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Q.174 Which is most commonly used contraceptive method - (1) Harmonal method (2) Barrier method (3) Natural method (4) M.T.P Q.175 The sequence of events in bacterial multiplication is - (1) Stationary, lag, log, decline (2) Stationary, log, lag, decline (3) Lag, log, stationary, decline (4) Decline, log, lag, stationary Q.176 Information about birth rate, death rate, sex ratio, age distribution etc. of a population is obtained from - (1) Mortality rate (2) Life table (3) Natality table (4) Both (1) and (2) Q.177 In human beings, embryo implantation is carried out - (1) After 16-called staged (2) After 32-called stage (3) After 64-called stage (4) Immediately after fertilization. Q.178 Lack of 'sleep, loss of appetite, hallucination are symptoms due to intake of ……. (1) Morphine (2) Pethidine (3) Cocaine (4) Heroin Q.179 GIFT is - (1) Embryo implantation in vivo fertilization (2) Egg implantation for in vivo fertilization (3) Embryo implantation after in vitro fertilization (4) Egg implantation after in vitro fertilization Q.180 The carcinogenic ingredient of tobacco smoke is - (1) Nicotine (2) Tar (3) Carbon monoxide (4) N-nitrosomethylene / Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbons Q.181 A weekly oral contraceptive is - (1) Mala A (2) Mala D (3) Saheli (4) None of these Q.174 lcls vf/kd mi;ksx fd;k tkus okyk xHkZfujks/kd mik; gS - (1) gkeksZuy mik; (2) vojks/kd mik; (3) izkd`frd mik; (4) M.T.P Q.175 thok.kqxq.ku esa ?kVukvksa dk Øe gS - (1) Stationary, lag, log, decline (2) Stationary, log, lag, decline (3) Lag, log, stationary, decline (4) Decline, log, lag, stationary Q.176 lef"V dk tUe nj] e`R;q nj] fyaxkuqikr] vk;q forj.k vkfn ds ckjs esa lwpuk,sa izkIr gksrh gS (1) e`R;q nj ls (2) thou lkj.kh ls (3) tUenj lkj.kh ls (4) nksuksa (1) o (2) Q.177 ekuo esa Hkzq.k izR;kjksi.k fd;k tkrk gS - (1) 16-dksf'kdh; voLFkk ds Ik'pkr~ (2) 32-dksf'kdh; voLFkk ds Ik'pkr~ (3) 64-dksf'kdh; voLFkk ds Ik'pkr~ (4) fu"kspu ds rqjUr ckn Q.178 ……….. ysus ds dkj.k uhan dh deh] Hkw[k dh deh o Hkze mRiUUk gksrk gS (1) ekQhZu (2) isFkhMhu (3) dksdsu (4) gsjksbu Q.179 GIFT gS - (1) in vivo fu"kspu Hkwz.k dk izR;kjksi.k (2) in vivo fu"kspu ds fy, v.Mks dk izR;kjksi.k (3) in vitro fu"kspu ds Ik'pkr~ Hkwz.k dk izR;kjksi.k (4) in vitro fu"kspu ds Ik'pkr~ v.Ms dk izR;kjksi.k Q.180 rEckdq /kzqeiku dk dkflZukstfud ?kVd gS - (1) fudksVhu (2) Rkkj (3) dkcZu eksuksDlkbM (4) N-ukbVªkslksesFkkbyhu / ikWyh lkbfDyd ,sjksesVhd gkbMªksdkcZUl Q.181 lkIrkfgd xHkZfujks/kd gS - (1) ekyk A (2) ekyk D (3) lgsyh (4) buesa ls dksbZ ugha CAREER POINT, CP Tower, Road No.1, IPIA, Kota (Raj.), Ph: 0744-3040000 Page # 28

