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Q.101 In simplest type of placenta, six barriers separate maternal blood from foetal blood. How many barriers are lost in human placenta ? (1) One (2) Two (3) Three (4) Four Q.102 Extra-embryonic membranes provide- (1) Cells to embryo (2) Protection to embryo (3) Nutrition to embryo (4) Both (2) and (3) Q.103 Clitoris in mammals is- (1) Homologous to penis (2) Analogous to penis (3) Functional penis in female (4) Non-functional Q.104 Which is correct ? (1) Menstrual cycle is present in all mammals (2) Menstrual cycle is present in all primates (3) Estrous cycle occurs in all mammals (4) Most mammals are ovoviviparous Q.105 Percentage of syndromes increases in the offspring of a lady over 40 years. It is because- (1) Oocytes grow older (2) Ovaries are weak (3) Placenta is weak (4) Lady becomes weak Q.106 Layer of blastocyst that gives rise to ectoderm is- (1) Trophoectoderm (2) Embryo disc (3) Cnidoblast (4) Amnion Q.107 Termination of gastrulation is marked by- (1) Closure of bastocoel (2) Obliteration of archenteron (3) Obliteration of blastocoel (4) Closure of neural tube Q.108 Which secretions are produced by spermatozoa at the time of fertilization- (1) Fertilizin and spermlysin (2) Only spermlysin (3) Fertilizin and antifertilizin (4) Antifertilizin and spermlysin BIOLOGY Q.101 ljy izdkj ds vijk esa Hkzw.kh; jä dks ekr` jä ls N% vojks/kksa }kjk vyx j[kk tkrk gSA ekuo vijk esa fdrus vojks/k yqIr gks tkrs gSa ? (1) ,d (2) nks (3) rhu (4) pkj Q.102 vfrfjDr Hkwz.kh; ¼,DlVªk&,Eczks;ksfud½ f>fYy;k¡ iznku djrh gaS - (1) Hkzw.k dks dksf'kdk,sa (2) Hkzw.k dks lqj{kk (3) Hkzw.k dks iks"k.k (4) (2) o (3) nksuksa Q.103 Lrfu;ksa esa fDyVksfjl gS - (1) f'k'ku ds letkr (2) f'k'ku ds vletkr (3) eknk esa fØ;kRed f'k'ku (4) vfØ;kRed Q.104 dkSulk lgh gS ? (1) _rq pØ lHkh Lru/kkfj;ksa esa mifLFkr gksrk gS (2) _rq pØ lHkh izkbesV~l gksrk gS (3) ,LVªl pØ lHkh Lru/kkfj;ksa esa gksrk gS (4) vf/kdk¡'k Lruh v.Mtjk;qt gksrs gSa Q.105 40 o"kks± ls Åij dh ,d efgyk dh larfr;ksa esa fl.Mªkse dh izfr'krrk c

Q.109 Three carp fishes, Catla Labeo and Cirrhina, can be grown together in the same pond more economically as they have- (1) Positive interactions (2) Commensalism (3) Symbiosis (4) No competition for food Q.110 To increase milk yield, cow is given- (1) Sorbitol (2) Stillbesterol (3) Prolactin (4) Gonadotrophin Q.111 A viral disease of poultry is- (1) Caryza (2) New castle disease (3) Pasteurellosis (4) Salmone Losis Q.112 MOET (multiple ovulation embryo transfer) is method of- (1) Fish cultivation (2) Hybridisation of cattle (3) Birth control (4) Clonning of sheep Q.113 Energy crops are- (1) Sugarcane/sugarbeet, Potato and Tomato (2) Sugarcane, Tapioca and Cauliflower (3) Sugarcane, Potato and Tapioca (4) Millets, Banana and Tomato Q.114 Hormone responsible for initiation of spermatogenesis is- (1) Testosterone (2) Estrogen (3) F.S.H. (4) L.H. Q.115 Petro-crops are plants- (1) Grown near oil fields (2) Used in refining crude oil (3) Whose fossil ramins formed crude oil (4) From which petrol-like fuels can be derived Q.116 Biogas contains- (1) CH4 + CO + CO2 (2) CH4 + CO2 + H2 (3) CO + CO2 + H2 (4) CO + CO2 + NO2 Q.117 Statins are obtained from- (1) Streptococcus (2) Mucor javanicus (3) Monascus purpureus (4) Clostridium butyricum Q.109 rhu dkiZ eNfy;k¡] dVyk] ysfc;ks rFkk dkbjkfguk dks ,d gh rkykc esa vf/kd vkfFkZd :i ls ,d lkFk o`f) djok;k tk ldrk gS] D;ksafd ;s j[krh gSa - (1) /kukRed vUrZfØ;k (2) lgHkksftrk (3) lkgp;Z (4) Hkkstu ds fy, dksbZ izfrLi/kkZ ugha Q.110 nqX/k mRikndrk c

