Programm Photovoltaik Ausgabe 2009 ... - Bundesamt für Energie BFE

Programm Photovoltaik Ausgabe 2009 ... - Bundesamt für Energie BFE Programm Photovoltaik Ausgabe 2009 ... - Bundesamt für Energie BFE


THINPV Eidgenössisches Departement für Umwelt, Verkehr, Energie und Kommunikation UVEK Bundesamt für Energie BFE COST EFFICIENT THIN FILM PHOTOVOLTAICS FOR FUTURE ELECTRICITYGENERATION Annual Report 2008 Author and Co-Authors A. Feltrin, G. Bugnon, F. Meillaud, J. Bailat, C. Ballif, B. Legradic, C. Hollenstein, R. Häusermann, B. Ruhstaller, S. Wenger, P. Liska, M. Grätzel, S. Seyrling , D. Brémaud, A. Tiwari, B. Fan, J.-E. Moser, F. Nüesch Institution / Company Empa, ISIC-LPI-EPFL, CRPP-EPFL, ICP-ZHAW, IMT-EPFL Address Überlandstr. 129, CH-8600 Dübendorf Telephone, E-mail, Homepage +41 (0) 44 823 47 40,, Project- / Contract Number Co financed by the CCEM and “swisselectric research” Duration of the Project (from – to) 2007-2010 Date 12.12.2008 ABSTRACT This projects targets research in four thin film PV technologies being pursued in Switzerland. Regarding the research activities on thin film silicon deposition process and characterization (Part A) several important advances have been achieved. Three plasma diagnostic tools have been developed and installed to monitor and characterize the deposition process of microcrystalline silicon in large area plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) reactors; Infrared absorption spectroscopy for in situ and ex situ silane depletion measurement, optical emission spectroscopy for in situ silane depletion and electron temperature fluctuation measurements and In situ and ex situ laser scattering for poly-silane and powder detection. Intrinsic layers of microcrystalline silicon have been deposited at 1 nm/s. 1.2 �m thick solar cells with efficiencies up to 7.3% have been obtained. Regarding research on novel hybrid tandem solar cells (Part B) efforts focused mainly on the monolithical integration of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs) and Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) cells as well as materials development to optimize both the dye-sensitized absorber and the transparent conducting oxide. By replacing just the back contact of the DSC cell, an increase in the transmission by more than 20% could be achieved in the near infrared domain. New ruthenium complexes were synthesized and yielded record efficiencies of 11.3% in standard DSC cells. Monolithic tandem devices using a CIGS bottom cell and a DSC top cell were successfully demonstrated with power efficiencies > 10%. Solid state organic solar cells with efficiencies >4% were achieved using photographic dyes. Hybrid cells involving organic solar cells will be considered once the current densities can be matched to the one of the other devices. Regarding joint educational activities (Part C) this years ThinPV workshop, which was held from the 16 th -18 th November, addresses PhD students and offers both a tutorial part by world-renowned experts and a full day for student presentations. 169/290

Introduction and objectives Clearly a change in paradigm is required for photovoltaics to become cost competitive and cover a significant part of the enormous future energy demands. This project wants to provide solutions based on thin film PV technology. Several world class Swiss research institutes are involved in state-of-the art research and industrial development of PV technologies. This project has the objective to significantly strengthen and synergise the major efforts undertaken in Switzerland in this field. It can be divided into three parts, where the first two parts include two different technological roads: Part A addresses the short-to-medium term needs for the advancement of thin film silicon technology. This implies the understanding and characterisation of the plasma conditions used in plasma enhanced chemical vapour deposition reactors. Advanced device structures and materials are elaborated on the laboratory scale. In a further step, large scale implementation is investigated. Part B focuses on the development of high performance multi-junction cells based on inorganic and organic hybrid photovoltaic devices using low cost manufacturing technologies, which could become competitive in the medium to long term range. High efficiency devices are targeted by combining dye sensitized solar cells (DSC) with CuIn(Ga)Se (CIGS) and organic photovoltaic devices (OPV) in a multi-junction approach. Optimized individual cells are stacked in series before monolithical integration is addressed. Novel concepts for hybrid organic-inorganic multiple junction cells are elaborated with the aim to produce intellectual property and to promote industrial activities in this field. Part C is defined to be an exchange platform to allow for workshops and educational activities. Work performed and results obtained Part A Three diagnostic tools have been installed at IMT and two are already operational: optical emission spectroscopy and infrared absorption spectroscopy. In addition a third diagnostic tool is being set up for the measurement of poly-silane and powder particles using laser scattering. Optical emission spectroscopy (OES) This technique allows monitoring the optical emission of plasmas typically from the visible to the near infrared range. In the case of thin film silicon deposition that involves the injection and dissociation of hydrogen and silane molecules, emission lines from H2 and the SiH radical are of particular interest. The plasma parameters that can be extracted from OES time-resolved measurements are silane depletion and fluctuations of the electron temperature. The first parameter is relevant because it gives a measure of the utilization rate of silane during the dissociation process in the plasma. This parameter is not only important with respect to the efficiency of gas utilization during deposition, but under certain process conditions literature reports indicate it as an important factor that determines the properties of the microcrystalline material as well. In addition, the same technique allows the measurement of fluctuations of the electron temperature. The importance of monitoring this parameter is related to the fact that fluctuations of the electron temperature are related to the formation of poly-silane and powder particles in the plasma. Infrared absorption spectroscopy The determination of silane depletion using OES is an easy, though not a direct measurement and relies on model assumptions; i.e. electron temperature has to remain constant from plasma ignition to steady state. As a result, this technique works best when powder formation is negligible. In many industrially relevant cases microcrystalline silicon is deposited under process conditions where polysilane and powder formation is present. As a result, an experimental tool that is able to measure silane depletion directly without any model assumptions is of great value. In our lab a new technique for the measurement of silane depletion has been attempted and successfully demonstrated. It relies on high resolution infrared absorption of roto-vibrational states of the silane molecule. The setup allows performing the measurements inside the reactor where the plasma is dissociated or outside the deposition chamber, in the pumping line. In Fig. 1 an image and a sketch of the setup are displayed. ThinPV, F. Nüesch, Empa 170/290 2/6

