Programm Photovoltaik Ausgabe 2009 ... - Bundesamt für Energie BFE

Programm Photovoltaik Ausgabe 2009 ... - Bundesamt für Energie BFE Programm Photovoltaik Ausgabe 2009 ... - Bundesamt für Energie BFE


3/10 The “intermediate band” approach pursues a better use of the solar spectrum by using intermediate band materials (Fig. 3). These materials are characterised by the existence of an electronic energy band within what otherwise would be a conventional semiconductor bandgap. According to the principles of operation of this cell, the intermediate band allows the absorption of low bandgap energy photons and the subsequent production of enhanced photocurrent without voltage degradation. The Project expects also to identify as much intermediate band material candidates as possible as well as to demonstrate experimentally the principles of operation of the intermediate band solar cell by using quantum dot solar cells as workbenches. Diffuse light Spectrally adapted solar cell(s) Photonic layers. Mirror for extremely small band. Transmit all the r est. Fig. 4. Luminescent concentrator with photonic crystal. Mirror Within the activity involving manufacturing, it is expected to clear the way towards commercialization for those most promising concepts. This is the case of the multijunction solar cells and within this activity it is expected to develop, for example, trackers with the necessary accuracy to follow the sun at 1000 suns, “pick and place” assembling techniques as to produce concentrator modules at competitive prices as well as to draft the normative that has to serve as the framework for the implementation of these systems. Fig. 3. The principle of the IBC. As mentioned, under the “molecular based concepts” heading, it is expected to find dyes and molecules capable of undergoing two-photon processes. Dyes -or quantum dots- suitable to be incorporated into flat concentrators are also pursued. Flat concentrators are essentially polymers plates, that by incorporating these special dyes to their structure, are capable of absorbing high energy photons and re-emit them as low energy photons that ideally match the gap of the solar cells. This emitted light is trapped within the concentrator usually by internal reflection and, if the losses within the concentrator are small, can only escape by being absorbed by the cells. Fig. 5. An example of novel concentrator lenses. Project Structure: The Project is coordinated by Prof. Antonio Luque (Instituto de Energía Solar) assisted by Projektgesellschaft Solare Energiesysteme GmbH (PSE). The Consortium involves 19 research institutions listed at the side of this text. As mentioned, to make the better use of the solar spectrum declared above, the project is structured along five research development and innovation activities: 1) Multijuntion solar cells. The activity is leaded by FhG-ISE with the participation of RWE-SSP, IES- UPM, IOFFE, CEA-DTEN and PUM. 2) Thermophotovoltaic converters. Is headed by IOFFE and CEA-DTEN. IES-UPM and PSI participate also in its development. 3) Intermediate band solar cells. The activity is leaded by IES-UPM. The other partners directly involved are UG, ICP-CSIC and UCY. 4) Molecular based concepts. The activity is leaded by ECN. The other groups involved are FhG- IAP, ICSTM, UM and Solaronix. 5) Manufacturing techniques and pre-normative research. The activity is leaded by ISOFOTON. IES-UPM and JRC are involved also in the activities. FULLSPECTRUM, T. Meyer, Solaronix 155/290

