Programm Photovoltaik Ausgabe 2009 ... - Bundesamt für Energie BFE

Programm Photovoltaik Ausgabe 2009 ... - Bundesamt für Energie BFE Programm Photovoltaik Ausgabe 2009 ... - Bundesamt für Energie BFE


Département fédéral de l’environnement, des transports, de l’énergie et de la communication DETEC Office fédéral de l’énergie OFEN CENTRALE DI TEST ISAAC-TISO QUALITÀ E RESA ENERGETICA DI MODULI FOTOVOLTAICI Annual Report 2008 Author and Co-Authors D. Chianese, N. Cereghetti, A. Realini, G. Friesen, E. Burà, I. Pola, T. Friesen, Roman Rudel Institution / Company Scuola Universitaria Professionale della Svizzera Italiana SUPSI, DACD, Istituto di Sostenibilità Applicata all’Ambiente Costruito ISAAC-TISO Address Via Trevano, CH – 6952 Canobbio Telephone, E-mail, Homepage +41 (0) 58 666 63 56;; Project- / Contract Number 36508 / 153027 Duration of the Project (from – to) 01.11.2007 - 31.12.2010 Date December 2008 ABSTRACT During 2008 more than 6140 flashes were performed for research programmes (test centre and other projects), I-V measurements for third-parties and maintenance measurements (accreditation maintenance). A total of 458 I-V measurement, 18 determination of the temperature coefficients, 15 I-V characterization at different irradiances (200, 400, 600 and 800 W/m²), 11 outdoor initial degradation (30-60 kWh/m²) and 72 I-V determination with multiflash method were performed for third-parties. In October 2008 the eighth quality audit, for the ISO17025 accreditation maintenance, supervised by the Swiss Accreditation Service, was successfully passed. The accreditation of the I-V measurements at different irradiances has been postponed in order to conform the laboratory to the new version (2008) of the IEC 60904-3 standard. In particular, a new procedure for the irradiance uniformity verification with two special reference modules and electronics have been designed. The spectrale response (SR) measurement with automate filter positioning and data acquisition will be implemented with the new Pasan IIIB sun simulator. A solution, in collaboration with two industrial partner, consisting in a composition of two CCD spectroradiometers sensitive in ranges 200-1100nm and 900-1700nm respectively, was selected for the monitoring of the flash spectrum of the sun simulator In 2008 a new 15 months test cycle (no.11) began. Thirteen different module types were chosen, in an attempt to include the greater part of available technologies: 4 mc-Si (one with EWT backcontact), 4 sc-Si, 1 HIT (new version), 1 a-Si/a-Si tandem module, 1 a-Si/µc-Si (micromorph) and 2 CIS. In test cycle 11 the power at the purchase of crystalline silicon technologies (including HIT) was on average -2.6% lower with respect to Pn but ranging from +0.5% to -10.5%. In 8 of 27 cases power at purchase was outside production tolerance. In order to built the test stand for outdoor measurements comparison of the ER for industry, 60pcs of the new MPPT3000 have been produced. 201/290

Aim of the project The aim of the “ISAAC-TISO Test Centre” is to verify the quality, reliability and energy rating of photovoltaic modules. The goals for 2008 were: ISO17025 accreditation maintenance for I-V measurements with sun simulator. Accreditation procedure of measurements at different irradiances. Installation of a new flash sun simulator (PASAN IIIb). Installation of new test stand (building A) and construction of MPPT electronics (MPPT3000). Start a new outdoor test cycle (nr. 11). Light soaking and stabilization on modules of test cycle 11 and I-V measurements at STC (initial - Pa and after first degradation – P0). Project description The main activities of the “ISAAC-TISO Test Centre” are focused on the verification of quality and energy rating of PV modules, either with services for industry and with independent comparison tests. Particularly the indoor measurements are carried out with a class A flash sun simulator, and the Test Centre disposes of stands for the outdoor analysis PV modules behaviour under real environmental conditions. ISAAC’s pulsed Sun Simulator allows measurement of I-V characteristics under standard test conditions, in accordance to (IEC 60904-1), and dependent on module temperature. The measurements of crystalline silicon modules are accredited ISO 17025 by the Swiss Accreditation Service (SAS). Measurements of thin-film modules with different reference cells and spectral mismatch corrections are also performed. The indoor measurements are performed to allow an accurate comparison for both crystalline silicon technologies of new generation and thin film modules. The services for industry will be broadened to allow a better accuracy of measurement in production thanks to the calibration of reference cells and modules and to the verification of test procedures. The ISAAC-TISO centre carried out systematic outdoor tests, under real operating conditions, on the most important modules currently on the market. Up to 18 modules for each test cycle were purchased anonymously. The modules were exposed for 15 months. Initial, intermediate and final I-V measurements @STC were carried out. Each module is equipped with a Maximum Power Point Tracker (MPPT) adapted to its voltage and current range to optimise measurement accuracy. New outdoor stands, equipped with MPPT, are under construction to enable the industry to compare new module technologies or prototypes with new solutions of lamination or encapsulation. An outdoor module characterisation system with sun-tracking capabilities allows a fast and flexible characterisation under real operating conditions and the measurement of thin film modules. Work carried out and results achieved INDOOR I-V measurements with sun simulator The sun simulator has been used either for measurements for research projects and services measurements. During 2008 more than 6140 flashes were performed for research programmes (test centre and other projects), I-V measurements for third-parties and maintenance measurements (accreditation maintenance). A total of 458 I-V measurement were performed for third-parties. For several modules, in addition to the I-V determination, other measurements were executed: 18 determination of the temperature coefficients; 15 I-V characterization at different irradiances (200, 400, 600 and 800 W/m²); 11 outdoor initial degradation (30-60 kWh/m²), were the IV characterization is performed before and after the exposure; 72 I-V determination with multiflash method; Various visual inspection and insulation tests (according to IEC 61215), electrical continuity test and by-pass diode test, have also been realized. Centrale di test ISAAC-TISO, D. Chianese, SUPSI, DACD, ISAAC-TISO 202/290 2/8

