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INTERNATIONAL ENERGY <strong>AG</strong>ENCY<br />




<strong>Status</strong> & Prospects<br />

2003 Edition

INTERNATIONAL ENERGY <strong>AG</strong>ENCY<br />




<strong>Status</strong> & Prospects

INTERNATIONAL ENERGY <strong>AG</strong>ENCY<br />

9, rue de la Fédération,<br />

75739 Paris Cedex 15, France<br />

The International Energy Agency (IEA) is an<br />

autonomous body which was established in<br />

November 1974 within the framework of the<br />

Organisation for Economic Co-operation and<br />

Development (OECD) to implement an international<br />

energy programme.<br />

It carries out a comprehensive programme of<br />

energy co-operation among twenty-six* of the<br />

OECD’s thirty Member countries. The basic aims<br />

of the IEA are:<br />

• to maintain and improve systems for coping<br />

with oil supply disruptions;<br />

• to promote rational energy policies in a global<br />

context through co-operative relations with nonmember<br />

countries, industry and international<br />

organisations;<br />

• to operate a permanent information system on<br />

the international oil market;<br />

• to improve the world’s energy supply and<br />

demand structure by developing alternative<br />

energy sources and increasing the efficiency of<br />

energy use;<br />

• to assist in the integration of environmental and<br />

energy policies.<br />

* IEA Member countries: Australia, Austria,<br />

Belgium, Canada, the Czech Republic, Denmark,<br />

Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland,<br />

Italy, Japan, the Republic of Korea, Luxembourg,<br />

the Netherlands, New Zealand, Norway, Portugal,<br />

Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United<br />

Kingdom, the United States. The European<br />

Commission also takes part in the work of the IEA.<br />

© OECD/IEA, 2003<br />




Pursuant to Article 1 of the Convention signed in<br />

Paris on 14th December 1960, and which came<br />

into force on 30th September 1961, the Organisation<br />

for Economic Co-operation and Development<br />

(OECD) shall promote policies designed:<br />

• to achieve the highest sustainable economic<br />

growth and employment and a rising standard<br />

of living in Member countries, while maintaining<br />

financial stability, and thus to contribute to the<br />

development of the world economy;<br />

• to contribute to sound economic expansion in<br />

Member as well as non-member countries in the<br />

process of economic development; and<br />

• to contribute to the expansion of world trade<br />

on a multilateral, non-discriminatory basis in<br />

accordance with international obligations.<br />

The original Member countries of the OECD are<br />

Austria, Belgium, Canada, Denmark, France,<br />

Germany, Greece, Iceland, Ireland, Italy,<br />

Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal,<br />

Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, the United<br />

Kingdom and the United States. The following<br />

countries became Members subsequently<br />

through accession at the dates indicated<br />

hereafter: Japan (28th April 1964), Finland<br />

(28th January 1969), Australia (7th June 1971),<br />

New Zealand (29th May 1973), Mexico (18th<br />

May 1994), the Czech Republic (21st December<br />

1995), Hungary (7th May 1996), Poland (22nd<br />

November 1996), the Republic of Korea (12th<br />

December 1996) and Slovakia (28th September<br />

2000). The Commission of the European<br />

Communities takes part in the work of the OECD<br />

(Article 13 of the OECD Convention).<br />

Applications for permission to reproduce or translate all or part of this publication should be made to:<br />

Head of Publications Service, OECD/IEA<br />

2, rue André-Pascal, 75775 Paris Cedex 16, France<br />

or<br />

9, rue de la Fédération, 75739 Paris Cedex 15, France.


"New" renewables, e.g. solar, bioenergy, geothermal and wind, stand at a<br />

crucial stage in their evolution. Having benefited from several decades of<br />

considerable governmental incentive and corporate investment, they are<br />

now at a watershed – no longer the pure theoretical possibility in the<br />

laboratory, not yet a major market presence. As such, renewables pose<br />

unique challenges to energy policy makers to facilitate their pathway into the<br />

market while balancing their interest in a purely competitive market.<br />

Renewables for Power Generation 2003: <strong>Status</strong> and Prospects surveys the current<br />

state of solar, bioenergy, geothermal, wind and small hydropower technologies<br />

used to produce electricity, and assesses their future prospects. Its findings are<br />

a product of the Renewable Energy Market Acceleration Study (REMAC), funded<br />

by the European Commission and the Government of Switzerland in<br />

cooperation with the International Energy Agency. It provides a comprehensive<br />

overview of international technology developments, cost developments and<br />

important issues for the future of these six renewable technologies.<br />

This study presents policy makers, managers and the interested public with<br />

relevant information on those renewable energy technologies that have entered<br />

the electricity market, but are not yet in the mainstream of the energy sector.<br />

Policy makers will play a vitally important role in capturing the future potential<br />

of these technologies, as government policies will determine their further<br />

technological development, cost reduction and competitiveness. This<br />

publication suggests that by focussing R&D investments on the intersection of<br />

technology development and market experience, and by focussing market<br />

supports on those situations where renewables are closest to competitive,<br />

policy makers can accelerate the process of bringing renewables into the<br />

mainstream, while reducing the costs of doing so.<br />

As governments work to improve energy security and sustainability, renewable<br />

energy should emerge as an important part of most countries’ portfolios. If<br />

supported by appropriate policy frameworks, renewable energy will contribute<br />

to a secure, sustainable and economically competitive energy sector.<br />

Claude Mandil<br />

Executive Director, International Energy Agency<br />




This publication draws on the analysis and conclusions of the EU project<br />

"Renewable Energy Market Accelerator" (REMAC 2000). REMAC was funded<br />

by the European Commission Directorate General for Research and the<br />

Government of Switzerland and conducted in close co-operation with the<br />

IEA. The REMAC research team consisted of Claudio Casale (CESI – Italy),<br />

Paolo Frankl, Andrea Masini, and Emanuela Menichetti (Ecobilancio – Italy),<br />

Stefan <strong>Nowak</strong>, Marcel Gutschner and Giordano Favaro (<strong>NET</strong> – Switzerland),<br />

Annemarije van Dijk, Chris Westra and Theo de Lange (ECN – The<br />

Netherlands), as well as Philippe Menanteau (CNRS-IEPE - France). REMAC<br />

was supervised by Manuel Sanchez-Jimenez of the European Commission<br />

(EU DG Research). Roberto Vigotti (Enel Green Power – Italy) served as<br />

Chairman of the Advisory Board for the REMAC project and represented<br />

EURELECTRIC. Rick Sellers and Mark Hammonds represented the IEA.<br />

Graham Baxter represented the views of BP Solar. The contribution of the<br />

entire Advisory Board is gratefully acknowledged.<br />

The technical writing of this publication was undertaken by Stefan <strong>Nowak</strong>,<br />

Marcel Gutschner and Giordano Favaro, in close co-operation with Rick<br />

Sellers. Within REMAC, the Swiss team was responsible for the technologyrelated<br />

work. During preparation of the manuscript, many organisations and<br />

individuals have contributed with their data and comments. The<br />

contributions of Ruggero Bertani (ENEL, IGA), Jos Beurskens (ECN), Gregor<br />

Czisch (ISET / IPP), Emmanuel Koukios (NTUA) and Arturo Lorenzoni (IEFE)<br />

are particularly acknowledged.<br />

IEA Implementing Agreements, national agencies and private companies, as<br />

well as industry associations greatly helped with validating and crosschecking<br />

the data presented in this publication. The reference sections list<br />

these organisations. Valuable input from research, industry and policy<br />

stakeholders was received during the two REMAC workshops held at the IEA<br />

in Paris (April 2002) and at EURELECTRIC in Brussels (September 2002). This<br />

book has also utilised the most recent information about the concept of<br />

experience curves and the EXCETP project (Experience Curves for Energy<br />

<strong>Technology</strong> Policy) provided during an IEA workshop (January 2003).<br />

Final preparation and editing of the manuscript was performed by the IEA.<br />

Special thanks to Sally Wilkinson, Gwyn Darling and especially Jane Barbiere<br />

and Guyon Knight.<br />




FOREWORD 3<br />



1. INTRODUCTION 27<br />


A Brief History of Small Hydropower 31<br />

<strong>Technology</strong> <strong>Status</strong> 31<br />

Prospects for Small Hydropower 44<br />

Issues for Further Progress 49<br />


A Brief History of Photovoltaics 53<br />

<strong>Technology</strong> <strong>Status</strong> 53<br />

Prospects for Solar Photovoltaics 63<br />

Issues for Further Progress 72<br />


A Brief History of Concentrating Solar Power 77<br />

<strong>Technology</strong> <strong>Status</strong> 77<br />

Prospects for Concentrating Solar Power 86<br />

Issues for Further Progress 95<br />

Global Renewable Energy Resource Maps 100<br />

5. BIOPOWER 103<br />

A Brief History of Biopower 103<br />

<strong>Technology</strong> <strong>Status</strong> 103<br />

Prospects for Biopower 113<br />

Issues for Further Progress 122<br />


A Brief History of Geothermal Power 123<br />

<strong>Technology</strong> <strong>Status</strong> 123<br />

Prospects for Geothermal Power 136<br />

Issues for Further Progress 144<br />

7. WIND POWER 147<br />

A Brief History of Wind Power 147<br />

<strong>Technology</strong> <strong>Status</strong> 147<br />



8<br />

Prospects for Wind Power 158<br />

Issues for Further Progress 167<br />



WEBSITES 185<br />


1. Focal Points for Policy Intervention in Renewable<br />

Energy <strong>Technologie</strong>s<br />

2. Ranges of Investment and Generation Costs<br />

17<br />

in 2002 and 2010 19<br />

3. Current and Forecast Installed Capacity 21<br />

4. Small-Scale Water Turbine Manufacturers with Export Capability 41<br />

5. Key Factors for SHP Potential 48<br />

6. SHP Global Growth Rates and Installed Capacity by 2020 48<br />

7. Cost Reduction Potential for Small Hydropower 48<br />

8. Costs for Small Hydropower in Developed Countries 49<br />

9. Examples of PV Applications According to Size<br />

10. Typical Costs (in USD) of Small (1-5kW) Building-integrated<br />

54<br />

Photovoltaic Systems in Urban Areas of Switzerland, 2002 56<br />

11. Costs of Cladding Material 56<br />

12. World PV Production in MW, 1994-2002 59<br />

13. Main PV Producers, 1999-2002 59<br />

14. Cost Reduction Opportunities for Solar Photovoltaics 71<br />

15. Cost for Solar Photovoltaics 72<br />

16. Key Factors for Solar Photovoltaics 72<br />

17. Diffusion Scenarios for Photovoltaic Power Generation in Japan<br />

18. Peak Efficiency and Annual Capacity Factors<br />

74<br />

for the Three CSP <strong>Technologie</strong>s, 2000 79<br />

19. Investment and Generation Costs for CSP <strong>Technologie</strong>s 81<br />

20. CSP Thermal-Storage Characteristics and Costs, 1997 82<br />

21. Participants in the CSP Industry in the US and Europe 83<br />

22. Current CSP Projects<br />

23. Current, Planned and Forecast Cumulative Installed Capacity<br />

92<br />

for all CSP <strong>Technologie</strong>s<br />

24. Planned and Predicted Costs for each CSP <strong>Technology</strong>:<br />

93<br />

2005, 2010 and 2020 96<br />

25. Costs for Concentrating Solar Power 96<br />


26. Cost Reduction Opportunities for Concentrating Solar Power 97<br />

27. Key Factors for Concentrating Solar Power 97<br />

28. Primary Energy Sources in Finland, 2001<br />

29. Summary of Near-term Potential Improvements<br />

110<br />

for 2-MW Power Plants 114<br />

30. Generation Costs for 2-MW Power Plants<br />

31. Summary of Near-term Potential Performance<br />

115<br />

for Co-generation Power Plants 116<br />

32. Co-generation Costs of Bioelectricity 116<br />

33. Cost Reduction Opportunities for Biopower 121<br />

34. Cost Figures for Biopower 121<br />

35. Key Factors for Biopower 121<br />

36. Technical Data for a Small-scale Geothermal Power Plant 128<br />

37. Capital Costs of a Small-scale Geothermal Power Plant<br />

38. Operation and Maintenance Costs of a Small-scale<br />

128<br />

Geothermal Power Plant 128<br />

39. Geothermal Power Production and Installed Capacity, 2000<br />

40. Probability and Potential Severity of Environmental Impact<br />

133<br />

of Geothermal Direct-Use Projects 134<br />

41. Cost Reduction Opportunities for Geothermal Power 143<br />

42. Cost Figures for Geothermal Power 143<br />

43. Key Factors for Geothermal Power<br />

44. Commercial and Technological Development<br />

144<br />

of Wind Turbine <strong>Technology</strong> in the Last Three Decades 149<br />

45. Average Investment Costs of an On-land Wind Turbine 150<br />

46. Investment Costs of Middelgrunden Offshore Wind Farm 151<br />

47. Top Ten Suppliers, 2001 154<br />

48. Top Three Suppliers for Different Wind Energy Segments, 2001 154<br />

49. Installed Capacity (in MW) of Wind Energy, 2002<br />

50. Average Capacity of Wind Generators<br />

156<br />

in Three Leading Countries 159<br />

51. Cost Reduction Opportunities for Wind Power 164<br />

52. Cost Figures for Wind Power 165<br />

53. Key Factors for Wind Power 165<br />


1. Virtuous Cycle in a Supportive Policy Environment 14<br />

2. Illustrations of <strong>Technology</strong> Development 16<br />

3. Cost Competitiveness of Selected Renewable Power <strong>Technologie</strong>s 20<br />



10<br />

4. Turbine Efficiency Over Time 33<br />

5. Francis Turbine 34<br />

6. Kaplan Turbine 34<br />

7. Pelton Turbine 34<br />

8. Small Hydropower Turbine Selection Chart 35<br />

9. Relative Investment Costs for Three Types of Hydropower Plant<br />

10. Approximate Power Unit and Electricity Generation Costs in<br />

37<br />

Western Europe for Three Typical Hydropower Plants<br />

11. Specific Installation Costs Related to Capacity Size for<br />

Supplemental Plants Combined with Drinking Water Supply<br />

37<br />

Systems in Switzerland<br />

12. Average SHP Related to Capacity Installed Costs for Turbines<br />

38<br />

from the Most Important European Manufacturers<br />

13. Lowest and Highest Investment Costs for New SHP Plants in<br />

39<br />

Selected European Countries, 1999 39<br />

14. Approximated Generation Costs for SHP<br />

15. SHP Installed Capacity in EU and Worldwide between<br />

40<br />

1980 and 2000 42<br />

16. SHP Installed Capacity Worldwide in 2000<br />

17. Worldwide Technical Hydropower Potential versus Economically<br />

43<br />

Feasible Potential and Present Situation 1998 46<br />

18. Technical and Real European SHP Capacity Potential 47<br />

19. Approximated Generation Costs for Solar Photovoltaics 58<br />

20. World Production by Cell <strong>Technology</strong> in 2002 61<br />

21. Relative Share PV Market in 2000<br />

22. Annual World PV Module Production and Building-integrated<br />

62<br />

PV System Costs, 1983-2003 64<br />

23. Evolution of Cell Efficiency 64<br />

24. A Conceptual Road Map for Photovoltaic Cell <strong>Technology</strong><br />

25. Average Generation Costs for Different PV System Size Classes<br />

65<br />

in Germany, 1999-2001 67<br />

26. Experience Curve for PV Modules 1968-2002 70<br />

27. Cost Development and Indicators for Photovoltaic Systems 71<br />

28. Trough System 78<br />

29. Power Tower System 78<br />

30. Dish/Engine System<br />

31. Relative Costs for Parabolic Trough and Power Tower<br />

78<br />

System Components 81<br />

32. Approximated Generation Costs for Concentrating Solar Power 82<br />

33. Current and Forecast CSP Capital and Electricity Costs 87<br />


34. Heliostat Price as a Function of Annual Production Volume<br />

35. Performance Improvement and Cost Reduction with Increasing<br />

89<br />

Production Rates 91<br />

36. Past and Predicted CSP Installed Capacity 94<br />

37. Past and Predicted Experience Curves for CSP <strong>Technologie</strong>s 95<br />

38. Typical Approximate Cost Structure of Forest Chips in Finland, 2002 107<br />

39. Approximated Generation Costs for Biopower<br />

40. Net Generating Capacity in MW for Three OECD Areas and<br />

108<br />

Four Products, 2000<br />

41. Gross Electricity Generation in GWh for Three Products<br />

110<br />

in OECD Countries, 2000<br />

42. Development of Net Generating Capacity in MW in<br />

111<br />

the European Union<br />

43. Investment Costs for Wood-Fired Rankine Power Plants<br />

111<br />

in Finland, 1994 and 1997 113<br />

44. Cost Reductions Related to Forest Chips in Finland 117<br />

45. World Pattern of Geothermal Power and Tectonics 124<br />

46. Capital Costs for Small Binary Geothermal Plants 127<br />

47. Approximate Annual Generation Costs for Geothermal Power<br />

48. Market Share Based on Geothermal Capacities Installed,<br />

130<br />

1995-2000<br />

49. Locations of Cumulative Geothermal Power<br />

131<br />

Capacity Installed, 2000 132<br />

50. Worldwide Development of Geothermal Electric Power 133<br />

51. Capital Costs for US Geothermal Plants, 1999 136<br />

52. Generation Costs in Relation to Plant Size 138<br />

53. Average Turbine Size at Market Introduction 148<br />

54. Average Costs of Wind Turbines in Germany, 2001 151<br />

55. Approximated Generation Costs for Wind Power 153<br />

56. Worldwide Development of Wind Power 1985-2000 155<br />

57. Distribution of Installed Capacity of Wind Energy, 2002 155<br />

58. Market Share of Seven Generations of Wind Turbine <strong>Technology</strong> 157<br />

59. Specific Investment Cost over Time for Different Turbine<br />

Size Classes 160<br />

60. Productivity of Wind Turbines<br />

61. Specific Investment Cost of Danish Wind Turbines as a<br />

160<br />

Function of Capacity 161<br />

62. Development of Energy Output 162<br />

63. Reduction of Purchase Price for Vestas V47 163<br />

64. Estimated Costs of Wind-Generated Electricity over Time 167<br />




Renewables are the second largest contributor to global electricity<br />

production. They accounted for 19% of power generation in 2000, after coal<br />

(39%), but ahead of nuclear (17%), natural gas (17%) and oil (8%). Most of the<br />

electricity generated from renewables comes from hydro plants (92%)<br />

followed by combustible renewables and waste (5%) and “new” renewables<br />

(3%) including geothermal, solar, wind, tide and others.<br />

Despite the small contribution to global electricity production, “new”<br />

renewables made remarkable progress during the past decades growing by<br />

an average of 9.3% per annum during the period 1971-2000. These growth<br />

rates reflect a 52% p.a. growth in wind energy, 32.5% p.a. growth in<br />

solar energy and 8.8% p.a. growth in geothermal energy during this<br />

period – albeit from a very low base, according to the IEA’s “Renewables<br />

Information 2002.”<br />

Yet, “new” renewables have not fully entered into the mainstream of the<br />

power sector. To accomplish more widespread use, renewables will continue<br />

to depend on a supportive policy environment, vigorous investment in R&D,<br />

and improved management procedures by utilities for on-grid use.<br />

Renewables for Power Generation 2003: <strong>Status</strong> and Prospects brings together<br />

for the first time the available technical and cost data for the six most<br />

dynamic renewable energy technologies for power generation: wind<br />

power, geothermal power, biopower, concentrating solar power, solar<br />

photovoltaics, and small hydropower. This international comparison allows<br />

a realistic assessment of the cost reduction and technological development<br />

potential of these technologies and their likely market expansion in the<br />

coming years. The publication hopes to assist policy makers by supplying an<br />

accurate and comprehensive overview of the most promising renewable<br />

energy technologies and their prospects for mainstream use.<br />

The Dynamics of <strong>Technology</strong> Progress and<br />

Market Growth<br />

To build a policy environment that is effective in furthering renewables’<br />

progress toward the mainstream, policy makers should recognise that<br />

technology development and market experience are strongly inter-linked<br />

and can function as a “virtuous cycle” (see Figure 1). The virtuous cycle takes<br />

into account the positive and reinforcing relationships between technology<br />



14<br />

R&D, improvements in manufacturing, and learning from market experience<br />

that can be enhanced by the policy framework. By stimulating both the<br />

technology development cycle and the market learning cycle, particularly in<br />

those circumstances where renewables costs are attractive, policy support<br />

will be most effective.<br />

Figure 1<br />

Virtuous Cycle in a Supportive Policy Environment<br />

Improvements result in<br />

cost reductions,<br />

efficiency increase and<br />

enhanced applicability.<br />

<strong>Technology</strong><br />

cycle<br />

<strong>Technology</strong> progresses<br />

through innovation,<br />

feedback and<br />

R&D investment.<br />



Stimulation of<br />

the production<br />

results in higher<br />

quantity and quality.<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd. Switzerland based on IEA/OECD (2000).<br />



Greater sales mean<br />

higher demand -<br />

greater use gives<br />

more feedback<br />

Market<br />

cycle<br />

Cheaper, better and<br />

new products enlarge<br />

markets and open<br />

new segments.<br />

MARKET<br />


This virtuous cycle functions in a different manner for each of the renewable<br />

technologies, based on the specific maturity of the technology and how far it<br />

has progressed in markets. These differences between the six renewable<br />

technologies are crucial. Wind energy is not geothermal energy, which in<br />

turn is not solar photovoltaic energy, and so on. Each technology has its<br />

distinct market role with unique costs and benefits. Thus, while policy<br />

makers should recognise the broad similarities of renewables, they must also<br />

realise that to affect market growth and competitiveness, they need to<br />

address specific technologies in the context of local conditions. By<br />

understanding both the virtuous cycle that affects all renewable energy<br />

resources, and the unique properties of the individual technologies in<br />

comparison to other sustainable energy options, more efficient and effective<br />

policy frameworks can be developed.<br />


<strong>Technology</strong> and Technological Developments<br />

Some renewable electricity technologies have already gained a significant<br />

market share and their industry is relatively mature, although they may be far<br />

from having fully developed their world-wide potential. For example, small<br />

hydropower (SHP) is well-established, as are some segments of the biomass<br />

industry. According to the most common definitions, global installed<br />

capacity in 2000 was 32 GW and 37 GW, respectively. Geothermal,<br />

accounting for 8 GW installed capacity in 2000, has been successfully<br />

producing electricity in favoured locations for almost a century and is<br />

regaining more attention including in developing countries. Wind energy has<br />

been going through vigorous technological and market development and has<br />

reached installed capacity of 30 GW in 2002, mostly in Germany (12 GW), US<br />

(4.7 GW), Spain (4.1 GW), Denmark (2.9 GW) and India (1.7 GW). The solar<br />

photovoltaic market, with 1.1 GW installed capacity in 2000, is still<br />

comparatively small, but tripled its volume in the last four years.<br />

Concentrating solar power (CSP) technology, despite the technological<br />

success of the first commercial experience in the late 1980s, was not able to<br />

sustain its market, due to the withdrawal of policy supports. Recent<br />

technological development, along with re-kindled government interest,<br />

offers the promise of a new start.<br />

<strong>Technology</strong> development brings major innovative progress in materials,<br />

processes, designs and products. In Figure 2, the top illustration shows the<br />

increase of rotor diameter size and capacity of wind turbines, graphically<br />

demonstrating that technology’s progress. The lower illustration shows<br />

different solar cell technologies with various technology development<br />

improvements including efficiency and costs. Technological developments are<br />

key to the prospects for each renewable technology discussed in this study.<br />

● Cost Reduction Opportunities<br />

Reducing costs through technology development focuses on the unique<br />

situations of each renewable energy technology and application. By<br />

specifically targeting areas of cost reduction opportunities (see Table 1) and<br />

by keeping the larger “virtuous cycle” in mind, policy makers can keep the<br />

costs of facilitating market and technology learning to a minimum.<br />

The technology “learning curves” presented in this book translate the<br />

complex relationships among technology, industry and market into a curve<br />

of declining costs. However, these curves only interpret the input and output<br />

of the learning system; they do not explain the process going on within it.<br />



Price per Wp USD 1999<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

16<br />

But, if correctly applied and interpreted, the experience curve helps to identify<br />

crucial elements behind and beyond the simple relationships it describes.<br />

Furthermore, based on assumptions about market growth, cost reduction<br />

can be estimated in specific time-frames. In general, three scales of potential<br />

global cost reduction can be identified for renewable electricity technologies.<br />

Figure 2<br />

Illustrations of <strong>Technology</strong> Development<br />

Wind power<br />

1985:<br />

20 kW<br />

Photovoltaics<br />

100 - 200<br />

new<br />

concepts<br />

a-Si<br />

nanocrystalline<br />

Dye-cell<br />

1990:<br />

170 kW<br />

200 - 500<br />

thin film<br />

CTS<br />

CIS<br />

1995:<br />

473 kW<br />

multi-Si<br />

EFG<br />

mc<br />

5<br />

10<br />

15<br />

50 100 150<br />

1999:<br />

919 kW<br />

mono-Si<br />

n + pp +<br />

2002:<br />

1395 kW<br />

500 - 700 700 - 1500<br />

Sources: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd. Switzerland, based on raw data from Durstewitz (1999),<br />

Systèmes Solaires/EurObserv’ER (2003); and Hoffmann / RWE Schott Solar GmbH.<br />

20<br />

Price per<br />

area<br />

<strong>Technology</strong><br />

Efficiency<br />

per area [W/m 2]<br />


Table 1<br />

Focal Points for Policy Intervention in Renewable Energy <strong>Technologie</strong>s<br />

Opportunities for<br />

improvement of<br />

technical and<br />

economic<br />

performance<br />

Cost reduction<br />

through R&D<br />

Performance<br />

increase<br />

Economy<br />

of scale I<br />

(components<br />

size)<br />

Economy of<br />

scale II<br />

(manufacturing<br />

volume)<br />

Economy of<br />

scale III<br />

(plant size)<br />

Economy from<br />

market system<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd. Switzerland<br />


Basic Applied Market Sustained<br />

research research introduction market<br />

Development of<br />

new components<br />

and system<br />

integration<br />

allowing for<br />

the same service<br />

less expensively<br />

Development<br />

of improved<br />

components and<br />

system integration<br />

allowing for more<br />

efficient service<br />

Development of<br />

new designs,<br />

processes and<br />

materials for<br />

increased size of<br />

components<br />

Development of<br />

new "scalable"<br />

manufacturing<br />

processes<br />

Synergies through<br />

exchange of knowhow<br />

and skills as<br />

well as use of<br />

common<br />

infrastructure<br />

Optimisation of<br />

components<br />

and system<br />

integration,<br />

providing<br />

the same service<br />

less expensively<br />

Optimisation of<br />

components and<br />

system integration<br />

providing more<br />

efficient service<br />

Optimisation of new<br />

designs, processes<br />

and materials for<br />

increased size of<br />

components<br />

Optimisation<br />

of new or improved<br />

"scalable"<br />

manufacturing<br />

processes<br />

Optimisation of<br />

components<br />

relevant for upscaling<br />

power<br />

production plants<br />

Synergies through<br />

exchange of knowhow<br />

and skills as<br />

well as use of<br />

common<br />

infrastructure<br />

Implementation of<br />

components and<br />

system integration<br />

Implementation of<br />

new designs,<br />

processes and<br />

materials for<br />

increased size of<br />

components<br />

Building<br />

the improved<br />

manufacturing<br />

platform<br />

to increase<br />

thru-put<br />

Implementation of<br />

components<br />

relevant for upscaling<br />

power<br />

production plants<br />

Improvements<br />

from pilot<br />

demonstrations<br />

17<br />

Extension of more<br />

efficient service<br />

Up-scaling<br />

manufacturing<br />

platform<br />

to increase<br />

thru-put<br />

Up-scaling power<br />

production plants in<br />

order to increase<br />

plant efficiencies<br />

Improvements from<br />

consumer and<br />

supplier feedback

18<br />

● The highest potential for cost reduction among the renewable electricity<br />

technologies are a) expensive and b) recent in development. They tend to<br />

have a steep learning curve with a progress ratio of about 80%, meaning<br />

that every doubling of the volume manufactured leads to a cost reduction<br />

of about 20%. Globally, solar technologies are expected to reduce their<br />

costs by some 30%-50% for each of the next two decades as a result of<br />

learning and market growth.<br />

● Medium cost reduction potential can be identified among those<br />

technologies that are a) in the low to medium cost range and b) relatively<br />

recent in development. They tend to have a learning curve with a progress<br />

ratio of around 90%, meaning that every doubling of the volume<br />

manufactured leads to a cost reduction of around 10%. Globally, wind<br />

is expected to reduce its costs by some 25% for each of the next two<br />

decades on this basis, and geothermal by some 10%-25% in the same<br />

periods.<br />

● Smaller cost reduction potential is likely among the most mature<br />

technologies; the learning curve for these technologies and their<br />

components is fairly flat. Globally, technological development for<br />

small hydropower and biomass is much slower, likely on the order of<br />

about 5%-10% for each of the next two decades. Specifically,<br />

conventional components (civil works, turbines) offer low cost reduction<br />

potential, likely on the order of about 5%-10% for each of the next two<br />

decades.<br />

● Cost Structure, Investment and Generation Cost<br />

A particular feature of renewable power is the wide range of investment and<br />

generating cost they exhibit. Table 2 presents the ranges of investment and<br />

generating cost presented for 2002 and projections for 2010. These ranges<br />

reflect the variety of technologies for each renewable power source, the large<br />

number of possible applications and the multiplicity of resources. Renewable<br />

costs depend on the physical and geographic context, and the system definition<br />

as well as the policy environment. Average indicators for renewable power<br />

generation costs are thus not well suited to display their competitiveness in<br />

either the off-grid or on-grid market in a given country or system.<br />

All the renewable technologies assessed in this book have high up-front<br />

investment costs. Capital cost depreciation and interest costs are, thus, the<br />

major factor influencing generation costs. There are no fuel costs with the<br />

exception of biomass. While operating and maintenance costs (O&M) are<br />

generally low compared to conventional power generation, there are marked<br />

differences among the technologies in the area of maintenance.<br />


Table 2<br />

Ranges of Investment and Generation Costs in 2002 and 2010<br />

Note: Discount rate is 6% for all technologies; amortisation period is 15-25 years, and operation & maintenance<br />

costs are technology-specific.<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd. Switzerland.<br />

