Programm Photovoltaik Ausgabe 2009 ... - Bundesamt für Energie BFE

Programm Photovoltaik Ausgabe 2009 ... - Bundesamt für Energie BFE Programm Photovoltaik Ausgabe 2009 ... - Bundesamt für Energie BFE


7/16 The system consists in two chambers separated by a membrane. Fig.9 illustrates the quality of the replication that can be achieved with this system, taking the exemple of a “standard LPCVD-ZnO” layer. At the moment the loss in RMS roughness is typically around 17% between masters and replica. Some of these substrates obtained by UV-NIL replication at the IMT were tested in cells and Jsc currents up to 15mA/cm2 could be achieved in n-i-p cell configuration. Nevertheless, the FF, Voc and yield must still be improved. 2.3. Other processes A special effort was done to improve laser scribing based on an old IMT set-up. Here the milestone was to achieve single cell isolation (single and multiple junctions) with laser scribe with less than 1% fill factor loss compared to current lift-off/etch process. This milestone was achieved for single-junction aSi:H cells with the current (old) set-up at PVLab. The loss in FF is indeed lower than 1% when laser scribing is used as compared to standard lift-off/etch procedure. The value of FF at low illumination is given as well, as an indicator of shunts: we observed that the laser scribing procedure, although optimized on the old set-up, leads to shunts more easily than lift-off and thus needs careful development. It was decided to acquire a better set-up with new laser sources. (see section 5.). Most other process developments are included in the sctions 3 or 1. 3. DEVICES 3.1 High efficiency micromorph devices (p-i-n) on glass [Dom08, Dom08b, Bue08] The best SiOx layers prepared in the work package 1 were used to fabricate state-of- the art micromorph devices. One chamber is dedicated to the deposition of doped layers whereas the intrinsic silicon layers are deposited in the other chamber. In order to minimize reflections at the air/glass interface, AF45 glass plates were used with one side covered with a wide band anti-reflection (AR) coating from Schott. In agreement with the reflectance measurement of the AR coated glass a relative increase of 3% was measured for the sum of the Jsc values of the individual cells for the device deposited on the glass with this AR coating. The back contacts of the cells consist of a LPCVD ZnO layer covered with a dielectric back reflector. Optimization of the micromorph device was obtained by choosing the best plasma post-treatment for the front ZnO in terms of high open circuit voltages and short-circuit current values and adapting the thicknesses of the intermediate reflector layer. To reach initial conversion efficiencies above 13% top and bottom cell thickness had to be increased to 375 nm and 3 µm, respectively, while the intermediate reflector had a thickness of 75 nm. The current are perfectly matched, and the added current densities of the cells reached 26.6 mA/cm2, yielding an initial conversion efficiency of 13.1% (Voc=1.36 V, FF=72.2%), as shown in Fig.10. Further improvement made in the frame of the Athlet project with a focus on higher current cells leads to 13.3% initial efficiency. Next steps will be to achieve a minimization of the degradation effects (including linked to micro-cracks in the cells, as reported in a previous SFOE report 2005-2007). Current density (mA/cm 2 ) 14 12 10 8 6 4 2 0 -2 -4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4 Voltage (V) EQE 1.0 0.8 0.6 0.4 0.2 13.3 mA/cm 2 13.3 mA/cm 2 0.0 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100 Wavelength (nm) Fig.10: Left: current-voltage curve of a 13.1% efficient micromorph cell measured in its initial state. Right: external quantum efficiency curve of the same cell. 37/290 New processes and device structures for the fabrication of high efficiency thin film silicon photovoltaic modules, C. Ballif, University of Neuchâtel

3.2. Amorphous/amorphous silicon tandems on glass (p-i-n structure) The main goals here were to work on high/low bandgap amorphous silicon layers in order to integrate them in a-Si:H/a-Si:H tandems and to quantify the light-induced degradation of these solar cells. Two techniques were employed to tune the bandgap of a-Si:H: (i) hydrogen dilution (i.e. the ratio of hydrogen H2 to silane SiH4) and (ii) substrate temperature. Both an increase in hydrogen dilution and a decrease in temperature lead to an improved hydrogen content and to a raise in optical bandgap. Tests were directly performed in the intrinsic layer of single-junction p-i-n aSi:H solar cells. The i-layer thickness was kept constant at 150 nm and the cell open-circuit voltage permitted to assess the variations of material band gap. In Fig.11(a) the Voc is plotted as a function of hydrogen dilution, the increase of Voc indicating an increased bandgap. Dilutions larger than 17 lead to a reduction of Voc due to the transition from amorphous to microcrystalline silicon. The highest possible dilution has thus been established to be a dilution 17 at 200°C, leading to an open-circuit voltage value of 925 mV. Substrate temperature was also varied from 150°C to 250°C to establish its influence on the electrical parameters of single-junction a-Si:H cells (for the fixed dilution of 17). Note that the “standard” temperature value is 200°C. Bandgap is expected to increase with decreasing temperature, leading to larger Voc values, as needed for the top cell. In Fig.11(b) the open-circuit voltage is plotted for i-layer deposition temperatures comprised between 150°C and 200°C, demonstrating that a maximum Voc of 964 mV could be achieved. For the bottom cell, low gap is required to reach larger short circuit currents at the price of reduced open-circuit voltage. Higher deposition temperatures were tested but led to strong inhomogeneities of the deposited layer thicknesses and no successful regime could be identified yet. a) b) Fig.11: Open-circuit voltage values of single-junction aSi:H solar cells for: (a) increased dilution of the i-layer, leading to an increase of the bandgap (test performed at 200°C) (b) decreased substrate temperature for the deposition of the i-layer, from 200°C to 150°C, leading to an increase of the bandgap and, thus, of the solar cell open-circuit voltage. Very high values up to 964 mV could be reached. a-Si:H/a-Si:H tandems were then deposited based on the developments of the top and bottom subcells, leading to an initial efficiency value of 9.8%. In single-junction a-Si:H p-i-n solar cells, the relative efficiency loss upon degradation is comprised between 17%-20% for an i-layer thickness of � 250 nm. In tandems, first results (see Fig.12) show that the degradation is approximately the same (15-17%) whereas the total i-layer is much thicker with about 520 nm (150 nm for the top cell, 380 nm for the bottom cell). I(V) curves in initial and stable state are presented in Figs 12 for a tandem a-Si:H/a-Si:H cells (cell area 0.25 cm2). Light-soaking conditions are 1000h at 50°C and a spectrum of 1000W/m2 (standard conditions). A stable efficiency of 8.3% could thus be reached for the a-Si:H/a-Si:H p-i-n tandem. Further improvements on the tandem performances will be focused on enhancing the opencircuit voltage to reach values of 1.83-1.85 V. 38/290 New processes and device structures for the fabrication of high efficiency thin film silicon photovoltaic modules, C. Ballif, University of Neuchâtel 8/16