Q.182 Which year is called big divide ? (1) 1924 (2) 1921 (3) 1942 (4) 1947 Q.183 Effects of nicotine of human body include - (1) Release of adrenaline and hence increased blood pressure and heart beat (2) Stimulation of nerve impulse and muscle relaxation (3) Decreased foetal growth (4) All the above Q.184 Total number of autosomes in normal human sperm is - (1) 2 (2) 1 (3) 46 (4) 22 Q.185 Which of the following properties of acquired immunity is the basis of vaccination ? (1) Specificity (2) Diversity (3) Memory (4) Descrimination between self and non-self Q.186 Which of the following is not a component of innate imunity ? (1) Antibodies (2) Interferon (3) Complement proteins (4) Phagocytes Q.187 A person has developed interferon in his body. He seems to carry infection of (1) Tetanus (2) Malaria (3) Measles (4) Typhoid Q.188 Type of immunoglobulin present in colostrums is (1) IgA (2) IgG (3) IgD (4) IgE Q.189 The various bio-chemical substances such as urea, cholesterol etc. in body fluids are estimated by - (1) Autoanalyser (2) Sonography (3) Dialyser (4) Oxygenators Q.190 Metastasis is the process of - (1) Excessive cell proliferation (2) Transformation of benign tumour into a malignant tumour (3) Movement of cancerous cells from one site to another sites in body (4) Transformation of normal cell into tumourous cells. Q.182 dkSulk o"kZ nh?kZ foHkktu dgykrk gS ? (1) 1924 (2) 1921 (3) 1942 (4) 1947 Q.183 ekuo 'kjhj ds fudksfVu dk izHkko esa - (1) ,Mªhufyu eqDr gksrk gS o bl izdkj ân; LiUnu o jDr nkc cM+rk gSA (2) isf'k;ksa esa foJkekoLFkk o raf=kdh; mn~nhiu izsfjr djrs gSA (3) Hkzq.k dh o`f) ?kVrh gSA (4) mijksDr lHkh Q.184 lkekU; ekuo 'kqØk.kq esa letkr xq.klw=kksa dh la[;k gksrh gS - (1) 2 (2) 1 (3) 46 (4) 22 Q.185 fuEu esa ls dkSulh mikftZr izfrj{kk fo'ks"krk Vhdkdj.k ij vk/kkfjr gS ? (1) fof'k"V~rk (2) fofo/krk (3) Le`fr (4) Lo;a o ijk;s ds e/; igpku Q.186 fuEu esa ls dkSulh lgt izfrj{kk dk ?kVd ugha gS ? (1) izfrj{kk (2) bUVjQsjkWu (3) iwjd izksVhu (4) Hk{kdk.kquk'ku Q.187 ,d O;fDr Lo;a ds 'kjhj esa bUVjQsjkWu mRiUu djrk gSA ;g fdlls laØfer gS (1) fVVusl (2) eysfj;k (3) [kljk (4) VkbQkbM Q.188 uonqX/k ¼dksyksLVªe½ esa mifLFkr izfrj{kh XyksC;wyhu dk izdkj gksrk gS Q.189 (1) IgA (2) IgG (3) IgD (4) IgE 'kjhj nzO; esa fofHkUu izdkj ds tSo jlk;u inkFkZ tSls ;wfj;k dkWysLVªksy vkfn dk vkdyu fd;k tkrk gS - (1) vksVks,ukykbtj (2) lksuksxzkQh (3) Mk;ykbtj (4) vkDlhftusVlZ Q.190 esVkLVsfll fdldh izfØ;k gS - (1) vR;f/kd dksf'kdh; vko/kZu (2) csuhXu xkB dk esyhXusUV xkB esa :ikUrj.k (3) 'kjhj esa dSUlj dksf'kdkvksa dh ,d LFky ls vU; LFky ij xfr (4) lkekU; dksf'kdkvks dk xkWBe; dksf'kdkvksa esa L:ikUrj.k CAREER POINT, CP Tower, Road No.1, IPIA, Kota (Raj.), Ph: 0744-3040000 Page # 29