● Cost Competitiveness<br />

Although the average costs of renewable electricity are not widely<br />

competitive with wholesale electricity, renewables can offer electricity and<br />

electric services at competitive rates in a wide range of specific on-grid or offgrid<br />

situations or applications.<br />

Figure 3 indicates the cost range of renewable power. To identify and exploit<br />

real market opportunities, it is necessary to assess the competitiveness of<br />

specific applications and services in specific local circumstances. It is only by<br />

taking advantage of these unique situations – be it large-scale on-grid<br />

applications or niche markets off-grid, or in specific country situations – that<br />

renewable electricity can build a vigorous and sustained market.<br />

Many best cases already show that under optimal conditions – i.e. optimised<br />

system design, siting and resource availability – electricity from biomass,<br />

small hydropower, wind and geothermal power plants can be produced at<br />

low costs ranging from 2 to 5 USD cents per kWh. Cost competitiveness is<br />


Low High Low High<br />

investment investment generation generation<br />

costs costs costs costs<br />

USD/kW USD/kW USD/kWh USD/kWh<br />

2002 2010 2002 2010 2002 2010 2002 2010<br />

Small 1000 950 5000 4500 2-3 2 9-15 8-13<br />

hydro power<br />

Solar 4500 3000 7000 4500 18-20 10-15 25-80 18-40<br />

photovoltaic power<br />

Concentrating 3000 2000 6000 4000 10-15 6-8 20-25 10-12<br />

solar power<br />

Biopower 500 400 4000 3000 2-3 2 10-15 8-12<br />

Geothermal 1200 1000 5000 3500 2-5 2-3 6-12 5-10<br />

power<br />

Wind power 850 700 1700 1300 3-5 2-4 10-12 6-9<br />


20<br />

then at its best, and renewable power – even without adding environmental<br />

or other values that could be attributed to certain kinds of renewable<br />

electricity generation – can compete on the wholesale electricity market.<br />

Figure 3<br />

Cost Competitiveness of Selected Renewable Power <strong>Technologie</strong>s.<br />

Small-hydro<br />

Solar<br />

photovoltaics<br />

Concentrating<br />

solar<br />

Biomass<br />

Geothermal<br />

Wind<br />

Wholesale<br />

power p<br />

price<br />

Retail<br />

consumer<br />

power p<br />

price<br />

10 20 30 40 50<br />

Power generation costs in USD cents/ s kWh<br />

Note: Cost calculation is based on system investment needed (capital cost is based on discount rate of 6% and<br />

amortisation period of 15 - 25 years) and power output. Lowest cost range refers to optimum conditions (proven<br />

technology, optimised plant size and design, and high availability of system and resources).<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd. Switzerland.<br />

Solar technologies are, for the time being, generally not competitive with<br />

wholesale electricity, but even they start to compete with retail electricity in<br />

certain circumstances where supportive policy frameworks have been<br />

established. For instance, photovoltaic solar power is competitive in areas<br />

where high solar irradiation coincides with daily (peak) power demand, and<br />

high retail electricity costs, in a supportive policy environment. California and<br />

other parts of the Southwest United States are examples of such conditions,<br />

and such areas have become strong commercial markets.<br />

● Market Prospects<br />

Based on current market levels and expected cost reductions, market growth<br />

for all six renewable technologies for 2010 is forecast to increase from 95.5<br />

GW to 257 GW, or 10.4% p.a. This forecast assumes continued government<br />

support and that no outside factors will significantly alter the competitive<br />

environment.<br />


Table 3<br />

Current and Forecast Installed Capacity<br />

Installed capacity Installed capacity<br />

in 2000 in GW in 2010 in GW (forecast)<br />

Small hydro power 32 45<br />

Solar photovoltaic power 1.1 11<br />

Concentrating solar power 0.4 2<br />

Biopower 37 55<br />

Geothermal power 8 14<br />

Wind power 17 130<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd. Switzerland.<br />

The forecasted numbers presented here are consistent with the policy<br />

changes regarding renewables occurring in some major emerging countries,<br />

e.g. China, India, parts of South East Asia and South America, but also in<br />

some key OECD countries. In the emerging countries, these policies reflect<br />

the rapidly growing demand for electricity which can in particular situations<br />

increasingly be met by renewable energy on a competitive basis. In OECD<br />

countries, the growing penetration of renewable energy is also a<br />

consequence of policy changes related to reducing the environmental impact<br />

and increasing the diversification of energy supply as well as increasing<br />

energy security, and, last but not least, a growing global renewable energy<br />

industry. In some OECD countries with favourable market frameworks,<br />

vigorous growth of renewable energy technologies is observed. As a<br />

consequence, some of today’s secondary markets for renewables, e.g. offshore<br />

wind, are expected to play a major role over the next decade.<br />

In brief, growth patterns fall into 3 categories:<br />

● Traditional technologies with steady growth: Small hydropower,<br />

geothermal power and biopower have been produced for most of the<br />

time there has been a utility electricity system. Their annual growth rates<br />

are likely to continue at between 1% and 9%. The removal of market<br />

barriers and establishment of supportive policies could keep this in the<br />

higher end of the range, particularly in developing countries.<br />

● New technologies with vigorous growth: Development of wind power<br />

and solar photovoltaics started only a few decades ago. For the past five<br />

years or more, they have experienced growth rates between 20% and<br />



22<br />

40%, a trend which is likely to continue to 2010 if the present policy<br />

incentives and R&D investments are maintained.<br />

● New technologies (back) in the starting block: Concentrating solar power<br />

(CSP) electricity was launched twenty years ago, but for more than a<br />

decade there has not been any new commercial installation. More than<br />

two dozen projects are under development worldwide including trough,<br />

power tower and parabolic dish technologies. If these projects come<br />

about, CSP will increase five-fold by 2010, but is only likely to become a<br />

major contributor to power generation in two or three decades.<br />

● Intermittency and Reliability<br />

In addition to cost, intermittency and reliability are two of the most<br />

important issues facing renewables growth. These issues are intertwined.<br />

When renewables provide too much or not enough power, the reliability of<br />

the grid is affected. Because renewables cannot economically store energy,<br />

they are not as able to dispatch power on demand. Different renewables<br />

reflect this issue to different degrees. Several are highly intermittent, such as<br />

wind and solar. Several others can be seasonal, including small hydropower<br />

and bioenergy. Only geothermal has capacities on the same order as<br />

conventional energy systems. Because utilities must supply power in close<br />

balance to demand, intermittency can limit the amount of capacity of highly<br />

intermittent technologies that can be incorporated in the energy mix.<br />

To a degree, technical solutions and business and regularity practices can<br />

extend the penetration of renewables, though these need further<br />

development through R&D and innovative management practices. Solutions<br />

are different for each renewable and will also be different for on-grid and offgrid<br />

markets. For example, wind power and small, bioenergy-based CHP<br />

plants are the two renewable technologies where penetration rates on the<br />

grid have caused technical problems. In Denmark, Spain, and Northern<br />

Germany, wind power penetration rates of over 15% and even up to 50%<br />

have been seen. Only in some cases has this resulted in grid problems, while<br />

in other cases it was intended to allow for greater production by wind in<br />

order to reduce production from coal-based plants. At the same time, wind<br />

power may not be available at times. For example, during the European heat<br />

wave of 2003, wind production in Northern Germany was only 7% of its rated<br />

capacity. Fortunately, this did not cause problems in this instance as there<br />

was no coincident peak demand at the time. Short-term strategies to cope<br />

with wind intermittency on the grid include improving wind prediction, using<br />

variable speed turbines, electricity flow controls, and supplemental<br />


generation. Better power quality requires technical improvements to deal<br />

with harmonic distortion. Some of the local intermittency of an individual<br />

renewable energy system can be compensated by a larger number of these<br />

systems in a broader region, or by having alternative generation from other<br />

renewable systems. Improving the usefulness of off-grid systems calls for<br />

“hybridising” the wind machines with a more dispatchable generator or<br />

adding energy storage in a battery.<br />

Although solar energy has not achieved as high a level of penetration as<br />

wind, the theoretical limits and solutions are expected to follow a similar<br />

pattern. However, PV is expected to enter the utility market through a more<br />

distributed model where very small systems on roof tops will be widely<br />

spread. As most of the energy will be consumed onsite, the problems for<br />

utilities to balance grid energy flows are likely to be manageable until very<br />

high levels of penetration are seen.<br />

The other renewables discussed in this book, bioenergy, small hydropower<br />

and geothermal, do not display this problem. The reliability issue for<br />

bioenergy and small hydropower is resource management by anticipating<br />

times of drought, or managing bioresource materials availability.<br />

Reducing the Cost of Policy Support for Renewables<br />

The challenge to governments is to encourage technology progress and<br />

market growth while minimising public costs and consumer payments. This<br />

can be accomplished by encouraging renewables to develop those markets<br />

in which they are most cost-effective. This development must take into<br />

account the local, site specific renewable resource conditions and the costs<br />

of the conventional alternatives. These should be based on the strongest<br />

resource availability and lowest life cycle costs. Below is a general outline of<br />

the best competitive paths for the renewable technologies described here, as<br />

well as their most competitive niches. While this strategy may appear<br />

obvious, it remains a good guide to avoid unnecessary costs by pursuing<br />

markets for which the particular renewable is not close to competitiveness or<br />

does not match local resource conditions.<br />

● Appropriate areas for small hydropower (SHP) development exist<br />

around the world (mountainous areas for high head plants, rivers for low<br />

head plants and various combinations). It is typically in these areas that<br />

small hydropower can contribute power at competitive costs, if there is<br />

grid access or local demand. In such optimal conditions, costs can be as<br />



24<br />

low as 3 USD cents per kWh. Once the high up-front capital costs are<br />

written off (usually over 15 or 20 years), the plant can provide power at<br />

even lower cost levels as such systems commonly run, without major<br />

replacement costs, for 50 years or more. SHP plants have a particularly<br />

long life time and relatively low operation and maintenance costs, though<br />

many plants constructed in the last century can now benefit from<br />

refurbishment. Support to exploit SHP should be given to developing<br />

countries where it can be a very low cost option.<br />

● Solar photovoltaic power is in the early stages of its development, but<br />

can still be competitive in isolated off-grid markets and limited areas<br />

where high levels of sunshine coincide with daily (peak) power demand.<br />

For the latter market, solar PV power costs are in the range of retail utility<br />

rates of about 20 USD cents per kWh. In such circumstances, e.g.,<br />

California, photovoltaics has become competitive with retail electricity, at<br />

least as stand-by power and in “building-integrated applications” (BIPV).<br />

In the sunnier locations of Europe, the attractiveness of solar PV in the<br />

short to medium term continues to depend on incentives. In Japan, a<br />

system cost level of USD 3,000 could be reached in the next four to six<br />

years, a “docking point” (competitive with retail electricity) to selfsustained<br />

markets. Of particular interest in Japan are building-integrated<br />

solar systems – installed at the point of electricity consumption with<br />

panels that are easy to install. The other key market for solar PV is the offgrid<br />

market for rural areas, including industrial and agricultural uses in<br />

developed countries, and rural systems in developing countries. The<br />

challenge of delivering affordable energy in developing countries is<br />

immense. In these circumstances the primary focus should be on<br />

“productive uses” for such income-generating activities as water<br />

pumping, refrigeration, lighting and other uses that improve the<br />

economic welfare of rural communities.<br />

● Concentrating solar power is limited in its competitive market potential<br />

to arid and semi-arid areas with strong “direct gain” solar radiation. The<br />

cost of concentrating solar power generated with up-to-date technology<br />

is estimated to be between 10 to 15 USD cents per kWh, with good longterm<br />

cost reduction potential. CSP plants can also be “hybridised” in<br />

combination with a thermal generator to improve marketability (solar<br />

share of power plant) and dispatch-ability (power production on<br />

demand).<br />

● Where bio-feedstocks are abundant and their pre-treatment<br />

requirements are modest, biopower costs can be as low as 3 USD cents<br />


per kWh from plants with proven conversion technologies and<br />

approaches (e.g. co-firing in the US or CHP in Finland). For example, bioelectricity<br />

is widely commercial in Finland where feedstocks from large<br />

woodland areas and the pulp and paper industry make bioelectricity<br />

production competitive and accounted for 17.4% of electricity production<br />

in 2001.<br />

● Geothermal power can achieve its best cost-competitiveness in areas<br />

characterised by high enthalpy (an indicator for the geothermal power<br />

potential), low exploration and installation costs; and using proven<br />

geothermal technologies. New plants in many areas in the world can<br />

produce power at 5 USD cents per kWh or less. Additional revenues from<br />

heat or minerals extracted from the subterranean brine can enhance<br />

competitiveness.<br />

● Wind power generation costs are already below 4 USD cents in many<br />

areas with strong, regular winds and good accessibility for plant<br />

construction and grid connection. The key to opening new high<br />

performance sites, such as in Scotland and the US is installing new<br />

transmission lines. As good onshore sites, particularly in Europe, have<br />

been saturated, new projects have prompted public challenge due to the<br />

concerns of some to having the wind machines in sight (NIMBY). Finding<br />

acceptable locations therefore poses an increasing challenge. Offshore<br />

wind parks are now being developed, although some of these, too, have<br />

prompted NIMBY challenge. The technology to mount and connect<br />

offshore wind remains in its infancy. Wind power’s mid term success will<br />

depend on (a) broadening the number of countries investing in wind<br />

power markets beyond Germany, Denmark, Spain and the US, (b) cost<br />

reduction of offshore wind and (c) establishing management and<br />

technology solutions to intermittency.<br />

It is important to emphasise again the positive impact of market experience<br />

on technology development. Often, concepts and prototypes had existed for<br />

years (e.g., large wind turbines) but the lack of market experience prevented<br />

their successful deployment. Learning investments provided in the context of<br />

growing markets helped these early prototypes become competitive<br />

products. Identifying and realising those market opportunities where<br />

renewables are closest to competitiveness is of paramount importance to<br />

trigger learning improvements.<br />




Renewable energy technologies are emerging as strong contenders for more<br />

widespread use. Yet despite the remarkable progress made over the past<br />

decades through the collaboration of scientists, industrialists, and policy<br />

makers, they are not yet fully in the mainstream of the power sector. Some<br />

renewable electricity technologies have already gained a significant market<br />

share – their industry is relatively mature, although they may be far from<br />

having developed their world-wide potential. For example, small<br />

hydropower is well-established, as are some segments of the biomass<br />

industry. Wind has been going through vigorous technology and market<br />

development and has reached considerable market share in a few countries,<br />

but still has considerable potential for technological improvement. The solar<br />

photovoltaics market is comparatively small, but tripled its volume in the last<br />

four years. Geothermal has been successfully producing electricity for almost<br />

a century and is currently regaining importance. Concentrating Solar Power<br />

was demonstrated in MW sized plants in the 1980s, but its progress<br />

subsequently stalled as government supports were withdrawn. New designs<br />

and materials suggest a possible renaissance for this technology.<br />

The future of “new” renewables depends on a supportive policy<br />

environment. Under conditions where governments support market<br />

experience through incentives to manufacturers and consumers, technology<br />

development and market deployment are strongly interlinked and function<br />

as a “virtuous cycle” (see Figure 1). <strong>Technology</strong> development results in new,<br />

improved and/or less expensive products. These new products can then be<br />

sold to serve the needs of more and new customers. Greater sales allow for<br />

higher production volumes, and greater use allows for “learning” from<br />

experience in the market to further technology development. This symbiosis<br />

only operates under a policy framework that equally supports elements of<br />

both the technology development and market cycles. Thus, effective policy<br />

must take into account that there are positive and reinforcing relationships<br />

among technology development, the industry and the market. By stimulating<br />

both the technology development cycle and the market cycle, policies can<br />

achieve sustained renewables-based electricity market growth. Not only<br />

does policy play a central role, but an urgent one as well. Recent scenarios,<br />

including the IEA’s World Energy Outlook, suggest that the market share of<br />

renewables in electricity generation thirty years from now will depend largely<br />

on policy steps taken in the next several years.<br />

1<br />



28<br />

Renewables for Power Generation 2003: <strong>Status</strong> and Prospects hopes to assist<br />

decision makers by supplying an accurate and comprehensive overview of<br />

the renewable technology sector. This study assesses the current situation<br />

and future opportunities for the six main “new” renewable energy<br />

technologies that produce electricity. These are:<br />

● small hydropower;<br />

● solar photovoltaics;<br />

● concentrating solar power;<br />

● biopower;<br />

● geothermal power;<br />

● wind power.<br />

The study consists of new analysis on the interaction of technology<br />

development and market experience, and a synthesis of insightful studies<br />

performed by government agencies and private sector organisations. This<br />

publication has consciously excluded other renewable technologies that are<br />

at an earlier stage of development, such as ocean energy, as the current focus<br />

on them is solely in the realm of research and demonstration. It has also<br />

excluded large hydropower, as most IEA governments consider them to be<br />

mature and competitive.<br />

The challenge is to consider the entire technology progression from the<br />

laboratory, to manufacturing, to market use, as well as from the relationships<br />

of these technologies to each other and within the wider energy sector, and<br />

do so, both in an inter-sectorial and cross-technological fashion.<br />

An inter-sectorial view is useful because there are important technologyindustry-market<br />

relationships that affect renewable energy technologies all<br />

along the value chain, while providing opportunities for “technology<br />

learning”. <strong>Technology</strong> learning is the term for the empirical observation that<br />

the cost of an industrially manufactured product decreases by a more or less<br />

constant percentage each time the cumulative volume of the product is<br />

doubled. Expressed as the “experience curve”, technology learning thus<br />

reflects the virtuous cycle with both technology development and market<br />

deployment issues. The experience (or “learning”) curve translates the<br />

complex interactions among technology, industry and market into a<br />

simplified relationship. However, the experience curve only reflects an<br />

empirical relationship between the input and output of a black-box-like<br />

learning system and does not explain the processes going on within the<br />

learning system. But, if correctly applied and interpreted, the experience<br />


curve helps identify crucial elements behind and beyond the simple<br />

relationship it represents.<br />

The learning process is not unique to renewables, but is typical for all energy<br />

technologies and, indeed, all manufactured goods. The rate of “learning” is<br />

different for each technology, and typically slows as technologies progress<br />

through the several stages from laboratory to full maturity. This is why<br />

renewables costs are declining faster today than those of fossil technologies:<br />

renewables are less mature. Knowing the rate of learning, and<br />

understanding the workings within the learning system, can give important<br />

insights about future technology and market potentials*.<br />

<strong>Technology</strong> learning in renewable energy (RE) systems provides three key<br />

benefits:<br />

● reduction of system cost: the system delivers the service less expensively;<br />

● increase of system performance: the system delivers the service more<br />

efficiently;<br />

● enhancement of system applicability: the system can deliver new services.<br />

A cross-technological view is useful for understanding how renewable<br />

electricity technologies as a whole can best be developed and deployed by<br />

understanding how they complement each other, as well as conventional<br />

energy technologies in a more diversified portfolio.<br />

Although the electricity produced by renewables does not differ from that of<br />

competing sources, the technologies, services and benefits do. Different<br />

renewables have specific features and applications which typically cover a<br />

different range from those of competing fuel technologies. It is essential to<br />

consider these differences in relation to technology, maturity and potential,<br />

as well as market segments and growth.<br />

The cross-technological perspective allows the reader to compare<br />

commonalities and differences among the six renewable technologies<br />

examined in this study. To this end, each chapter is organised along a<br />

common structure:<br />

<strong>Technology</strong> <strong>Status</strong><br />

The sections on technology status are descriptive and present the<br />

current technical and economic conditions of the technology as follows:<br />

* <strong>Technology</strong> learning can also be expressed in "progress ratios", which is the learning rate subtracted from 100%.<br />

1<br />



30<br />

● basic features: characteristics specific to the technology;<br />

● costs: for the main applications as well as for system components and<br />

project elements;<br />

● industry: an overview of the structure of the industry and its major<br />

stakeholders;<br />

● market: figures and data concerning important segments and areas;<br />

● environment: the environmental challenges and benefits related to the<br />

technology.<br />

Prospects<br />

The section on prospects focuses on realised and realisable opportunities to<br />

improve the performance of the technology. The section seeks to identify<br />

major opportunities in the research and market fields to reduce costs,<br />

increase performance and enhance applicability.<br />

● cost reduction opportunities: focuses on technology development and<br />

potential improvements;<br />

● market opportunities: highlights promising market segments and<br />

discusses issues favouring market growth.<br />

Issues for Further Progress<br />

Issues that affect the outlook for the technology, as well as strategies to<br />

overcome them include:<br />

● technical issues that comprise crucial aspects for further development of<br />

the technology in order to increase performance and applicability, and to<br />

reduce costs;<br />

● non-technical issues that affect market potential, including environmental,<br />

financial, legal or social issues.<br />

Understanding both the renewable energy technologies and the interactions<br />

considered here is a fundamental step to formulating effective policies. The<br />

information provided in this study should help policy makers design<br />

appropriate frameworks for these renewable technologies at their various<br />

stages of progression from laboratory to widespread market use.<br />



A Brief History of Small Hydropower<br />

Small hydropower (SHP) has been exploited for centuries. First, the energy in<br />

falling water was exploited in mechanical form, e.g. watermills for milling<br />

grain, the simple Norse wheel, and later more sophisticated waterwheels.<br />

The invention of the water turbine in France in 1827 led to the development<br />

of modern hydropower. In the 1880s, hydropower turbines were first used to<br />

generate electricity for large scale use (as opposed to laboratory<br />

experiments). In Europe, turbines replaced the waterwheel almost<br />

completely by the end of the 19 th century. Small turbines were increasingly<br />

used throughout Europe and North America, and during this period, today’s<br />

basic turbine technology evolved. With expansion and increasing access to<br />

transmission networks, power generation was concentrated in increasingly<br />

larger units benefiting from economies of scale. This resulted in a trend away<br />

from small hydropower systems to large hydropower installations between<br />

the 1930s and the 1970s.<br />

The oil crisis in 1973 re-kindled interest in the development of small<br />

hydropower resources. This led to a revival of the industry, with new turbine<br />

manufacturers appearing in the marketplace. Interest in developing<br />

hydropower systems again declined through the 1980s and early 1990s due<br />

to the low level of fuel prices and the subsequent “dash for gas”. More<br />

recently, liberalisation of the electricity industry has contributed in some<br />

areas to the development of hydropower generating capacity by<br />

independent power producers (IPPs).<br />

<strong>Technology</strong> <strong>Status</strong><br />

● Basic Features<br />

There is no international consensus on the definition of SHP. The upper limit<br />

varies from 2.5 MW to 30 MW, but a ceiling value of 10 MW is becoming more<br />

generally accepted. Common definitions for small hydropower electric<br />

facilities are:<br />

● small hydropower: Capacity of less than 10 MW;<br />

● mini hydropower: Capacity between 100 kW and 1 MW;<br />

● micro hydropower: Capacity below 100 kW.<br />

2<br />



32<br />

The natural factors which affect SHP potential are the quantity of water flow<br />

and the height of the head. Flow roughly relates to average annual<br />

precipitation and the head depends, basically, on topography. The main<br />

requirement for a successful hydropower installation is an elevated head,<br />

either natural or artificial, from which water can be diverted through a pipe<br />

into a turbine coupled to a generator that converts the kinetic energy of<br />

falling water into electricity. The water is then discharged, usually through a<br />

tube or diffuser, back into the river at a lower level.<br />

The theoretical power available in a volume of water (Q) is the mass of the<br />

water times the height or head (H) the water can fall. In reality, losses due to<br />

imperfections in the design of machinery and pipelines have to be<br />

considered in every hydropower system. Internal friction in pipelines and<br />

channels as water travels towards the turbine causes a loss of potential<br />

energy in the system. Hence the head used in calculations is the net head,<br />

defined as the potential energy which reaches the turbine system. Similarly,<br />

friction and heat losses occur in the turbine, the gearbox and the electric<br />

generator. As a rule of thumb, power is equal to seven times the product of<br />

the flow (Q) and gross head (H) at the site:<br />

P [kW] = 7QH Where: Q = cubic metres per second and<br />

H = net head in metres<br />

Producing one kWh at a site with a 10m head requires ten times the water<br />

flow of a site with a 100m head.<br />

SHP can generally be divided into three different categories depending on<br />

the type of head and the nature of the plant:<br />

● High-head power plants are the most common and generally include a<br />

dam to store water at a higher elevation. These systems are commonly<br />

used in mountainous areas.<br />

● Low-head hydroelectric plants generally use heads up to a few metres in<br />

elevation or simply function on run-of-river. Low-head systems are<br />

typically built along rivers.<br />

● Supplemental hydropower systems are generating facilities where the<br />

hydropower is subordinate to other activities like irrigation, industrial<br />

processes, drinking water supply or wastewater disposal. Electricity<br />

production is thus not the prime objective of the plant but often a useful<br />

by-product.<br />


Turbine efficiency [%]<br />

Turbines<br />

100<br />

75<br />

50<br />

25<br />

During the 20 th century, the technology for harnessing water power<br />

developed rapidly and turbine efficiencies close to 100% were achieved (see<br />

Figure 4). Typically, larger turbines have higher efficiencies. For example,<br />

efficiency is usually above 90% for turbines producing several hundred kW<br />

or more, whereas the efficiency of a micro-hydropower turbine of 10 KW is<br />

likely to be in the order of 60% to 80%.<br />

Figure 4<br />

Turbine Efficiency Over Time<br />

0<br />

1700 1750 1800 1850 1900 1950 2000 2050<br />

Year<br />

Sources: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland; World Energy Council (WEC).<br />

