Programm Photovoltaik Ausgabe 2009 ... - Bundesamt für Energie BFE

Programm Photovoltaik Ausgabe 2009 ... - Bundesamt für Energie BFE Programm Photovoltaik Ausgabe 2009 ... - Bundesamt für Energie BFE


Département fédéral de l’environnement, des transports, de l’énergie et de la communication DETEC Office fédéral de l’énergie OFEN NEW PROCESSES AND DEVICE STRUCTURES FOR THE FABRICATION OF HIGH EFFICIENCY THIN FILM SILICON PHOTOVOLTAIC MODULES Annual Report 2008 Author and Co-Authors C. Ballif, A. Feltrin, F. Sculatti-Meillaud, S. Fay, F.J. Haug, V. Terrazzoni-Daudrix, R. Theron, R. Tscharner Institution / Company Institute of Microtechnology / University of Neuchâtel Address Rue A.L. Breguet 2, 2000 Neuchâtel Telephone, E-mail, Homepage +41 32 718 33 30, +41 32 718 32 01, Project- / Contract Number OFEN 101191 / 153032 Duration of the Project (from – to) 1.12.2007 - 31.12.2011 Date 10.12.2008 ABSTRACT The global project goal is to allow for a lowering of the cost of solar electricity based on thin film silicon. In particular, this “technology push” project aims at developing the processes and device structure for the future generation of thin film silicon modules, based on amorphous Si or SiGe alloys, and microcrystalline silicon. The major project axes consider work on layers with new or better properties (e.g. new materials with higher transparency), on improved processes (more stable, faster processes, yielding higher quality layers, with potential lower production costs), on enhanced cells and modules reliability, leading to increased device and module efficiencies while ensuring low costs and reliability. The key results of this first year of the project can be summarised as follow: � Intermediate reflector based on SiOx materials with low refractive index (n=1.7) were realised and could be introduced in high efficiency micromorph cells (13.1% initial efficiency on 1 cm 2 ). � Cells with ZnO deposited in chemical vapour phase (CVD) could be made virtually stable to damp heat (85°, 85% humidity) without encapsulation. � Microcrystalline cells with efficiency >7.1% could be fabricated in large areas reactor with deposition rates as high as 1 nm/s. � New asymmetric intermediate reflectors were designed and implemented in n-i-p micromorph cells compatible with cells on plastic design. Stabilised efficiency of 10.1% could be achieved. � Processes for high efficiency tandems a-Si/a-Si on glass were developed and stabilised efficiency of 8.3% could be reached. � All key steps for embedding of IMT’s cells and modules were tested and characterised. Finally an important effort was made in terms of equipment and infrastructure upgrade, with the design and/or acquisition of new state-of-the-art research tools (cluster PECVD systems, sputtering, lasering, ellipsometry). These tools will be used in the next part of the project. 31/290

Goals of the project The global project goal is to allow for a lowering of the cost of solar electricity based on thin film silicon. In particular, this projects aims at developing the processes and device structure for the future generation of thin film silicon modules, based on amorphous Si or SiGe alloys, and microcrystalline silicon. The objective of this “technology push” project is, hence to make the breakthroughs that will allow in the medium to long term, ultra-low module production costs (< 1 €/Wp) at elevated efficiencies (> 10 %), while ensuring a perfect module/layers reliability.. The major specific project milestones for the first year were: � The improvement of low refractive index SiOx (n < 2.2) based intermediate reflectors (SOIR) suitable for the fabrication of high efficiency micromorph solar cells. � The fabrication of ZnO layers by LPCVD with an improved resistance against damp heat testing � The development in large area reactors of microcrystalline cells at deposition rate higher than 0.6 nm/s � The mastering of fabrication of tandem a-Si/a-Si cells in IMT R&D small areas reactors at 8.5% efficiency in view of integration in triple junction devices. � The comparison and integration of ZnO and SiOx as intermediate reflectors in high efficiency micromorph cells with initial efficiencies > 13% � The development of high-efficiency cell processes and structures for cells on flexible substrates � The establishment of base recipes and procedures for the embedding of IMT samples. In parallel a technological/technical effort had to be undertaken to � Introduce process monitoring tools for plasma deposition � Prepare a new laser set-up for the scribing of cells and modules � Prepare a new set-up for monitoring of cell degradation in various configuration � Ramp-up various new systems acquired in 2008. Most of the projects milestones have been reached and are documented further. Short project description The project has four major research axes, and two transversal domains, described in Fig.1. Fig.1: Summary of the major workpackages of the SFOE-IMT project 2008-2011 32/290 New processes and device structures for the fabrication of high efficiency thin film silicon photovoltaic modules, C. Ballif, University of Neuchâtel 2/16

Département fédéral de l’environnement,<br />

des transports, de l’énergie et de la communication DETEC<br />

Office fédéral de l’énergie OFEN<br />





Annual Report 2008<br />

Author and Co-Authors C. Ballif, A. Feltrin, F. Sculatti-Meillaud, S. Fay, F.J. Haug,<br />

V. Terrazzoni-Daudrix, R. Theron, R. Tscharner<br />

Institution / Company Institute of Microtechnology / University of Neuchâtel<br />

Address Rue A.L. Breguet 2, 2000 Neuchâtel<br />

Telephone, E-mail, Homepage +41 32 718 33 30, +41 32 718 32 01,<br /><br />

Project- / Contract Number OFEN 101191 / 153032<br />

Duration of the Project (from – to) 1.12.2007 - 31.12.2011<br />

Date 10.12.2008<br />


The global project goal is to allow for a lowering of the cost of solar electricity based on thin film silicon.<br />

In particular, this “technology push” project aims at developing the processes and device structure<br />

for the future generation of thin film silicon modules, based on amorphous Si or SiGe alloys, and<br />

microcrystalline silicon. The major project axes consider work on layers with new or better properties<br />

(e.g. new materials with higher transparency), on improved processes (more stable, faster processes,<br />

yielding higher quality layers, with potential lower production costs), on enhanced cells and modules<br />

reliability, leading to increased device and module efficiencies while ensuring low costs and reliability.<br />

The key results of this first year of the project can be summarised as follow:<br />

� Intermediate reflector based on SiOx materials with low refractive index (n=1.7) were realised<br />

and could be introduced in high efficiency micromorph cells (13.1% initial efficiency on 1 cm 2 ).<br />

� Cells with ZnO deposited in chemical vapour phase (CVD) could be made virtually stable to<br />

damp heat (85°, 85% humidity) without encapsulation.<br />

� Microcrystalline cells with efficiency >7.1% could be fabricated in large areas reactor with deposition<br />

rates as high as 1 nm/s.<br />

� New asymmetric intermediate reflectors were designed and implemented in n-i-p micromorph<br />

cells compatible with cells on plastic design. Stabilised efficiency of 10.1% could be achieved.<br />

� Processes for high efficiency tandems a-Si/a-Si on glass were developed and stabilised efficiency<br />

of 8.3% could be reached.<br />

� All key steps for embedding of IMT’s cells and modules were tested and characterised.<br />

Finally an important effort was made in terms of equipment and infrastructure upgrade, with the design<br />

and/or acquisition of new state-of-the-art research tools (cluster PECVD systems, sputtering,<br />

lasering, ellipsometry). These tools will be used in the next part of the project.<br />


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