Programm Photovoltaik Ausgabe 2009 ... - Bundesamt für Energie BFE

Programm Photovoltaik Ausgabe 2009 ... - Bundesamt für Energie BFE Programm Photovoltaik Ausgabe 2009 ... - Bundesamt für Energie BFE


5/8 2.2.2 IV-translation applied to thin film technologies (WP2.4) Within the diploma work of Stephanie Malik presented in [REF4] ‘three IV translation procedures have been investigated. This was performed with respect to the current discussion of a new version of the IEC Standard 60891 ‘Procedures for temperature and irradiance corrections of current-voltage characteristics’. The methods analyzed are a modified version of the Blaesser method, recently introduced by W.Hermann from TUV and the linear interpolation approach, published by Hishikawa from AIST. The original IEC approach is used as a reference. This study consists in the following of the diploma work of Stephanie Malik where the same procedure as for c-Si modules has been applied to Thin Film. Approach This study focus on the three translation methods: � The existing IEC 60891 � The Modified Blaesser-Method (TÜV-Rheinland) � The Linear Interpolation (Hishikawa) Details of these methods are presented in [REF4]. Three thin film modules, which are one FirstSolar (FS60), one Kaneka (K60) and one UniSolar (ES-62T) are considered within this assessment. The base data consisted of IV-measurements measured with a class A solar simulator at 5 irradiance levels (200, 400, 600, 800 and 1000W/m²) and 8 temperatures, ranging from 25-60 °C (at 1000 W/m² only at 25 °C). To start with, some base I-V curves were defined for each method. The base curves were then extrapolated and/or interpolated to the remaining environmental conditions and compared to the measured ones. Results Table 2 summarises the results for Pmax errors obtained with the three IV translation methods. � G=200 W/m² G=400-1000 W/m² � T=25-65°C T=25-65°C avg. error St.Dev avg. error St.Dev IEC60891 4.80% 4.39% -0.03% 1.41% Modified Blaesser -1.95% 1.94% 0.56% 0.86% Linear interpolation 1.00% 0.60% 0.55% 1.26% Table 1: Average over a defined range of irradiances and temperatures of the avg. Pmax error of three a-Si modules obtained by the three IV-translation methods. Note: standard deviation in italic. The original standard (ed. 1987) recommends that the target irradiance should be within ±30% of the base irradiance. This is why we distinguish here between the error at 200W/m² (outside of 800W/m² ± 30% range) and the other irradiance levels. As represented in Table 2 the highest errors are obtained at low irradiances. In general, the less accurate method resulted to be the original IEC60891 procedure. The trend on the results on thin film modules is the same as obtained with c-Si modules, but with significant higher errors. For instance, in some cases IV translation methods led to errors in Isc translation of up to 20%.This can be explained by the not applied spectral mismatch correction at the different irradiance levels. In order to improve the results an approach based on the self reference method is currently investigated at ISAAC. The latter consists in the use of module short circuit current (Isc) at STC for determination of irradiance instead of reference cell value. Results will be available beginning of 2009. PERFORMANCE, G. Friesen, SUPSI, ISAAC-TISO 213/290

3. Modelling and analysis (SP4) 3.1 ISAAC SP4 ACTIVITIES (2008) 3.1.1 Validation of the Energy Rating Standard - IEC61853 Draft version (WP4.3) Currently photovoltaic (PV) modules are compared and characterised under Standard Test Conditions (STC). This is not sufficient to explain differences in energy production between modules under real operating conditions. The proposed IEC 61853 standard describes the energy yield with regard to irradiance, spectral distribution of the light, angle of incidence effects and module operation temperature. The current draft of this standard consists of four parts. Part 1 describes the test methods to map module performance over a wide range of temperature and irradiance conditions. Part 2 focuses on measurements describing spectral and angle of incidence effects as well as a procedure to determine the module operating temperature as function of irradiance, wind speed, ambient temperature and mounting structure. The methodology of the energy rating procedure is described in part 3, whereas part 4 contains the standardized weather conditions for which the energy rating has to be specified. A short summary of the latest version is given in [2]. The present study investigated the proposed IEC 61853 energy rating standard by using real monitoring data acquired over a full year and in 1 minute intervals. A full description of the outdoor tests is given in [REF5]. The aim of the study here was to prove the capability of the standard to confirm differences in-between modules performing differently under real operating conditions. The energy outputs for three very different crystalline silicon modules selected out of 3 performance classes (M1: best c-Si modules; M2: modules with 3-6% lower energy output compared to the best ones, M3: modules with 6-8% lower energy output compared to the best ones) and a CdTe module (M4), were therefore calculated and compared to its real outputs. To be able to calculate the energy output the modules had to be first characterised according to the IEC61853 standard for: (1) irradiance and temperature dependencies, (2) spectral response, (3) thermal coefficients for different wind-classes and (4) angle of incidence effects. The measurements were partially executed at SUPSI-ISAAC (1 and 3), JRC-ESTI (2) and Arsenal Research (4). To evaluate the weight of part 2 of the standard on the final energy prediction of different modules, some of the steps of part 2 have been evaluated separately. Following abbreviations are used here to identify the single steps: Gi (measured in-plane irradiance), DNI (irradiance modelled with the Klucher model [REF6]), LT (reflection correction), SP (spectral correction), Tm (measured module temperature) and Ta (calculated module temperature). The numbers obtained in this way are compared to the results obtained by totally neglecting part 2 (part 1 only - DNI_Tm) or by using directly in-plane irradiance and module temperature as input (best case - Gi_Tm). � � � Gi_Tm� MBE� RMSE DNI_LT� DNI_Tm� SP_Tm MBE� RMSE MBE RMSE DNI_LT� SP_Ta� MBE� RMSE� M1� Ecal�Emes� [%]� �1.6� 3.9� �0.7� 4.8� �0.1� 6.1� 1.4� 6.6� M2� Ecal�Emes� [%]� �1.0� 3.8� �0.2� 5.0� �0.7� 6.1� 0.0� 6.0� M3� Ecal�Emes� [%]� 2.0� 4.1� 2.6� 5.2� 2.2� 6.5� 3.4� 7.1� M4� Ecal�Emes� [%]� 1.5� 4.6� 2� 11.2� 8.4� 24.4� 8.8� 24.6� M4*� Ecal�Emes� [%]� /� /� /� /� 0.2� 6.9� 0.6� 6.8� Table 2: Energy rating error (MBE and RMSE) between calculated and measured energy output for a set of long term data, representing a full year at Lugano site and for 4 different modules (M1- M3: c-Si, M4: CdTe). For M4* the errors are recalculated with a narrower spectral band for CdTe of 300-900nm. All other values are calculated for 300-1200nm. Table 2 gives a summary of the results. It shows that the proposed energy rating standard led to annual energy prediction accuracy, here described by the MBE value (mean bias error), in the range of -1.6% to +3.4% and a RMSE value (root mean square error) of 3.8-6.9% when a optimal spectral range is used for the spectral loss calculations. The implementation of part 2 leads to no major improvements compared to part 1, but to a slight increase of the RMSE. Improvements could be only observed for single clear sky days but by leading at the same time to a decline for most other days and consequentially to an overall drop in accuracy. This is mainly due to the higher uncertainty of the additional characterisation methods of part 2, also due the fact that they are not regularly used in all laboratories today and that they are not validated as extensively as STC power measurements. The PERFORMANCE, G. Friesen, SUPSI, ISAAC-TISO 214/290 6/8