Hydraulic turbines transform the water’s potential energy into mechanical<br />

rotational energy by one or two basically different mechanisms:<br />

● In reaction turbines water pressure applies force onto the face of the<br />

runner blades, which decreases as it proceeds through the turbine. Reaction<br />

turbines run full of water and generate hydrodynamic “lift” forces to propel<br />

the runner blades. The most common types of reaction turbines are the<br />

Francis and Kaplan turbines. Francis turbines are generally used in a head<br />

range of 5 to 250 metres and can be designed with either a vertical or<br />

horizontal shaft. Kaplan turbines are axial-flow reaction turbines, generally<br />

used for low-heads.<br />

2<br />



34<br />

Figure 5<br />

Francis Turbine<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland.<br />

Figure 7<br />

Pelton Turbine<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland.<br />

Figure 6<br />

Kaplan Turbine<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland.<br />

● In impulse turbines water pressure is converted into kinetic energy in the<br />

form of a high-speed jet that strikes buckets mounted on the periphery of the<br />

runner. The most common impulse type is the Pelton turbine. It is generally<br />

used in installations with a head of 50 to several hundred metres. By adjusting<br />

the flow through the nozzle, a Pelton turbine can operate at high efficiency over<br />

a wide range of head and flow conditions. Pelton turbines can be designed with<br />

either a vertical or horizontal shaft. Another type of impulse turbine is the<br />

cross-flow turbine, where water is directed by one or more guide-vanes located<br />

upstream. These turbines are relatively cheap and flexible.<br />

Figure 8 indicates the most appropriate turbine according to head and capacity.<br />


Head [m]<br />

1000<br />

100<br />

10<br />

Figure 8<br />

Small Hydropower Turbine Selection Chart<br />

1<br />

10 0 kW 100 kW 500 kW<br />

0.01 0.1 1<br />

Flow [m<br />

10 100<br />

3 3/s]<br />

Generators<br />

Today, generators commonly have efficiency rates of 98-99%. Two main<br />

types of generators are used in the small hydropower industry: synchronous<br />

and asynchronous generators. Synchronous generators typically have higher<br />

efficiency but are more expensive. Control of their rotor excitation also<br />

requires a more complex and more expensive regulating device. Both<br />

generator types are very well known throughout the industry and have been<br />

steadily improved to meet the needs and demands of the hydropower sector.<br />

The efficiency of small hydropower depends mainly on the performance of<br />

the turbine, since generator efficiencies are close to 100%. As a general rule,<br />

larger and newer plants have higher efficiencies of up to 90%. Average<br />

performance is typically in the range of 70% to 85%. Efficiency can be as low<br />

as 60% for old and smaller plants.<br />

2<br />


35<br />

10000 1 kW<br />

5000 kW<br />

1000<br />

kW<br />

Sources: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland; RETScreen International; MhyLAb. Turbine graphics courtesy of European Small<br />

Hydro Association

36<br />

● Costs<br />

Investment costs for SHP plants vary according to site-specific (e.g.<br />

topography, hydrology) and local characteristics (e.g. planning and<br />

administrative issues, social acceptance, finance schemes). The site is an<br />

important factor in the technical choice for the SHP system and related costs,<br />

whereas other local characteristics influence non-technical costs.<br />

The most important system and cost elements are a) civil engineering,<br />

b) equipment, and c) turbine. As a general rule, civil engineering costs are<br />

higher for high-head plants, mainly because they usually need longer<br />

pipelines. On the other hand, turbine costs are higher for low-head plants,<br />

which have to pass more water than high-head plants for the same power<br />

output and are therefore larger. Low-head power plants also run more slowly<br />

and thus cannot be connected directly to the generator. Electrical equipment<br />

(which includes the generator, the transformer, the controller, the protection<br />

system and the access lines) represent about 25% of the total plant cost for<br />

both high and low-head plants.<br />

For supplemental hydropower systems, energy production is only a<br />

secondary purpose. Therefore, civil engineering plays a less important role<br />

because the most significant construction is already in place. The turbine and<br />

the electrical equipment each cost approximately the same as the civil<br />

engineering and must be adapted to the principal purpose of the plant.<br />

Equipment costs can be highly variable, depending on the country and<br />

location, the water source and the quality of equipment. Figure 9 shows an<br />

example of SHP elements (turbine, electrical equipment and civil<br />

engineering) and relative costs for three different types of SHP plant (highhead,<br />

low-head and supplemental hydropower system). This figure helps to<br />

identify the key elements where efforts can be made to decrease the overall<br />

power plant costs.<br />

Turbines are the most expensive standard component (as opposed to civil<br />

engineering, which is highly specific for each site).<br />

High-head plants tend to have lower investment costs; because the higher<br />

the head, the less water is required to generate a given amount of power. As<br />

a result, these plants can utilise smaller and less costly equipment. However,<br />

there are disadvantages often associated with high-head sites. They are<br />

generally located in areas with low population density and relatively small<br />

local demand for electricity. Long transmission distances to densely<br />

populated areas increase final costs. Also, easily- engineered high-head sites<br />

are increasingly rare or difficult to develop.<br />


Relative investment costs<br />

Investment costs [€ per kW]<br />

100%<br />

90%<br />

80%<br />

70%<br />

60%<br />

50%<br />

40%<br />

30%<br />

20%<br />

10%<br />

0%<br />

2000<br />

1800<br />

1600<br />

1400<br />

1200<br />

1000<br />

800<br />

600<br />

400<br />

200<br />

0<br />

Figure 9<br />

Relative Investment Costs for Three Types of Hydropower Plant<br />

2<br />

High head Low head Supplemental<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland.<br />

Figure 10<br />


Civil engineering Turbine Electrical equipment<br />

Approximate Power Unit and Electricity Generation Costs in Western<br />

Europe for Three Typical Hydropower Plants:<br />

a) high-head with an installed capacity of 1 to 2 MW,<br />

b) low-head with an installed capacity of 1 to 2 MW, and<br />

c) supplemental SHP plant with an installed capacity of a few 100 kW<br />

High head Low head Supplemental<br />

Investment costs in € per kWp<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland.<br />

Electricity generation cost in € per kWh<br />

0.09<br />

0.08<br />

0.06<br />

0.05<br />

0.03<br />

0.02<br />

0.00<br />

37<br />

Electricity generation cost [€ per kWh]

Installation costs [€/kW]<br />

10000<br />

8000<br />

6000<br />

4000<br />

2000<br />

38<br />

Low-head hydropower sites are more common and are frequently found<br />

closer to population centres. Investment costs tend to be higher compared to<br />

high-head plants, as more water flow is required for a given amount of<br />

power, necessitating additional equipment.<br />

Besides geographical characteristics (height of the water drop, site<br />

accessibility, hydrology, meteorology) and their impact on the height of head,<br />

the size of the plant is an important cost factor. Turbine installation costs<br />

grow exponentially as turbine power size decreases (see Figure 11). This<br />

inverse relationship between size and cost explains why SHP installation<br />

costs grow exponentially inversely to the plant size, as shown in Figure 12. The<br />

turbine size depends primarily on the flow of water it has to accommodate.<br />

Figure 11<br />

Specific Installation Costs Related to Capacity Size for Supplemental<br />

Plants Combined with Drinking Water Supply Systems in Switzerland.<br />

0 50 100 150 200 250<br />

Source: DIANE 10 Study, Hintermann M. (1994)<br />

Investment costs differ greatly, even within geographical areas and<br />

countries, for technical and non-technical reasons. Figure 13 gives a sampling<br />

of some countries in Europe.<br />

Generation Costs<br />

Installed power [kW]<br />

The wide range of investment costs for SHP plants affects electricity<br />

generation costs (see Figure 14). Furthermore, electricity unit costs depend<br />

greatly on annual production hours (availability), which vary according to<br />


Costs [€/kW]<br />

Investment costs [€/kW]<br />

2000<br />

1500<br />

1000<br />

500<br />

6000<br />

5000<br />

4000<br />

3000<br />

2000<br />

1000<br />

local hydrological and meteorological conditions. This explains why<br />

electricity costs tend to be lower for low-head and supplemental SHP plants.<br />

Although high-head SHP plants tend to produce more expensive electricity,<br />

its value can be higher as these plants often have greater storage capacity<br />

and can inject power in periods of higher demand, charging higher tariffs.<br />

Figure 12<br />

Average SHP Related to Capacity Installed Costs for Turbines from the<br />

Most Important European Manufacturers<br />

0 500 1000<br />

Power [kW]<br />

1500 2000<br />

0<br />

Source: EurObserv’ER, Hydroelectricity barometer - Energy in rushing water, 1999.<br />

Figure 13<br />

Lowest and Highest Investment Costs for New SHP Plants in Selected<br />

European Countries, 1999<br />

Austria<br />

Lowest cost Highest cost<br />

Sources: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland; raw data from the Blue<strong>AG</strong>E ESHA study, Lorenzoni et al. (2000).<br />

2<br />

Switzerland<br />

Alpine<br />

region<br />

Slovenia<br />

Italy<br />

10000<br />

Portugal<br />

Mediterrenean<br />

region<br />


Central Western<br />

Europe<br />

Spain<br />

Montenegro<br />

Greece<br />

France<br />

Belgium<br />

Germany<br />

Finland<br />

Scandinavian<br />

region<br />

Sweden<br />

Great Britain<br />

Norway<br />

Iceland<br />

UK<br />

Ireland<br />

Czech Republic<br />

Hungary<br />

Latvia<br />

Eastern<br />

Europe<br />

Lithuania<br />

Poland<br />

Slovakia<br />

Europe<br />

39<br />

EU 15

Electricity generation cost in USD cents /kWh<br />

15.0<br />

12.0<br />

9.0<br />

6.0<br />

3.0<br />

40<br />

An example can illustrate the investment-generation-cost pattern:<br />

Investment cost per unit of power capacity installed may be USD 2,000 per<br />

kW for a high-head SHP plant and USD 3,000 per kW for a low-head SHP<br />

plant. Due to higher availability, the low-head SHP plant may produce<br />

electricity (6,000 kWh per year per installed kW) at an average cost of USD<br />

cents 4 per kWh. The high-head SHP plant may produce 3,500 kWh per year<br />

at an average cost of USD cents 4.6 per kWh, as shown in Figure 14. This<br />

power can, however, be specifically produced and sold at times of higher<br />

demand at higher tariffs.<br />

Figure 14<br />

Approximated Generation Costs for SHP<br />

USD 1,000 USD 2,000 USD 3,000 USD 4,000 USD 5,000<br />

System investment per kW installed capacity<br />

3,500 kWh per kW and year<br />

5,000 kWh per kW and year<br />

4,000 kWh per kW and year<br />

5,500 kWh per kW and year<br />

4,500 kWh per kW and year<br />

6,000 kWh per kW and year<br />

Note: Based on system investment and annual electrical output. O&M costs are assumed to be 2% of system<br />

investment. Amortisation period is 15 years, discount rate 6%.<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland.<br />

High cost-competitiveness occurs when the plant site has low project and<br />

installation costs, adequate water, topography allowing for high flow and/or<br />

high head, and consequent high electricity production. Small hydropower<br />

costs can then be as low as 3 USD cents per KWh. Appropriate areas for<br />

development include mountainous regions for high-head plants, rivers for<br />

low-head plants. These are also areas where small hydropower can<br />

contribute the most power at competitive costs. SHP plants have a<br />

particularly long life span and relatively low O&M costs. Once the high up-<br />


front capital costs are written off (usually over 15 to 20 years), the plant can<br />

provide power at even lower cost, as such systems commonly last for<br />

50 years or more without major maintenance or operating costs.<br />

● Industry<br />

Many parts of the SHP manufacturing industry are connected to other<br />

sectors, e.g. manufacturers of generators, gear boxes, electrical control<br />

equipment and hydraulic equipment. These manufacturers’ products are<br />

normally standard and thus, unlike water turbines, can be mass-produced.<br />

The invention of the water turbine in France led to the development of the<br />

modern hydropower industry. European manufacturers led the field in the<br />

development and manufacturing of water turbines, and exported the<br />

technology to other regions. One important reason for European leadership<br />

in this area in the past has been the strong domestic market. However, this<br />

situation may change, as future growth potential is likely to be stronger<br />

outside Europe.<br />

At the end of the 20th century the SHP turbine manufacturing industry is<br />

made up of about 175 small water turbine manufacturers worldwide,<br />

employing a total of around 25,000 people. Four major multinationals<br />

dominate the market for larger turbines. The market for plants generating<br />

0.5-5 MW is more open and includes smaller companies from North America<br />

and Asia. In particular, Chinese industry is expected to play a significant role<br />

in the future SHP market. Table 4 indicates the number of turbine<br />

manufacturers in different regions of the world. Many of these companies<br />

also produce equipment for large hydraulic plants.<br />

Table 4<br />

Small-Scale Water Turbine Manufacturers with Export Capability<br />

Region Number of SHP turbine<br />

manufacturers<br />

Europe 70<br />

North America 40<br />

Asia 30<br />

Oceania 20<br />

South America 15<br />

Sources: EurObserv’ER; Blue<strong>AG</strong>E ESHA study, Lorenzoni et al. (2000).<br />

2<br />



● Market<br />

Installed capacity [MW]<br />

42<br />

The global installed SHP capacity was 32 GW in 2000. Most capacity is<br />

installed in Europe with 12.5 GW, followed by China with 9.5 GW and North<br />

America with slightly more than 5 GW. Higher and different capacity figures<br />

(especially for Asia) are reported on the basis of different SHP definitions.<br />

Europe added capacity in the range of 30% from 1980 to 2000, tapping a<br />

good deal of its developable potential. The rest of the world increased<br />

capacity by a factor of 2 in the same period.<br />

Figure 15<br />

SHP Installed Capacity in EU and Worldwide between 1980 and 2000<br />

SHP was the leading “new” renewable source of electricity in terms of<br />

installed capacity and production worldwide in 2002, but has been overtaken<br />

by wind power in 2003. China offers the most dynamic market for SHP<br />

technology. In Europe, more than 17,000 SHP plants supply 1.7% of European<br />

electricity or 9.7% of total hydropower. The share of SHP in total hydropower<br />

installed capacity is 2.5% in Canada, 4% in the USA and 5% in China.<br />

● Environment<br />

35000<br />

30000<br />

25000<br />

20000<br />

15000<br />

10000<br />

5000<br />

1980 1985 1990 1995 2000<br />

Capacity installed in Europe 9,500 10,250 11,000 11,750 12,500<br />

Global capacity installed 17,000 19,000 22,000 26,000 32,000<br />

Sources : <strong>NET</strong> Ltd. Switzerland, raw data from EUREC Agency, BlueAge ESHA study, Lorenzoni et al. (2000), IASH,<br />

Small Hydro Atlas.<br />

SHP carries both environmental benefits and costs, and must be managed<br />

well to limit local environmental damage. Depending on the type of SHP<br />

plant, peak and/or base-load electricity can be produced, although<br />


managing water flow solely to maximise electricity revenues can cause some<br />

irregularities of water flow downstream from the plant. Carefully developed,<br />

SHP produces very few emissions. In some cases, SHP plants can even help<br />

improve water quality, regulate the river flow, enrich the water’s oxygen<br />

levels and eliminate floating debris or waste. If not handled properly, the<br />

possible negative impacts on the environment include:<br />

● damage to the habitat/migration route of fish;<br />

● harm to riverine flora;<br />

● alteration of the character of the river flow;<br />

● impact on ground-water levels;<br />

● garbage accumulation;<br />

● degradation of water quality;<br />

● noise from machinery;<br />

● visual intrusion.<br />

Since most impacts are site-specific, each plant design requires appropriate<br />

environmental safeguards. If adequate measures are taken, the<br />

environmental benefits of small hydropower systems outweigh its costs.<br />

2<br />

Figure 16<br />

SHP Installed Capacity Worldwide in 2000<br />

Europe<br />

39%<br />

Rest of the<br />

World<br />

5%<br />


North America<br />

17%<br />

South and<br />

Central<br />

America<br />

9%<br />

43<br />

China<br />

30%<br />

Sources : <strong>NET</strong> Ltd. Switzerland, raw data from EUREC Agency, BlueAge ESHA study, Lorenzoni et al. (2000), IASH,<br />

Small Hydro Atlas.

44<br />

Nevertheless, hydropower projects are often strongly opposed by local<br />

environmental groups and fishery associations. In some countries, these<br />

protests have led to national movements against new hydropower projects.<br />

In response, the SHP industry has invested significantly in the development<br />

of fish protection devices. Two main types of solutions are being used. First,<br />

fish moving downstream are prevented from entering the turbine. Second,<br />

structures commonly known as “fish ladders” provide passage for fish<br />

moving upstream over diversion structures associated with the intake.<br />

Prospects for Small Hydropower<br />

● Cost Reduction Opportunities<br />

The potential for cost reduction is different for each category of SHP plant.<br />

Only limited increases in efficiency and related cost reductions are expected<br />

due to improved turbine-generator design. However, technology<br />

development and market deployment can still result in cost reductions,<br />

depending on the type of plant and components.<br />

R&D continues to improve efficiency and applicability through the use of<br />

composite materials to protect sensitive areas from erosion. Cost reduction<br />

potential exists in the areas of civil engineering and O&M, for example, from<br />

improved materials and construction methods, and simplified and<br />

computerised O&M equipment.<br />

Economies of scale are limited because many components cannot be massproduced,<br />

and the plant and its components must be adapted to the specific<br />

site. Some components can and should, however, be standardised.<br />

Following is a brief outline of the cost reduction potential for the most<br />

relevant plant components:<br />

Generator: The electrical generator represents less than 5% of the total cost<br />

of a power plant and the efficiency of generators for new plants is already<br />

close to 100%. Yet standardisation of generator equipment for small<br />

hydropower could further reduce installation and maintenance costs.<br />

Turbine: Most water turbines are not mass-produced but individually designed<br />

and manufactured in order to optimise the energy that can be extracted from<br />

the falling water. This process requires highly competent and skilled personnel.<br />

During the 20 th century, turbine efficiency of 95-96% was achieved, and thus,<br />

only marginal improvements in efficiency may be anticipated in the future.<br />

Generally, smaller turbines are less efficient than larger ones. Mid-size turbines<br />


could achieve cost reductions of 1.5% and small turbines 3-4%. For low-head<br />

and supplemental hydropower plants, the relative importance of the turbine in<br />

overall cost is greater than 25%. Thus, greater cost reductions could be<br />

achieved by improving turbine efficiency for those types of plant. For<br />

supplemental SHP plants supplying drinking or irrigation water, turbine pumps<br />

working simultaneously to generate electricity can be a good solution.<br />

Civil Engineering<br />

Since civil engineering represents a large share of SHP plant costs, research<br />

is being carried out on improved materials and methods for construction.<br />

New techniques to reduce erosion, and new materials to lower costs have<br />

been developed.<br />

Operation and Maintenance<br />

O&M costs can be reduced by using standard industrial components,<br />

standardised modular equipment and highly automated monitoring devices<br />

(remote control, web cams and microphones). Generally speaking, costs are<br />

predicted to fall faster for low-head and supplemental plants due to the<br />

significant cost share and reduction potential of the electrical equipment in<br />

these systems. Costs of high-head plants will decrease less, mainly because<br />

in such plants the civil engineering costs – with smaller cost-reduction<br />

potential – represent about 60% of the total costs, compared to 50% for lowhead<br />

plants and 30% for supplemental plants.<br />

● Market Opportunities<br />

Market Potential<br />

Potential SHP technical capacity worldwide is estimated at 150-200 GW.<br />

World hydropower economic potential is estimated at about 7,300 TWh per<br />

year, of which 32% has been developed, but only 5% (117 TWh) through<br />

small-scale sites.<br />

In Asia, (India, Nepal and China) almost 15% of the potential technical SHP<br />

capacity (60-80 GW) has been developed, while in South America only 7%<br />

of its potential (40-50 GW) has been realised. In the Pacific and in Africa,<br />

less than 5% of the potential (5-10 GW and 40-60 GW, respectively) has<br />

been developed. Figure 17 shows the total hydropower technical<br />

potential, compared to economically feasible potential and present<br />

production.<br />

In North America and Europe, a larger share of the technical potential has<br />

already been developed than in developing countries. A recent Canadian<br />

study identified 3,600 sites with a technically feasible total potential of about<br />

9,000 MW, but of this, only about 15% would be economically feasible,<br />

2<br />



Worldwide hydro production [TWh/yr]<br />

7000<br />

6000<br />

5000<br />

4000<br />

3000<br />

2000<br />

1000<br />

46<br />

mostly due to limited access to transmission systems. In the US, some<br />

40 MW are planned for installation in the short to medium term.<br />

Figure 17<br />

Worldwide Technical Hydropower Potential versus Economically<br />

Feasible Potential and Present Situation 1998<br />

Africa Asia Australasia Europe North and<br />

Central<br />

America<br />

<strong>Technology</strong> Factors<br />

In developed countries there are three key markets for small hydropower<br />

with substantial near-term potential: (a) new installations (b) restoration<br />

and refurbishing of existing facilities and (c) addition of SHP plants at dams<br />

built for flood control, irrigation and drinking water supplies. The greatest<br />

potential for SHP exists in new installations in developing countries. In rural<br />

areas of these countries, energy demand is often moderate and can be met<br />

by small or micro hydropower schemes. The plants are frequently operated<br />

in isolation or are connected to local grids. The main competitor to SHP<br />

today in these circumstances is diesel generation.<br />

Restoration and refurbishment of existing facilities<br />

South<br />

America<br />

Technical potential Economically feasible potential Present production<br />

Source: EUREC Agency.<br />

Refurbishment of old sites means the replacement of old equipment with<br />

more efficient turbines and/or generators, which would increase power<br />


European SHP capacity potential [MW]<br />

16000<br />

14000<br />

12000<br />

10000<br />

8000<br />

6000<br />

4000<br />

2000<br />

production and/or reduce maintenance costs. Restoration means a more<br />

extensive overhaul of a power plant and can include a change of equipment<br />

and/or an improvement of the civil works. The restoration or refurbishment<br />

of old sites is one of the most promising and cost-effective ways to increase<br />

hydropower generating capacity, as many thousands of old sites developed<br />

in the early part of the past century have been abandoned and may readily be<br />

restored with modern equipment at competitive cost. Proper restoration,<br />

refurbishment and maintenance of these plants would double the European<br />

SHP electricity potential (see Figure 18).<br />

Figure 18<br />

Technical and Real European SHP Capacity Potential<br />

Regional Factors<br />

SHP installed capacity is estimated to grow between 1% and 6% per year<br />

over the next 20 years. Developing countries are likely to experience higher<br />

growth rates than the IEA countries. The largest increase is expected to be in<br />

China. Rapid expansion with significant growth rates of 5% or above are<br />

expected in other areas of Asia, Latin America, the Middle East, and North<br />

and sub-Saharan Africa. Central and Eastern Europe are expected to increase<br />

their capacity at a lower growth rate of 2%, mainly through refurbishment<br />

and restoration of old sites. The world market for small hydropower<br />

technology is worth well over USD 1 billion per year.<br />

2<br />


Restoration New<br />

Real potential Technical potential<br />

Sources: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland; Blue<strong>AG</strong>E ESHA study, Lorenzoni et al. (2000). Considers old sites and new plants,<br />

taking into account environmental, legal and economic constraints.<br />


48<br />

Table 5<br />

Key Factors for SHP Potential<br />

Factor Fact<br />

Capacity installed in 2000 in GW 32 GW**<br />

Potential in 2010 in GW 45 GW<br />

Future potential beyond term year given medium-high<br />

Rule of thumb for conversion ratio*<br />

(installed power to electric output)<br />

1 kW --> 3,500 – 6,000 kWh per year<br />

* Mean value based on European average for the lower rate (30 TWh production and 9 GW capacity in 1995), and<br />

the average of selected European countries (12 TWh production and 2 GW capacity in 2000) for the higher rate.<br />

** Higher and different capacity figures are communicated based on different SHP definitions.<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland.<br />

Table 6<br />

SHP Global Growth Rates and Installed Capacity by 2020<br />

Region Present Business-as-usual Accelerated development<br />

scenario scenario<br />

[MW] Growth rate 2020 [MW] Growth rate 2020 [MW]<br />

China* 9,500 5% 25,000 6% 30,500<br />

Europe 12,500 2% 18,500 4% 27,500<br />

South and<br />

Central America<br />

3,000 5% 8,000 6% 9,500<br />

North America 5,500 1% 6,500 4% 12,000<br />

Rest of the World 1,500 5% 4,000 6% 5,000<br />

Total 32,000 3,2% 62,000 5% 84,500<br />

* Higher and different capacity figures (especially for China) are communicated based on different SHP definitions.<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland.<br />

Table 7<br />

Cost Reduction Potential for Small Hydropower<br />

R&D Economy of scale I Economy of scale II Economy of scale III<br />

(components size) (manufacturing volume) (plant size)<br />

High-head 2-3% 2-3% 2-3% 2-3%<br />

Low-head 4-5% 4-5% 2-3% 2-3%<br />

Supplemental 4-5% 4-5% 2-3% 4-5%<br />

Note: In % within a decade based on expected technology learning and market growth.<br />

Source: Estimate by <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland.<br />


Table 8<br />

Costs for Small Hydropower in Developed Countries<br />

Current investment costs Low investment costs: 1,000<br />

in USD per kW High investment costs: 5,000<br />

Expected investment costs Low investment costs: 950<br />

in USD per kW in 2010 High investment costs: 4,500<br />

Current generation costs Low cost generation: 2-3<br />

in USD cents per kWh High cost generation: 9-15<br />

Expected generation costs Low cost generation: 2<br />

in USD cents per kWh in 2010 High cost generation: 8-13<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland.<br />

Issues for Further Progress<br />

● Technical Issues<br />

Rationalisation, Standardisation and Design<br />

Standardisation of turbine manufacturing has proved difficult. Standard<br />

design is best for small hydropower projects where cost rather than efficiency<br />

is the most important factor. In most cases, the end-user gains no advantages<br />

from standardisation, which is not suited well to the diverse small<br />

hydropower market and can result in significant energy losses. Rather than<br />

standardisation, the key is to “regularise” design procedures, the general<br />

system arrangement, and most of the elements (notably the<br />

electromechanical equipment, control systems and grid-connection<br />

arrangements), but the size and primary hydro components individually<br />

calculated and manufactured.<br />

Computerised tools are being developed to assist in turbine design, as well<br />

as in the design of supply canals, inlet gates, grids and draft tubes for small<br />

hydropower projects.<br />

The development of SHP plants requires specialised skills. A common complaint<br />

among technical experts is that SHP developers and project managers lack<br />

necessary knowledge or experience in plant construction. A systematically<br />

optimised design should be possible for small hydropower turbines, but this is<br />

not the case at present. Many manufacturers lack the technical expertise or<br />

facilities to design and test turbines.<br />

2<br />



50<br />

Materials<br />

Low-cost materials like steel and ceramics resistant to sand erosion and<br />

machine components made of plastic, glass fibre, etc. need to be developed<br />

for SHP.<br />

Civil Engineering<br />

Civil engineering represents a major portion of the total cost of a small<br />

hydropower plant, often more than 50% (including penstock in the case of<br />

high heads). Although few advances in civil engineering for SHP can be<br />

expected, some progress has been made in the use of geotextiles. These<br />

materials can be used in the construction of weirs, storage lagoons and<br />

drainage under the power canals to prevent landslides. Research into<br />

reducing the cost of the penstock (which can account for almost 50% of the<br />

total civil engineering cost) could result in improving the cost-effectiveness<br />

of SHP plants. For example, it appears that the use of fibreglass in the<br />

penstock can be cost-effective for a plant of up to about 2 MW. Powerhouses<br />

should also be studied to ensure that they are integrated into the local<br />

environment and soundproofed at moderate cost.<br />

Electromechanical Engineering<br />

● Generators: Since present generator efficiency is close to 100%,<br />

appreciable cost reductions from more R&D are uncertain. The use of higherperformance<br />

materials (for example, high-performance magnets for<br />

synchronous machines) may improve efficiency, but would also increase<br />

costs. Improving some materials, such as less expensive cooling fluids, may<br />

also reduce costs, but efficiencies might decrease. The benefits of developing<br />

suitable, inexpensive, multi-pole generators to eliminate gear-boxes in lowhead<br />

applications need to be studied.<br />

● Variable speed: The adjustment of turbine speed allows maximum<br />

turbine efficiency regardless of operating conditions. However, as electrical<br />

power has to be supplied at constant voltage and frequency, an electronic<br />

frequency converter must be used. This requires additional investment and<br />

results in a certain loss of efficiency. The economic balance, the application<br />

range, and the resultant benefits of such a solution have to be carefully<br />

studied in terms of the turbine characteristics and hydraulic variability.<br />

Interestingly, technology transfer from wind applications may be viable.<br />

● Controlling and monitoring: In recent years, most small hydropower<br />

projects have used personal computers for system control and monitoring.<br />

Specific software can be used for data collection and remote control of the<br />

plant. Intelligent electronic devices (IED) for operation, closed loop control,<br />


protection and monitoring offer cost-effective solutions. A wired or unwired<br />

telecommunication link to a regional control centre for remote control and<br />

monitoring can lower maintenance costs.<br />

● Non-technical Issues<br />

Institutional and regulatory rules can cause delays for approval of SHP<br />

projects, but could be streamlined without loss of oversight responsibilities.<br />

