Programm Photovoltaik Ausgabe 2009 ... - Bundesamt für Energie BFE

Programm Photovoltaik Ausgabe 2009 ... - Bundesamt für Energie BFE Programm Photovoltaik Ausgabe 2009 ... - Bundesamt für Energie BFE


Eidgenössisches Departement für Umwelt, Verkehr, Energie und Kommunikation UVEK Bundesamt für Energie BFE APOLLO: EFFICIENT AREAL ORGANIC SOLAR CELLS VIA PRINTING Annual Report 2008 Author and Co-Authors Institution / Company Address Telephone, E-mail, Homepage Project- / Contract Number 102738 / 153575 Duration of the Project (from – to) 1.11.2008 – 1.4.2011 Date 12.12.2008 1 1 1 B. Ruhstaller, R. Häusermann, N. A. Reinke, 2 2 3 3 C. Winnewisser, T. Offermans, M. Turbiez, M. Düggeli, 4 5 R. Janssen, J. Bisquert 1 ZHAW, Winterthur 2 CSEM, Basel 3 Ciba Inc., Basel 4 TU Eindhoven, Netherlands 5 Universitat Jaume I, Spain 1 Wildbachstrasse 21, 8401 Winterthur 2 Mattenstrasse 22, 4058 Basel 1 +41 (0) 58 934 78 36, ABSTRACT This project aims to combine plastic electronics expertise in Europe for realizing organic solar cells for empowering printed electronics applications. Existing solar cell technologies cannot provide the potential attributes such as printability in ambient conditions, flexibility and low cost. These research topics carry high innovation potential and unique selling points for Europe. If successful they open up new markets for the European high-tech industry allowing for Europe to take a leading position in printed electronics and solar cells. So far, the development of organic solar cells was to a large extent a semi-empirical trial-and-error process, in which organic semiconducting materials were selected on the basis of their known or partially known separate properties. It has recently become clear that this provides an insufficiently sound basis for a further development. For further progress, an interdisciplinary approach with new materials, device concepts, models and characterization methods is critical. The focus of this project is on single cells and tandem cells with record efficiency that feature ease of production and proof-of-principle for the interdisciplinary research approach. The detailed understanding of device operation allows for steady improvements in efficiency. 135/290

Introduction Polymer solar cells convert sunlight directly into electricity via a complex sequence of events (cf. figure 1), starting with the absorption of light (1), followed by creation of an exciton (2), dissociation of the exciton (3), transport (4,5) and collection of charges. The expectation that lightweight, flexible, and large area polymer solar cells can be produced at low cost, in combination with high energy efficiencies spurs a worldwide fast growing interest in this area. Not all of these attractive properties have materialized and although evidence is building up that polymer solar cells may live up to this appealing scenario in the future, new inventions have to be made. Presently, state-of-the-art polymer solar cells reach power conversion efficiencies of ~5% [1]. Projected efficiencies of 8–10% seem within reach and expectations for the future are even higher. Figure 1: Standard device setup of a polymer bulk heterjunction solar cell. The active layer is the P3HT:PCBM layer. Most polymer solar cells rely on a photoinduced charge transfer reaction at the interface of an acceptor and a donor type organic semiconductor which are combined into a bulk heterojunction to generate charges in a process that mimics natural photosynthesis. Following this event, charges must escape from recombination, separate spatially, migrate to the appropriate electrode and finally be collected. Each of these processes poses intriguing scientific questions and exciting challenges to materials design to make the overall conversion both quantum and energy efficient. With the continuing increase in power conversion efficiency, it is clear that the field of polymer solar cells has progressed in the last five years from a scientific curiosity to a stage that it is now on the brink of a breakthrough technology for the future. Yet, the transfer from test type devices that are typically 5-100 mm 2 in size to real large areas (1 m 2 ) does require new concepts in cell design and large area processing. The power conversion efficiency of any polymer solar cell depends critically on the quantum efficiency of photon to electron conversion that determines the current and the potential energy efficiency that describes how much of the initial photon energy (eV) is preserved at the operating voltage of the cell. If one critically analyzes the best polymer solar cells made today, they often have either a high current or a high voltage, even when they have the same optical band gap. If one –in an optimistic mood– would combine the best parameters of these two materials already a 7.1% cell would result. The past two years we have witnessed a strong innovation in the development of polymers that have a small band gap and are able to absorb up to the near infrared. Within two years the maximum efficiency of these small band gap polymers has increased to 5.5%, which is among the highest efficiencies reported. Despite their high and promising efficiencies, the maximum EQE of these cells is still lower compared to the cells that absorb light in the visible region only. If for these low band gap cells the quantum efficiency could be improved, cells with 10% efficiency or more are within reach. APOLLO, B. Ruhstaller, ICP ZHAW 136/290 2/5

Eidgenössisches Departement <strong>für</strong><br />

Umwelt, Verkehr, <strong>Energie</strong> und Kommunikation UVEK<br />

<strong>Bundesamt</strong> <strong>für</strong> <strong>Energie</strong> <strong>BFE</strong><br />



Annual Report 2008<br />

Author and Co-Authors<br />

Institution / Company<br />

Address<br />

Telephone, E-mail, Homepage<br />

Project- / Contract Number 102738 / 153575<br />

Duration of the Project (from – to) 1.11.2008 – 1.4.2011<br />

Date 12.12.2008<br />

1 1 1<br />

B. Ruhstaller, R. Häusermann, N. A. Reinke,<br />

2 2 3 3<br />

C. Winnewisser, T. Offermans, M. Turbiez, M. Düggeli,<br />

4 5<br />

R. Janssen, J. Bisquert<br />

1<br />

ZHAW, Winterthur<br />

2<br />

CSEM, Basel<br />

3<br />

Ciba Inc., Basel<br />

4<br />

TU Eindhoven, Netherlands<br />

5<br />

Universitat Jaume I, Spain<br />

1<br />

Wildbachstrasse 21, 8401 Winterthur<br />

2<br />

Mattenstrasse 22, 4058 Basel<br />

1<br />

+41 (0) 58 934 78 36,<br />


This project aims to combine plastic electronics expertise in Europe for realizing organic solar cells for<br />

empowering printed electronics applications. Existing solar cell technologies cannot provide the potential<br />

attributes such as printability in ambient conditions, flexibility and low cost. These research<br />

topics carry high innovation potential and unique selling points for Europe. If successful they open up<br />

new markets for the European high-tech industry allowing for Europe to take a leading position in<br />

printed electronics and solar cells.<br />

So far, the development of organic solar cells was to a large extent a semi-empirical trial-and-error<br />

process, in which organic semiconducting materials were selected on the basis of their known or partially<br />

known separate properties. It has recently become clear that this provides an insufficiently<br />

sound basis for a further development. For further progress, an interdisciplinary approach with new<br />

materials, device concepts, models and characterization methods is critical.<br />

The focus of this project is on single cells and tandem cells with record efficiency that feature ease of<br />

production and proof-of-principle for the interdisciplinary research approach. The detailed understanding<br />

of device operation allows for steady improvements in efficiency.<br />


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