5/8<br />

2.2.2 IV-translation applied to thin film technologies (WP2.4)<br />

Within the diploma work of Stephanie Malik presented in [REF4] ‘three IV translation procedures have<br />

been investigated. This was performed with respect to the current discussion of a new version of the<br />

IEC Standard 60891 ‘Procedures for temperature and irradiance corrections of current-voltage characteristics’.<br />

The methods analyzed are a modified version of the Blaesser method, recently introduced by<br />

W.Hermann from TUV and the linear interpolation approach, published by Hishikawa from AIST. The<br />

original IEC approach is used as a reference.<br />

This study consists in the following of the diploma work of Stephanie Malik where the same procedure<br />

as for c-Si modules has been applied to Thin Film.<br />

Approach<br />

This study focus on the three translation methods:<br />

� The existing IEC 60891<br />

� The Modified Blaesser-Method (TÜV-Rheinland)<br />

� The Linear Interpolation (Hishikawa)<br />

Details of these methods are presented in [REF4]. Three thin film modules, which are one FirstSolar<br />

(FS60), one Kaneka (K60) and one UniSolar (ES-62T) are considered within this assessment. The<br />

base data consisted of IV-measurements measured with a class A solar simulator at 5 irradiance levels<br />

(200, 400, 600, 800 and 1000W/m²) and 8 temperatures, ranging from 25-60 °C (at 1000 W/m²<br />

only at 25 °C). To start with, some base I-V curves were defined for each method. The base curves<br />

were then extrapolated and/or interpolated to the remaining environmental conditions and compared<br />

to the measured ones.<br />

Results<br />

Table 2 summarises the results for Pmax errors obtained with the three IV translation methods.<br />

� G=200 W/m² G=400-1000 W/m²<br />

� T=25-65°C T=25-65°C<br />

avg. error St.Dev avg. error St.Dev<br />

IEC60891<br />

4.80% 4.39% -0.03% 1.41%<br />

Modified Blaesser -1.95% 1.94% 0.56% 0.86%<br />

Linear interpolation 1.00% 0.60% 0.55% 1.26%<br />

Table 1: Average over a defined range of irradiances and temperatures of the avg. Pmax error of three<br />

a-Si modules obtained by the three IV-translation methods. Note: standard deviation in italic.<br />

The original standard (ed. 1987) recommends that the target irradiance should be within ±30% of the<br />

base irradiance. This is why we distinguish here between the error at 200W/m² (outside of 800W/m²<br />

± 30% range) and the other irradiance levels. As represented in Table 2 the highest errors are obtained<br />

at low irradiances. In general, the less accurate method resulted to be the original IEC60891<br />

procedure. The trend on the results on thin film modules is the same as obtained with c-Si modules,<br />

but with significant higher errors. For instance, in some cases IV translation methods led to errors in<br />

Isc translation of up to 20%.This can be explained by the not applied spectral mismatch correction at<br />

the different irradiance levels.<br />

In order to improve the results an approach based on the self reference method is currently investigated<br />

at ISAAC. The latter consists in the use of module short circuit current (Isc) at STC for determination<br />

of irradiance instead of reference cell value.<br />

Results will be available beginning of <strong>2009</strong>.<br />



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