Procedures for gaining permission to use river water can be simplified and,<br />

in order to enhance environmental support, a standard method to determine<br />

acceptable minimum river flow could be established.<br />

Although many sites have the potential for hydropower production,<br />

development can lead to significant ecological impacts. Past hydropower<br />

projects have disrupted fish runs, flooded large areas and converted rapids<br />

into placid lakes. With some foresight and precautions, small hydropower<br />

sites can be adapted to meet local environmental concerns and comply with<br />

the latest environmental policies. Various techniques can help minimise<br />

ecological impacts: e.g. fish ladders, careful operation of reservoirs,<br />

integration of powerhouses into the landscape and noise reduction. Other<br />

more complex techniques include guidance systems to deflect fish from<br />

small hydropower intakes and outfalls without energy. Environmental issues<br />

and their solutions need further exploration in order to produce definitive<br />

and broadly acceptable guidelines for SHP designers and planners.<br />

Proper assessment of sites and selection of equipment can have an<br />

important impact on costs. Digital ortho-photography, digital terrain models<br />

and computer software programmes offer new techniques and solutions.<br />

Remote sensing techniques can also be used to assess isolated sites.<br />

Green markets represent an important opportunity for further deployment of<br />

SHP. Thus it is important to develop a labelling programme to encourage SHP<br />

to be better accepted by the wider public. SHP needs to be marketed through<br />

literature, trade events and missions. Dissemination activities should be<br />

undertaken to encourage “market pull” from the potential growth areas.<br />

2<br />




A Brief History of Photovoltaics<br />

The direct relation between light and electricity was demonstrated by<br />

Becquerel in 1839, but it was not until the development of diodes in 1938 and<br />

transistors in 1948 that the creation of a solar cell became possible. Bell Labs<br />

patented the first solar cell based on silicon in 1955. This was the starting<br />

point for higher cell efficiencies, leading to the commercialisation of<br />

photovoltaics.<br />

Photovoltaic (PV) technology has been used in space and terrestrial<br />

applications from small appliances like calculators to large-scale, multimegawatt<br />

power stations.<br />

<strong>Technology</strong> <strong>Status</strong><br />

PV technology and applications are characterised by their modularity – PV can<br />

be implemented on virtually any scale and size. The overall efficiency of<br />

systems available on the market varies between 6% and 15%, depending on<br />

the type of cell technology and application. The expected life span of PV<br />

systems is between 20 and 30 years. The solar modules are the most durable<br />

part of the system, with failure rates of only one in 10,000 per year. Some<br />

components, e.g. the inverter and battery, have to be replaced more regularly.<br />

Experts expect crystalline silicon (market share 85% in 2002) to remain<br />

dominant in the coming years and thin-film solar cells to be considerably less<br />

expensive in the medium to long term. Different cell technologies can exist<br />

side by side. Some applications require high efficiency in a small space<br />

(crystalline silicon), while others need less expensive material covering a<br />

larger area (thin-film cell technologies).<br />

Individual PV cells are interconnected and encapsulated between a<br />

transparent front, usually glass, and a backing material to form a solar PV<br />

module. PV modules for energy applications are normally rated between 50<br />

and 200 W. The PV module is the principal building block of a PV system and<br />

any number of panels can be interconnected in series or in parallel to provide<br />

the desired electrical output.<br />

3<br />



54<br />

The balance of system (BOS) components (everything except the PV module)<br />

complete the PV system to make it useful for different applications. Inverters,<br />

for instance, allow connection to the AC grid. Other structural elements can<br />

be used to integrate a PV system into a building. Batteries can store the solar<br />

electricity produced during the daytime. The two main types of PV systems<br />

are stand-alone and grid-connected.<br />

Table 9<br />

Examples of PV Applications According to Size<br />

Size class Applications<br />

up to 10 W Pocket calculators, radios, remote wireless sensors,<br />

small chargers, electric fences<br />

10 W-100 W Small illumination systems, call boxes, traffic signals,<br />

parking meters, navigation lights, small<br />

communication systems, weather stations, solar home<br />

systems, medical refrigeration, cathodic protection,<br />

small stand-alone systems for isolated dwellings<br />

0.1kW-1kW Medium-sized pumping systems and irrigation<br />

systems, desalination plants, propulsion of smaller<br />

recreation boats, stand-alone systems for isolated<br />

buildings, small rooftop systems, small hybrid systems<br />

1kW-10kW Medium-sized, grid-connected building and<br />

infrastructure-integrated systems; large stand-alone<br />

systems for isolated buildings; medium-sized hybrid<br />

systems<br />

10 kW-100 kW Large grid-connected systems either building and<br />

infrastructure integrated or ground-based<br />

0.1 MW to 1 MW and above Very large grid-connected systems - either buildingintegrated<br />

or ground-based<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland.<br />

Stand-alone or off-grid PV systems are used in areas that are not easily<br />

accessible, that have no access to electricity mains, or where grid connection<br />

is uneconomic or unnecessary. A typical stand-alone system consists of a PV<br />

module or modules, a battery and a charge controller. An inverter may also<br />

be included to convert the direct current (DC) generated by the PV modules<br />


to the alternating current (AC) required by many appliances. Stand-alone<br />

systems can be subdivided into industrial applications (telecommunications,<br />

water pumping, street illumination, etc.) and rural domestic applications<br />

(isolated housing).<br />

PV systems can also be connected to the local electricity network. The<br />

electricity generated by the PV system can be used immediately (e.g. in<br />

homes or on commercial buildings) and/or can be sold to an electricity<br />

supply company. Power can be bought back from the network when the solar<br />

system is unable to provide the electricity required (e.g. at night). This way,<br />

the grid acts as a kind of “energy storage system” for the PV system owner,<br />

eliminating the need for battery storage. Grid-connected systems can be<br />

subdivided into building-integrated applications and grid-support power.<br />

● Costs<br />

Costs for entire systems vary widely and depend on system size, location,<br />

customer type, grid connection and technical specifications. Less expensive<br />

grid-connected systems cost about USD 4.5 - 6 per W. Stand-alone systems<br />

cost more but are frequently competitive with other autonomous small-scale<br />

electricity supply systems.<br />

Investment Costs for On-grid Systems<br />

Average installation costs are around USD 5-9 per W for building-integrated,<br />

grid-connected PV systems. The lowest costs are around USD 4.5-5 per W, for<br />

example in the Danish Sol-300 programme, in the American Sacramento<br />

District Pioneer programme, in the second phase of the Dutch City of the Sun<br />

project, in the German 1.5-MW large-scale installation in Relzow and in<br />

household systems in Japan. Examples of the cost structure for flat-roof,<br />

sloped-roof and façade-integrated PV systems in Western Europe are shown<br />

in Table 10. Costs vary according to the maturity of the local market and<br />

specific conditions. For example, installation costs are now relatively low in<br />

Germany due to the experience gained in the 100,000 Roofs Programme.<br />

Furthermore, system costs vary significantly depending whether the system<br />

is part of a retrofit or is integrated into a new building.<br />

In many cases, the added cost to the building of the PV is less than the figures<br />

shown here, as in modern systems the PV often replaces other building<br />

materials, and thus those costs are saved. For example, PV can be competitive<br />

in some markets where cladding materials are expensive. Table 11 compares<br />

different cladding materials on the basis of cost per square metre.<br />

3<br />



56<br />

Table 10<br />

Typical Costs (in USD) of Small (1-5 kW) Building-Integrated<br />

Photovoltaic Systems in Urban Areas of Switzerland, 2002<br />

Cost category Flat roof Sloped roof Façade<br />

USD/kW min max min max min max<br />

Project development, 400 1,800 400 1,800 500 1,800<br />

engineering and other costs<br />

Modules 3,300 4,500 3,300 5,500 3,300 6,000<br />

Inverters 500 800 500 800 500 800<br />

Cabling 250 350 300 500 400 600<br />

Module support structure 350 450 400 600 600 1200<br />

Mounting and installation 1,200 1,600 1,400 2,000 2,000 2,500<br />

Total investment 6,000 9,500 6,300 11,200 7,300 12,900<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland.<br />

Table 11<br />

Costs of Cladding Material (USD 2000 /m 2 )<br />

Polished stone 2.400–2.800<br />

PV 500–1.500<br />

Stone 800+<br />

Glass wall systems 560-800<br />

Stainless steel 280-400<br />

Source: IEA-PVPS/Eiffert P. et al, 2001.<br />

Costs of on-grid systems can be lower for land-based installations; however,<br />

such installations also need adequate sub-structure, which limits cost<br />

reduction potential.<br />

Investment Costs for Off-grid Systems<br />

For off-grid systems, investment costs depend on the type of application and<br />

the climate. System prices in the off-grid sector up to 1 kW vary considerably<br />


from USD 10 to 18 per W. Off-grid systems greater than 1 kW show slightly less<br />

variation and lower costs. This wide range is probably due to country and<br />

project-specific factors, especially the required storage capacity. For example,<br />

in the US Southwest, DC systems with four to five days of storage capacity can<br />

be installed. A local retailer can profitably install a simple system with PV<br />

arrays, mounting hardware, charge controller and a lead-acid, deep-cycle<br />

battery bank for USD 10-13 per W. In a moderate climate, an AC system with<br />

ten days of storage capacity, a stand-alone inverter and ground-mounted<br />

hardware can be installed for USD 13-17 per W. High-reliability systems for<br />

industrial uses in moderate climates with 20 days of storage, all-weather<br />

mounts, battery enclosures and system controllers cost at least USD 20 per W.<br />

Generation Costs<br />

Investment costs are one of most important factors determining the cost of<br />

the electricity generated from PV installations. Operation and maintenance<br />

costs are relatively low, typically between 1% and 3% of investment costs, and<br />

the lifetime of PV modules is 20 to 30 years. However, inverters and batteries<br />

have to be replaced every five to ten years, more frequently in hot climates.<br />

While “harmonised” investment costs (same components and systems in<br />

different areas) are relatively similar, kWh costs depend greatly on the solar<br />

irradiation level. Electrical output is roughly proportional to the incident light<br />

reaching the active area. Hence, an efficient PV system receiving 1,100 kWh of<br />

solar irradiation per year and per square meter may produce 110 kWh of<br />

electricity per year and per square meter in most areas of Germany. The same<br />

system receiving 1,900 kWh of solar irradiation per year and per square meter<br />

may produce 190 kWh of electricity per year and per square meter in some<br />

areas of California. The electricity costs 40% less in the second case, where<br />

irradiation is about 70% greater. Electricity output also depends on other<br />

factors like operating temperature, reflectivity and share of diffuse light.<br />

Based on system investment and annual electrical output (but ignoring other<br />

factors such as risk and the environment), generation costs can be estimated<br />

for a range of applications (see Figure 19). Today’s lowest generation costs<br />

(20 to 30 USD cents per kWh) occur with installations having low investment<br />

costs (around USD 4,500) and high energy output (over 1,500 kWh per kW<br />

per year). In the best locations, these costs can fall below 20 USD cents per<br />

kWh over the lifetime of the system.<br />

Cost-competitiveness is greatest where high solar irradiation coincides with<br />

daily (peak) power demand. In Japan, a system cost level of USD 3,000 is<br />

projected to be reached in four to six years.<br />

3<br />



Electricity generation cost in USD cents per kWh<br />

90<br />

75<br />

60<br />

45<br />

30<br />

15<br />

0<br />

58<br />

Figure 19<br />

Approximated Generation Costs for Solar Photovoltaics<br />

4500 USD 5000 USD 5500 USD 6000 USD 6500 USD 7000 USD<br />

● Industry<br />

System investment per kW installed capacity<br />

750 kWh per kW and year<br />

1,000 kWh per kW and year<br />

1,250 kWh per kW and year<br />

1,500 kWh per kW and year<br />

The PV industry is relatively young and vibrant. Today’s silicon solar industry<br />

is comprised of:<br />

● 7 electronic-grade silicon producers;<br />

● 15 wafer producers;<br />

● 25 cell producers;<br />

● 100 module producers.<br />

1,750 kWh per kW and year<br />

2,000 kWh per kW and year<br />

2,250 kWh per kW and year<br />

Note: Based on system investment and annual electrical output, O&M costs are assumed to be 2% of system<br />

investment. Amortisation period is 15 years, and discount rate is 6%.<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland.<br />

The industry is growing rapidly and achieving “dynamic competitiveness”. It<br />

not only uses waste silicon from the computer industry, but is about to create<br />

its own supply. Large energy companies like BP and Shell, and electronics<br />


companies like Sharp, Kyocera and Sanyo are the main PV producers. Ten<br />

companies accounted for almost 90% of the world’s cell/module production<br />

in 2002 (see Table 13).<br />

Table 12<br />

World PV Production in MW, 1994-2002<br />

3<br />

1994 1995 1996 1997 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002<br />

Europe 21.7 20.1 18.8 30.4 33.5 40.0 60.7 86.4 112.8<br />

USA 25.6 34.8 38.9 51.0 53.7 60.8 75.0 100.3 100.6<br />

Japan 16.5 16.4 21.2 35.0 49.0 80.0 128.6 171.2 251.1<br />

ROW* 5.6 6.3 9.8 9.4 18.7 20.5 23.4 32.6 47.8<br />

Total 69.4 77.6 88.7 125.8 154.9 201.3 287.7 390.5 512.3<br />

* ROW – Rest of the World<br />

Source: PVNews, March 2003.<br />

Table 13<br />

Main PV Producers, 1999-2002<br />

Company 1999 2000 2001 2002<br />

MW MW MW MW<br />

Sharp 30.0 50.4 75.0 123.1<br />

BP Solar 32.5 41.9 54.2 66.8<br />

Kyocera 30.3 42.0 54.0 60.0<br />

Shell Solar 22.2 28.0 39.0 47.5<br />

Sanyo 13.0 17.0 19.0 35.0<br />

Astropower 12.0 18.0 26.0 29.7<br />

RWE (ASE) 10.0 14.0 23.0 29.5<br />

Isofoton 6.1 9.5 18.0 27.4<br />

Mitsubishi n.a. 12.0 14.0 24.0<br />

Photowatt 10.0 14.0 14.0 15.0<br />

Total 166.1 246.8 336.2 458.0<br />

World total 201.3 287.7 390.5 512.3<br />

Source: PVNews, March 2003.<br />



60<br />

PV manufacturers have developed diverse strategies for competing in global<br />

markets. Some of these methods include:<br />

● Locating near end-use markets: Manufacturers benefit from feedback by<br />

end-users on product design. Distance from end-use markets can be<br />

partly compensated by making technically trained marketing<br />

representatives available.<br />

● Starting local and small: Reduced transportation costs and more direct<br />

feedback. Small plants can be expanded as demand increases.<br />

● Starting big: Large plants achieve economies of volume and scale that<br />

reduce production costs. This technique has also led to financial<br />

problems when companies try to expand too quickly, particularly into<br />

new technology manufacturing.<br />

● Separating cell and module production: PV cell manufacturing requires<br />

expertise and infrastructure. Because assembly of cells into modules does<br />

not require the same level of expertise, manufacturers often ship cells for<br />

assembly to countries with end-use markets.<br />

● Establishing in-country corporate presence: Manufacturers located incountry<br />

obtain preferential treatment, such as exemptions from certain<br />

taxes. Additionally, some countries, such as Germany, provide<br />

investment incentives for building plants.<br />

The manufacturers can be subdivided into two broad categories: those that<br />

purchase ready-made cells and assemble them into modules, and verticallyintegrated<br />

manufacturers who manufacture their own cells and modules.<br />

Amorphous silicon manufacturers normally have vertically-integrated<br />

production lines, as the cell and module are usually assembled in the same<br />

process.<br />

The manufacture of balance of system components such as inverters,<br />

batteries and battery charge controllers, and array support structures<br />

constitutes a large industry. In the absence of an international standard for<br />

grid connection, inverters are largely selected on the basis of compliance<br />

with connection requirements in a particular country.<br />

A number of countries with little or no module manufacturing capacity are<br />

active in other areas of the industry. For example, Isovolta/Werndorf of<br />

Austria produces and exports approximately 50% of world demand for tedlar<br />

used in PV modules. Crystalox of the UK and ScanWafer of Norway are major<br />

exporters of multi-crystalline silicon ingots and wafers. Automation Tooling<br />

Systems of Canada has developed and marketed automated PV cells and<br />


sells customised module manufacturing lines. Two Swiss companies, Meyer<br />

& Burger and HCT Shaping systems, have a large share of the market for wire<br />

saws used for cell production.<br />

The US industry is export-oriented: more than 80% of the approximately<br />

150,000 charge controllers manufactured by US suppliers are sold abroad.<br />

The Japanese PV industry primarily supplies its domestic market. The<br />

European PV industry currently imports about as many modules as it exports.<br />

● Market<br />

The annual production of PV modules has been growing at an average rate<br />

of more than 30% in recent years. PV module production capacity is now<br />

over 500 MW per year. The latest data on global cell/module production by<br />

cell technology in MW are given in Figure 20.<br />

Figure 20<br />

World Production by Cell <strong>Technology</strong> in 2002<br />

Cadmium telluride<br />

0.4%<br />

In 1990, PV was used mainly in stand-alone systems, for rural electrification<br />

and small-scale applications. Since then, the number of grid-connected<br />

systems has greatly increased. Europe and Japan have the largest number of<br />

distributed grid-connected PV systems, mostly building-integrated (BiPV).<br />

3<br />

Ribbon silicon<br />

3.3%<br />

Amorphous<br />

silicon<br />

5.5%<br />

Amorphous<br />

silicon on single<br />

crystal silicon<br />

slice<br />

5.9%<br />

Multicrystal<br />

54.4%<br />

Source: PVNEWS, March 2003.<br />


Microcrystal<br />

silicon/single<br />

silicon<br />

0.7%<br />

Silicon on lowcost-substrate<br />

0.3%<br />

Crystal silicon<br />

concentrators<br />

0.1%<br />

61<br />

Single crystal flat<br />

plate<br />


62<br />

The market share of distributed grid-connected PV installations has been<br />

growing steadily and reached 63% of cumulative capacity installed in IEA<br />

PVPS countries by the end of 2001 * . Figure 21 provides an overview of the<br />

seven major segments of the PV market.<br />

Figure 21<br />

Relative Share of PV Market in 2000<br />

Off-grid residential<br />

1 st world<br />

6%<br />

On-grid central power<br />

>100 kW<br />

2%<br />

Source: Sarasin Bank.<br />

● Environment<br />

Off-grid rural 3 rd world<br />

12%<br />

On-grid residential<br />

and commercial<br />

42%<br />

Consumer products<br />

14%<br />

Communication and<br />

signal<br />

14%<br />

PV-diesel hybrid<br />

10%<br />

Replacing fossil fuel-based electricity generation with PV can yield significant<br />

environmental benefits. However, two issues bear noting. First, PV<br />

consumes a large amount of electricity in its production. While PV’s energy<br />

payback is on the order of 2–5 years, the energy used is almost always from<br />

the grid, so some consider that renewables “inherits” the emissions of the<br />

supply. Second, PV arrays are quite large and require space for their<br />

deployment. Where these arrays can be integrated into roofs, or where<br />

marginal or rural lands can be used, this is not a problem, and can even<br />

generate savings. However, the future concept of large arrays near urban<br />

load centers carries a possible conflict for land use. Other issues include:<br />

● Manufacturing and substances of concern: PV’s manufacturing process<br />

uses toxic and flammable/explosive gases like silane, phosphine or<br />

* PVPS refers to the IEA PhotoVoltaic Power System Implementing Agreement, a technology collaboration project that<br />

brings together researchers for R&D. PVPS countries include: Australia, Austria, Canada, Denmark, Finland, France,<br />

Germany, Israel, Italy, Japan, Republic of Korea, Mexico, the Netherlands, Norway, Portugal, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland,<br />

United Kingdom and the United States of America.<br />


germane, and toxic metals like cadmium. However, current control<br />

technologies appear sufficient to manage wastes and emissions in today’s<br />

production facilities. Recycling technologies are being developed for cell<br />

materials. The development of thinner layers and better deposition<br />

processes can make the use of these materials more efficient. The use of<br />

cadmium and other “black list” metals in PV components is controversial,<br />

though there are no indications of immediate risks.<br />

● Energy payback times: As mentioned above, the effective energy<br />

payback time of PV systems depends on the technology used and the type<br />

of application and energy yield in different climates. Although it varies by<br />

type of technology, the payback time is much shorter than the 20-30 year<br />

expected lifetime of a PV system. For crystalline silicon modules, most of<br />

the energy is needed for silicon production, while for thin-film modules<br />

the encapsulation materials (e.g. glass) and processing represent<br />

the largest energy requirements. There remains a large potential for<br />

reducing energy use in production, which will also reduce the inherited<br />

emissions.<br />

● Operation and emissions: PV systems operate virtually without any<br />

harmful emissions. They work silently and do not emit any gases.<br />

Electromagnetic interference may cause technical problems, but it is not<br />

harmful to humans.<br />

● Land use: Large-scale, ground-based PV arrays may become a future issue<br />

where land is scarce. However, small scale PV systems can be easily<br />

integrated into buildings, an advantage in comparison to other power<br />

plants.<br />

Prospects for Solar Photovoltaics<br />

● Cost Reduction Opportunities<br />

Cost reduction has been a key issue for PV, as costs are still relatively high<br />

compared to other types of grid-connected electric technologies. But cost<br />

reductions of BIPV systems have been considerable and average costs have<br />

been reduced by a factor of 2 in each of the last two decades, as depicted in<br />

Figure 22. This trend is likely to continue in the future.<br />

Cost-reduction opportunities for cells and modules are important because<br />

these items are expensive key components of PV systems. Improvements in<br />

cell technology efficiency through R&D are depicted in Figure 23.<br />

3<br />



PV module shipments in MWp<br />

550<br />

500<br />

450<br />

400<br />

350<br />

300<br />

250<br />

200<br />

150<br />

100<br />

50<br />

0<br />

Efficiency rate (%)<br />

64<br />

Figure 22<br />

Annual World PV Module Production (columns) and Building-integrated<br />

PV System Costs (dots), 1983-2002<br />

1983<br />

1984<br />

1985<br />

1986<br />

1987<br />

1988<br />

1989<br />

1990<br />

1991<br />

1992<br />

1993<br />

1994<br />

1995<br />

1996<br />

1997<br />

1998<br />

1999<br />

2000<br />

2001<br />

2002<br />

Year<br />

MWp shipped per annum BiPV system cost in EUR per kWp<br />

Sources: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland; PV News, February 2002.<br />

Figure 23<br />

Evolution of Cell Efficiency<br />

30<br />

25<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

1955<br />

1960<br />

1965<br />

1970<br />

1975<br />

1980<br />

Year<br />

1985<br />

Sources: IEA-PVPS Task 7 (2003), “Education and Training Material for Architects”, Utrecht.<br />

1990<br />

1995<br />

2000<br />

2005<br />

27500<br />

25000<br />

22500<br />

20000<br />

17500<br />

15000<br />

12500<br />

10000<br />

7500<br />

5000<br />

2500<br />

0<br />

wafer-based c-Si cells<br />

thin-film CIGS cells<br />

thin-film CdTe cells<br />

BIPV system costs in € per kWp<br />

thin-film a-Si cells (stable)<br />

wafer-based c-Si modules<br />

thin-film GIGS modules<br />

thin-film a-Si modules<br />

(stable)<br />


Efficiency [%]<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

0<br />

R&D is especially important for new cell technologies to enter the<br />

manufacturing sector and markets. There are a number of PV cell<br />

technologies, each of which offers unique characteristics. New cell<br />

technologies evolve through R&D but also require manufacturing experience<br />

to become commercial. Because PV cell manufacturing requires large<br />

investments, market and manufacturing volume is very important.<br />

Figure 24<br />

A Conceptual Road Map for Photovoltaic Cell <strong>Technology</strong><br />

today and<br />

tomorrow<br />

The MUSIC FM project concluded that up-scaling the manufacturing plant to<br />

500 MW would result in module costs below € 1 1995 per W for multicrystalline<br />

silicon. In theory, manufacturing costs for different thin-film<br />

technologies would be around € 0.7 1995 per W at a scale of 60 MW. A recent<br />

study by Arthur D. Little indicated that cost reductions close to 50% are<br />

possible for most technologies in the period from 2000 to 2010, bringing<br />

manufacturing costs down to USD 0.95 to 1.40 per W. Major contributions<br />

come from:<br />

● up-scaling from 10 MW to 100 MW, allowing cost reductions due<br />

to volume purchase, balanced line, larger equipment and higher<br />

throughput;<br />

3<br />

crystalline silicon<br />

(incl. EFG, RGS)<br />

thin-film technologies<br />

a-Si CIS, CdTe Si-film<br />

Dye cells, plastic cells<br />

new concepts<br />

mid-term<br />

Source: Hoffmann W., RWE Schott Solar GmbH.<br />


thin-film<br />

technologies<br />

Cz and mc<br />

crystalline<br />

silicon<br />

Dye cells, plastic cells<br />

new concepts<br />

EFG<br />

silicon-ribbon<br />

RGS<br />

today and<br />

long-term mid-term long-term<br />

tomorrow<br />

1.0<br />

0.5<br />

0<br />

65<br />

Cost [relative]

66<br />

● increased cell efficiency (a 2% to 4% cell efficiency increase translates into<br />

an efficiency gain of 20% for established crystalline silicon technologies<br />

and up to 40% for thin-film technologies);<br />

● improved manufacturing and handling processes (fewer broken and outof-spec<br />

products, improved material utilisation).<br />

The cost reduction potential is around 25% for a tenfold up-scaling and<br />

another 25% for increased cell efficiency and enhanced processes.<br />

Key findings from various studies indicate:<br />

● cost reduction potential in semiconductor processing must be exploited<br />

to lower manufacturing costs;<br />

● feedstock issues become more important for crystalline silicon once<br />

manufacturing costs have substantially decreased. Thus, availability of<br />

low-cost material must be assured;<br />

● costs for other materials (substrates, encapsulants, pottants, mounts,<br />

electrical connections) dominate when semiconductor costs are optimised;<br />

● overhead costs decrease in relative terms when manufacturing volumes<br />

increase.<br />

Projected costs vary considerably for individual PV cell and module<br />

technologies but have common aspects: R&D and increased volume can<br />

contribute to overall cost reductions of almost 50% within a decade in the<br />

areas of feedstock, device and cell efficiency, and manufacturing processing.<br />

Although modules represent about 60% of grid-connected system costs,<br />

reducing the cost of components BOS is also important for bringing down<br />

total system costs. For instance, the efficiency rate of common inverters in<br />

the range of 1.5-3.3 kW was between 85.5% and 90% in the years 1988 to<br />

1990. Today their efficiency is above 90%, even for smaller units (100-200 W),<br />

and is often close to 95% for the most common models. Technical<br />

improvements are expected to increase efficiency and extend their lifetime to<br />

15 - 20 years. Costs for inverters in particular could be reduced through<br />

higher manufacturing volumes.<br />

Cost reductions have been more substantial for BOS (inverter, mounting<br />

structure, installation labour and planning) than for modules in recent years,<br />

especially in markets that have reached a critical mass in volume sales, such<br />

as residential systems in Japan and Germany. For example, installation costs<br />

are lowest for 2 kW PV installations in Germany thanks to enhanced<br />

standardisation of planning and mounting procedures and materials, as well<br />

as installation experience that has resulted in the need for less on-site labour.<br />

