Programm Photovoltaik Ausgabe 2009 ... - Bundesamt für Energie BFE

Programm Photovoltaik Ausgabe 2009 ... - Bundesamt für Energie BFE Programm Photovoltaik Ausgabe 2009 ... - Bundesamt für Energie BFE


Eidgenössisches Departement für Umwelt, Verkehr, Energie und Kommunikation UVEK Office fédéral de l’énergie OFEN PERFORMANCE - ISAAC ACTIVITIES Annual Report 2008 Author and Co-Authors G. Friesen, I. Pola, T. Friesen, K. Nagel, F. Morini, A. Jimenez Institution / Company SUPSI,DACD, ISAAC-TISO Address Via Trevano, 6952 Canobbio, Switzerland Telephone, E-mail, Homepage +41 (0) 58 666 63 57,, Project- / Contract Number n° 019718 EU: (SES6) – Integrated project Duration of the Project (from – to) 01.01.2006 - 31.12.2009 Date December 2008 ABSTRACT The PERFORMANCE project, started in January 2006, is a 4 year project of the 6 th European Framework programme. It covers all pre-normative aspects from photovoltaic module to system level and from instantaneous device characterisation and system measurement to their life-time performance prediction and assessment. The limitations of current indoor and outdoor calibration measurement technology will be investigated and precision will be improved, covering current technologies as well as new and advanced cell and module concepts. Methods will be developed to connect from measurements of module power to module energy production. In a third pillar, methodologies for the assessment of the life-time performance of PV modules will be developed. Based on all these work packages, a modelling and analysis programme will provide the analytical understanding of PV performance in the broad and systematic manner mentioned above. Following this work programme, the project will produce a consistent set of measurement and modelling methodologies to create the transparency needed for the European market and industry. Next to this significant scientific effort, intense involvement of all European companies along the value chain will be organised systematically through feedback loops. Project results will be fed directly into standardisation processes on CENELEC and IEC level. The project is divided into 8 subprojects: SP1 Traceable performance measurement of PV devices SP2 Energy delivery of photovoltaic devices SP3 PV system performance evaluation SP4 Modelling and analysis SP5 Service life assessment of PV modules SP6 PV as a building product SP7 Industry interaction and dissemination SP8 Standardisation processes The ISAAC institute is official partner of SP1, SP2 and SP4 and collaborates in SP6. Moreover it’s work-package leader of SP4.4 entitled “Annual Energy Rating Production and Device Comparator”. The scope of this report is to present the institute activities of 2008. The annual reports 2006 and 2007 can be downloaded under: 209/290

1. Traceable performance measurement of PV devices (SP1) 1.2 ISAAC SP1 Activities (2008) 1.2.1 Round Robin tests (WP1.1) Two measurement round robins (RR) were planned within the first half of the project (2006/2007) and two within the second half (2008/2009). Each time a representative set of crystalline and thin film modules is tested. The first round had the goal to document the current measurement differences for commercial PV modules (crystalline silicon, thin-film and multi-junctions) within 8 of the major European test laboratories (TÜV, ARSENAL, ISAAC-TISO, ISE, JRC-ESTI, CIEMAT, ECN, CREST), whereas the second round has the goal to identify the progress in measurement procedures and test equipment introduced by all laboratories within the intermediate optimisation phase. The results of the first c-Si RR have been already described within the last annual report (2007). This report will concentrate on the summary of the first thin film RR results and a short description of the second RR phase started in 2008. Results of the first thin film Round Robin A detailed description of the thin film RR approach and all test samples can be found in the ‘ISAAC activity report 2007’. The complete results of this RR have been published and presented at the last European PV conference in Valencia [1]. This report summarises the main results of the first thin film round robin as well as the lessons learned by the ISAAC institute. Figure 1 shows the comparison of the maximum power measurements among the laboratories for the single thin film technologies. The data are always referred to the average of each test sample. The spread for reported Pmax values measured under standard test conditions (STC) lies in the range of ±7%, when excluding some outliers which have been explained by the absence of any pre-conditioning procedure in case of CIGS and an insufficient initial stabilisation of one of the a- Si/a-Si modules (all marked by red circles). The best comparability was obtained for single junction a- Si modules, whereas the largest spread occurred for a-Si triple-junction and CIGS modules. No conclusions could be drawn for the originally included CdTe technology due to the breakage of the test samples at an early stage. Figure 1: Discrepancies of PMAX data at STC as measured by 7 test institutes (represented by different symbols) divided by type of test sample. The much higher spread in Pmax compared to the ±2% of the first c-Si RR (see ISAAC activity report 2007) can be mainly explained by a higher uncertainty caused by the current mismatch of the layers within multi-junction devices, the use of non-optimal reference devices and the consequential need of spectral mismatch corrections and last but not least the short and long term pre-conditioning effects influencing many of the thin film technologies. Even if all samples were exposed to a prior long-term light exposure in order to stabilise the electrical output and to fix it to an initial reference point, most PERFORMANCE, G. Friesen, SUPSI, ISAAC-TISO 210/290 2/8