7/16<br />

The system consists in two chambers separated by a membrane. Fig.9 illustrates the quality of the<br />

replication that can be achieved with this system, taking the exemple of a “standard LPCVD-ZnO”<br />

layer.<br />

At the moment<br />

the loss in RMS roughness is typically around 17% between masters and replica. Some<br />

of these substrates obtained by UV-NIL replication at the IMT were tested in cells and Jsc currents<br />

up to 15mA/cm2 could be achieved in n-i-p cell configuration. Nevertheless, the FF, Voc and yield<br />

must still be improved.<br />

2.3.<br />

Other processes<br />

A special effort was done<br />

to improve laser scribing based on an old IMT set-up. Here the milestone<br />

was to achieve single cell isolation (single and multiple junctions) with laser scribe with less than 1%<br />

fill factor loss compared to current lift-off/etch process. This milestone was achieved for single-junction<br />

aSi:H cells with the current (old) set-up at PVLab. The loss in FF is indeed lower than 1% when laser<br />

scribing is used as compared to standard lift-off/etch procedure. The value of FF at low illumination is<br />

given as well, as an indicator of shunts: we observed that the laser scribing procedure, although optimized<br />

on the old set-up, leads to shunts more easily than lift-off and thus needs careful development.<br />

It was decided to acquire a better set-up with new laser sources. (see section 5.).<br />

Most other process developments are included in the sctions 3 or 1.<br />

3. DEVICES<br />

3.1 High efficiency<br />

micromorph devices (p-i-n) on glass [Dom08, Dom08b, Bue08]<br />

The best SiOx layers prepared in the work package 1 were used to fabricate state-of- the art micromorph<br />

devices. One chamber is dedicated to the deposition of doped layers whereas the intrinsic silicon<br />

layers are deposited in the other chamber. In order to minimize reflections at the air/glass interface,<br />

AF45 glass plates were used with one side covered with a wide band anti-reflection (AR) coating<br />

from Schott. In agreement with the reflectance measurement of the AR coated glass a relative increase<br />

of 3% was measured for the sum of the Jsc values of the individual cells for the device deposited<br />

on the glass with this AR coating. The back contacts of the cells consist of a LPCVD ZnO layer<br />

covered with a dielectric back reflector.<br />

Optimization of the micromorph device was obtained by choosing the best plasma post-treatment for<br />

the front ZnO in terms of high open circuit voltages and short-circuit current values and adapting the<br />

thicknesses of the intermediate reflector layer. To reach initial conversion efficiencies above 13% top<br />

and bottom cell thickness had to be increased to 375 nm and 3 µm, respectively, while the intermediate<br />

reflector had a thickness of 75 nm. The current are perfectly matched, and the added current densities<br />

of the cells reached 26.6 mA/cm2, yielding an initial conversion efficiency of 13.1% (Voc=1.36 V,<br />

FF=72.2%), as shown in Fig.10. Further improvement made in the frame of the Athlet project with a<br />

focus on higher current cells leads to 13.3% initial efficiency. Next steps will be to achieve a minimization<br />

of the degradation effects (including linked to micro-cracks in the cells, as reported in a previous<br />

SFOE report 2005-2007).<br />

Current density (mA/cm 2 )<br />

14<br />

12<br />

10<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

-2<br />

-4<br />

-0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2 1.4<br />

Voltage (V)<br />

EQE<br />

1.0<br />

0.8<br />

0.6<br />

0.4<br />

0.2<br />

13.3 mA/cm 2<br />

13.3 mA/cm 2<br />

0.0<br />

400 500 600 700 800 900 1000 1100<br />

Wavelength (nm)<br />

Fig.10: Left: current-voltage curve of a 13.1% efficient micromorph cell measured in its initial state.<br />

Right: external quantum efficiency curve of the same cell.<br />

37/290<br />

New processes and device structures for the fabrication of high efficiency thin film silicon photovoltaic modules, C. Ballif, University of Neuchâtel

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