In Japan, PV is becoming a common building material. Many houses are<br />


Generation costs in €/kWh<br />

1.1<br />

1<br />

0.9<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

either prefabricated or constructed of standardised building components.<br />

These building trends favour the integration of solar modules. This<br />

advantage has been recognised by solar manufacturers and they have either<br />

bought housing or construction companies, or concluded strategic alliances<br />

with such companies.<br />

For stand-alone systems, storage is a key issue. Battery system components<br />

have been adapted for the charge/discharge behaviour of PV in order to<br />

increase battery life span. Special software is used to design systems for<br />

specific locations and circumstances.<br />

Economies of scale with respect to the size of the generation plant contribute<br />

to reduce system and installation costs. Data from the Swiss PV subsidy<br />

programme from 1997 to 2001 show economies of scale averaging 14% for<br />

medium to large-scale (> 50 kW) plants compared to small-scale (2-4 kW)<br />

plants. Cost data do not distinguish between different types of installations<br />

but only between different size classes. Note that generation costs came<br />

down by around 20% from 1999-2001 for small-scale installations (up to<br />

10 kW) and by around 10% for larger installations. This underpins the fact<br />

that volume (experience and standardised procedures for small-scale<br />

applications) induces considerable cost reductions and that economies of<br />

scale, due to PV generator size, are less significant compared to other<br />

technologies because of the modular structure of PV.<br />

Figure 25<br />

Average Generation Costs for Different PV System Size Classes in<br />

Germany, 1999-2001<br />

3<br />

< 2 kWp 2-3 kWp 3-5 kWp 5-10 kWp 10-50 kWp 50-120 kWp<br />

Year 1999 Year 2000 Year 2001<br />

Source: Data from German Federal Ministry of Economics and Labour.<br />



68<br />

Economy of scale can be relevant for some component sizes. For instance,<br />

inverters cost substantially less on a per kW basis in large sizes than in<br />

small ones. The same is true for modules and batteries although the<br />

difference in cost between large and small components is not as great as with<br />

inverters.<br />

PV technology needs market stimulation to improve products and increase<br />

volume. Opening up markets stimulates private-sector R&D and initiates the<br />

learning process. R&D progress and associated cost reductions will be crucial<br />

to the future of PV.<br />

● Market Opportunities<br />

Market Potential<br />

Theoretically, the potential for photovoltaic applications is tremendous as<br />

sunlight is ubiquitous and areas available for development and applications<br />

abound. Building stock in industrialised countries offers enough suitable<br />

surfaces for PV to generate between 15% and 50% of current electricity<br />

consumption.<br />

Electricity output and costs of PV applications depend primarily on the<br />

amount of sunshine in a given area. Roughly speaking, the ratio of solar<br />

irradiation to electrical output is directly proportional, although other factors<br />

like operating temperature, dirt, reflexivity and share of diffuse light<br />

influence this relationship.<br />

<strong>Technology</strong> Factors<br />

On the basis of traditional cost-evaluation PV is not competitive, by a factor<br />

of 10 or more, with conventional base load power from the grid. However,<br />

solar electricity is being successfully deployed on the grid. This is both in<br />

areas of expensive conventional peak power and high solar irradiation<br />

(e.g., California) through subsidy support. As a result, the market for<br />

grid-connected PV (e.g., Germany and Japan) rooftop systems is the<br />

fastest-growing of all PV applications.<br />

Building-integrated/decentralised, grid-connected photovoltaic systems<br />

are becoming more common, especially in Europe, Japan and the US. In<br />

these regions, the biggest potential application is rooftop systems on<br />

houses and commercial buildings connected to the local electricity network.<br />

PV for use in building-integrated systems is already manufactured as a<br />

construction material, making the building’s outer surface multifunctional.<br />


This is seen most often in Japan, although it is now entering the US and<br />

European markets. Significant programmes to encourage BiPV include<br />

the 100,000 Roofs Programme and favourable feed-in tariff rates in<br />

Germany; the 70,000 Roofs Programme in Japan; and the One Million Solar<br />

Roofs Initiative in the US. One of the most successful policy supports has<br />

been the establishment of “net metering” rules in the US, where PV on<br />

rooftops can feed into, or draw out of, the utility distribution network for<br />

the same cost. Thus cost competitiveness of PV can be measured on the<br />

basis of the retail cost of electricity, instead of the wholesale cost of<br />

electricity.<br />

The advantages of BiPV are: a) the built environment can be used in a<br />

multifunctional way, b) distribution losses are reduced because the system is<br />

installed at the point of use, c) no extra land is required for the PV system, d)<br />

installation costs can be reduced if the system is incorporated within the<br />

structure, e) energy storage is not required and f) BiPV building materials can<br />

already compete with costly façade materials like marble.<br />

Stand-alone PV systems (mainly industrial) are also becoming more<br />

versatile. They can supply energy competitively for a great variety of remote<br />

applications as well as for modern infrastructure-related applications, such<br />

as telecommunications. Developing countries also offer many opportunities<br />

for PV in rural areas – for example, applications for water pumping,<br />

communications, solar home systems and micro-grids.<br />

Consumer applications from calculators to mobile telephones can be solarpowered,<br />

as PV for this use remains the practical and low-cost option. A<br />

profitable market for the industry already exists.<br />

Most experience curves for PV tend to have progress ratios around 80 - 82%,<br />

which translates to a learning rate of 18 - 20% for each doubling of volume.<br />

It can be anticipated that PV continues to show a relatively high learning rate<br />

thanks to its technological potential with respect to further enhancing<br />

materials, system design and manufacturing processes. As with other<br />

industries, this rate may decrease in the future as volumes increase and<br />

technologies mature.<br />

Experience curve analysis shows that a large cost reduction opportunity, in<br />

relative terms, exists. Compared to wholesale electricity, however, PV power<br />

will remain comparatively expensive over the next two decades except where<br />

the solar resource is particularly strong.<br />

3<br />



Price of photovoltaic module<br />

in USD per W<br />

100<br />

10<br />

70<br />

Figure 26<br />

Experience Curve for PV Modules, 1968-2002<br />

1<br />

0.1 1 10 100 1000 10000<br />

Cumulative global photovoltaic module shipment in MW<br />

Source: IIASA/Harmon.<br />

Regional Factors<br />

PV is unlikely to be a significant contributor to the energy balance in the short to<br />

medium term. Current market growth of 30% per year is the result of government<br />

incentives. The resulting cost reductions are impressive, as every doubling of the<br />

volume produced has brought about a cost decrease of some 20%.<br />

Many countries adopted specific policy and industry goals for PV over the<br />

past decade. Japan’s official growth goal is 4.82 GW by 2010, and the US<br />

industry’s target is 2.14 GW. The European Commission’s target is 3 GW of<br />

installed PV power by 2010. The European PV Industry Association (EPIA)<br />

has about the same target. Another 1.2 GW of installed capacity is forecast for<br />

the rest of the world. In order to achieve these goals, according to EPIA,<br />

annual cell and module production would need to grow to around 870 MW<br />

for Europe, 1,360 MW for Japan and 450 MW for the US, with additional<br />

production outside these areas. To reach these ambitious goals of more than<br />

11 GW of installed PV power worldwide by 2010, the global growth rate<br />

would have to be close to 30%, resulting in a yearly global shipment of PV<br />

cell and module production of around 2.9 GW in 2010.<br />

Since these goals were fixed, PV has experienced vigorous growth. Based on a<br />

more conservative interpretation of potential market expansion, annual<br />

volume may grow from 0.5 GW in 2002 to around 2 GW in 2010. Cumulative<br />

global capacity might increase from 2 GW in 2002 to around 11 GW in 2010. As<br />

a result of cost improvements from a market of this scale, system costs would<br />

then be around USD 3 to 3.5 per W and could drop by another 40 to 50% by<br />


System DC/AC unit costs (individual<br />

home basis) per W in 1997 USD<br />

8<br />

7<br />

6<br />

5<br />

4<br />

3<br />

2<br />

1<br />

0<br />

2020. These cost figures fit quite well with forecasts given by the World Energy<br />

Council with projected installed system capital cost of around USD 1,500 per<br />

kW for PV solar technology in 2020 and by EPRI/DOE for building-integrated<br />

PV systems costing around USD 2,000 per kW (see Figure 27).<br />

Figure 27<br />

Cost Development and Indicators for Photovoltaic Systems<br />

In sum, about half of the future cost decreases for PV will be the result of R&D<br />

into improving materials, processes, conversion efficiency and design.<br />

Substantial cost reductions can also be gained through increased<br />

manufacturing volume and economies of scale. Increasing the size of<br />

components and plants will also reduce costs.<br />

3<br />

1997 2000 2005 2010 2020 2030<br />

Year<br />

PV module cost USD/W Power-related BOS USD/W<br />

Area-related BOS USD/W (DC) Area-related BOS USD/W (AC)<br />

Note: Based on crystalline silicon residential systems.<br />

Sources: EPRI, US DOE.<br />

Table 14<br />

Cost Reduction Opportunities for Solar Photovoltaics (%)<br />

Solar Up to<br />

photovoltaics 20-25<br />

R&D Economy of scale I Economy of scale II Economy of scale III<br />

(components size) (manufacturing (plant size)<br />

volume)<br />


Up to 5 Up to 15 Up to 5<br />

Note: In % within a decade based on expected technology learning and market growth.<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland.<br />


72<br />

Table 15<br />

Costs for Solar Photovoltaics<br />

Current investment costs ● Low investment costs: 4,500<br />

in USD per kW ● High investment costs: 7,000<br />

Expected investment costs ● Low investment costs: 3,000<br />

in USD per kW in 2010 ● High investment costs: 4,500<br />

Current generation costs ● Low cost generation: 18-20<br />

in USD cents per kWh ● High cost generation: 25-80<br />

Expected generation costs ● Low cost generation: 10-15<br />

in USD cents per kWh in 2010 ● High cost generation: 18-40<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland.<br />

Table 16<br />

Key Factors for Solar Photovoltaics<br />

Factor Fact<br />

Variable influencing energy output ● Global irradiation<br />

Limiting factors ● Grid (load) capacity<br />

Capacity installed in 2002 in GW ● 2 GW<br />

Potential in 2010 in GW ● 11 GW<br />

Future potential beyond term year given ● Very high<br />

Rule of thumb for conversion ratio* ● 1 kW --> 1,200 - 1,800 kWh per year<br />

(installed power to electric output)<br />

* Assumptions: solar irradiation 1,200-1,800 kWh / m 2 and year, system efficiency 10%.<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland.<br />

Issues for Further Progress<br />

● Technical Issues<br />

Feedstock<br />

There are no short-term supply limitations, but demand from the PV industry<br />

versus world market supply of crystalline silicon may become a short-term<br />


issue as production levels increase. Should a bottleneck develop, new<br />

production of feedstocks could be brought on line.<br />

Solar Cell <strong>Technology</strong><br />

Manufacturing approaches have diversified recently. A few technologies<br />

have entered the industrial stage while many others are still in the pilot<br />

manufacturing or even laboratory phase. It is likely that different<br />

technologies will continue to co-exist for different applications for some<br />

time. Many varieties of materials are being researched, but they are far from<br />

the manufacturing stage. An early assessment of production processes,<br />

industrial compatibility and costs should be undertaken.<br />

Balance of System<br />

Both grid-connected and stand-alone applications need better BOS<br />

components. A variety of reliable components are available; nevertheless,<br />

the efficiency, lifetime and operation of some components can be further<br />

improved, especially inverters and batteries. Standardisation and quality<br />

assurance are crucial for components as well as for the entire system.<br />

Ultimately, BiPV systems should be treated like almost any other building<br />

construction component.<br />

The Japanese technology development programme has been particularly<br />

successful. Some key elements of this programme are given in Table 17.<br />

Long-term R&D<br />

While cost reduction potential through learning in PV technology, as in other<br />

technologies, should lead to major cost reductions over time, they are<br />

unlikely to lead to cost competitiveness for on-grid power generation. Longterm<br />

R&D needs to focus, therefore, on how to improve solar technologies<br />

with new and more cost effective technologies. The time horizon of this R&D<br />

effort extends well beyond the 2010 limit of this work’s focus.<br />

R&D focused on the long-term is, therefore, of high importance for PV, in<br />

particular for the solar cell. Furthermore, to bring new concept cells and<br />

modules to production, new manufacturing techniques and large investment<br />

is needed. Such developments typically require 5 to 10 years to move from<br />

laboratory research to industrial production. Over the next decade, thin film<br />

technologies are expected to display their potential for cost reduction and<br />

improved performance, and grow to significant shares of the shipped volume.<br />

Novel concepts for PV can be found in some of today’s most promising<br />

scientific fields, including nanotechnology, organic thin films and molecular<br />

3<br />



74<br />

Table 17<br />

Diffusion Scenarios for Photovoltaic Power Generation in Japan<br />

Source: Japanese Advisory Committee for Energy, 1996.<br />

2000 2010 2030<br />

R & D Reduced Development of Mass-production Development of<br />

manufacturing technology for technology for super low<br />

costs manufacturing thin-film solar cells price cells such as<br />

thin-film Development of wet solar cells<br />

solar cells solar cell<br />

components<br />

Improved Increased efficiency Further increase Super efficient<br />

conversion rate of thin-film in efficiency of solar cells<br />

solar cells thin-film solar cells (40% conversion)<br />

Increased Development of <strong>Technology</strong> for<br />

applications unified solar cell combined systems<br />

Improved modules with of solar cells<br />

performance building materials Multifunctional<br />

Development of module for<br />

flexible boards for<br />

amorphous cells<br />

storage cell<br />

Promotion Home-use field Increased interest Actual spread of<br />

because of unified modular<br />

independent market unit with<br />

Strengthening of<br />

efforts by power<br />

companies<br />

building materials<br />

Public facilities Improved reliability Actual spread of<br />

of new technologies unified modular<br />

unit with<br />

building materials<br />

Factories, etc. Widespread<br />

voluntarily<br />

introduction<br />

in industry<br />

Introduced as power<br />

source by power<br />

companies because<br />

new storage<br />

technology ensures<br />

supply stability<br />


chemistry. Such developments – ultimately aimed at imitating<br />

photosynthesis artificially – are likely to be characterized by ever closer<br />

relationships among different scientific disciplines (e.g. physics, chemistry,<br />

etc.). The challenge will be to develop such devices with high conversion<br />

efficiencies and long-term stability in order to match the expected life-time of<br />

25 years and more.<br />

● Non-technical Issues<br />

A number of non-technical issues can greatly affect the potential cost<br />

reduction and market growth of PV. For example, through partnerships and<br />

networking, synergies could be developed to bring different skills together<br />

for R&D, manufacturing and marketing. Mainstream industries such as glass,<br />

display manufacturing, and the building and electronics sectors have<br />

complementary skills from which PV can benefit. These synergies would<br />

become more important as market volume increases.<br />

PV offers many environmental benefits, but some consider that PV inherits<br />

emissions from its consumption of grid electricity generated by fossil-fuels.<br />

This drawback can be reduced by using less energy in the manufacturing<br />

process. A key future goal should be to decrease the energy payback time, in<br />

order to reduce the pollution from fossil plants providing the electricity for<br />

cell and module production.<br />

Standards and codes help create confidence and better handling of PV<br />

products. Quality assurance is important and continued market observations<br />

as well as professional education are needed. Planning and connection<br />

restrictions should be avoided and regulations should favour the integration<br />

of PV in the built environment.<br />

There is still a lack of information and understanding of PV technology in<br />

electric utilities, the building industry and finance sector. Best practices<br />

should be communicated, appropriate applications should be promoted and<br />

sector-specific marketing strategies developed. PV should be an integral part<br />

of the energy portfolio and building and urban planning. Dissemination<br />

activities should convey the added values of PV and the specific issues to be<br />

addressed.<br />

As with any other relatively new technology, and particularly for applications<br />

that require sizeable early investment, appropriate financing solutions need<br />

to be developed. Confidence-building in the finance sector is crucial to<br />

increase investment volumes.<br />

3<br />




A Brief History of Concentrating Solar Power<br />

The idea for solar-powered steam engines originated in France in the 1860s,<br />

and in the following two decades, solar-powered engines were constructed<br />

and used for several applications. In the early 1900s, the first commercial<br />

solar motor and a 45-kW sun-tracking parabolic trough plant were built in<br />

Meadi, Egypt. These early designs were the basis for R&D in the late 1970s<br />

and early 1980s, when solar-thermal plant projects were undertaken in a<br />

number of industrialised nations, including the US, the former Soviet Union,<br />

Japan, Spain and Italy. These plants, covering the whole spectrum of<br />

available technology, failed to reach the desired performance levels, though<br />

R&D continued improving technology and increasing system scale. However,<br />

it was not until the development of power towers in the 1980s that the first<br />

large-scale solar-thermal electric generators were built. Meanwhile, a series<br />

of nine solar-electric generating stations were built in California’s Mojave<br />

Desert.<br />

<strong>Technology</strong> <strong>Status</strong><br />

Applications of concentrating solar power are now feasible from a few<br />

kilowatts to hundreds of megawatts. Solar-thermal plants can function in<br />

dispatchable, grid-connected markets or in distributed, stand-alone<br />

applications. They are suitable for fossil-hybrid operation or can include<br />

cost-effective thermal storage to meet dispatchability requirements.<br />

Moreover, they can operate worldwide in regions having high direct normal<br />

insolation * , including large areas of Africa, Australia, China, India, the<br />

Mediterranean region, the Middle East, the South-western United States, and<br />

Central and South America. “High direct normal insolation” means strong<br />

sunlight where the atmosphere contains little water vapour, which tends to<br />

diffuse the light. At present, Concentrating Solar Power (CSP) technology can<br />

be exploited through three different systems: parabolic trough, parabolic<br />

dish and power tower. All the CSP technologies rely on four basic elements:<br />

concentrator, receiver, transport-storage and power conversion. The<br />

concentrator captures and concentrates direct solar radiation, which is then<br />

* The term "insolation" is a measurement reference to the degree of incoming solar radiation.<br />

4<br />



78<br />

delivered to the receiver. The receiver absorbs the concentrated sunlight,<br />

transferring its heat energy to the power-conversion system. In some CSP<br />

plants, a portion of the thermal energy is stored for later use.<br />

The parabolic trough system, commonly known as the “solar farm”, uses<br />

linear parabolic mirrors to reflect sunlight. The parabolic dish system,<br />

generally known as a “dish/engine” system, collects sunlight through a round<br />

parabolic solar collector. The “power tower” system employs heliostats<br />

(large sun-tracking, reflecting mirrors) to concentrate sunlight onto a central<br />

tower-mounted receiver.<br />

Figure 28<br />

Trough System<br />

Receiver<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland.<br />

Figure 30<br />

Dish/Engine System<br />

Engine<br />

receiver<br />

Concentrator<br />

reflective surface<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland.<br />

Concentrator<br />

reflective<br />

surface<br />

Figure 29<br />

Power Tower System<br />

Receiver<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland.<br />

Heliostat<br />

Although parabolic trough plants are currently the most mature CSP<br />

technology they still have considerable potential for improvement. Power<br />

towers, with potentially low-cost and more efficient thermal-storage, could<br />

offer dispatchable power from solar-only plants with a high annual capacity<br />

factor in the medium term. The planned projects in southern Spain (Solar<br />

Tres and PS10) will be very important in demonstrating this potential.<br />


Dish/engine systems will be used in smaller, high-value applications. In<br />

theory, power towers and parabolic dishes can achieve higher solar-toelectric<br />

efficiencies and lower costs than parabolic trough plants. Parabolic<br />

dish systems are the most efficient of all solar technologies, with currently<br />

about 25% solar-to-electricity efficiency. The 4-95 Stirling Power Conversion<br />

Unit (PCU) now holds the world’s efficiency record for converting solar<br />

energy into grid-quality electricity, with almost 30% efficiency at 1,000 watts<br />

per square metre.<br />

● Hybridisation<br />

Because of their thermal nature, each of the CSP system technologies can be<br />

“hybridised”, or operated in combination with conventional fossil fuels.<br />

Hybridisation has the potential to dramatically augment the usefulness of<br />

CSP technology by increasing its dispatchability, improving its performance<br />

by making more effective use of power generation equipment, and reducing<br />

technological risk by using conventional fuel when needed.<br />

Hybridisation efforts are currently focussed mainly on the parabolic trough,<br />

but the learning from these studies may be transferred to the other types of<br />

systems. The Integrated Solar Combined-Cycle System (ISCCS) design offers<br />

a number of potential advantages to both the solar plant and the combinedcycle<br />

plant. For power tower systems, hybridisations are possible with<br />

natural gas combined-cycle and coal-fired or oil-fired Rankine plants. Initial<br />

commercial-scale power towers will likely be hybridised with conventional<br />

fossil-fired plants. Because dish/engine systems use heat engines, they have<br />

an inherent ability to operate on fossil fuels. However, hybridisation for<br />

dish/engine systems is still a technological challenge.<br />

4<br />

Table 18<br />

Peak Efficiency and Annual Capacity Factors<br />

for the Three CSP <strong>Technologie</strong>s, 2000<br />


Parabolic Power Dish/engine<br />

trough tower system<br />

Peak efficiency<br />

Annual capacity factor<br />

21% 23% 29%<br />

(without and with thermalstorage)<br />

24% 25%-60% 25%<br />

Net annual efficiency 13% 13% 15%<br />

Sources: DOE; SolarPACES.<br />


80<br />

● Thermal Storage<br />

Like hybridisation, thermal storage improves the dispatchability and<br />

marketability of solar-thermal power plants, allowing them to deliver<br />

electricity on demand, independent of the solar cycle. Storage not only<br />

allows high-value dispatch of power, but can decrease costs by permitting<br />

the use of smaller turbines.<br />

The most advanced thermal storage techniques have been applied to power<br />

tower technology. The lessons learned from Solar Two (a 10 MW solar power<br />

demonstration project in the Mojave Desert, California) are being applied to<br />

the first commercial molten-salt power plant, Solar Tres (SIII), a 15 MW<br />

demonstration project in Spain. Other advanced thermal storage<br />

technologies will be explored in future demonstration plants.<br />

There is no thermal storage option for current trough technology. SEGS plants<br />

meet dispatchability needs with natural gas-fired boilers. A molten-salt plant<br />

similar to the one used in Solar Two, but for lower temperatures, deserves<br />

evaluation. Dish/engine system technology does not offer thermal storage<br />

capacity. Other options, such as battery storage, are possible but expensive.<br />

Dish/engine systems are ideal for grid-connected applications, and may be<br />

more useful for stand-alone applications with the addition of storage.<br />

● Costs<br />

Investment and electricity generation costs depend on a multitude of factors<br />

related to technology (e.g. system performance, component size, power<br />

cycle, dispatchability), local logistics (e.g. plant size, location, irradiation,<br />

land cost, water availability) and market circumstances (e.g. manufacturing<br />

volume, project financing, taxation).<br />

Investment Costs<br />

Table 19 gives an overview of emerging CSP technology costs at high<br />

radiation levels (>1,700 kWh/m2 ). Only the parabolic trough costs have been<br />

proven through commercialisation. The costs for power tower technology<br />

and dish/engine systems are based upon pilot or demonstration plants and<br />

thus need confirmation. Costs are listed for the next systems to be deployed<br />

and do not represent future costs which are expected to be much lower.<br />

Differences in the investment and generation costs for CSP systems can be<br />

explained by their different maturities and by the different technological<br />

approaches each uses. Different approaches imply different efficiency rates<br />

and different investment structures. Figure 31 shows the relative costs of<br />

parabolic trough and power tower plants. The most significant difference is<br />


100%<br />

90%<br />

80%<br />

70%<br />

60%<br />

50%<br />

40%<br />

30%<br />

20%<br />

10%<br />

0%<br />

the relatively greater importance of reflector and receiver devices in power<br />

tower systems. This is mainly because very few heliostats have been<br />

manufactured to date and they are expensive (>USD 250/m 2 ).<br />

Table 19<br />

Investment and Generation Costs for CSP <strong>Technologie</strong>s<br />

Investment cost<br />

[€/kW electricity]<br />

Electricity generation cost<br />

[€/kWh]<br />

Sources: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland.<br />

Figure 31<br />

Hybridisation and thermal storage influence both investment and generation<br />

costs. Typically, hybridisation and thermal storage increase dispatchability<br />

and marketability and result in higher investment costs (see Table 20).<br />

Generation Costs<br />

The cost of investment is one of most important factors determining the cost<br />

of CSP. Typically, depreciation accounts for 25-40% of generating cost.<br />

4<br />


Parabolic trough Power tower Dish/engine<br />

system<br />

(SEGS type) (Solar Two) (Stirling)<br />

2,800–3,200 4,000–4,500 10,000–12,000<br />

0.12–0.15 0.15–0.20 0.20–0.25<br />

Relative Costs for Parabolic Trough and Power Tower System Components<br />

Civil works<br />

Parabolic trough Power tower<br />

Control<br />

Reflectors & receivers<br />

Structure<br />

81<br />

Heat transport/storage<br />

Note: Based on the SEGS experience at the Kramer Junction Company for parabolic trough and the projected PS10<br />

for power tower.<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland.

