Programm Photovoltaik Ausgabe 2009 ... - Bundesamt für Energie BFE

Programm Photovoltaik Ausgabe 2009 ... - Bundesamt für Energie BFE Programm Photovoltaik Ausgabe 2009 ... - Bundesamt für Energie BFE


7/8 application of part 1 of the IEC61853 standard results instead to be a clear step forward to an energy rating of PV modules. Most differences seem in fact to be explained by irradiance and temperature dependencies. This is why a more extensive testing of these measurements has been implemented within the measurement round robins performed within SP1 (see chapter 1.2.1) to further increase the energy rating accuracy. It is not clear whether an improvement of the measurement accuracy of the in part 2 included characterisation methods will be able to further improve the annual energy prediction accuracy. A big hurdle remains also the modelling of un-stable and diffuse weather conditions. A deeper validation is very difficult if not all parameters are monitored, as for example the in-plane diffuse irradiance, the irradiance and module temperature stability as well as the on-site present albedo conditions. 3.2.2 Second Round Robin on PV module Energy Prediction (WP4.4) Compared to the study in chapter 3.2.1, within this study only short or long term monitoring data from different European sites were available as input to predict the energy output, and no strict procedure as described within IEC61853 was followed. Each round robin participant was free to use its own more or less semi-empirical models and procedures. 7 European institutes participated at this modelling campaign. The described second modelling round robin (RR2), is an extension of the first one (RR1), where only in-plane irradiance, as measured by a broad band pyranometer, and the measured back of module temperature were available as input parameter. More details about RR1 can be found in the last ISAAC activity report 2007. The main objective of this second round robin is: (1) to validate the modelling of secondary effects, (2) to verify if these additional modelling steps really improves the modelling or if they might even worsen the modelling quality and (3) to compare the more semi-empirical procedures of this study to the more sophisticated ones of the IEC61853 approach. The 7 participating institutes had to predict the annual energy output of four different modules (2 c-Si, 1 CdTe and 1 a- Si). The RR followed again a systematic approach to separate, as far as possible, the validation of the following modelling steps: hor - translation from horizontal to in-plane irradiance, tm - modelling of module temperature, rm - reflection loss models and sm - spectral models. All results were compared to the basic RR1 approach, with the objective to quantify the change in accuracy due to an increase in complexity of the models. The last step was to execute all steps in once (ALL). Theoretically it is expected that the implementation of spectral and reflection loss models improves the modeling, whereas the translation of horizontal to in-plane irradiance as well as module temperature modeling decreases the accuracy. This depends of course also on the availability and accuracy of the applied input parameters as well as on the accuracy of the models itself. Avg�Error 8% 6% 4% 2% 0% �2% �4% c�Si�1 c�Si�2 CdTe RR1 rm tm hor ALL Figure 3: Average annual energy prediction accuracy of up to 7 institutes together with the standard deviation. The results are seperated by module type and modelling step. Note: Not all institutes executed all steps. PERFORMANCE, G. Friesen, SUPSI, ISAAC-TISO 215/290

Figure 3 shows a summary of the RR results for the 2 c-Si modules and the CdTe module. The RR demonstrated that independently of technology none of the added modeling steps was able to significantly improve the annual energy prediction with respect to the basic approach as applied in RR1. This is mainly due to the fact that the uncertainties of the extracted modeling parameters in the same range of magnitude are, as the simulated effects. Nevertheless except for some few outliers none of the models seemed to drastically reduce the accuracy. The highest error and differences in-between the laboratories was introduced by the translation of the horizontal direct and diffuse irradiance to in-plane irradiance (hor). In real world individual measurements of in-plane diffuse irradiance are hardly ever available, but unfortunately most methods require these numbers to calculate the spectral and angle of incidence losses (sm and rm). Different approaches were applied by the laboratories with more or less accurate results, but with no clear winner. One reason therefore are probably also the higher measurement uncertainty of diffuse irradiance itself. The less critical step within RR1 resulted to be the modeling of module temperature (tm). If we compare the RR results here to the results of the IEC61853 validation of chapter 3.2.1 we observe very similar results, but with the main difference that in te majority of the cases the here by all institutes applied simpler temperature model (Tmod=Tamb+k*Gpoa) seems to be accurate enough for annual energy productions, without the need to introduce the difficultly to measure wind-class parameters as required by the IEC 61853 standard. The final and detailed results of this modelling RR, inclusive a-Si and spectral model results, will be presented within the last annual report and at one of the next PV conferences. 4. PV as a Building Product (SP6) 4.1 ISAAC SP6 ACTIVITIES (2008) In 2008, ISAAC has participated at the two meetings organized by the SP6 group. The first was held at CREST, Loughborough (GB) in April and the second one at Nice (F) in October. Moreover, the SP6 group has organized, together with EPIA, an international BiPV workshop at Nice, where 80 participants joined. ISAAC attended to this seminar as participants and received a good feedback on its Swiss BiPV website. This year, a short study on the actual temperatures of Building integrated PV modules were realized, where the institute participated to the inventory about module- and air temperatures that can occur behind a BIPV-system (min, average, max and surrounding temperature). The published SP6 deliverables today are: ‘Current state-of-the art and best practices of BiPV’, ‘Regulations and building codes for BiPV systems in Europe’,’ Actual temperatures of building integrated PV modules’. The reports can be downloaded on the ‘Performance Web-page’ . 5. ISAAC Publications 2008 [1] W. Herrmann, S. Zamini, F. Fabero, T. Betts, N. vander Borg, K. Kiefer, G. Friesen, W. Zaaiman; “Results of the European Performance project on the development of measurement techniques for thin-film PV modules”; 23 rd EUP- VSEC; Valencia (Spain), 2008. [2] Jyotirmoy Roy, Thomas R. Betts, Ralph Gottschalg, Stefan Mau, Shokufeh Zamini, Robert P. Kenny, Harald Müllejans, Gabi Friesen, Sebastian Dittmann, Hans Georg Beyer , Andri Jagomägi; “Validation of proposed photovoltaic energy rating standard and sensitivity to environmental parameters”; 23 rd EUPVSEC; Valencia (Spain), 2008. References [REF1] G. Friesen, “PV Enlargement: annual report 2006”, contract n° OFES: 03.0004 (EU: NNE5/2001/736) [REF2] D.Chianese et al., “Centrale di test ISAAC-TISO: annual report 2008”, contract n° OFES: 36508 [REF3] M. Igalson, C. Platzer-Bjorkman, “The influence of buffer layer on the transient behavior of thin film chalcopyrite devices”, Solar Energy Materials & Solar Cells (2004), 84(1-4), 93-103 [REF4] S. Malik, “Anwendung von IV- Korrekturprozeduren auf Indoor- und Outdoor-Messdaten unterschiedlicher Photovoltaikmodule”, Diplomarbeit ISAAC/Hochschule Magdeburg-Stendal, Juni 2007 [REF5] D.Chianese et al., “Centrale di test ISAAC-TISO: annual report 2007”, contract n° OFES: 36508 [REF6] T.Klucher, “Evaluation of models to predict insolation on tilted surfaces”, Solar Energy 23 2 (1979). This work has been supported by the European Commission in FP6 through the funding of the project PERFORMANCE (SES-019718). The report reflects only the author’s views; the Community is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. PERFORMANCE, G. Friesen, SUPSI, ISAAC-TISO 216/290 8/8

