Programm Photovoltaik Ausgabe 2009 ... - Bundesamt für Energie BFE

Programm Photovoltaik Ausgabe 2009 ... - Bundesamt für Energie BFE Programm Photovoltaik Ausgabe 2009 ... - Bundesamt für Energie BFE


ROBUST DSC Eidgenössisches Departement für Umwelt, Verkehr, Energie und Kommunikation UVEK Bundesamt für Energie BFE EFFICIENT AND ROBUST DYE SENSITZED SOLAR CELLS AND MODULES Annual Report 2008 Author and Co-Authors M. Graetzel, F. Sauvage and S. M. Zakeeruddin Institution / Company EPFL, SB, ISIC, LPI Address Station 6, Ecublens 1015- Lausanne Telephone, E-mail, Homepage +41 (0) 21 693 31 12,, Project- / Contract Number ROBUST DSC, FP7-212792 Duration of the Project (from – to) 01.03.2008 - 28.02.2011 Date March 2009 ABSTRACT ROBUST DSC aims to develop materials and manufacturing procedures for Dye Sensitized Solar Cells (DSC) with long lifetime and increased module efficiencies (7% target). The project intends to accelerate the exploitation of the DSC technology in the energy supply market. The approach focuses on the development of large area, robust, 7% efficient DSC modules using scalable, reproducible and commercially viable fabrication procedures. In parallel with this objective, more fundamental research, employing new materials and device configurations, will target increasing the efficiency of labscale devices to 14 %. Progress on labscale devices will be fed directly into module development. The approach is based on the use of innovative low-cost materials, scalable manufacturing techniques, predictive device models and in-and out-door lifetime testing. A sound and scientific understanding of the basic procedures to manufacture the cells and a thorough knowledge of the fundamental processes in the cell are important tools for our success. The partnership consists of: two SMEs (3G solar and G24i) that are committed to large-scale production of DSC, one industry (Corning) that has proven experience on inorganic encapsulation of organic displays (TV’s, computer screens), three research institutes (ECN, IVF, ISE) with expertise in the field of long-term testing, up-scaling and module fabrication and four academic partners, world leaders in both new materials and concepts, and in fundamental research on cell function and modeling (EPFL, IMPERIAL, ICIQ, UAM). We anticipate that this project will result in the demonstration of a new scalable, low cost, photovoltaic technology. It will therefore form the basis of a potentially substantial business opportunity aiming at developing a new solar cell product with cost and payback characteristics strongly advantaged over existing technologies. This will benefit the entire European community in creating economically accessible solar technology and significant industrial activity by demonstrating viable production procedures for DSC. 121/290

Work progress and achievements during the first year Introduction The black dye, coded N749, is the actual best performing complex for dye-sensitized solar cell since the report of 11.1 % photon-to-electron conversion efficiency announced by Sharp in 2006 [1]. This champion cell was scored notably by focusing the effort in the light confinement of the photo-anode and by introducing the concept of electrode haze as an indicator to increase Jsc. From a photophysical point of view, absorption of the N749 holds the ability to cover the whole visible spectrum range up to near IR and consequently deliver high current density that could attain more than 21 mA/cm². To date, no other dyes can challenge the N749 in terms of panchromaticity; however one key of improvement is niche in the increase of the molar extinction coefficient of the complex so that IPCE above 80 % can be achieved while decreasing the photo-anode thicknesses to reduce electron motion length. Within this aim, a step forward recently came out from the design of a new branch of heteroleptic Ru-based complexes lying upon enhanced �-conjugated thiophene ligands. This novel series of sensitizers, coded CYC-B1 [2], CYC-B3, SJW-E1 [3], C101 [4] or C104 [5], exhibits a higher molar extinction coefficient (�MLCT � 17000 L.mol -1 .cm -1 ) as well as a low-energy metal-to-ligand charge transfer (MLCT) bands displaying improved red absorbance as compared to Z907 derivatives. The preliminary reports in the literature showing their photovoltaic characteristics highlight already competitive performances in the range or beyond the 10 % threshold conversion efficiency which therefore pave the way towards new opportunities to record new achievements in DSSC. We get inspired during this first year project by Han’s work showing the relevance of the photo-anode for high efficiency and we combined such an approach with the use of these new thiophene-based sensitizer and notably we focused on the most promising C101 dye in order to progress our groundwork state of the art and meet this first stringent requirement of deliverable. Results 1) New materials for photo-anode EPFL has highlighted that the utilization of the dyesol paste coded DSL18NR-T as part of the transparent layer of the photo-anode can enhance by around + 0.2 % the overall photon-to-electron conversion efficiency in alternate to the standard EPFL 20 nm-based paste. Because the particles size, morphology, active surface area can drastically modify the optical behavior and/or the transport properties of the photo-anode, EPFL has established during this first year project a closed partnership with Dyesol, Australia in order to pursue this improvement and notably by using different type of particles and mixtures of big and small particles. Table 1 gathered the different type of materials considered to date. The photovoltaic performance of these different products, used either as transparent layer or as scattering layer, has been evaluated in combination with the C101 dye and volatile electrolyte Z960 (1M DMII (1,3 dimethyl-imidazolium iodide), 0.03M I2, 0.1M GuNCS (guanidinium thiocyanate), 0.5M tert-butylpyridine, 0.05M LiI in 85:15 by volume of acetonitrile / valeronitrile). Table 1: Characteristics of the Dyesol pastes Morphology / Particle size DSL 18NR-T DSL 30NRD-T DSL 18NRtrans Rods of 16 x 52 nm Rods of 23 x 69 nm mixture of DSL 18NR-T with rocky particles of 120 – 320 nm DSL 18NR-AO Mixture of DSL 18NR-T with spherical particles of 200nm Pore diameter 32 nm 31 nm 24 nm 25 nm Film porosity 67 % 67 % 64 % 58 % S(bet) (N2) 75 m²/g 68 m²/g 68 m²/g 57 m²/g Figure 1 gathers the results of this survey. It shows the evolution of the photon-to-electron conversion efficiency as a function of incident light intensity (A.M. 1.5G) and photo-anode structure (7.5-8 µm of the first + 5-6 µm of the second layer). The results clearly emphasize on the significant role of the photo-anode structure on the device behaviour since improvement by 0.6 % of conversion efficiency has been obtained by changing from 7.5 µm thick 20 nm-based TiO2 layer + 5.5 µm 400 nm scattering particles to a similar configuration made by DSL30NRD-T + DSL18NR-AO. The major improvement, ca. + 0.4 %, originates from the replacement of the 400 nm-based scattering layer by a mixture of Robust DSC, M. Graetzel, EPFL 122/290 2/6

