Programm Photovoltaik Ausgabe 2009 ... - Bundesamt für Energie BFE

Programm Photovoltaik Ausgabe 2009 ... - Bundesamt für Energie BFE Programm Photovoltaik Ausgabe 2009 ... - Bundesamt für Energie BFE


ORGAPVNET Département fédéral de l’environnement, des transports, de l’énergie et de la communication DETEC Office fédéral de l’énergie OFEN COORDINATION ACTION TOWARDS STABLE AND LOW-COST ORGANIC SOLAR CELL TECHNOLOGIES AND THEIR APPLICATION Annual Report 2008 Author and Co-Authors Dr. Toby Meyer Institution / Company Solaronix SA Address Ouriette 129 CH-1170 Aubonne Telephone, E-mail, Homepage +41 (0) 21 821 22 80,, Project- / Contract Number SES6-038889 Duration of the Project (from – to) 01.11.2006 – 30.04.2009 Date 05.02.2008 ABSTRACT One can observe a strongly increasing R&D-effort in the domain of solar cells based on organic layers. This progress is essentially based on the introduction of nanostructured material systems to enhance the photovoltaic performance of these devices. The growing interest is fuelled by the potentially very low cost of organic solar cells thanks to the low cost of the involved substrates, the low cost of the active materials of the solar cell, the low energy input for the actual solar cell/module process and last, but not least, the asset of flexibility. In addition, the ease of up-scalability of the required application technologies lowers the threshold for new players to enter this field. These efforts have resulted in the creation of technologies which are approaching the stage of first industrialization initiatives. These industrial activities target in first instance the market of consumer applications where energy autonomy can be ensured by integrating these flexible solar cells on a large variety of surfaces. In order to have a real impact on the PV-market, additional progress is needed on the level of efficiency, stability and application technologies to allow also the application of these solar cell technologies for power generation on a larger scale. The OrgaPvNet coordination action consortium wants to foster necessary progress on these issues by integrating a number of leading institutions in this field in association with the main industrial players entering this field. We believe that a Coordination Action is an appropriate vehicle by which the isolated competences that exist around Europe in this field can be integrated, structured and organised. In this way a powerful Organic Photovoltaic Platform will be created that can sustain the leading R&D-position of Europe within this domain and in the end strengthen European competitiveness in a sector which is of high strategic relevance in ensuring a sustainable energy supply. Key actions to reach the abovementioned objectives are: i) to promote interaction between scientists, ii) to take advantage of the previous experience of research groups, iii) to join forces to maximize the synergy between individual skills, thus obtaining the best achievable global results, and iv) to provide an appropriate communication channel between academic groups, SMEs and industrials. OrgaPvNet will contribute to this by: a) the exchange of information during the workshops organized by the network, (b) scientific exchange between partners by research visits of scientist and student grants, (c) Set-up of a web-based database containing news, resources, project results, reports, links, seminars, training, courses, job opportunities, grants, (d) Elaboration of a “Who is Who” Guide in organic photovoltaic field, (e) Elaboration of the European Organic Photovoltaic Roadmap: identification of scientific priority areas and formulation of research and development strategies. 141/290