Electricity generation cost USD cents per kWh<br />

40<br />

35<br />

30<br />

25<br />

20<br />

15<br />

10<br />

5<br />

82<br />

Table 20<br />

CSP Thermal-Storage Characteristics and Costs, 1997<br />

Figure 32<br />

Installed cost of energy Lifetime of storage Round-trip storage<br />

storage for a 200-MW system efficiency<br />

plant<br />

(USD/kW heat) (Years) (%)<br />

Parabolic<br />

trough<br />

synthetic-oil<br />

200 30 95<br />

Power tower<br />

molten-salt<br />

Parabolic dish<br />

30 30 99<br />

battery storage 500 to 800 5 to 10 76<br />

Sources: DOE.<br />

Approximate Generation Costs for Concentrating Solar Power<br />

USD 2,000 USD 3,000 USD 4,000 USD 5,000 USD 6,000<br />

System investment per kW installed capacity<br />

1,750 kWh per kW and year<br />

2,000 kWh per kW and year<br />

2,250 kWh per kW and year<br />

2,500 kWh per kW and year<br />

Note: O&M costs are assumed to be 10 % of system investment. Amortisation period is 15 years, and the discount<br />

rate is 6%.<br />

Sources: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland.<br />


Operation and maintenance costs (10-15%) are relatively high compared to<br />

other renewable technologies. The lifetime of a CSP plant is intended to be<br />

20 to 30 years. However, some components may have to be replaced more<br />

frequently.<br />

The remainder of the generation costs depend mostly on the solar irradiation<br />

level. Electrical output generated by CSP plants is roughly proportional to the<br />

incident light onto the active area. Hence, a CSP plant receiving 1,700 kWh of<br />

solar irradiation per year and per square metre will produce less electricity<br />

per year and per square metre than the same plant receiving 2,200 kWh of<br />

solar irradiation per year and per square metre.<br />

The best cost-competitiveness is achieved in areas where radiation levels are<br />

particularly high, i.e. more than 1,700 kWh per square metre. Many areas in<br />

the world have an arid or semi-arid climate, providing optimal conditions for<br />

CSP. The cost of concentrating solar power generated with up-to-date<br />

technology is between 10 and 15 USD cents per kWh.<br />

● Industry<br />

The CSP industry currently includes about 25 companies that design, sell,<br />

own and/or operate energy systems and power plants based on the<br />

concentration of solar energy. CSP companies include energy utilities,<br />

independent power producers or project developers, equipment<br />

manufacturers, specialised development firms, and consultants. While some<br />

companies only offer CSP products, many offer related energy products and<br />

services (see Table 21).<br />

4<br />

Table 21<br />

Participants in the CSP Industry in the US and Europe<br />

Participants USA Europe<br />

Energy utilities 3 4<br />

Independent power producer 4 2<br />

Project developers 4 4<br />

Development and equipment<br />

manufacturers<br />

15 5<br />

Consultants 4 2<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland.<br />



84<br />

An example of a CSP industry is the Industrial Solar <strong>Technology</strong> Corporation<br />

(IST), a full-service solar energy company which designs, manufactures,<br />

installs and operates large-scale, state-of-the-art parabolic trough collector<br />

systems for industrial and commercial water heating, steam generation and<br />

absorption cooling. IST operates mainly in the US, but is active worldwide.<br />

Flabeg Solar International (FlabegSolar), is active in solar-thermal feasibility<br />

studies and development in Europe (Spain and Greece), Africa (Morocco and<br />

Namibia) and the Middle East (Iran). FlabegSolar has also developed a<br />

performance and costing model for solar fields.<br />

The US CSP industry is dominated by developers and equipment<br />

manufacturers who have very strong R&D programmes. The European CSP<br />

industry, especially public utilities in Spain, Germany and Italy, also has a<br />

strong interest in R&D, particularly in the development of volumetric air<br />

receivers, heliostats and Stirling engine technology. The CSP industry has<br />

invested and continues to invest many millions of dollars in CSP technology<br />

and market development. International competition is likely to emerge,<br />

particularly between the industries in the US and Europe.<br />

The European Solar Thermal Industry Association (ESTIA) is seeking to<br />

achieve active collaboration between industry, government and international<br />

organisations. In the US, the Solar Energy Industry Association and the<br />

Department of Energy (DOE) have helped create Solar Enterprise Zones in<br />

Sunbelt states. These economic development zones aim to help large-scale<br />

solar electric projects and assist private companies in developing 1,000 MW<br />

of electricity from CSP projects over a seven-year period. Elsewhere, in the<br />

Middle East, southern Africa and South America, areas which have some of<br />

the largest potential for CSP, governments and utilities are interested in<br />

developing this potential, and some are planning semi-commercial<br />

demonstration plants. CDM and JP funding under the Kyoto Protocol and the<br />

Global Environment Facility are possible sources of added funding for such<br />

plants, as the development of indigenous renewable resources is an option<br />

to be considered for countries with the necessary resource base.<br />

● Market<br />

Initially, SEGS technology was able to enter the market in an era of high and<br />

rising energy prices. However, as energy prices fell in the late 1980s,<br />

renewable energy technologies such as CSP could not compete without<br />

subsidies. Between 1984 and 1991, Luz International Ltd. constructed nine<br />

commercial Rankine-cycle SEGS plants in the Mojave Desert of California.<br />

These plants ranged in capacity from 14 to 80 MW of electricity and totalled<br />

354 MW of installed capacity. The first plant included a large thermal-storage<br />


eservoir and no back-up heat source. The remaining eight plants use natural<br />

gas as the back-up heating fuel for a maximum of 25% of the energy input (as<br />

limited by U.S. federal law to qualify as a solar plant). These plants use no<br />

thermal storage. The power was sold to Southern California Edison (SCE)<br />

under a long-term contract. Size, performance and efficiency increased with<br />

each successive plant and costs were reduced. Over the series of plants<br />

electricity costs were lowered by more than half.<br />

Demonstration pilot plants with a total capacity of around 30 MW have also been<br />

built, but despite the success of the nine SEGS, no new commercial plants have<br />

been constructed since 1991. At the end of the 20th century, operating CSP<br />

capacity was about 370 MW of electricity with an output of nearly 1 TWh per year.<br />

● Environment<br />

CSP technologies cause comparatively little adverse impact on the<br />

environment. Specific issues relate to the use of heat transfer fluids (HTF),<br />

water and land.<br />

● The Heat Transfer Fluids (HTF) used in parabolic troughs is an aromatic<br />

hydrocarbon, biphenyl-diphenyl oxide (classified as non-hazardous by U.S.<br />

standards). If spilled, soil can be contaminated, requiring clean-up. In<br />

addition, there is some level of HTF vapour emissions from valve packing<br />

and pump seals during normal operation. No hazardous gaseous or liquid<br />

emissions are released during operation of the solar power tower plant. Salt<br />

used as HTF is non toxic and can be recycled if necessary. The<br />

environmental impact of dish/engine systems is minimal. Stirling engines<br />

are known for being quiet, relative to internal combustion gasoline and<br />

diesel engines. Emissions from dishes/engines are quite low. Other than the<br />

potential for spilling small amounts of engine oil, coolant or gearbox grease,<br />

these systems produce no effluent when operating with solar energy.<br />

● Water availability can be a significant issue in the arid regions best<br />

suited for CSP plants. SEGS plants in the Mojave Desert showed similar<br />

water consumption to a conventional Rankine cycle power plant (15,000-<br />

20,000 m3 /MW per yr).<br />

● Land use: Centralised CSP plants require a significant amount of land that<br />

typically cannot be used concurrently for other purposes. In order to<br />

minimise the impact on the natural environment, parcels of marginal and<br />

fallow agricultural land should be used. A study for the U.S. State of Texas<br />

showed that land use requirements for parabolic trough plants are<br />

comparable to those of other renewables technologies such as wind or<br />

biomass, and lower than fossil resources when mining and drilling are<br />

taken into account.<br />

4<br />



86<br />

If CSP plants are hybridised with a conventional fossil plant, emissions will be<br />

released from the non-solar portion of the plant.<br />

Prospects for Concentrating Solar Power<br />

Parabolic trough plants are the most mature CSP technology available today<br />

and are most likely to be used in the near term. Power towers, with their<br />

possibility of thermal storage, offer the promise of dispatchable, solar-only<br />

plants with high annual capacity in the medium to long term. Dish engines<br />

are smaller and more modular, presenting the opportunities for a wide array<br />

of energy services in sunny areas.<br />

● Cost Reduction Opportunities<br />

Early trough plants produced power for about USD 0.25/kWh in niche<br />

markets. As continuing R&D improved plant performance and lowered O&M<br />

costs, and as economies of scale for larger plants were achieved, power costs<br />

from the most recent plants dropped to about USD 0.12/kWh, the lowestcost<br />

solar power in the world. While the costs of new plants built with<br />

advanced technologies may initially be slightly higher than the recent trough<br />

plants, they may drop with the construction and successful operation of the<br />

first few advanced plants, demonstrating a learning curve similar or even<br />

more pronounced than that seen at the SEGS plants. This could result in<br />

costs of about USD 0.10/kWh within five years. The industry’s trough<br />

technology roadmap lays out a detailed strategy to combine technology<br />

advances in receivers, reflectors and structures, thermal storage and plant<br />

optimisation to reduce costs to less than USD 0.05/kWh in 15 to 20 years. If<br />

this occurs, CSP in areas with high insolation could be reasonably<br />

competitive with conventional resources in those markets by 2020.<br />

Figure 33 shows past and predicted capital and electricity costs for each CSP<br />

technology. The relationship between capital cost and electricity cost<br />

depends on many factors, in particular the hours of system operation, debt<br />

and depreciation time. For that reason, dish systems will have a higher<br />

electricity cost than power tower systems even if the future capital cost for<br />

both systems is predicted to be very close.<br />

Cost reduction typically comes from four areas:<br />

● R&D: Performance improvements through R&D reduce the cost of<br />

enhanced and optimised components and subsystems. Efforts are<br />

focusing mainly on reflectors and receivers, thermal-storage capability,<br />

heat transfer fluid (HTF), hybridisation and the power cycle.<br />


Capital costs [USD/kWp]<br />

12000<br />

10000<br />

Figure 33<br />

Current and Forecast CSP Capital and Electricity Costs<br />

8000<br />

6000<br />

4000<br />

2000<br />

● Increased component size: The increase in the aperture of the collector<br />

in the SEGS plants developed by Luz International contributed to the cost<br />

reductions achieved by SEGS plants. In power tower systems, heliostat<br />

size may also be increased in order to achieve similar cost reductions.<br />

● Manufacturing volume: Mass production offers great potential for cost<br />

reduction. SunLab estimates that it could bring costs down by 15% to 30%.<br />

In dish/engine systems, the manufacturing process also offers great<br />

potential for cost reduction. Because CSP employs conventional<br />

technology and materials (glass, concrete, steel and standard utility-scale<br />

turbines), production capacity could be scaled up to several hundred<br />

megawatts per year using existing industrial infrastructure. In order for<br />

economies of scale to be realised, manufacturing processes should be<br />

simplified and the level of technology reduced, allowing for manufacturing<br />

to take place in areas where labour and materials are inexpensive.<br />

● Plant size: In large-scale solar-thermal power plants, one of the easiest<br />

ways to reduce the cost of solar electricity from CSP technology is by<br />

increasing plant size. Based on the SEGS experience, the current capital<br />

cost for a parabolic trough system is estimated at USD 3,500 /kW for a<br />

30 MW plant and USD 2,450/kW for a 200 MW plant in a developed<br />

country. Studies have shown that doubling the size of a trough solar field<br />

4<br />

0<br />

2000 2005 2010 2015 2020 2025<br />

Trough capital Tower capital Dish capital<br />

Trough elec. Tower elec. Dish elec.<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland.<br />


0.25<br />

0.20<br />

0.15<br />

0.10<br />

0.05<br />

0.00<br />

87<br />

Levelised electricity costs [USD/kWh]

88<br />

reduces the capital cost by 12-14%. O&M costs for larger plants will<br />

typically be less on a per kilowatt basis. Power plant maintenance costs<br />

will be reduced with larger plants, but solar field maintenance costs will<br />

depend more on solar field size. The O&M costs for the 30 MW<br />

complexes of SEGS III to VII are currently between 3 and 3.5 USD cents per<br />

kWh. SunLab estimates that O&M costs for a new design of 30 MW plant<br />

would be one-third lower at 1.9 cents/kWh. O&M costs for a 200 MW<br />

plant would be somewhat over 1 cent per kWh.<br />

Each CSP technology offers specific cost-reduction opportunities that are<br />

analysed in detail in the following paragraphs.<br />

Parabolic Trough<br />

In the 1990s, a co-operative research project by the SEGS operators and the<br />

DOE/SunLab CSP program improved O&M procedures, reduced parasitic<br />

power requirements and improved collector efficiency, reducing O&M costs by<br />

30%. Improved absorber surfaces coupled with design improvements have<br />

allowed the industry to begin production of a new receiver which could improve<br />

trough plant performance by an additional 20% without increasing costs.<br />

Potential for further cost reduction exists, particularly in heat transport, such as<br />

direct solar generation in parabolic trough collectors (DISS). Implementation of<br />

the improvements expected in the DISS projects could achieve a 20 to 30%<br />

reduction in the cost of electricity generated by trough plants.<br />

An alternative design such as the Integrated Solar Combined Cycle System<br />

(ISCCS) has the potential to reduce solar power cost by 20 to 25%, mainly<br />

through reduced O&M costs. Net annual solar-to-electricity efficiency will be<br />

improved because solar input will not be lost waiting for the turbine to start<br />

up, and because average turbine efficiency will be higher since the turbine<br />

will always run at 50% load or above.<br />

Thermal storage may also represent an opportunity for improvements. A<br />

molten-salt system similar to the one used in Solar Two deserves evaluation.<br />

In such a system, heat is collected by synthetic oil (pumped through the<br />

collector field) and then transferred to the salt via an oil-to-salt heat<br />

exchanger. Another cost-saving development for the medium term is the use<br />

of advanced molten-salt (nitrate salt) as heat transfer fluid (HTF), which<br />

would allow the elimination of the heat exchanger.<br />

Power Towers<br />

The present economic status of power tower technology is difficult to<br />

evaluate since no commercial power plant is operational. However, the<br />


Price [USD/m 2]<br />

300<br />

250<br />

200<br />

150<br />

100<br />

50<br />

capital cost for the first molten-salt power towers is likely to be in the range<br />

of USD 4,000 - 4,500/kW.<br />

As is true for parabolic troughs, further improvement of power tower<br />

performance can be achieved by increasing the size of the plants. Like many<br />

CSP components, the price of heliostats should come down significantly<br />

through economies of scale with respect to manufacturing volume, as shown<br />

in Figure 34.<br />

Figure 34<br />

Heliostat Price as a Function of Annual Production Volume<br />

0<br />

100 1000<br />

Production rate [units/yr]<br />

10000 100000<br />

Source: US DOE, 1997.<br />

More improvements may be achieved due to developments in receiver<br />

efficiency and heliostat manufacturing techniques which will increase the<br />

reliability of power tower systems – these lessons, learned from Solar Two,<br />

are being applied to Solar Tres in Spain. The new configuration could reduce<br />

the cost of heliostats by 45%. Lessons learned from Solar Two are also being<br />

applied in the development of a new thermal-storage system. Design<br />

4<br />



90<br />

innovations have influenced all Solar Tres system elements and have<br />

resulted in two insulated tanks (hot and cold) storing 6,250 tonnes of molten<br />

nitrate salt with capacity for 24 hour-a-day full electrical energy production<br />

(with 16 hours of storage). The thermal storage will raise annual plant<br />

capacity from 20-22% for Solar Two over 60% for Solar Tres. Long term<br />

developments in thermal-storage technology include the formulation of<br />

organic heat transfer fluid.<br />

Dish/Engine Systems<br />

At the Plataforma Solar Almería (PSA), the EuroDish project aims to bring the<br />

system cost down from the current USD 11,000/kW to USD 5,000-6,000/kW.<br />

The major cost-reduction potential lies in the manufacturing process and in<br />

the efficient production of modular parts. Remote control and monitoring,<br />

the use of low-cost elements like cheaper drive and control systems, and an<br />

enhanced procedure for manufacturing the solar receiver should also deliver<br />

cost reductions. The first prototype started operating in February 2001 and<br />

has already reduced costs to USD 5,000/kW. Since this is only a prototype,<br />

cost reductions have to be proven by further project experience. However,<br />

the EuroDish targets seem realistic.<br />

In the medium to long term, installed system costs are expected to decrease<br />

dramatically as series production of dish units increases. At the same time,<br />

annual efficiencies of dish/engine systems are expected to rise in conjunction<br />

with greater reliability and availability.<br />

Hybrid operation (including the use of hydrogen fuel) has been demonstrated<br />

in recent dish/Stirling testing. Advanced hybrid heat pipe receivers are being<br />

developed to allow concurrent solar/fossil operation; however, hybrid<br />

operation has proved very difficult with dish/Stirling systems.<br />

● Market Opportunities<br />

Market Potential<br />

Because CSP plants can only focus direct solar radiation and cannot<br />

concentrate diffuse sky radiation, they only perform well in very sunny<br />

locations, specifically in arid and semi-arid regions. CSP technology is most<br />

likely to develop in regions with radiation levels exceeding 1,700kWh/m2yr, i.e. southern Europe, North and southern Africa, the Middle East, western<br />

India, western Australia, the Andean Plateau, north-eastern Brazil, northern<br />

Mexico and the US Southwest. Although the tropics have high solar<br />

radiation, it is highly diffuse. Long rainy seasons also make these regions<br />

unsuitable for CSP technology.<br />


Costs [USD/kW]<br />

8000<br />

7000<br />

6000<br />

5000<br />

4000<br />

3000<br />

2000<br />

1000<br />

0<br />

Figure 35<br />

Performance Improvement and Cost Reduction with Increasing Production Rates<br />

Regional Factors<br />

Market entry costs for CSP technology are very difficult to quantify using simple<br />

formulae because they depend on prices of the alternative energy sources in<br />

that specific location and on the availability of incentives. Trough and power<br />

tower technology could become competitive (a) at USD 0.06-USD 0.08/kWh as<br />

peak power, (b) at USD 0.30/kWh in developing countries for specific industrial<br />

and mini-grid applications or (c) in places with very high peak power costs.<br />

A number of projects are currently under development (see Table 22), some<br />

of them within the framework of Operational Program No. 7 of the Global<br />

Environmental Facility (Egypt, India, Iran, Mexico and Morocco).<br />

Present parabolic trough installed capacity is 354 MW worldwide, though<br />

projects under development, plus hybrid installations, may bring that capacity<br />

to 650 MW, about 94% of the world’s capacity, by 2005. With an expected<br />

growth rate of 20%, parabolic trough installed capacity would be 1,600 MW<br />

by 2010 and a little more than 10 GW by 2020. Based on these estimates,<br />

parabolic trough would still be the leading CSP technology in 2020.<br />

The total experience with power towers has amounted to only 25 MW, the<br />

combined output of the Solar One and Solar Two prototypes, both built in<br />

the US. No large power tower plants are currently operational. Central<br />

4<br />

100 1000 3000 10000<br />

Production rate [units/year]<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland.<br />


Costs Efficiency<br />

30<br />

25<br />

20<br />

15<br />

91<br />

Peak system efficiency [%]

92<br />

receiver technology is entering the commercialisation phase with two<br />

projects under construction in southern Spain (Solar Tres and PS10). Other<br />

projects already under development may bring the central receiver installed<br />

capacity to 135 MW by 2005. Central receivers then might experience a<br />

slightly higher growth rate than parabolic trough systems, due to the<br />

additional dispatchability from storage. This means that under favourable<br />

conditions with a growth rate of about 25% from 2005 to 2020, the central<br />

receiver installed capacity would be about 4 GW by 2020.<br />

Table 22<br />

Current CSP Projects<br />

Location Cycle CSP technology Solar capacity<br />

[MW electricity]<br />

Australia CLFR 13<br />

Egypt Combined Cycle Investor’s Choice 35<br />

Greece Steam Cycle Trough 52<br />

India Combined Cycle Trough 35<br />

Iran Combined Cycle Trough 67<br />

Israel Combined Cycle Trough 100-500<br />

Jordan Combined Cycle Trough 100-150<br />

Mexico Combined Cycle Investor’s Choice 40<br />

Morocco Combined Cycle Investor’s Choice 30-50<br />

Spain Steam Cycle Trough (AndaSol 1) 50<br />

Spain Steam Cycle Trough (AndaSol 2) 50<br />

Spain Steam Cycle Trough (EuroSEGS) 10<br />

Spain Steam Cycle Power Tower (PS10) 10<br />

Spain Steam Cycle Power Tower (S III) 15<br />

USA Various types Various types 1,000<br />

Source: SolarPACES.<br />

The present parabolic dish installed capacity is on the order of 1 MW;<br />

although, many projects are planned, which may result in installed capacity<br />

of as much as 40 MW by 2005. A SunLab study forecast that parabolic dishes<br />

could experience the most rapid expansion among the different CSP<br />


technologies, with a growth rate of 40% per year from 2005 to 2020. This<br />

means that the parabolic dish cumulative installed capacity would be more<br />

than 6 GW by 2020. This enormous growth rate is explained by the fact that<br />

huge untapped potential in developing countries could be exploited by<br />

parabolic dish systems, which are the most suitable CSP technology for<br />

smaller high-value and off-grid remote applications.<br />

SunLab and SolarPACES estimate that in very good locations, CSP technologies<br />

will be able to deliver power to large-scale, dispatchable markets for gridconnected<br />

peaking or base-load power, and rapidly expanding distributed<br />

markets, including both on-grid and remote/off-grid applications. CSP<br />

technology could meet requirements of current high-value and niche markets<br />

where fuel prices are high (e.g., island systems) or where green power generation<br />

has a high value, provided that the level of insolation meets CSP standards.<br />

Table 23<br />

Current, Planned and Forecast Cumulative Installed Capacity for all<br />

CSP <strong>Technologie</strong>s [MW electricity]<br />

2002 2005 2010 2020<br />

Parabolic trough 354 650 1.600 10,050<br />

Power tower 25 135 410 3,850<br />

Parabolic dish 1 40 215 6,250<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland.<br />

<strong>Technology</strong> Factors<br />

Based on past parabolic trough experience and cost information from<br />

projects under development, the progress ratio for parabolic trough<br />

technology in the near future is expected to be around 85% (meaning that<br />

every doubling of the volume manufactured leads to a cost reduction of 15%).<br />

No new plants have been built since 1991. However, existing plants have<br />

continued to improve through reduced O&M costs and advances in<br />

generation components.<br />

Power tower technology is unique among solar electric technologies in its<br />

ability to store solar energy efficiently and dispatch electricity to the grid<br />

when needed. Compared to parabolic trough technology, power tower<br />

technology has greater cost-reduction potential (particularly with regard to<br />

4<br />



94<br />

energy storage) and higher solar-to-thermal efficiency. Therefore it is<br />

realistic to assume comparable and even better progress ratios than for<br />

parabolic trough technology. Costs are predicted to decrease according to a<br />

learning rate close to 20%.<br />

Figure 36<br />

Past and Predicted CSP Installed Capacity<br />

1985 1990 1995 2000 2005 2010 2015<br />

0<br />

2020<br />

Parabolic dish Power tower Parabolic trough<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland.<br />

25000<br />

20000<br />

15000<br />

10000<br />

5000<br />

Based on the large potential of dish/engine systems, and taking into account<br />

lessons learnt during the commercialisation of trough technology, similar or<br />

better progress ratios can be imagined for parabolic dish technology<br />

compared to parabolic trough technology. Costs are predicted to decrease<br />

according to a learning rate in the range of 10% to 25%. This means that<br />

with a cumulative installed capacity of around 5,000 MW, electricity from<br />

parabolic dish systems could become competitive with other systems for<br />

small energy services, and compete with diesel generators or PV in very sunny<br />

locations.<br />

Figure 37 provides an overview of possible CSP technology costs in the<br />

medium to long term, based on a progress ratio of 85% for the three different<br />

CSP technologies and a global growth rate close to 25%, as predicted by the<br />

US DOE. Take-off costs would be reached between 2010 and 2020. Studies<br />

have shown that CSP costs could drop towards levels similar to those<br />

produced by wind power, at which time CSP markets may grow in a similar<br />

way to the wind market, although in quite different regions.<br />

CSP installed capacity [MW]<br />


10000<br />

Capital cost [USD/kW]<br />

Figure 37<br />

Past and Predicted Experience Curves for CSP <strong>Technologie</strong>s<br />

1000<br />

10 100 1000<br />

Cumulative installed capacity [MW]<br />

10000 100000<br />

Parabolic trough Power tower Parabolic dish<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland.<br />

Issues for Further Progress<br />

The technical viability of CSP technologies has been demonstrated for<br />

parabolic trough technology, and is awaiting further development. Power<br />

tower technology requires the development of low-cost heliostats and several<br />

new demonstration plants. Parabolic dishes require the development of at<br />

least one commercial engine and the maturity of a low-cost concentrator.<br />

● Technical Issues<br />

Suggestions for reducing CSP costs have been given by SunLab and<br />

SolarPACES. Innovation and research should focus on simplifying<br />

components and reducing materials use.<br />

Size<br />

Increasing plant size will increase manufacturing volume and reduce unit<br />

costs for both the power block and the solar field. O&M costs for larger plants<br />

will be less on a per-kilowatt basis because personnel requirements will be<br />

reduced. Power plant maintenance costs will be reduced with larger plants,<br />

4<br />

2010<br />


Experienced<br />

Expected<br />

PR 85%<br />

2020<br />


96<br />

but solar-field maintenance costs, while lower, will be more directly related<br />

to solar-field size. Further cost reduction, due to economy of scale, will be<br />

achieved by increasing the collector area.<br />

Table 24<br />

Planned and Predicted Costs for Each CSP <strong>Technology</strong>: 2005, 2010<br />

and 2020.<br />

Parabolic trough Power tower Parabolic dish<br />

2005 2010 2020 2005 2010 2020 2005 2010 2020<br />

Levelised<br />

electricity<br />

USD/kWh<br />

Capital<br />

0.10 0.08 0.07 0.11 0.07 0.04 0.15 0.10 0.06<br />

costs<br />

USD/W<br />

O&M costs<br />

2.6 2.2 1.4 2.8 2.1 1.1 5.0 3.2 1.2<br />

[USD<br />

cents/kWh]<br />

Surface<br />

1.0 0.5 0.4 1.2 0.4 0.3 4.0 1.5 0.9<br />

costs<br />

USD/m<br />

630 315 275 475 265 200 3,000 1,500 320<br />

2<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland.<br />

Table 25<br />

Costs for Concentrating Solar Power<br />

Current investment costs in USD per kWp Low investment costs: 3,000.<br />

High investment costs: 6,000.<br />

Expected investment costs in USD per kWp in 2010 Low investment costs: 2,000.<br />

High investment costs: 4,000.<br />

Current generation costs in USD cents per kWh Low cost generation: 10-15.<br />

High cost generation: 20-25.<br />

Expected generation costs in USD cents per kWh in 2010 Low cost generation: 6-8.<br />

High cost generation: 10-12.<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland.<br />


Table 26<br />

Cost Reduction Opportunities for Concentrating Solar Power (%)<br />

CSP technology R&D Economy of Economy of Economy of<br />

scale I scale II scale II<br />

(component (manufacturing (plant<br />

size) volume) size)<br />

Parabolic trough up to 5 up to 5 up to 10 up to 10<br />

Power tower<br />

Dish/engine<br />

up to 10 up to 5 up to 10 up to 10<br />

system up to 10 up to 10 up to 10 up to 5<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd. Switzerland.<br />

Table 27<br />

Key Factors for Concentrating Solar Power<br />

Factor Fact<br />

Variable influencing energy output Direct irradiation<br />

Limiting factors Area availability / grid capacity<br />

Capacity installed in 2000 in GW 0.4 GW<br />

Potential in 2010 in GW 2 GW<br />

Future potential beyond term year given<br />

Rule of thumb for conversion ratio*<br />

Medium-high<br />

(installed power to electric output) 1 kW --> 1,900 kWh per year<br />

* Assumptions: solar irradiation 1700 kWh/m 2 and year, system efficiency 15%.<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland.<br />

Improved Plant Design<br />

System design offers another opportunity for cost reduction. Current<br />

investigations and pilot projects are combining CSP technology with new<br />

designs in gas-turbines and combined-cycle plants (ISCCS). The ISCCS<br />

design offers a number of potential advantages over a plant using only fossil<br />

fuels. The incremental capital and O&M costs of the ISCCS plant are<br />

outweighed by their higher efficiency, reduced start-up losses and dual use<br />

of critical system elements, e.g. the boiler. Additional opportunities in this<br />

area include better management of plant parasitic load and operation, as<br />

well as better matching of the solar output to existing turbines.<br />

4<br />



98<br />

Further cost reductions will be possible with Direct Steam Generation (DSG),<br />

which will eliminate the need for the heat transfer fluid system and reduce<br />

the efficiency loss involved with using a heat exchanger to generate steam.<br />

DSG will also improve the solar-field operating efficiency due to lower<br />

average operating temperatures and improved heat transfer in the collector.<br />

Thermal Storage<br />

Thermal storage has made tremendous progress in recent years. The most<br />

advanced thermal-storage technology is the two-tank, molten-salt unit at<br />

Solar Two. This technology has not yet been applied to trough systems, but<br />

studies have shown the feasibility of developing a molten-salt heat transfer<br />

fluid system which will eliminate heat exchanger losses. A thermocline<br />

molten-salt system for both power tower and trough is planned for future<br />

development. The long-term objective is an advanced organic heat transfer<br />

fluid, which will also work as a direct thermal-storage medium. The<br />

advantages of such a system will be a low freezing point, low vapour<br />

pressure, high thermal stability and low cost.<br />

More advanced thermal storage for power tower will include high-temperature<br />

phase change and thermal-chemical approaches to hydrogen generation. Since<br />

the dish/engine system does not include thermal-storage capacity, R&D should<br />

focus on alternative storage systems using batteries or hydrogen.<br />

Concentrators<br />

The solar concentrator is the most expensive feature of a CSP plant. Better<br />

reflective materials, mirror facets, structural design and drives all promise<br />

future cost reductions. New reflective materials hold particular long-term<br />

promise because they may be cheaper and lighter than glass and result in<br />

easier and less expensive manufacturing. Optimisation of concentrator design<br />

will reduce structural costs. One innovative concept under development in<br />

Australia is the Linear Fresnel Reflector that employs nearly-flat mirrors<br />

located very close to the ground. This reduces concentrator wind loads and<br />

increases packing density, both of which could reduce system costs.<br />

O&M<br />

Better operation and maintenance can contribute considerably to reducing<br />

the costs of CSP technology. R&D will focus on construction and control and<br />

communication systems. Maintenance, such as mirror cleaning, must keep<br />

the collector field operating at high levels of efficiency and availability, but<br />

also be inexpensive and easy. Improved methods of installation will be<br />

pursued during the next large-scale project.<br />


● Non-technical Issues<br />

Two non-technical issues could have a major impact on future costs and<br />

markets for CSP. The development of multiple plants at the same location in<br />

a solar power park will reduce the cost of CSP technology because the power<br />

park offers reduced O&M, engineering and development costs. Construction<br />

costs will also be affected through labour learning-curve efficiencies.<br />

Multiple projects will mean multi-year manufacturing runs of solar collector<br />

components, resulting in reduced cost per collector.<br />

The financial structure of projects is also an important issue. Centralised CSP<br />

plants are capital-intensive, and the cost of capital and the type of project<br />

financing can have a significant impact on the final cost of power.<br />

4<br />



100<br />

Global Renewable Energy Resource Maps<br />

The following six world maps illustrate the potential of hydropower, solar<br />

photovoltaics and concentrating power, geothermal power and onshore and<br />

offshore wind power.<br />

Plate 1<br />

Hydropower Resource Potential<br />

Note: Values (in GWh per year and cells of each 0.5° in latitude and longitude) are calculated by means of<br />

differences in altitude and water flow.<br />

Sources: Data on water flow from WaterGAP, Center for Environmental Systems Research, University of Kassel.<br />

Data processing and mapping B. Lehner (assisted by G. Czisch), 2003 / to be published<br />