Work progress and achievements during the first year<br />

Introduction<br />

The black dye, coded N749, is the actual best performing complex for dye-sensitized solar cell since<br />

the report of 11.1 % photon-to-electron conversion efficiency announced by Sharp in 2006 [1]. This<br />

champion cell was scored notably by focusing the effort in the light confinement of the photo-anode<br />

and by introducing the concept of electrode haze as an indicator to increase Jsc. From a photophysical<br />

point of view, absorption of the N749 holds the ability to cover the whole visible spectrum<br />

range up to near IR and consequently deliver high current density that could attain more than<br />

21 mA/cm². To date, no other dyes can challenge the N749 in terms of panchromaticity; however one<br />

key of improvement is niche in the increase of the molar extinction coefficient of the complex so that<br />

IPCE above 80 % can be achieved while decreasing the photo-anode thicknesses to reduce electron<br />

motion length. Within this aim, a step forward recently came out from the design of a new branch of<br />

heteroleptic Ru-based complexes lying upon enhanced �-conjugated thiophene ligands. This novel<br />

series of sensitizers, coded CYC-B1 [2], CYC-B3, SJW-E1 [3], C101 [4] or C104 [5], exhibits a higher<br />

molar extinction coefficient (�MLCT � 17000 L.mol -1 .cm -1 ) as well as a low-energy metal-to-ligand charge<br />

transfer (MLCT) bands displaying improved red absorbance as compared to Z907 derivatives. The<br />

preliminary reports in the literature showing their photovoltaic characteristics highlight already competitive<br />

performances in the range or beyond the 10 % threshold conversion efficiency which therefore<br />

pave the way towards new opportunities to record new achievements in DSSC. We get inspired during<br />

this first year project by Han’s work showing the relevance of the photo-anode for high efficiency and<br />

we combined such an approach with the use of these new thiophene-based sensitizer and notably we<br />

focused on the most promising C101 dye in order to progress our groundwork state of the art and<br />

meet this first stringent requirement of deliverable.<br />

Results<br />

1) New materials for photo-anode<br />

EPFL has highlighted that the utilization of the dyesol paste coded DSL18NR-T as part of the transparent<br />

layer of the photo-anode can enhance by around + 0.2 % the overall photon-to-electron conversion<br />

efficiency in alternate to the standard EPFL 20 nm-based paste. Because the particles size,<br />

morphology, active surface area can drastically modify the optical behavior and/or the transport properties<br />

of the photo-anode, EPFL has established during this first year project a closed partnership with<br />

Dyesol, Australia in order to pursue this improvement and notably by using different type of particles<br />

and mixtures of big and small particles. Table 1 gathered the different type of materials considered to<br />

date. The photovoltaic performance of these different products, used either as transparent layer or as<br />

scattering layer, has been evaluated in combination with the C101 dye and volatile electrolyte Z960<br />

(1M DMII (1,3 dimethyl-imidazolium iodide), 0.03M I2, 0.1M GuNCS (guanidinium thiocyanate), 0.5M<br />

tert-butylpyridine, 0.05M LiI in 85:15 by volume of acetonitrile / valeronitrile).<br />

Table 1: Characteristics of the Dyesol pastes<br />

Morphology /<br />

Particle size<br />

DSL 18NR-T DSL 30NRD-T DSL 18NRtrans<br />

Rods of 16 x 52<br />

nm<br />

Rods of 23 x 69 nm mixture of DSL<br />

18NR-T with<br />

rocky particles<br />

of 120 – 320 nm<br />

DSL 18NR-AO<br />

Mixture of DSL<br />

18NR-T with<br />

spherical particles<br />

of 200nm<br />

Pore diameter 32 nm 31 nm 24 nm 25 nm<br />

Film porosity 67 % 67 % 64 % 58 %<br />

S(bet) (N2) 75 m²/g 68 m²/g 68 m²/g 57 m²/g<br />

Figure 1 gathers the results of this survey. It shows the evolution of the photon-to-electron conversion<br />

efficiency as a function of incident light intensity (A.M. 1.5G) and photo-anode structure (7.5-8 µm of<br />

the first + 5-6 µm of the second layer). The results clearly emphasize on the significant role of the<br />

photo-anode structure on the device behaviour since improvement by 0.6 % of conversion efficiency<br />

has been obtained by changing from 7.5 µm thick 20 nm-based TiO2 layer + 5.5 µm 400 nm scattering<br />

particles to a similar configuration made by DSL30NRD-T + DSL18NR-AO. The major improvement,<br />

ca. + 0.4 %, originates from the replacement of the 400 nm-based scattering layer by a mixture of<br />

Robust DSC, M. Graetzel, EPFL<br />

122/290<br />


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