Q.182 Which year is called big divide ?<br />

(1) 1924 (2) 1921 (3) 1942 (4) 1947<br />

Q.183 Effects of nicotine of human body include -<br />

(1) Release of adrenaline and hence increased<br />

blood pressure and heart beat<br />

(2) Stimulation of nerve impulse and muscle<br />

relaxation<br />

(3) Decreased foetal growth<br />

(4) All the above<br />

Q.184 Total number of autosomes in normal human<br />

sperm is -<br />

(1) 2 (2) 1 (3) 46 (4) 22<br />

Q.185 Which of the following properties of acquired<br />

immunity is the basis of vaccination ?<br />

(1) Specificity<br />

(2) Diversity<br />

(3) Memory<br />

(4) Descrimination between self and non-self<br />

Q.186 Which of the following is not a component of<br />

innate imunity ?<br />

(1) Antibodies (2) Interferon<br />

(3) Complement proteins (4) Phagocytes<br />

Q.187 A person has developed interferon in his body. He<br />

seems to carry infection of<br />

(1) Tetanus (2) Malaria<br />

(3) Measles (4) Typhoid<br />

Q.188 Type of immunoglobulin present in colostrums is<br />

(1) IgA (2) IgG (3) IgD (4) IgE<br />

Q.189 The various bio-chemical substances such as urea,<br />

cholesterol etc. in body fluids are estimated by -<br />

(1) Autoanalyser (2) Sonography<br />

(3) Dialyser (4) Oxygenators<br />

Q.190 Metastasis is the process of -<br />

(1) Excessive cell proliferation<br />

(2) Transformation of benign tumour into a<br />

malignant tumour<br />

(3) Movement of cancerous cells from one site to<br />

another sites in body<br />

(4) Transformation of normal cell into tumourous<br />

cells.<br />

Q.182 dkSulk o"kZ nh?kZ foHkktu dgykrk gS ?<br />

(1) 1924 (2) 1921 (3) 1942 (4) 1947<br />

Q.183 ekuo 'kjhj ds fudksfVu dk izHkko esa -<br />

(1) ,Mªhufyu eqDr gksrk gS o bl izdkj ân; LiUnu<br />

o jDr nkc cM+rk gSA<br />

(2) isf'k;ksa esa foJkekoLFkk o raf=kdh; mn~nhiu izsfjr<br />

djrs gSA<br />

(3) Hkzq.k dh o`f) ?kVrh gSA<br />

(4) mijksDr lHkh<br />

Q.184 lkekU; ekuo 'kqØk.kq esa letkr xq.klw=kksa dh la[;k<br />

gksrh gS -<br />

(1) 2 (2) 1 (3) 46 (4) 22<br />

Q.185 fuEu esa ls dkSulh mikftZr izfrj{kk fo'ks"krk<br />

Vhdkdj.k ij vk/kkfjr gS ?<br />

(1) fof'k"V~rk<br />

(2) fofo/krk<br />

(3) Le`fr<br />

(4) Lo;a o ijk;s ds e/; igpku<br />

Q.186 fuEu esa ls dkSulh lgt izfrj{kk dk ?kVd ugha gS ?<br />

(1) izfrj{kk (2) bUVjQsjkWu<br />

(3) iwjd izksVhu (4) Hk{kdk.kquk'ku<br />

Q.187 ,d O;fDr Lo;a ds 'kjhj esa bUVjQsjkWu mRiUu djrk<br />

gSA ;g fdlls laØfer gS<br />

(1) fVVusl (2) eysfj;k<br />

(3) [kljk (4) VkbQkbM<br />

Q.188 uonqX/k ¼dksyksLVªe½ esa mifLFkr izfrj{kh XyksC;wyhu dk<br />

izdkj gksrk gS<br />

Q.189<br />

(1) IgA (2) IgG (3) IgD (4) IgE<br />

'kjhj nzO; esa fofHkUu izdkj ds tSo jlk;u inkFkZ tSls<br />

;wfj;k dkWysLVªksy vkfn dk vkdyu fd;k tkrk gS -<br />

(1) vksVks,ukykbtj (2) lksuksxzkQh<br />

(3) Mk;ykbtj (4) vkDlhftusVlZ<br />

Q.190 esVkLVsfll fdldh izfØ;k gS -<br />

(1) vR;f/kd dksf'kdh; vko/kZu<br />

(2) csuhXu xkB dk esyhXusUV xkB esa :ikUrj.k<br />

(3) 'kjhj esa dSUlj dksf'kdkvksa dh ,d LFky ls vU;<br />

LFky ij xfr<br />

(4) lkekU; dksf'kdkvks dk xkWBe; dksf'kdkvksa esa<br />

L:ikUrj.k<br />

CAREER POINT, CP Tower, Road No.1, IPIA, Kota (Raj.), Ph: 0744-3040000 Page # 29

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