Bwa-yo - Société Audubon Haiti

Bwa-yo - Société Audubon Haiti

Bwa-yo - Société Audubon Haiti


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220 Medicinal Uses<br />


Rhizophora mangle Fever, hemorrhage, rheumatism, liver ailments: bark tea, taken orally. Sore throat,<br />

mang chandel, mang nwa, angina: bark decoction, gargle. Malarial fever: pulverized bark, taken orally. Leprosy,<br />

mang wouj ulcer: macerated wood decoction, applied to affected area.<br />

Roystonea borinquena Broken bones: leafcompress. Diuretic, bladder stones, diabetes: root decoction, taken<br />

palmis orally.<br />

Sambucus simpsonii Fever, diaphoretic, throat infection, chest cold: flower infusion, taken orally. Headache:<br />

siwo leafcompress. Measles, smallpox, scarlet fever: leaf infusion:<br />

Sapindus saponaria Diarrhea: root decoction, taken orally. Snakebite: leafinfusion, applied to bite.<br />

savonet, savonet peyi Rheumatism, gout: fruit oil. Asthma: fruit, taken orally. NB: Leafand fmit contains saponin,<br />

a group ofglucosides that is used as a detergent.<br />

Schaefferia frutescens Flu, cold, chronic cough, aphrodisiac: plant decoction, taken orally. Skin itch, rash:<br />

bwa kapab, ti gason pulverized leaf bath.<br />

Schefflera morototoni Broken bone, dislocation: leaf treated wI warm water, compress. Lumbago, rheumatism:<br />

bwakano leaf decoction, taken orally.<br />

Schinus moUe Ophthalmia, rheumatism: leafjuice. Diarrhea: bark extract infusion. CAUTION: Resin is a<br />

dangerous purgative.<br />

Schinus terebinthifolius Rheumatism, sciatica: bark bath. Skin ulcer: cmshed, dried leaf poultice. Bronchitis,<br />

respiratory ailments: leaf infusion, taken orally. Wound, sore: leaf or fruit decoction bath.<br />

Ganglionic tumors, contusions: macerated root juice.<br />

Senna angustisiliqua Syphilis: all plant parts prepared in a decoction, taken orally. Bad blood: root decoction, taken<br />

brize menaj, fey lawouziye orally.<br />

Senna atomaria Skin itch: massage with crushed leaves. Skin discoloration, insect bite: macerated leaf<br />

bwakabrit decoction, applied to affected area.<br />

Senna pendula Gastrointestinal disorders: leaf decoction, taken orally.<br />

bwadano<br />

Sesbania grandiflora Rheumatism: root paste, applied externally. Phlegm: root resin wI honey, taken orally. Fever,<br />

pwa valye diabetes: bark decoction, taken orally. Sinus congestion: flower decoction, taken orally.<br />

Sesbania sesban Suppuration: leaf compress, applied to infected area.<br />

Simarouba glauca var. Fever: macerated bark decoction, taken orally. Rheumatism: pulverized leaf, seed and bark<br />

latifolia boiled in sugar water, taken orally. Bruise, body pain: leafdecoction, applied as lotion. Skin<br />

bwa blan, fwenn, itch: massage with crushed leaves. Diarrhea: bark tea, taken orally.<br />

Sloanea amygdalina Stomach ache, headache: leaf decoction, taken orally.<br />

bwa kbk, chapa kare<br />

Sloanea ilicifolia Menstrual cramps: leaf decoction, taken orally.<br />

chapa kare<br />

Spondias mombin Digestive tract ailments: macerated bark or leaves taken orally. Urethritis: macerated root<br />

monben taken orally. Lower back pain: macerated root, taken orally. Rheumatism: pulverized leaf<br />

bath. Angina, sore throat: root bark decoction, taken orally. Metrorrhagia, contraceptive:<br />

root. Malarial fever, congestion: leafdecoction, taken oridly. Diarrhea: fermented fruit.<br />

eaten. NB: Plant extracts exhibit anti-bacterial properties (Rouzier, 1990).<br />

Spondias purpurea Swollen glands: leafjuice, taken orally. Trauma: leafjuice wI salt, taken orally. Head cold,<br />

siwel headache: crushed leaves and applied as a head bath. Skin itch, skin parasites,<br />

hemorrhoids: crushed leaf bath. Digestive ailments: pulverized leaf decoction wI salt, gargle.<br />

Constipation: fruit eaten in quantity. Dysentery, diarrhea: leaf decoction, taken orally. NB:<br />

Leaves exhibit anti-bacterial properties (Tramil III, 1988).<br />

Sterculia apetala Cough, insomnia: flower decoction, taken orally. Flu, bronchitis, chronic cough, asthma:<br />

pistach flower syrup, taken orally. Rheumatism: leaf decoction, taken orally. Stimulant: seed<br />

, decoction tonic.<br />

Strumpfia maritima Fever: leaf infusion wI Exostema caribaeum leaf; Poisonous bite: leaf infusion compress.<br />

Suriana maritima Rheumatism: branch and leaf bath. Sore: leaf and bark decoction or powder, applied<br />

krist marinn externally. Bleeding: powdered leaf wI flour, applied as poultice.

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