Programm Photovoltaik Ausgabe 2009 ... - Bundesamt für Energie BFE

Programm Photovoltaik Ausgabe 2009 ... - Bundesamt für Energie BFE Programm Photovoltaik Ausgabe 2009 ... - Bundesamt für Energie BFE


5/16 During the year 2008, we investigated further these degradation mechanisms within LPCVD ZnO lay- ers. The fitting of optical reflectance spectra in the Near Infra-Red (NIR) wavelength range of LP-CVD ZnO with Drude-based theoretical curves allowed us to extract the electron mobility within the conical grains that constitute the LPCVD ZnO layers. This “intra-grain mobility” (or “optical mobility”) was then compared with the Hall mobility, which gives the mobility value of the electrons through the whole layer. This comparison was show to allow a separation of the effect of grain boundaries from the effect of bulk on the conduction mechanisms within the our ZnO films [Ste07]. Fig.5 shows that both mobility values don’t behave similarly after exposure to damp-heat . Indeed, whereas the Hall mobility is drastically reduced for increasing damp-heat time, whereas the optical mobility is almost unaffected. This means that the degradation mechanisms within the LPCVD ZnO layers occur mainly at grain boundaries. Therefore, we attributed the degradation mechanisms to an increase of the potential barrier at the grain boundaries, which the electrons have to jump over. Moreover, we could show that ZnO films that possess a higher doping level are more stable than lightly doped ZnO films [Ste08]. The measurement of conductivity as a function of the temperature allowed us to explain this effect by the fact that in highly doped ZnO films, the conduction mechanisms through the grain boundaries are driven by tunneling transport rather than by thermo-ionic emission over the potential barrier of the grain boundaries. This means that the increase of the potential barrier due to degradation mechanisms has only a reduced influence on the electron mobility in highly doped ZnO layers. a) b) Fig. 6: a) Current-voltage characteristics of an non-encapsulated a-Si:H solar cell fabricated with standard doped LPCVD ZnO:B electrodes for various damp heat exposure (80°C, 100% humidity) time b) Same with highly doped LPCVD ZnO:B electrodes Fig.6 shows the current-voltage characteristics of a-Si:H solar cells deposited with standard (b) and heavily doped (a) LPCVD ZnO:B as electrodes for various damp heat exposure times (80°C, 100% humidity, without encapsulation). After damp heat exposure, the solar cell deposited with the standard LPCVD ZnO:B as electrodes shows electrical characteristics strongly degraded due to an increase of the serial resistance of the cell. The fill factor (FF) of the cell decreases from 74 % to 28 % after 648 hours of damp heat exposure, leading in efficiency decreasing from 9.4 % to 2.8 %. The solar cell with heavily doped LPCVD ZnO:B as electrodes shows slight changes in is current-voltage characteristics after damp heat exposure. The FF varies from 76 % to 70 % and the efficiency slightly decreases from 8.2% to 7.4 % after 648 hours of damp heat exposure. These results demonstrate the possibility to easily achieved more stable cells using heavily doped LPCVD ZnO:B as TCO, implying potential lower requirements for the encapsulation of solar modules. 1.4 Other material developments The development of the various doped layers, absorber asymmetric intermediate reflectors, is docu- mented in section 3. 35/290 New processes and device structures for the fabrication of high efficiency thin film silicon photovoltaic modules, C. Ballif, University of Neuchâtel

2. Processes 2.1. Microcrystalline process at high deposition rate and control tools [Fel08, Fel08 b, Bug08] Introducing a reduction of the KAI-M inter-electrode gap distance allowed us to explore higher pressure regime. A basic description of the various plasma regimes and the relation to the reactor configuration are given in [Fel08, Fel08 b, Bug08]. As a result of these hardware and process optimization steps, a microcrystalline single junction solar cell (0.25 cm2) with an efficiency of 7.1% (Voc=503 mV, FF=70.0%, Jsc=20.2 mA/cm2, Fig.7) was obtained at a deposition rate of 1 nm/s. This deposition rate is significantly higher than the usual 0.4-0.55 nm/s which was achieved in previous projects. Further optimization is under way to increase the efficiency; in order to better understand the variation in efficiency observed for different deposition rates (usually a decrease of efficiency), the quality of the �c-Si:H material in the single-junction cells was checked with Fourier Transform Photocurrent Spectroscopy (FTPS). Absorption spectra are presented in Fig.7b for both high and low silane depletion regimes. Residual defects are observed, for instance, in the i-layer of the cell deposited at high deposition rates in high depletion regimes. In order to better understand the plasma processes, in particular the depletion and the onset of powder formation, several tools have been developed in 2008. These will be implemented for various measurements in 2009. a) b) Fig.7: a) Initial I-V characteristics of �c-Si:H single-junction solar cell deposited under high silane concentration regime at 1 nm/s. The cell thickness is 1.2 �m b) Defect densities in two different regimes measured by FTPS 2.2 UV-NIL replication process for nano-textured substrates During the last reporting period, a new replication system has been developed and installed to fabricate laboratory scale nano-textured substrates directly at the IMT (see Fig.8). Both substrates and superstrate configuration are possible. Fig.8: Photos of the membrane REPLICATION SYSTEM Fig.9: Example of a SEM images of a LPCVD master (left) and the replica (right). 36/290 New processes and device structures for the fabrication of high efficiency thin film silicon photovoltaic modules, C. Ballif, University of Neuchâtel 6/16