1. Traceable performance measurement of PV devices (SP1)<br />

1.2 ISAAC SP1 Activities (2008)<br />

1.2.1 Round Robin tests (WP1.1)<br />

Two measurement round robins (RR) were planned within the first half of the project (2006/2007) and<br />

two within the second half (2008/<strong>2009</strong>). Each time a representative set of crystalline and thin film<br />

modules is tested. The first round had the goal to document the current measurement differences for<br />

commercial PV modules (crystalline silicon, thin-film and multi-junctions) within 8 of the major European<br />

test laboratories (TÜV, ARSENAL, ISAAC-TISO, ISE, JRC-ESTI, CIEMAT, ECN, CREST),<br />

whereas the second round has the goal to identify the progress in measurement procedures and test<br />

equipment introduced by all laboratories within the intermediate optimisation phase. The results of the<br />

first c-Si RR have been already described within the last annual report (2007). This report will concentrate<br />

on the summary of the first thin film RR results and a short description of the second RR phase<br />

started in 2008.<br />

Results of the first thin film Round Robin<br />

A detailed description of the thin film RR approach and all test samples can be found in the ‘ISAAC<br />

activity report 2007’. The complete results of this RR have been published and presented at the last<br />

European PV conference in Valencia [1].<br />

This report summarises the main results of the first thin film round robin as well as the lessons learned<br />

by the ISAAC institute. Figure 1 shows the comparison of the maximum power measurements among<br />

the laboratories for the single thin film technologies. The data are always referred to the average of<br />

each test sample. The spread for reported Pmax values measured under standard test conditions (STC)<br />

lies in the range of ±7%, when excluding some outliers which have been explained by the absence of<br />

any pre-conditioning procedure in case of CIGS and an insufficient initial stabilisation of one of the a-<br />

Si/a-Si modules (all marked by red circles). The best comparability was obtained for single junction a-<br />

Si modules, whereas the largest spread occurred for a-Si triple-junction and CIGS modules. No conclusions<br />

could be drawn for the originally included CdTe technology due to the breakage of the test<br />

samples at an early stage.<br />

Figure 1: Discrepancies of PMAX data at STC as measured by 7 test institutes (represented by different<br />

symbols) divided by type of test sample.<br />

The much higher spread in Pmax compared to the ±2% of the first c-Si RR (see ISAAC activity report<br />

2007) can be mainly explained by a higher uncertainty caused by the current mismatch of the layers<br />

within multi-junction devices, the use of non-optimal reference devices and the consequential need of<br />

spectral mismatch corrections and last but not least the short and long term pre-conditioning effects<br />

influencing many of the thin film technologies. Even if all samples were exposed to a prior long-term<br />

light exposure in order to stabilise the electrical output and to fix it to an initial reference point, most<br />


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