Project Goals The goal is the establishment of a common understanding for future investments and strategies concerning Organic Photovoltaics: The measurable objectives and mission of OrgaPvNet are: � to stimulate the restructuring of the Organic Solar Cell research community from a model of independent or collaborative research towards a model of integrated research to enhance uptake of Organic Photovoltaics. � to allow closer relations between the various already existing organizations of scientific and technological cooperation in the two largest Organic Solar Cell communities in Western and Eastern Europe. � to facilitate the transfer of results from the European Research to the European PV industry � to work on measurement standards and prediction of the performance of Organic PV cells and modules. � to implement more coherent National and European research activities in the field of Organic based Solar Cells. � to stimulate new opportunities for Organic Solar Cells research community in a wide range of application domains: identify opportunities and barriers in the European Market, identify opportunities and barriers in Export Markets. � to determine Organic Photovoltaic market potentials and opportunities � to address socio-economic and financial issues relevant to the Organic Photovoltaic sector � to cross-fertilize and disseminate results to the whole sector by means of various tools as a OrgaPvNet website for example. � To develop future scenarios for advanced Organic Photovoltaics and application; identification of technology gaps and determination of requirements for a sustainable future growth Short description of the project � OrgaPvNet will offer the opportunity for all actors in the sector to work together and discuss issues of crucial relevance, as well as to give a valuable input for the whole sector. � The "European Organic Photovoltaics Technology Roadmap" will form the basis for a dialogue with the European Commission towards a FP7 transition and national funding bodies. It will be a basis for better directing and focusing the content of their future research and development programmes, and for improving the participation in and the access to these programmes by companies, particularly small and medium sized enterprises. OrgaPvNet will run for 2 ½ years and will involve 22 partners (17 institutes, 4 SME’s, 1 large industrial) from 15 European and Associated countries from the European industry including SMEs, the research community and other major stakeholders of the organic PV sector. It is the intention of the OrgaPvNet Coordination Action network to bring together the diverse Research Programmes across Europe, leading to the development of a cohesive pan-European research community targeting the development of innovative, low cost, stable organic based photovoltaic cells and modules. ORGAPVNET, T. Meyer, Solaronix 142/290 2/4


Département fédéral de l’environnement,<br />

des transports, de l’énergie et de la communication DETEC<br />

Office fédéral de l’énergie OFEN<br />




Annual Report 2008<br />

Author and Co-Authors Dr. Toby Meyer<br />

Institution / Company Solaronix SA<br />

Address Ouriette 129 CH-1170 Aubonne<br />

Telephone, E-mail, Homepage +41 (0) 21 821 22 80,,<br />

Project- / Contract Number SES6-038889<br />

Duration of the Project (from – to) 01.11.2006 – 30.04.<strong>2009</strong><br />

Date 05.02.2008<br />


One can observe a strongly increasing R&D-effort in the domain of solar cells based on organic<br />

layers. This progress is essentially based on the introduction of nanostructured material systems to<br />

enhance the photovoltaic performance of these devices. The growing interest is fuelled by the<br />

potentially very low cost of organic solar cells thanks to the low cost of the involved substrates, the<br />

low cost of the active materials of the solar cell, the low energy input for the actual solar cell/module<br />

process and last, but not least, the asset of flexibility. In addition, the ease of up-scalability of the<br />

required application technologies lowers the threshold for new players to enter this field. These efforts<br />

have resulted in the creation of technologies which are approaching the stage of first industrialization<br />

initiatives. These industrial activities target in first instance the market of consumer applications where<br />

energy autonomy can be ensured by integrating these flexible solar cells on a large variety of<br />

surfaces. In order to have a real impact on the PV-market, additional progress is needed on the<br />

level of efficiency, stability and application technologies to allow also the application of these solar<br />

cell technologies for power generation on a larger scale. The OrgaPvNet coordination action<br />

consortium wants to foster necessary progress on these issues by integrating a number of leading<br />

institutions in this field in association with the main industrial players entering this field. We believe<br />

that a Coordination Action is an appropriate vehicle by which the isolated competences that exist<br />

around Europe in this field can be integrated, structured and organised. In this way a powerful<br />

Organic Photovoltaic Platform will be created that can sustain the leading R&D-position of Europe<br />

within this domain and in the end strengthen European competitiveness in a sector which is of high<br />

strategic relevance in ensuring a sustainable energy supply. Key actions to reach the abovementioned<br />

objectives are: i) to promote interaction between scientists, ii) to take advantage of the<br />

previous experience of research groups, iii) to join forces to maximize the synergy between individual<br />

skills, thus obtaining the best achievable global results, and iv) to provide an appropriate communication<br />

channel between academic groups, SMEs and industrials. OrgaPvNet will contribute to this by: a)<br />

the exchange of information during the workshops organized by the network, (b) scientific exchange<br />

between partners by research visits of scientist and student grants, (c) Set-up of a web-based database<br />

containing news, resources, project results, reports, links, seminars, training, courses, job opportunities,<br />

grants, (d) Elaboration of a “Who is Who” Guide in organic photovoltaic field, (e) Elaboration<br />

of the European Organic Photovoltaic Roadmap: identification of scientific priority areas and formulation<br />

of research and development strategies.<br />


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