5/16<br />

During the year 2008, we investigated further these degradation mechanisms within LPCVD<br />

ZnO lay-<br />

ers. The fitting of optical reflectance spectra in the Near Infra-Red (NIR) wavelength range of LP-CVD<br />

ZnO with Drude-based theoretical curves allowed us to extract the electron mobility within the conical<br />

grains that constitute the LPCVD ZnO layers. This “intra-grain mobility” (or “optical mobility”) was then<br />

compared with the Hall mobility, which gives the mobility value of the electrons through the whole<br />

layer. This comparison was show to allow a separation of the effect of grain boundaries from the effect<br />

of bulk on the conduction mechanisms within the our ZnO films [Ste07].<br />

Fig.5 shows that both mobility values don’t behave similarly after exposure<br />

to damp-heat . Indeed,<br />

whereas the Hall mobility is drastically reduced for increasing damp-heat time, whereas the optical<br />

mobility is almost unaffected. This means that the degradation mechanisms within the LPCVD ZnO<br />

layers occur mainly at grain boundaries. Therefore, we attributed the degradation mechanisms to an<br />

increase of the potential barrier at the grain boundaries, which the electrons have to jump over. Moreover,<br />

we could show that ZnO films that possess a higher doping level are more stable than lightly<br />

doped ZnO films [Ste08]. The measurement of conductivity as a function of the temperature allowed<br />

us to explain this effect by the fact that in highly doped ZnO films, the conduction mechanisms through<br />

the grain boundaries are driven by tunneling transport rather than by thermo-ionic emission over the<br />

potential barrier of the grain boundaries. This means that the increase of the potential barrier due to<br />

degradation mechanisms has only a reduced influence on the electron mobility in highly doped ZnO<br />

layers.<br />

a) b)<br />

Fig. 6: a) Current-voltage characteristics of an non-encapsulated a-Si:H solar cell fabricated with<br />

standard doped LPCVD ZnO:B electrodes for various damp heat exposure (80°C, 100% humidity)<br />

time<br />

b) Same with highly doped LPCVD ZnO:B electrodes<br />

Fig.6<br />

shows the current-voltage characteristics of a-Si:H solar cells deposited with standard (b) and<br />

heavily doped (a) LPCVD ZnO:B as electrodes for various damp heat exposure times (80°C, 100%<br />

humidity, without encapsulation). After damp heat exposure, the solar cell deposited with the standard<br />

LPCVD ZnO:B as electrodes shows electrical characteristics strongly degraded due to an increase of<br />

the serial resistance of the cell. The fill factor (FF) of the cell decreases from 74 % to 28 % after 648<br />

hours of damp heat exposure, leading in efficiency decreasing from 9.4 % to 2.8 %. The solar cell with<br />

heavily doped LPCVD ZnO:B as electrodes shows slight changes in is current-voltage characteristics<br />

after damp heat exposure. The FF varies from 76 % to 70 % and the efficiency slightly decreases from<br />

8.2% to 7.4 % after 648 hours of damp heat exposure. These results demonstrate the possibility to<br />

easily achieved more stable cells using heavily doped LPCVD ZnO:B as TCO, implying potential lower<br />

requirements for the encapsulation of solar modules.<br />

1.4<br />

Other material developments<br />

The development of the various doped<br />

layers, absorber asymmetric intermediate reflectors, is docu-<br />

mented in section 3.<br />

35/290<br />

New processes and device structures for the fabrication of high efficiency thin film silicon photovoltaic modules, C. Ballif, University of Neuchâtel

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