In addition, every two years, the Project sponsors a public Seminar about its public results and grants students worldwide in order to assist this Seminar as part of its dissemination activities. Proper announcements are made in FULLSPECTRUM web page ( Work and results During the last project year, Solaronix focused on the stability testing of the Flat Plate Concentrators (FPC) provided by the Partners. The final stability assessment report was also provided by Solaronix, based on the consolidated data from all Partners. One set of FPC's consisted of a PMMA sheet colored by an organic dye (or a mixture of dyes) and an other set of FPC where with PMMA containing quantum dots (QD) as fluorescent material. The organic dye based FPC's were illuminated in 470 nm LED light followed by "plasma-lamp" light being very similar to the solar light spectrum. Stability investigations done at Solaronix: 1) Accelerated light soaking with blue 470 nm high intensity LED lamp and with the "plasma-lamp" simulating the sun at 1000 W/m 2 intensity. � Monitoring of the UV-VIS absorption over time. � Monitoring of the short-circuit current of the crystalline Si cell attached on the side of the flat plate concentrator. 2) Accelerated light soaking tests in the "plasma lamp" for ~200h with quantum dot flat plate concentrators (QD-FPC) provided by the University of Utrecht and the FHG-IAP Golm. � Monitoring of the UV-VIS absorption over time. � Monitoring of the short-circuit current of the crystalline Si cell attached on the side of the flat plate concentrator. 1) Accelerated light soaking tests at Solaronix The 5 x 5 cm sized flat plate concentrator (FPC) samples received from ECN, samples N° 778, 779 and 780 were fitted on one side with a high efficiency A300 Si-solar cell of 5 x 15 mm size, as probe to follow the fluorescence efficiency over time. The 3 FPC samples were exposed for over 800 hr to blue 470 nm centred LED intense monochromatic light having an equivalent of ca. 11 suns in the spectral range of the 400 to 500 nm. The light dose emitted from these 470 nm centred LED lamp during the 800 hr test corresponds to the equivalent of about one year outdoors in central Europe. Fig. 2: Blue and amber LED Lamps with FPC samples FULLSPECTRUM, T. Meyer, Solaronix 156/290 Solaronix LED Lamps: Light intensity: 470 nm: 15 x sun 589 nm: 7.5 x sun Fig. 1: Typical 5 x 5 cm sized FPC sample fitted with a 15 x 5 mm sized mono-crystalline Si solar cell on one side. Spectral width: ~ 30 nm FWHM Lit area: 120 x 120 mm Homogeneity: +/- 5 % 4/10

In addition, every two years, the Project sponsors a public Seminar about its public results and grants<br />

students worldwide in order to assist this Seminar as part of its dissemination activities. Proper announcements<br />

are made in FULLSPECTRUM web page (<br />

Work and results<br />

During the last project year, Solaronix focused on the stability testing of the Flat Plate Concentrators<br />

(FPC) provided by the Partners. The final stability assessment report was also provided by Solaronix,<br />

based on the consolidated data from all Partners.<br />

One set of FPC's consisted of a PMMA sheet colored by an organic dye (or a mixture of dyes) and an<br />

other set of FPC where with PMMA containing quantum dots (QD) as fluorescent material.<br />

The organic dye based FPC's were illuminated in 470 nm LED light followed by "plasma-lamp" light<br />

being very similar to the solar light spectrum.<br />

Stability investigations done at Solaronix:<br />

1) Accelerated light soaking with blue 470 nm high intensity LED lamp and with the "plasma-lamp"<br />

simulating the sun at 1000 W/m 2 intensity.<br />

� Monitoring of the UV-VIS absorption over time.<br />

� Monitoring of the short-circuit current of the crystalline Si cell attached on the side of the flat plate<br />

concentrator.<br />

2) Accelerated light soaking tests in the "plasma lamp" for ~200h with quantum dot flat plate<br />

concentrators (QD-FPC) provided by the University of Utrecht and the FHG-IAP Golm.<br />

� Monitoring of the UV-VIS absorption over time.<br />

� Monitoring of the short-circuit current of the crystalline Si cell attached on the side of the flat plate<br />

concentrator.<br />

1) Accelerated light soaking tests at Solaronix<br />

The 5 x 5 cm sized flat plate concentrator (FPC) samples received<br />

from ECN, samples N° 778, 779 and 780 were fitted on one side<br />

with a high efficiency A300 Si-solar cell of 5 x 15 mm size, as probe<br />

to follow the fluorescence efficiency over time. The 3 FPC samples<br />

were exposed for over 800 hr to blue 470 nm centred LED intense<br />

monochromatic light having an equivalent of ca. 11 suns in the<br />

spectral range of the 400 to 500 nm. The light dose emitted from<br />

these 470 nm centred LED lamp during the 800 hr test corresponds<br />

to the equivalent of about one year outdoors in central Europe.<br />

Fig. 2: Blue and amber LED Lamps with FPC samples<br />

FULLSPECTRUM, T. Meyer, Solaronix<br />

156/290<br />

Solaronix LED Lamps:<br />

Light intensity:<br />

470 nm: 15 x sun<br />

589 nm: 7.5 x sun<br />

Fig. 1: Typical 5 x 5 cm sized<br />

FPC sample fitted with a 15 x 5<br />

mm sized mono-crystalline Si<br />

solar cell on one side.<br />

Spectral width: ~ 30 nm FWHM<br />

Lit area: 120 x 120 mm<br />

Homogeneity: +/- 5 %<br />


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