7/8<br />

application of part 1 of the IEC61853 standard results instead to be a clear step forward to an energy<br />

rating of PV modules. Most differences seem in fact to be explained by irradiance and temperature<br />

dependencies. This is why a more extensive testing of these measurements has been implemented<br />

within the measurement round robins performed within SP1 (see chapter 1.2.1) to further increase the<br />

energy rating accuracy. It is not clear whether an improvement of the measurement accuracy of the in<br />

part 2 included characterisation methods will be able to further improve the annual energy prediction<br />

accuracy. A big hurdle remains also the modelling of un-stable and diffuse weather conditions. A<br />

deeper validation is very difficult if not all parameters are monitored, as for example the in-plane diffuse<br />

irradiance, the irradiance and module temperature stability as well as the on-site present albedo<br />

conditions.<br />

3.2.2 Second Round Robin on PV module Energy Prediction (WP4.4)<br />

Compared to the study in chapter 3.2.1, within this study only short or long term monitoring data from<br />

different European sites were available as input to predict the energy output, and no strict procedure<br />

as described within IEC61853 was followed. Each round robin participant was free to use its own more<br />

or less semi-empirical models and procedures. 7 European institutes participated at this modelling<br />

campaign.<br />

The described second modelling round robin (RR2), is an extension of the first one (RR1), where only<br />

in-plane irradiance, as measured by a broad band pyranometer, and the measured back of module<br />

temperature were available as input parameter. More details about RR1 can be found in the last<br />

ISAAC activity report 2007. The main objective of this second round robin is: (1) to validate the modelling<br />

of secondary effects, (2) to verify if these additional modelling steps really improves the modelling<br />

or if they might even worsen the modelling quality and (3) to compare the more semi-empirical<br />

procedures of this study to the more sophisticated ones of the IEC61853 approach. The 7 participating<br />

institutes had to predict the annual energy output of four different modules (2 c-Si, 1 CdTe and 1 a-<br />

Si). The RR followed again a systematic approach to separate, as far as possible, the validation of the<br />

following modelling steps: hor - translation from horizontal to in-plane irradiance, tm - modelling of<br />

module temperature, rm - reflection loss models and sm - spectral models. All results were compared<br />

to the basic RR1 approach, with the objective to quantify the change in accuracy due to an increase in<br />

complexity of the models. The last step was to execute all steps in once (ALL). Theoretically it is expected<br />

that the implementation of spectral and reflection loss models improves the modeling, whereas<br />

the translation of horizontal to in-plane irradiance as well as module temperature modeling decreases<br />

the accuracy. This depends of course also on the availability and accuracy of the applied input parameters<br />

as well as on the accuracy of the models itself.<br />

Avg�Error<br />

8%<br />

6%<br />

4%<br />

2%<br />

0%<br />

�2%<br />

�4%<br />

c�Si�1 c�Si�2 CdTe<br />

RR1 rm tm hor ALL<br />

Figure 3: Average annual energy prediction accuracy of up to 7 institutes together with the standard<br />

deviation. The results are seperated by module type and modelling step. Note: Not all<br />

institutes executed all steps.<br />



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