Plate 2<br />

Solar Photovoltaic Power Resource Potential<br />

Note: Values (in kWh per m 2 and year) are given in terms of global horizontal irradiation (data measured from 1983<br />

to 1992).<br />

Sources: Meteorological data from European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF). Data<br />

processing and mapping by G. Czisch, ISET / IPP, 2000<br />

Plate 3<br />

Concentrating Solar Power Resource Potential<br />

Note: Values are given for the heat output of solar fields SEGS (taking into account wind and ambient<br />

temperature)<br />

Sources: Meteorological data from European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF) and National<br />

Centre for Environmental Prediction (NCEP). Data processing and mapping by G. Czisch, ISET, IPP, 2000.<br />


Plate 4<br />

Geothermal Resource Potential<br />

Note: The level of enthalpy is given for a temperature difference of 170K at various depths (in metres). The grey land<br />

regions are regions where the next measurement registered is more than 300 km away. The darkest blue indicates<br />

regions where the depth of the 170K layer is below 6,000 m.<br />

Sources: Data from International Heat Flow Commission (IHFC). Data processing and mapping by G. Czisch,<br />

ISET / IPP, 2000 (assisted by B. Lehner, USF)<br />

Plate 5<br />

Onshore Wind Energy Resource Potential<br />

Note: Values are calculated in Full Load Hours based on meteorological data from 1979 to 1992.<br />

Sources: Meteorological data from European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF). Data<br />

processing and mapping G. Czisch, ISET / IPP, 1999.<br />

Plate 6<br />

Offshore Wind Energy Resource Potential<br />

Note: Values are calculated in Full Load Hours based on meteorological data from 1979 to 1992.<br />

Sources: Meteorological data from European Centre for Medium Range Weather Forecast (ECMWF).<br />

Data processing and mapping by G. Czisch, ISET / IPP, 1999.<br />




A Brief History of Biopower<br />

Biomass is the oldest form of renewable energy exploited by mankind,<br />

mainly in the form of wood burnt to provide heat and light for domestic and<br />

productive activities. Traditional use has been primarily based on direct<br />

combustion, a process still extensively practised in many parts of the world.<br />

Traditional biomass is a dispersed, labour-intensive source of energy. In the<br />

past as in the present, increasing human population and/or industrial activity<br />

has led to growing energy demand and often destruction of the natural<br />

environment. More concentrated and convenient energy sources like nonrenewable<br />

fossil fuels have substituted for traditional biomass in many areas,<br />

although huge rural populations in developing countries are still not served<br />

with modern electricity or fuels. While biomass energy has been associated<br />

with poor households, it is now increasingly recognised as an important<br />

source of energy for many sectors in both industrial and developing<br />

countries.<br />

<strong>Technology</strong> <strong>Status</strong><br />

● Basic Features<br />

An important feature of bioenergy and bioelectricity is their complexity.<br />

Bioenergy varies due to technical, environmental and policy factors, but also<br />

by resource type and form. Biological resources are still mainly used for heat<br />

production, as in combined heat & power plants (CHP), and can be used and<br />

stored in different forms (solid, liquid, gaseous). Biomass energy conversion<br />

has both positive and negative environmental impacts: burning of organic<br />

and fossil material emits harmful gasses, while the disposal of agricultural<br />

and other organic waste utilises otherwise worthless material for energy.<br />

Biomass differs from other renewables in that it links the farming and forestry<br />

industries, which provide the various feedstocks, to power generation, which<br />

utilises the converted fuels. Compared to most other renewable energies,<br />

biomass has the key advantage of inherent energy storage.<br />

5<br />



104<br />

Conversion<br />

Combustion is the most widely-used type of biomass-derived energy<br />

conversion. The burning of biomass produces heat and/or steam for<br />

immediate cooking, space heating and industrial processes, or for indirect<br />

electricity generation via a steam driven turbine. Most of today’s biopower<br />

plants are direct-fired systems – the higher the steam temperature and<br />

pressure, the greater the efficiency of the overall plant. While steam<br />

generation technology is very dependable, its efficiency is limited. Bioenergy<br />

power boilers are typically in the 20-50 MW range, compared to coal-fired<br />

plants in the 100-1,500 MW range. The small-capacity plants tend to have<br />

lower efficiency because of economic trade-offs: efficiency-enhancing<br />

equipment cannot pay for itself in small plants. Although techniques exist to<br />

boost biomass steam generation efficiency above 40%, plant efficiencies<br />

today are typically in the 20% range.<br />

Co-firing means that biomass can substitute for a portion of conventional<br />

fossil fuel in an existing power plant furnace. Often, the biomass is chipped<br />

wood that is added to the feed coal (wood being 5-15% of the total) and<br />

combusted to produce steam in a coal power plant. Co-firing is welldeveloped<br />

in the US but is still undergoing research as electricity companies<br />

examine the effect of adding biomass to coal, in terms of specific power plant<br />

performance and potential problems. Because much of the existing power<br />

plant equipment can be used without major modifications, co-firing is far less<br />

expensive than building a new biopower plant. Compared to the coal it<br />

replaces, biomass produces less sulphur dioxide (SO 2 ), nitrogen oxides<br />

(NOx) and other air emissions. After “tuning” the boiler for peak<br />

performance, there is little or no loss in efficiency from adding biomass. This<br />

allows the energy in biomass to be converted to electricity with the high<br />

efficiency (in the 33-37% range) of a modern coal-fired power plant.<br />

Pyrolysis is the process of decomposition at elevated temperatures (300-<br />

700°C) in the absence of oxygen. Products from pyrolysis can be solid (char,<br />

charcoal), liquids (pyrolysis oils) or a mix of combustible gases. Pyrolysis has<br />

been practised for centuries, e.g. the production of charcoal through<br />

carbonisation. Like crude oil, pyrolitic, or “bio-oil”, can be easily transported<br />

and refined into a number of distinct products. Recently, the production of<br />

bio-oil has received increased attention because it has higher energy density<br />

than solid biomass and is easier to handle. Bio-oil yields of up to 80% by<br />

weight may be obtained by the process of fast or flash pyrolysis at moderate<br />

reaction temperatures, whereas slow pyrolysis produces more charcoal<br />

(35% to 40%) than bio-oil. A main advantage (with respect to energy density,<br />


transport, emissions, etc.) of fast pyrolysis is that fuel production is separated<br />

from power generation.<br />

Gasification is a form of pyrolysis carried out with more air and at higher<br />

temperatures in order to optimise the gas production. The resulting gas is<br />

more versatile than the original solid biomass. The gas can be burnt to<br />

produce process heat and steam or used in internal combustion engines or<br />

gas turbines to produce electricity. It can even be used as a vehicle fuel.<br />

Biomass gasification is the latest generation of biomass energy conversion<br />

processes and offers advantages over direct burning. In techno-economic<br />

terms, the gas can be used in more efficient combined-cycle power<br />

generation systems, which combine gas turbines and steam turbines to<br />

produce electricity. The conversion process - heat to power - takes place at a<br />

higher temperature than in the steam cycle, making advanced conversion<br />

processes thermodynamically more efficient. In environmental terms, the<br />

biogas can be cleaned and filtered to remove problematic chemical<br />

components.<br />

Anaerobic digestion (AD) is a biological process by which organic wastes are<br />

converted to biogas - usually a mixture of methane (40% to 75%) and carbon<br />

dioxide. The process is based on the breakdown of the organic<br />

macromolecules of biomass by naturally-occurring bacteria. This<br />

bioconversion takes place in the absence of air, thus anaerobic, in digesters,<br />

i.e. sealed containers, offering ideal conditions for the bacteria to ferment<br />

(“digest”) the organic feedstock to produce biogas. The result is biogas and<br />

co-products consisting of an undigested residue (sludge) and various watersoluble<br />

substances. Anaerobic digestion is a well-established technology for<br />

waste treatment. Biogas can be used to generate heat and electricity through<br />

gas, diesel or “dual fuel” engines at capacities of up to 10 MW. About 80% of<br />

industrialised global biogas production stems from commercially exploited<br />

landfills. The methane gas produced at landfills can be extracted from<br />

existing landfills by inserting perforated pipes through which the gas travels<br />

under natural pressure. If not captured, this methane would eventually<br />

escape into the atmosphere as a greenhouse gas. Another common way of<br />

producing biogas by AD is by using animal manure. Manure and water are<br />

stirred and warmed inside an air-tight container (digester). Digesters range in<br />

size from around 1m 3 for a small household unit to as large as 2,000m 3 for a<br />

large commercial installation.<br />

Feedstock<br />

Bioenergy is renewable but there is some argument about what feedstocks<br />

can be considered renewable, for example there is much controversy over<br />

5<br />



106<br />

the inclusion of municipal solid waste (MSW) in this category. Unlike other<br />

renewables, biopower is based on biofuel and therefore shares some<br />

important characteristics with fossil fuel systems.<br />

The logistical chain and the economics of a biomass system depend entirely<br />

on both the location (e.g., climate, soil, crop) and the conversion technology.<br />

The economics are very site-specific (see next section on costs). Biomass<br />

resources tend to be available in rural areas – with the exception of municipal<br />

and industrial wastes.<br />

● Costs<br />

The cost of generating electricity from biomass varies, depending mainly on<br />

the type of technology used, the size and investment of the power plant, as<br />

well as the cost of the biomass fuel supply.<br />

Investment Costs<br />

The investment costs for biopower plants can be as low as a few hundred USD<br />

per kW for co-firing, and as high as several thousand USD per kW. Co-firing<br />

investment levels are very site specific and are affected by the available space<br />

for storing feedstocks, by the cost of installing reduction and drying facilities<br />

and by the type of boiler/burner modifications required. Co-firing investment<br />

costs indicated in Europe vary between USD 500 to 1,000 per kWp. Even lower<br />

investment costs are reported by the US Biopower program.<br />

Feedstock Costs<br />

Feedstock costs vary depending on the type of biomass and the transport<br />

distance. Bulky biomass tends to be more expensive than compact biomass.<br />

The most economical condition is when the energy is used at the site where<br />

the biomass residue is generated (e.g., at a paper mill, sawmill or sugar mill).<br />

Feedstock costs usually increase disproportionately above a certain level of<br />

biomass needed. Therefore, the upper limit of a biopower plant is between<br />

30 and 100 MW, depending on the geographical context and the sources of<br />

feedstock.<br />

Feedstock costs for anaerobic digestion are different, as the feedstock (MSW<br />

or organic waste from farms) becomes a source of revenue to the plant<br />

operator. In these cases, “tipping fees” are charged to the disposer of waste<br />

and is part of the revenues of the electricity plant.<br />


100%<br />

80%<br />

60%<br />

40%<br />

20%<br />

0%<br />

Figure 38<br />

Typical Approximate Cost Structure of Forest Chips in Finland, 2002<br />

Generation Costs<br />

Based on system investment needed and electrical output yielded annually,<br />

generation costs can be given for a range of biomass applications<br />

(see Figure 39). Very low generation costs (slightly above 2 USD cents per<br />

kWh) occur with co-firing, where relatively little investment is needed. Higher<br />

generation costs (10-15 USD cents per kWh) can be found at innovative<br />

gasification plants.<br />

Further examples illustrate the range of biopower generation costs:<br />

● USD 0.021 per kWh for co-firing with inexpensive biomass fuels in the US;<br />

● USD 0.09 per kWh for direct-fired biomass power plants in the US;<br />

● € 0.017 per kWh (heat price € 0.02 per kWh) for a large CHP plant with<br />

installed capacity of 60 MW electric output /120 MW thermal output and<br />

fuel from wood/peat in Finland;<br />

5<br />


Residues from<br />

final harvest<br />

Overheads<br />

On-road transport<br />

Comminution<br />

Off-road transport<br />

Note: Price at plant, excluding VAT.<br />

Source: Helynen S., VTT/Finnish Wood Energy <strong>Technology</strong> Programme.<br />

Whole trees from<br />

early thinnings<br />

Cutting<br />


Electricity generation cost in USD cents<br />

per kWh<br />

15<br />

12<br />

9<br />

6<br />

3<br />

0<br />

108<br />

● € 0.185 per kWh for 1-MW biopower plant with forest timber wood in<br />

Germany;<br />

● € 0.07 per kWh for 20-MW biopower plant with discarded timber in Germany.<br />

Figure 39<br />

Approximated Generation Costs for Biopower<br />

USD 500 USD 1,000 USD 1,500 USD 2,000USD 2,500 USD 3,000 USD 3,500 USD 4,000<br />

System investment per kW installed capacity<br />

3,500 kWh per kW and year<br />

4,500 kWh per kW and year<br />

5,500 kWh per kW and year<br />

6,500 kWh per kW and year<br />

7,500 kWh per kW and year<br />

Note: O&M costs are assumed to be 8% of system investment. Fuel costs are 1.5 USD cents per kWh.<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland.<br />

● Industry<br />

There are few specialised biomass technology manufacturers, but the main<br />

equipment manufacturers see biomass as a secondary activity. Thus, if<br />

biomass is not sufficiently profitable, it is relatively easy for these companies<br />

to stop biomass activities and produce systems for other fuels. On the other<br />

hand, the biopower industry relies heavily on the agricultural sector and<br />

steady supply of inputs.<br />

The Nordic countries in the EU are likely to become major producers and<br />

exporters of equipment and services for biomass power generation. This is<br />

due to their strong position in the related timber, paper and pulp industries;<br />

their abundance of domestic biofuel supply; and national policies that have<br />

historically favoured bioenergy. This combination has resulted in:<br />

● Danish companies being the world market leaders for straw-fired boilers;<br />

● Finnish companies being market leaders for multifuel fluidised-bed<br />

boilers;<br />


● Swedish forestry harvesting systems being the world market leaders;<br />

● The development of the majority of advanced bio-gasification<br />

technologies taking place in the Nordic countries.<br />

Other countries in the EU are also developing biomass technologies and<br />

capabilities, largely in response to environmentally-driven legislation and<br />

incentives.<br />

The biomass power industry in the US is mainly located in the Northeast,<br />

Southeast and on the West Coast, representing a USD 15 billion industry.<br />

More than 200 companies outside the wood product and food industry<br />

sectors generate biopower in the United States. Where power producers<br />

have access to very-low-cost biomass supplies, the use of biomass in the fuel<br />

mix enhances their competitiveness in the marketplace. This is particularly<br />

true in the near term for power companies choosing to co-fire biomass with<br />

coal to save fuel costs and earn emissions credits.<br />

As mentioned, forestry and agriculture play a crucial role in the biopower<br />

industry. In the US, for instance, the forest products industry uses 85% of all<br />

wood waste for energy. Most of the generated power is consumed on-site,<br />

but some manufacturers sell excess power to the grid. The use of crop<br />

residues and livestock manures as fuel can improve the economics of<br />

farming while solving some of the most intractable environmental problems<br />

in agriculture today. The advent of energy crops for power production might<br />

open a new market for agriculture.<br />

● Market<br />

No exact data is available on how much biomass contributes to the global<br />

energy supply, but estimates are around 13% of primary energy supply<br />

worldwide and around 3% for the industrialised countries. Many developing<br />

countries depend on biomass to supply most of the energy needed for<br />

heating and cooking. For example, biomass supplies 70-90% of Africa’s<br />

energy needs and about one-third of China’s and Brazil’s. Industrial<br />

applications in industrial countries include CHP, electricity generation, space<br />

and domestic heating, small industrial applications and decentralised energy<br />

applications. In some OECD countries, biomass plays an important role in<br />

energy and electricity supply, for instance in the US, Japan, Finland and<br />

Sweden. Finland (see Table 28) and Sweden have large woodland areas and<br />

important pulp and paper industries which help make bioelectricity a large<br />

and competitive contributor to national electricity supply.<br />

Net generating capacity in OECD countries in 2000 was around 13.6 GW for<br />

solid biomass, 2.6 GW for gas from biomass, 6.8 GW for municipal waste and<br />

5<br />



Net generating capacity in MW<br />

8000<br />

7000<br />

6000<br />

5000<br />

4000<br />

3000<br />

2000<br />

1000<br />

0<br />

110<br />

2.6 GW for non-specified renewables and wastes. From these figures<br />

provided by IEA’s World Energy Outlook 2002, it can be assumed that<br />

worldwide biopower capacity is around 37 GW. Electricity generation from<br />

solid biomass has been steadily increasing in the European Union over the<br />

course of the last decade with growth averaging 2.5% per year<br />

(see Figure 40). The market in the European Union has become particularly<br />

dynamic (see Figure 42).<br />

Figure 40<br />

Net Generating Capacity in MW for Three OECD Areas and Four<br />

Products, 2000<br />

Municipal<br />

waste<br />

OECD North America<br />

OECD North America<br />

Solid<br />

biomass<br />

Source: IEA, Renewables Information 2002.<br />

Table 28<br />

Products<br />

OECD Pacific<br />

OECD Pacific<br />

Primary Energy Sources in Finland, 2001<br />

Gas from<br />

biomass<br />

OECD Europe<br />

OECD Europe<br />

Non-specified<br />

Source % primary energy % primary energy share<br />

share for electricity production<br />

Solid wood 9.7% 4.5%<br />

Peat 6.2% 6.8%<br />

Black liquors 9.8% 6.1%<br />

Total biomass 25.7% 17.4%<br />

Source: Helynen S., VTT, Finnish Wood Energy <strong>Technology</strong> Programme.<br />


Gross electricty generation in GWh<br />

Net generating capacity in MWp<br />

60000<br />

40000<br />

20000<br />

5000<br />

4000<br />

3000<br />

2000<br />

1000<br />

0<br />

0<br />

Figure 41<br />

Gross Electricity Generation in GWh for Three Products in OECD<br />

Countries, 2000<br />

5<br />

Municipal Waste Solid Biomass Gas from Biomass<br />

Electrical output from power plants Electrical output from CHP plants<br />

Source: IEA Renewables Information 2002.<br />

Figure 42<br />

Development of Net Generating Capacity in MW in the European Union<br />

1990 1995<br />

Year<br />

2000<br />

Municipal waste Solid biomass Gas from biomass Non-specified<br />

Source: IEA, Renewables Information 2002.<br />



112<br />

● Environment<br />

Environmental issues for bioenergy include land and soil use, transport,<br />

particulates and emissions:<br />

● Emissions and particulates: The life cycle of biomass is neutral regarding<br />

CO 2 emissions, even when fossil fuels are used in harvesting and<br />

transporting biofeedstocks. Biomass also offers the possibilities of closed<br />

mineral and nitrogen cycles. Environmentally hazardous sulphur dioxide<br />

(SO 2 ), which is produced during combustion of fossil fuels, is not a major<br />

problem in biomass systems due to the low sulphur content of biomass<br />

(< 1% compared to 1-5% for coal). The incomplete combustion of fuel<br />

wood produces organic particulate matter, carbon monoxide and other<br />

organic gases. If high-temperature combustion is used, nitrogen oxides<br />

are produced.<br />

● Energy crops: Crops grown especially for energy production need to be<br />

researched, not only to maximise yield, but also to determine their effects<br />

on soil depletion and the effects of the use of fertilisers in the process.<br />

● Waste: Using waste for energy production makes sense, but should be<br />

used in conjunction with waste reduction programmes. An additional<br />

environmental benefit from the use of residues such as municipal solid<br />

waste and slurry is that these polluting substances are eliminated<br />

from landfills.<br />

● Transport and energy balance: Biomass has a relatively low energy<br />

density compared to fossil fuels. Fuel transport increases its costs and<br />

reduces net energy production. Locating the energy conversion process<br />

close to a concentrated source of biomass, such as a saw mill, sugar mill<br />

or pulp mill, lowers transport distances and costs. The production and<br />

processing of biomass can require significant energy input, such as fuel<br />

for agricultural vehicles and fertilisers. Biomass processes need to<br />

minimise the use of energy-intensive and fossil fuel-based inputs, and to<br />

maximise waste conversion and energy recovery.<br />

● Land and water resources: The use of land and water for biomass<br />

production may compete with other uses.<br />


Specific investement costs in € per kW<br />

Prospects for Biopower<br />

2000<br />

1500<br />

1000<br />

500<br />

● Cost Reduction Opportunities<br />

Generally, cost reductions are achieved through technological improvements;<br />

however, it is very difficult to draw a clear and homogenous picture of<br />

biopower costs and reductions. One of the main reasons for this difficulty is<br />

the great diversity of biopower technologies, fuels, conversion processes and<br />

system designs. Furthermore, biopower is strongly influenced by local climate<br />

and industrial patterns. Some system components come from traditional nonbiopower<br />

industries and other components are specifically designed for<br />

biopower.<br />

0<br />

0 50 100 150 200<br />

Due to the diversity of biopower plants, some examples may help in<br />

understanding cost-reduction opportunities. An example of cost reductions<br />

related to forest chips as feedstock in Finland is illustrated in Figure 44.<br />

Example 1: Biomass Integrated Gasification and Combined Cycle<br />

(IGCC) Plants<br />

Once a technology has reached the stage of the prototype or pioneer plant, a<br />

number of improvements can be made on an incremental basis in a<br />

commercial context. For biomass IGCC, progress in techno-economic terms<br />

5<br />

Figure 43<br />

Investment Costs for Wood-Fired Rankine Power Plants in Finland,<br />

1994 and 1997<br />

Source: IEA Bioenergy.<br />


Installed plant capacity in MW<br />


114<br />

(higher conversion efficiency and lower capital costs) is expected through<br />

increased capacity and temperature as well as through improved gascleaning<br />

processes and steam conditions. Doubling plant capacity brings<br />

about investment cost reductions of some 20% per kW. Economy of scale is<br />

greater in the smaller classes (2 to 40 MW) and less for higher-capacity<br />

classes. Nevertheless, power generation costs may in some cases become<br />

more expensive with increasing plant size due to increasing biomass<br />

transportation costs.<br />

Example 2: 2 MW Biopower Plants<br />

Analysis and comparison of the near-term potential of three 2-MW biopower<br />

plants (rankine/steam cycle, gasification (gas-engine) and pyrolysis-diesel)<br />

show that:<br />

● Efficiency is expected to increase by around 30% for all the technologies<br />

involved;<br />

● The cost-reduction potential in absolute and relative terms is highest for<br />

currently more expensive technologies. More precisely, investment costreduction<br />

potential is 38% for the gasification power plant and 13% for<br />

the rankine/steam cycle plant;<br />

● Increasing annual operating time leads to lower generation costs<br />

per kWh, especially for the rankine/steam cycle and gasification<br />

(gas-engine) plant.<br />

Table 29<br />

Summary of Near-term Potential Improvements<br />

for 2-MW Power Plants (%)<br />

Rankine Gasification - Pyrolysis diesel<br />

power plant gas engine<br />

Base Future Base Future Base Future<br />

Power plant efficiency 17.5 23.0 33.0 38.0 38.0 43.0<br />

Gasification efficiency 72.5 85.3<br />

Liquid product efficiency 65.0 73.3<br />

Overall efficiency 17.5 23.0 23.9 32.4 24.7 31.5<br />

Investment costs<br />

(USD/W electricity)<br />

2.3 2.0 4.2 2.6 3.6 2.7<br />

Source: IEA Bioenergy.<br />


Table 30<br />

Generation Costs for 2-MW Power Plants (USD cents per KWh)<br />

Example 3: Co-generation Power Plants<br />

Analysis and comparison of the near-term potential of the three biopower<br />

co-generation plants – a) Rankine 2.0 MW electricity output /6.8 MW<br />

thermal output, b) gas engine 5.0 MW electricity output /6.0 MW thermal<br />

output and c) pyrolysis-diesel 6.2 MW electricity output /6.5 MW thermal<br />

output – show that:<br />

● The overall efficiency increase is expected to range from 2.3% for the<br />

rankine plant to 12.8% for the pyrolysis-diesel plant;<br />

● The cost reduction potential in absolute and relative terms is highest for<br />

currently more expensive technologies. More precisely, co-generation<br />

costs could be reduced by about one-third for the gas engine and<br />

pyrolysis-diesel plants and by about one-tenth for the rankine plant.<br />

In the medium to long term, it is anticipated that gasification/turbine systems<br />

will be able to produce electricity at up to twice the efficiency of today’s<br />

biomass power plants, i.e. up to 45%. These very-high-efficiency systems will<br />

result from technical improvements that are only possible at a larger plant<br />

size. Projections for bio-gasification combined-cycle plants show electricity<br />

costs close to those of conventional fossil fuel fired power plants.<br />

Currently, biomass power plants are limited to between 30 MW and 100 MW,<br />

depending on fuel sources and geographical context. Increased generating<br />

efficiency through advanced combined-cycle technology will further reduce the<br />

fuel required for power production, resulting in greater generating capacity.<br />

5<br />


Current Current Near-term Near-term<br />

generation generation generation generation<br />

cost based on cost based on cost based on cost based on<br />

5,000 h annual 7,000 h annual 5,000 h annual 7,000 h annual<br />

operating time operating time operating time operating time<br />

Rankine 12.5 10.5 10 8.5<br />

power plant<br />

Gasification -<br />

gas engine<br />

19 14 12 9.5<br />

Pyrolysis-diesel 16 14.5 12.5 11<br />

Source: IEA Bioenergy.<br />


116<br />

Table 31<br />

Summary of Near-term Potential Performance<br />

for Co-generation Power Plants<br />

Rankine Gasification - Pyrolysis diesel<br />

power plant gas engine<br />

Base Future Base Future Base Future<br />

Power production<br />

MW electricity output<br />

2.0 2.0 5.0 5.0 6.2 6.2<br />

Heat production<br />

MW thermal output<br />

6.8 5.8 6.0 5.7 6.5 6.5<br />

Production efficiency % 17.5 23.0 23.9 32.4 24.7 31.5<br />

Overall efficiency % 88.0 90.0 85.0 90.0 58.5 66.0<br />

Power-to-heat ratio 0.30 0.35 0.83 0.88 0.95 0.95<br />

Source: IEA Bioenergy.<br />

Table 32<br />

Co-Generation Costs of Bioelectricity<br />

Co-generation Current Current Near-term Near-term<br />

costs in USD generation generation generation generation<br />

cents per kWh cost based on cost based on cost based on cost based on<br />

(approximate 5,000 h annual 7,000 h annual 5,000 h annual 7,000 h annual<br />

values) operating time operating time operating time operating time<br />

Rankine<br />

power plant<br />

Gasification -<br />

gas engine<br />

7.5 5.5 7 5<br />

11.5 9 8 6<br />

Pyrolysis-diesel 13 12.5 9.5 8.5<br />

Note: Rankine power plant 2.0 MW electricity output /6.8 MW thermal output, gas engine 5.0 MW electricity<br />

output /6.0 MW thermal output and pyrolysis 6.2 MW electricity output /6.5 MW thermal output.<br />

Source: IEA Bioenergy.<br />

Feedstock<br />

Improving feedstock and the fuel supply chain is essential for a more efficient<br />

and cost-competitive biomass electricity. As an example, the main reasons<br />


€/MWh<br />

16<br />

12<br />

8<br />

4<br />

0<br />

for reductions in the cost of electricity produced from forest chips in Finland<br />

were:<br />

● timber harvesting was fully mechanised, allowing cost-efficient recovery<br />

of logging residues;<br />

● small-tree chipping was partly replaced by logging residue chips with new<br />

machinery and methods that were developed by intensive R&D;<br />

● increased demand for forest chips led to use of more efficient chippers at<br />

full capacity;<br />

● logistics were improved along the whole chain of chip production.<br />

5<br />

Figure 44<br />

Cost Reductions Related to Forest Chips in Finland<br />

Small stems<br />

delimbed<br />


Small stems<br />

undelimbed<br />

Source: Wood Energy <strong>Technology</strong> Programme in Finland.<br />

● Market Opportunities<br />

Market Potential<br />

Products<br />

Logging<br />

residues<br />

1982 1995 1999<br />

Forest chips<br />

average<br />

Natural global biomass replacement represents an energy supply of around<br />

3,000 exajoules (3 x 10 21 J) per year, of which somewhat less than 2% is currently<br />

used as fuel. Theoretically, biomass could supply about half the present world<br />

primary energy demand in a sustainable manner by the year 2050.<br />

A key attribute of biomass is its natural storage of energy and consequent<br />

availability upon demand. Through photosynthesis, plants take up carbon,<br />

which can be stored in the plant material if it is harvested before the plant<br />

decomposes. Such harvested plant material can then be kept until the energy<br />

stored is needed. Other forms of renewable energy are dependent on<br />

variable environmental conditions such as wind speed or sunlight intensity.<br />