Aim of the project<br />

The aim of the “ISAAC-TISO Test Centre” is to verify the quality, reliability and energy rating of photovoltaic<br />

modules. The goals for 2008 were:<br />

ISO17025 accreditation maintenance for I-V measurements with sun simulator.<br />

Accreditation procedure of measurements at different irradiances.<br />

Installation of a new flash sun simulator (PASAN IIIb).<br />

Installation of new test stand (building A) and construction of MPPT electronics (MPPT3000).<br />

Start a new outdoor test cycle (nr. 11).<br />

Light soaking and stabilization on modules of test cycle 11 and I-V measurements at STC (initial - Pa<br />

and after first degradation – P0).<br />

Project description<br />

The main activities of the “ISAAC-TISO Test Centre” are focused on the verification of quality and<br />

energy rating of PV modules, either with services for industry and with independent comparison tests.<br />

Particularly the indoor measurements are carried out with a class A flash sun simulator, and the Test<br />

Centre disposes of stands for the outdoor analysis PV modules behaviour under real environmental<br />

conditions.<br />

ISAAC’s pulsed Sun Simulator allows measurement of I-V characteristics under standard test conditions,<br />

in accordance to (IEC 60904-1), and dependent on module temperature. The measurements of<br />

crystalline silicon modules are accredited ISO 17025 by the Swiss Accreditation Service (SAS). Measurements<br />

of thin-film modules with different reference cells and spectral mismatch corrections are also<br />

performed. The indoor measurements are performed to allow an accurate comparison for both crystalline<br />

silicon technologies of new generation and thin film modules. The services for industry will be<br />

broadened to allow a better accuracy of measurement in production thanks to the calibration of reference<br />

cells and modules and to the verification of test procedures.<br />

The ISAAC-TISO centre carried out systematic outdoor tests, under real operating conditions, on the<br />

most important modules currently on the market. Up to 18 modules for each test cycle were purchased<br />

anonymously. The modules were exposed for 15 months. Initial, intermediate and final I-V measurements<br />

@STC were carried out. Each module is equipped with a Maximum Power Point Tracker<br />

(MPPT) adapted to its voltage and current range to optimise measurement accuracy.<br />

New outdoor stands, equipped with MPPT, are under construction to enable the industry to compare<br />

new module technologies or prototypes with new solutions of lamination or encapsulation.<br />

An outdoor module characterisation system with sun-tracking capabilities allows a fast and flexible<br />

characterisation under real operating conditions and the measurement of thin film modules.<br />

Work carried out and results achieved<br />

INDOOR I-V measurements with sun simulator<br />

The sun simulator has been used either for measurements for research projects and services measurements.<br />

During 2008 more than 6140 flashes were performed for research programmes (test centre<br />

and other projects), I-V measurements for third-parties and maintenance measurements (accreditation<br />

maintenance).<br />

A total of 458 I-V measurement were performed for third-parties. For several modules, in addition to<br />

the I-V determination, other measurements were executed:<br />

18 determination of the temperature coefficients;<br />

15 I-V characterization at different irradiances (200, 400, 600 and 800 W/m²);<br />

11 outdoor initial degradation (30-60 kWh/m²), were the IV characterization is performed before and<br />

after the exposure;<br />

72 I-V determination with multiflash method;<br />

Various visual inspection and insulation tests (according to IEC 61215), electrical continuity test and<br />

by-pass diode test, have also been realized.<br />

Centrale di test ISAAC-TISO, D. Chianese, SUPSI, DACD, ISAAC-TISO<br />

202/290<br />


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