn more than<br />

average Ameticans. It certainly<br />

explodes the PC myth that dykeS<br />

are universally poor•<br />

That myth is extrapolated<br />

from the fact that women earn<br />

less than men, and that dykes,<br />

as women, must therefore be<br />

poorer than practically anybody<br />

else. But that theory is offset by<br />

. many factors that contribute to<br />

lesbian economic success. Lefs<br />

leave aside for the moment ;the,<br />

obvious (to me) fact that dykes<br />

are simply smarter than mo,"".<br />

. people and look at data even the;~<br />

average straight man would have<br />

to agree with: 1) Dykes often<br />

realize from adolescence that<br />

we're unlikely to get married;,<br />

and thus begin planning careel'$<br />

at an earty age; 2) dykes tend, as<br />

a generality, to be more se1f-suf~<br />

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Expense wi:th:a:::Mafe:::~:Ni~Hjg~I::::lnY§i:pian.Board<br />

Ce rtifi ed $.d'tgeo ns, Inte:rrn~1$.:::@n~1t:D.EtQ..e ntero log ists.<br />

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