THINPV<br />

Eidgenössisches Departement <strong>für</strong><br />

Umwelt, Verkehr, <strong>Energie</strong> und Kommunikation UVEK<br />

<strong>Bundesamt</strong> <strong>für</strong> <strong>Energie</strong> <strong>BFE</strong><br />




Annual Report 2008<br />

Author and Co-Authors A. Feltrin, G. Bugnon, F. Meillaud, J. Bailat, C. Ballif, B. Legradic,<br />

C. Hollenstein, R. Häusermann, B. Ruhstaller, S. Wenger,<br />

P. Liska, M. Grätzel, S. Seyrling , D. Brémaud, A. Tiwari, B. Fan,<br />

J.-E. Moser, F. Nüesch<br />

Institution / Company Empa, ISIC-LPI-EPFL, CRPP-EPFL, ICP-ZHAW, IMT-EPFL<br />

Address Überlandstr. 129, CH-8600 Dübendorf<br />

Telephone, E-mail, Homepage +41 (0) 44 823 47 40,,<br />

Project- / Contract Number Co financed by the CCEM and “swisselectric research”<br />

Duration of the Project (from – to) 2007-2010<br />

Date 12.12.2008<br />


This projects targets research in four thin film PV technologies being pursued in Switzerland.<br />

Regarding the research activities on thin film silicon deposition process and characterization (Part A)<br />

several important advances have been achieved. Three plasma diagnostic tools have been developed<br />

and installed to monitor and characterize the deposition process of microcrystalline silicon in<br />

large area plasma enhanced chemical vapor deposition (PECVD) reactors; Infrared absorption spectroscopy<br />

for in situ and ex situ silane depletion measurement, optical emission spectroscopy for in<br />

situ silane depletion and electron temperature fluctuation measurements and In situ and ex situ laser<br />

scattering for poly-silane and powder detection. Intrinsic layers of microcrystalline silicon have been<br />

deposited at 1 nm/s. 1.2 �m thick solar cells with efficiencies up to 7.3% have been obtained.<br />

Regarding research on novel hybrid tandem solar cells (Part B) efforts focused mainly on the monolithical<br />

integration of dye-sensitized solar cells (DSCs) and Cu(In,Ga)Se2 (CIGS) cells as well as materials<br />

development to optimize both the dye-sensitized absorber and the transparent conducting<br />

oxide. By replacing just the back contact of the DSC cell, an increase in the transmission by more<br />

than 20% could be achieved in the near infrared domain. New ruthenium complexes were synthesized<br />

and yielded record efficiencies of 11.3% in standard DSC cells. Monolithic tandem devices using<br />

a CIGS bottom cell and a DSC top cell were successfully demonstrated with power efficiencies<br />

> 10%. Solid state organic solar cells with efficiencies >4% were achieved using photographic dyes.<br />

Hybrid cells involving organic solar cells will be considered once the current densities can be matched<br />

to the one of the other devices.<br />

Regarding joint educational activities (Part C) this years ThinPV workshop, which was held from the<br />

16 th -18 th November, addresses PhD students and offers both a tutorial part by world-renowned experts<br />

and a full day for student presentations.<br />


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