Q.101 In simplest type of placenta, six barriers separate<br />

maternal blood from foetal blood. How many<br />

barriers are lost in human placenta ?<br />

(1) One (2) Two<br />

(3) Three (4) Four<br />

Q.102 Extra-embryonic membranes provide-<br />

(1) Cells to embryo (2) Protection to embryo<br />

(3) Nutrition to embryo (4) Both (2) and (3)<br />

Q.103 Clitoris in mammals is-<br />

(1) Homologous to penis<br />

(2) Analogous to penis<br />

(3) Functional penis in female<br />

(4) Non-functional<br />

Q.104 Which is correct ?<br />

(1) Menstrual cycle is present in all mammals<br />

(2) Menstrual cycle is present in all primates<br />

(3) Estrous cycle occurs in all mammals<br />

(4) Most mammals are ovoviviparous<br />

Q.105 Percentage of syndromes increases in the offspring<br />

of a lady over 40 years. It is because-<br />

(1) Oocytes grow older<br />

(2) Ovaries are weak<br />

(3) Placenta is weak<br />

(4) Lady becomes weak<br />

Q.106 Layer of blastocyst that gives rise to ectoderm is-<br />

(1) Trophoectoderm (2) Embryo disc<br />

(3) Cnidoblast (4) Amnion<br />

Q.107 Termination of gastrulation is marked by-<br />

(1) Closure of bastocoel<br />

(2) Obliteration of archenteron<br />

(3) Obliteration of blastocoel<br />

(4) Closure of neural tube<br />

Q.108 Which secretions are produced by spermatozoa at<br />

the time of fertilization-<br />

(1) Fertilizin and spermlysin<br />

(2) Only spermlysin<br />

(3) Fertilizin and antifertilizin<br />

(4) Antifertilizin and spermlysin<br />


Q.101 ljy izdkj ds vijk esa Hkzw.kh; jä dks ekr` jä ls<br />

N% vojks/kksa }kjk vyx j[kk tkrk gSA ekuo vijk esa<br />

fdrus vojks/k yqIr gks tkrs gSa ?<br />

(1) ,d (2) nks<br />

(3) rhu (4) pkj<br />

Q.102 vfrfjDr Hkwz.kh; ¼,DlVªk&,Eczks;ksfud½ f>fYy;k¡ iznku<br />

djrh gaS -<br />

(1) Hkzw.k dks dksf'kdk,sa (2) Hkzw.k dks lqj{kk<br />

(3) Hkzw.k dks iks"k.k (4) (2) o (3) nksuksa<br />

Q.103 Lrfu;ksa esa fDyVksfjl gS -<br />

(1) f'k'ku ds letkr<br />

(2) f'k'ku ds vletkr<br />

(3) eknk esa fØ;kRed f'k'ku<br />

(4) vfØ;kRed<br />

Q.104 dkSulk lgh gS ?<br />

(1) _rq pØ lHkh Lru/kkfj;ksa esa mifLFkr gksrk gS<br />

(2) _rq pØ lHkh izkbesV~l gksrk gS<br />

(3) ,LVªl pØ lHkh Lru/kkfj;ksa esa gksrk gS<br />

(4) vf/kdk¡'k Lruh v.Mtjk;qt gksrs gSa<br />

Q.105 40 o"kks± ls Åij dh ,d efgyk dh larfr;ksa esa<br />

fl.Mªkse dh izfr'krrk c

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