118<br />

The main biomass resources are:<br />

● agricultural residues and wastes (straw, animal manure, etc.);<br />

● organic fractions of municipal solid waste and refuse;<br />

● sewage sludge;<br />

● industrial residues (e.g., from the food and paper industries);<br />

● short-rotation forests (willow, poplar, eucalyptus);<br />

● herbaceous ligno-cellulosic crops (miscanthus);<br />

● sugar crops (sugar beet, sweet sorghum, Jerusalem artichoke);<br />

● starch crops (maize, wheat);<br />

● oil crops (rape seed, sunflower);<br />

● wood wastes (forest residues, wood processing waste, construction<br />

residues).<br />

In the long term, energy crops could be a very important biomass fuel source.<br />

At present, however, wastes (wood, agricultural, municipal or industrial) are<br />

the major biomass sources.<br />

<strong>Technology</strong> Factors<br />

Biomass offers many applications for power generation, from co-generation<br />

to distributed generation. In some areas, biopower can compete with<br />

conventional base-load power in the 30-100 MW range or provide electricity<br />

for specific services. Worldwide biopower generation capacity is expected to<br />

grow by more than 30 GW by 2020.<br />

Co-firing offers power plant managers a relatively low-cost and low-risk way<br />

to add biomass capacity. When low-cost biomass fuels are used, co-firing<br />

systems can have payback periods as short as two years. According to US<br />

DOE, a typical coal-fuelled power plant produces power for about USD cents<br />

2.3/kWh. Co-firing inexpensive biomass fuels can reduce this cost to USD<br />

cents 2.1/kWh. Interest in co-firing is growing in the US, in some of the<br />

developing countries like China, where coal firing plays an important role,<br />

and in some European states (Nordic countries and the Netherlands).<br />

Biomass can substitute for up to 15% of the total energy input by modifying<br />

little more than the burner and feed intake systems. Since large-scale power<br />

boilers in the current 310 GW portfolio in the US range from 100 MW to<br />

1.3 GW each, the biomass potential in a single boiler ranges from 15 MW to<br />

150 MW. Today’s co-firing systems range from 1 to 30 MW of biopower<br />

capacity. The way the biomass is fired depends upon its proportion in the<br />

fuel mix: a) for minor quantities (2-5%), the biomass can be mixed with the<br />


coal at the inlet to the mill, b) for larger quantities (5-25%), the biomass<br />

should be shredded finely and fired through dedicated burners - implying<br />

some expense and energy, and c) for major quantities (above 25%), the<br />

substantial impact on the furnace and the ash behaviour will probably<br />

necessitate gasifying the fuel and firing it through a gas burner - implying<br />

substantial expense. To summarise, the advantages of co-firing biomass are<br />

reduced capital costs, high conversion efficiency and reduced emissions.<br />

Multipurpose or polygeneration: “External” industries, like pulp and paper,<br />

produce inexpensive organic material which is available for power<br />

generation for their own industrial processes. Transportation costs are low or<br />

non-existent. These industries are an important part of the biopower sector.<br />

Modular systems basically employ standard technologies mentioned earlier,<br />

but on a smaller scale. They are appropriate for small-scale power plants at<br />

biomass supply sites and can be used in villages, on farms or for small<br />

industry. These systems have been developed and demonstrated. Off-grid<br />

(modular) systems can provide energy services in remote areas where<br />

biomass is abundant and electricity is scarce. There are many opportunities<br />

for these systems in developing countries.<br />

Developing countries: Many developing countries present interesting markets<br />

due to rapid economic growth, high demand for electricity/electrification,<br />

environmental problems and significant agricultural/forestry residues. China<br />

and India are expected to experience strong electricity demand growth. Offgrid<br />

modular systems and co-firing are of particular interest in these countries.<br />

Co-firing may improve the economic and ecological quality of many older coalfired<br />

power plants, which predominate in developing countries. Although<br />

most biomass in developing countries is used for cooking and space heating,<br />

a significant amount is also used in industry for process steam and power<br />

generation. These industrial uses are almost exclusively in the agro and woodprocessing<br />

sectors. Until recently, the priorities for these generators were the<br />

disposal of residues and the lowest capital cost commensurate with the<br />

required availability. Efficiency was never a priority because there were few<br />

customers for any surplus electricity. With more efficient generating<br />

equipment, these agro-processing plants could sell biopower at relatively<br />

competitive costs. For example, a typical sugar mill could export<br />

approximately 8 MW of electricity output by implementing simple<br />

improvements. This output could be doubled by the installation of more<br />

advanced technology.<br />

5<br />



120<br />

Refurbishment/upgrading: Existing plants can be economically refurbished<br />

and/or upgraded. An example is the McNeil Station in Burlington (USA),<br />

originally built as a wood-burning 50 MW power plant in the early 1980s. It<br />

recently became host to field verification tests for an innovative biomass<br />

gasifier. With help from the U.S. Department of Energy’s Biopower Program,<br />

the gasifier will generate electricity more efficiently, and with less pollution,<br />

than conventional boiler/turbine technology.<br />

Residues and waste management: The most economic forms of biomass for<br />

generating electricity are residues. These are the organic by-products of food,<br />

fibre and forest production. Common examples are bagasse, rice husks and<br />

sawdust. Low-cost biomass sources are also common near manufacturing<br />

centres where clean wood waste materials are available in large quantities,<br />

for example pallet and crate discards. Besides other conversion technologies<br />

already mentioned above, anaerobic digestion schemes offer compelling<br />

solutions to waste disposal problems and mainly produce biogas for energy<br />

use and a digestate that can serve as fertiliser or soil conditioner.<br />

<strong>Technology</strong> learning: The great diversity of biopower technologies, fuels,<br />

conversion processes and system designs, as well as the dependence on local<br />

climate and industrial patterns, may explain why no representative<br />

experience curve has ever been drawn for biopower. Costs and cost-reduction<br />

opportunities vary greatly. Co-firing, for example, requires only modest<br />

investments and generation costs are low, provided fuel is inexpensive.<br />

Eliminating waste is sometimes the main project benefit, with electricity just a<br />

by-product. Since the elimination of waste is in itself a valued activity, the cost<br />

of this electricity is very low. Gasification offers increased efficiencies. New<br />

types of small modular systems are also being developed. These technologies<br />

are currently expensive, but their cost reduction potential is considerable.<br />

Market Growth Factors<br />

It is difficult to draw a clear picture of the biopower market due to the<br />

diversity of technologies and applications as well as the scarcity of data.<br />

Current and potential markets for bioenergy are very fragmented. It is clear,<br />

however, that many market opportunities exist for biopower. It is important<br />

to remember that in Europe most biomass-to-electricity schemes were<br />

developed in the pulp, paper and forest industries, where significant<br />

synergies and the need for waste management were critical success factors.<br />

In the coming years, biopower is likely to progress steadily, with an annual<br />

global capacity increase of 4%. The price of natural gas, one of biopower’s<br />

main competitors, will be an important factor.<br />


Table 33<br />

Cost Reduction Opportunities for Biopower (%)<br />

5<br />


R&D Economy of scale I Economy of scale II Economy of scale III<br />

(components size) (manufacturing (plant size)<br />

volume)<br />

Biopower Up to 10 Up to 5 Up to 5 Up to 5<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland. Percentages are within a decade based on expected technology learning and<br />

market growth.<br />

Table 34<br />

Cost Figures for Biopower<br />

Current investment costs ● Low investment costs: 500<br />

in USD per kW ● High investment costs: 4,000<br />

Expected investment costs ● Low investment costs: 400<br />

in USD per kW in 2010 ● High investment costs: 3,000<br />

Current generation costs ● Low cost generation: 2-3<br />

in USD cents per kWh ● High cost generation: 10-15<br />

Expected Generation costs ● Low cost generation: 2<br />

in USD cents per kWh in 2010 ● High cost generation: 8-10<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland.<br />

Table 35<br />

Key Factors for Biopower<br />

Factor Fact<br />

Variable influencing energy output ● Biomass growth (fuel)<br />

Limiting factors ● Area availability<br />

● Material availability<br />

Capacity installed in 2002 in GW ● 37 GW<br />

Potential in 2010 in GW ● 55 GW<br />

Future potential beyond term year given ● High<br />

Rule of thumb for conversion ratio* ● 1 kW --> 5,400 kWh per year<br />

(installed power to electric output) ● 1 kg of biomass --> 1.6 kWh<br />

* Assumptions: U.S. data with 60 million tons of biomass per year converted into 37 billion kWh of electricity with<br />

7 GW installed capacity.<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd. Switzerland<br />


122<br />

Issues for Further Progress<br />

● Technical Issues<br />

The most important technical issues for biopower relate to feedstock<br />

logistics and conversion technologies.<br />

Feedstock<br />

Agricultural residue harvesting systems are almost fully mature and few new<br />

developments are foreseen. Forestry residue systems are developing rapidly,<br />

and the main priority is now the development of more cost-effective chipping<br />

and transport. New methods should be found to avoid double handling and<br />

to increase the density of the biomass and hence transportation efficiency.<br />

Energy crops are still in the early stages of development, although progress<br />

has been made. Research must be continued on plant breeding and on more<br />

cost-effective mechanisation.<br />

Conversion <strong>Technologie</strong>s<br />

More mature technologies (combustion, anaerobic digestion, biogas,<br />

sugar/starch fermentation, biodiesel) will still benefit from mass-to-energy<br />

efficiency improvements, advanced reactor designs and a better<br />

understanding of process economics. Technical problems of emerging<br />

technologies (advanced combustion, gasification) and promising<br />

technologies (pyrolysis, bioconversion of cellulosics) must be addressed,<br />

e.g., standardised solid biofuels, ash effects, agro-residues and energy crops,<br />

gas cleaning and bio-oil refining. The environmental impact of all types of<br />

biomass conversion systems must be minimised.<br />

● Non-technical Issues<br />

Two non-technical issues will greatly affect the future growth of biopower.<br />

First, biomass-related strategic decisions are affected by and may affect<br />

different policy areas, including agriculture, food, forestry and national<br />

conservation areas. Biomass utilisation can positively affect the generation of<br />

green power, the use of locally available resources and employment in<br />

forestry and agriculture. However, an action or decision in one policy area<br />

may affect other areas and hinder biomass utilisation.<br />

Second, public acceptance can be improved by labelling, by the use of<br />

environment-friendly materials and components and by life-cycle analysis<br />

confirming the “green” image of biopower. The socio-economic and<br />

ecological externalities of biomass use should be quantified to assess<br />

possible benefits. Education and information campaigns are also important.<br />



A Brief History of Geothermal Power<br />

Geothermal energy can be defined as heat that originates within the Earth.<br />

The heat has two sources: the original heat produced from the formation of<br />

the earth by gravitational collapse and the heat produced by the radioactive<br />

decay of various isotopes.<br />

In the early part of the 19th century, geothermal fluids were already being<br />

exploited for their energy content. A chemical industry was set up in the zone<br />

known today as Larderello in Italy to extract boric acid from the hot waters<br />

issuing naturally or from shallow boreholes. The boric acid was obtained by<br />

evaporating the hot fluids in iron boilers, using wood from nearby forests as fuel.<br />

In 1827, Francesco Larderel, founder of this industry, developed a system for<br />

using the heat of the boric fluids in the evaporation process, rather than burning<br />

wood from the rapidly depleting forests. Exploitation of the natural steam for its<br />

mechanical energy began at the same time. The geothermal steam was used to<br />

raise liquids in primitive gas lifts and later in reciprocating and centrifugal pumps<br />

and winches, which were used in drilling activity or in the local boric acid<br />

industry. The first successful commercial project for generating electricity from<br />

geothermal steam was in Larderello, Italy in 1904. A 250-kW geothermal power<br />

plant began operating there in 1913 and commercial delivery of geothermal<br />

electricity to nearby cities started in 1914. By 1942, installed geo-electric capacity<br />

had reached 127 MW. The first commercial geothermal power plant using a<br />

liquid-dominated, hot-water reservoir started operation in 1958 in Wairakei, New<br />

Zealand. Geothermal electricity production in the United States started in 1960.<br />

Today the US leads the world in geothermal power, with about one-fourth of all<br />

geothermal generation: about 16 TWh from 2 GW of installed capacity in 2002.<br />

<strong>Technology</strong> <strong>Status</strong><br />

Geothermal technology depends on the type and location of the natural<br />

resource. Since it is not practical to transport high-temperature steam over<br />

long distances by pipeline due to heat losses, most geothermal plants are<br />

built close to the resource. A geothermal system consists of three main<br />

elements: a heat source, a reservoir and a fluid - the last being the carrier for<br />

transferring heat from the source to the power plant. The heat source can be<br />

either a very-high-temperature (> 600°C) magmatic intrusion that has<br />

6<br />



124<br />

Figure 45<br />

World Pattern of Geothermal Power and Tectonics<br />

Source: Dickson and Fanelli.<br />


eached relatively shallow depths (5 to 10 km) or, as in certain lowtemperature<br />

systems, the Earth’s normal temperature, which increases with<br />

depth. The heat source is natural, whereas the fluid and the reservoir can be<br />

introduced to the subterranean media by the project.<br />

Geothermal power plants tend to be in the 20 MW to 60 MW range and the<br />

capacity of a single geothermal well usually ranges from 4 MW to 10 MW.<br />

Typical minimum spacing of 200m to 300m is established to avoid<br />

interference. Three power plant technologies are being used to convert<br />

hydrothermal fluids to electricity. The type of conversion depends on the<br />

state of the fluid (steam or water) and on its temperature:<br />

● Dry steam power plants use hydrothermal fluids primarily in the form of<br />

steam. The steam goes directly to a turbine, which drives a generator that<br />

produces electricity. This is the oldest type of geothermal power plant<br />

and was originally used at Larderello in 1904. This steam technology is<br />

still very effective and is used today at The Geysers in Northern California,<br />

the world’s largest single source of geothermal power.<br />

● Flash steam power plants use hydrothermal fluids above 175°C. The fluid<br />

is sprayed into a tank (separator) held at a much lower pressure than the<br />

fluid, causing some of the fluid to vaporise rapidly, or “flash” to steam.<br />

The steam then drives a turbine.<br />

● Binary-cycle power plants use hot geothermal fluid (below 175°C) and a<br />

secondary (hence, “binary”) fluid with a much lower boiling point than<br />

water - both passing through a heat exchanger. Heat from the geothermal<br />

fluid causes the secondary fluid to flash to steam, which then drives the<br />

turbines. Because this is a closed-loop system, virtually no emissions are<br />

released into the atmosphere. As moderate-temperature water is by far<br />

the most common geothermal resource, most geothermal power plants<br />

in the future will be binary-cycle plants.<br />

The total energy efficiency is 97% for CHP but only up to 7-10% for electricity<br />

production. Because geothermal power plants operate at relatively low<br />

temperatures compared to other power plants, they eject as much as 90% of<br />

the heat extracted from the ground into the environment. The minimum<br />

temperature for electricity generation is 90°C. The lowest-temperature<br />

commercial geothermal power plant in the US has a resource temperature of<br />

104°C. Below this critical temperature threshold, the required size of the heat<br />

exchanger would render the project uneconomical. The efficiency of<br />

conversion from heat to electricity drops to 2% for fluids at 85°C and is<br />

almost zero for fluids below 60°C.<br />

6<br />



126<br />

Despite the relatively low efficiency in power generation, geothermal has several<br />

positive features. Geothermal electric plants can operate 24 hours per day and<br />

thus provide base-load capacity. The power generation is not intermittent like<br />

solar or wind - except for some seasonal differences in cycle efficiencies because,<br />

in winter, heat is rejected to a lower sink temperature and thus the plant output<br />

is higher. This is especially true for air-cooled binary plants.<br />

A relatively new concept in geothermal power is Hot Dry Rock (HDR), also<br />

known as Hot Wet Rock (HWR), Hot Fractured Rock (HFR) and Enhanced<br />

Geothermal Systems (EGS). The basic concept is to increase the permeability<br />

of the natural fractures of the basement rocks, install a multi-well system,<br />

force the water to migrate through the fracture system (“reservoir”) by using<br />

enhanced pumping and lifting devices and, finally, use the heat for power<br />

production. HDR is expected to contribute to further geothermal<br />

development in the decades to come.<br />

● Costs<br />

As for other renewable energy systems, the costs of a geothermal plant are<br />

heavily weighted towards up front investments. The resource type (steam or<br />

hot water) and temperature, as well as reservoir productivity, influence the<br />

number of wells that must be drilled for a given plant capacity. Power plant<br />

size (rated capacity) and type (single-flash, binary, etc.), as well as<br />

environmental regulations, determine the capital cost of the energy<br />

conversion system.<br />

Investment Costs<br />

According to US DOE the initial cost for the field and power plant varies from<br />

USD 1,500 to 5,000 per installed kW in the U.S., USD 3,000 to USD 5,000 per kW<br />

for a small power plant ( 5 MW), depending on the resource temperature and chemistry. In<br />

Europe, costs vary from below € 1,000 to over € 10,000, depending on plant size<br />

and location. The costs of HDR, which is still in the development phase, vary from<br />

€ 16,000 to 18,000 per kW and are expected to fall to € 2,000 to 3,000 per kW<br />

by 2010 according to European Commission estimates.<br />

Costs vary greatly according to type of technology, size and resource. The<br />

impact of resource temperature and plant size on the capital cost of binary<br />

power plants as shown in Figure 46, range from USD 1,500 to USD 2,500.<br />

This does not include exploration and drilling costs.<br />


Capital cost in 1993 USD per kW<br />

3000<br />

2500<br />

2000<br />

1500<br />

1000<br />

500<br />

0<br />

Geothermal project management and costs have some unique aspects<br />

related to the different phases of (a) leasing and exploration, (b) project<br />

development and feasibility studies, (c) well-field development, project<br />

finance and construction and start-up operation, (d) commercial operation,<br />

and (e) field and plant expansion. Unlike other renewables, bringing a<br />

geothermal power plant into operation can take ten years or more, due to the<br />

uncertainty and complexity of obtaining exploration licences and permits.<br />

The typical time between order and industrial operation after permits is one<br />

to three years. The entire project is evolutionary, with each phase of<br />

development dependent upon the success of the prior one. Multidisciplinary<br />

teams are needed to manage a geothermal project at each stage, from<br />

exploration to full operation.<br />

Two cost examples are given in more detail below. The first relates to a<br />

small-scale power plant explored by Entingh et al., the second to a largescale<br />

plant presented by McClain. The small-scale plant has system costs of<br />

USD 2,200 per kW installed, capital recovery costs of USD 158,650 and O&M<br />

costs of USD 63,000, resulting in generation costs of USD 0.105 per kWh.<br />

O&M costs for geothermal plants are relatively high compared to other<br />

renewables.<br />

6<br />

Figure 46<br />

Capital Costs for Small Binary Geothermal Plants<br />

100°C 120°C 140°C<br />

Resource temperature<br />

100 kW 200 kW 500 kW 1000 kW<br />

Source: DiPippo. Data excludes resource development.<br />



128<br />

Table 36<br />

Technical Data for a Small-Scale Geothermal Power Plant<br />

Resource temperature 120°C<br />

System net capacity 300 kW electricity<br />

Number of wells 2<br />

Capacity factor 80%<br />

Plant life 30 years<br />

Rate of return on investment 12%/year<br />

Production 2.1 GWh/year<br />

Source: Entingh et al., 1994.<br />

Table 37<br />

Capital Costs of a Small-Scale Geothermal Power Plant (300 kW)<br />

Exploration 200,000<br />

Wells 325,000<br />

Field 94,000<br />

Power Plant 659,000<br />

Total 1,278,000<br />

Source: Entingh et al., 1994.<br />

Table 38<br />

Operation and Maintenance Costs of a Small-Scale Geothermal Power<br />

Plant (300 kW).<br />

USD<br />

Field 32,000<br />

Plant 26,000<br />

Back-up system 5,000<br />

Total 63,000<br />

Source: Entingh et al., 1994.<br />


An example of a large scale power plant is described in more detail below,<br />

showing the different phases and their related costs. Costs may vary from<br />

USD 50 to 150 million for a 50-MW plant.<br />

Exploration and leasing: This phase is normally divided into site assessment,<br />

leasing and land acquisition, exploratory drilling, and well testing. In general, site<br />

assessment as well as leasing and land acquisition are low-risk activities with<br />

relatively low costs, ranging from USD 50,000 to USD 500,000. Exploratory<br />

drilling and reservoir assessment, as in the oil and gas field, are high-risk<br />

activities: if an adequate resource is not found, the entire project is cancelled. A<br />

wide range of issues must be addressed: geological data, geophysical surveys,<br />

approval process for drilling, road building, mobilising a drilling rig, well testing,<br />

and physical and chemical data collection. The cost can easily range from USD<br />

0.75 to USD 2.5 million per exploration well. The entire programme can cost from<br />

USD 3 to USD 6 million.<br />

Project development and feasibility studies: If the previous phase gives<br />

satisfactory results, a further series of activities can be carried out:<br />

compilation of a reservoir assessment report; negotiation of a power sales<br />

contract; approval of construction of wells, steam and water lines and power<br />

plant; and finalisation of design and cost/revenue estimation. The cost range<br />

is from USD 0.25 to USD 2.3 million, with the highest expenses for preconstruction<br />

permits and environmental approval.<br />

Well-field development and project finance, construction, start-up: This<br />

phase is rather complicated and time consuming. Activities like drilling and<br />

power plant construction can overlap and require careful scheduling.<br />

Construction time is only 12-16 months for the power generating plant, but<br />

well drilling (depending on the number of drilling rigs operating in parallel)<br />

can take several years. Overall well-field development for a standard 50-MW<br />

project with ten production wells, two injection wells and two reserve wells,<br />

at an average cost of USD 2 million per well (depending on depth), can reach<br />

USD 32 million. Power plant engineering, design, construction, and start-up<br />

are complicated but not unique to geothermal; the oil industry and other<br />

mining companies face similar challenges.<br />

Commercial operations and field and plant expansion: As noted earlier,<br />

geothermal plants have an availability factor of 98%, and can be operated at<br />

full load 24 hours a day with energy efficiency of about 97% for CHP and<br />

7-10% for electricity production. It is common to develop multiple power<br />

plants or subsequent units over time. However, before installing a second<br />

unit at the same site, it must be ensured that new wells will not affect the<br />

productivity of existing ones.<br />

6<br />



Electricity generation cost in USD<br />

cents per kWh<br />

130<br />

● Generation Costs<br />

12<br />

10<br />

8<br />

6<br />

4<br />

2<br />

0<br />

Generation costs depend on a number of factors, but particularly on the<br />

temperature of the geothermal fluid produced, which influences the size of the<br />

turbine, heat exchangers and cooling system. US sources (DOE, Lund) report<br />

current costs of producing power from as low as 1.5 to 2.5 USD cents per kWh at<br />

The Geysers, to 2 to 4 USD cents for single-flash and 3 to 5 USD cents for binary<br />

systems. New constructions deliver power at 5 to 6.5 or 8 USD cents per kWh,<br />

depending on the source. The latter figures are similar to those reported in<br />

Europe. Generation costs per kWh are € 0.05 - 0.09 for traditional power plants<br />

(liquid-steam water resources) and € 0.20 - 0.30 for HDR.<br />

Based on system investment needed and electrical output yielded annually,<br />

generation costs can be given for a range of applications (see Figure 47). Very<br />

low generation costs (in the range of 2 to 3 USD cents per kWh) occur with<br />

installations characterised by low investment costs (up to USD 1,500), high<br />

energy output (over 6,000 kWh per kW per year) and low O&M costs. The<br />

latter can be considerably higher according to the type of plant and resource.<br />

“Traditional” plants, such as The Geysers in California, produce geothermal<br />

power at costs as low as 2 USD cents per kWh. New plants in many areas in<br />

the world can produce power at 5 USD cents per kWh or less.<br />

Figure 47<br />

Approximate Annual Generation Costs for Geothermal Power<br />

USD<br />

1,000<br />

USD<br />

1,500<br />

USD<br />

2,000<br />

USD<br />

2,500<br />

4,500 kWh per kW and year<br />

5,500 kWh per kW and year<br />

USD<br />

3,000<br />

USD<br />

3,500<br />

USD<br />

4,000<br />

USD<br />

4,500<br />

6,500 kWh per kW and year<br />

7,500 kWh per kW and year<br />

USD<br />

5,000<br />

Note: Based on system investment needed and electrical output yielded annually. O&M costs are assumed to be<br />

6.5% of system investment. Amortisation period is 15 years, discount rate 6%.<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland.<br />


● Industry<br />

The international geothermal power industry is dominated by five large firms:<br />

three Japanese companies, one Italian, and one Israeli-American. The three<br />

Japanese companies and the Italian one have comparable market shares (see<br />

Figure 48).<br />

Competence in underground engineering (prospecting and exploration,<br />

valorising geothermal fields, etc.) is found mainly in the US, Japan, the<br />

Philippines, Mexico, Italy, New Zealand, Iceland, France. Turnover for the<br />

geothermal electricity sector in 1999 was in the region of € 1,600 million,<br />

with an estimated 40,000 and 45,000 people employed in the construction,<br />

installation and maintenance of geothermal plants.<br />

Figure 48<br />

Market Share Based on Geothermal Capacities Installed, 1995-2000<br />

● Market<br />

Geothermal power projects have been established in relatively few countries,<br />

as shown in Figure 49. Most geothermal development (more than 90% of<br />

worldwide installed capacity) is in the US, the Philippines, Mexico, Italy,<br />

Japan, Indonesia and New Zealand.<br />

6<br />

Ormat<br />

8%<br />

Fuji<br />

19%<br />

Source: EurObserv’ER.<br />


Other<br />

11%<br />

Mitsubishi<br />

19%<br />

Toshiba<br />

22%<br />

Ansaldo<br />

21%<br />


132<br />

Figure 49<br />

Locations of Cumulative Geothermal Power Capacity Installed, 2000<br />

Source: Data from Huttrer.<br />


Cumulative global geothermal<br />

power capacity in MW<br />

Table 39<br />

Geothermal Power Production and Installed Capacity, 2000<br />

Source: Huttrer.<br />

Global installed geothermal electric capacity has been steadily growing, with<br />

about 3.9 GW in 1980, 4.8 GW in 1985, 5.8 GW in 1990, 6.8 GW in 1995 and<br />

almost 8 GW in 2000. The annual growth rate has been around 5%.<br />

More recently, Asia and Central and South America have shown particularly<br />

strong growth in relative terms. These are also the areas where geothermal<br />

power can play a significant role in the energy balance: the share of<br />

6<br />


Production in TWh Installed capacity in MW<br />

USA 15.5 2,228<br />

Philippines 9.2 1,909<br />

Mexico 5.7 755<br />

Italy 4.4 785<br />

Japan 3.5 547<br />

Indonesia 4.6 590<br />

New Zealand 2.3 437<br />

Rest of world 4.1 723<br />

Total 49.3 7,974<br />

9000<br />

8000<br />

7000<br />

6000<br />

5000<br />

4000<br />

3000<br />

2000<br />

1000<br />

0<br />

Figure 50<br />

Worldwide Development of Geothermal Electric Power<br />

1904 1914 1942 1950 1960 1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000<br />

Sources: Lund and Huttrer.<br />


134<br />

geothermal power with respect to total electric power installed is 10% or<br />

more in the Philippines, El Salvador and Nicaragua.<br />

● Environment<br />

Table 40 summarises the probability and relative severity of the effects on<br />

the environment of geothermal direct-use projects.<br />

Table 40<br />

Probability and Potential Severity of Environmental Impact of<br />

Geothermal Direct-Use Projects<br />

Impact Probability Severity<br />

Air quality pollution L M<br />

Surface water pollution M M<br />

Underground pollution L M<br />

Land subsidence L L-M<br />

High noise levels H H-M<br />

Well blowouts<br />

Conflicts with cultural and<br />

L L-M<br />

archaeological features L-M M-H<br />

Social-economic problems L L<br />

Chemical or thermal pollution L M-H<br />

Solid waste disposal M M-H<br />

Source: Lunis and Breckenridge.<br />

L = Low; M = Moderate; H = High.<br />

Environmental concerns related to geothermal energy use include:<br />

Pollutants: Geothermal energy produces non-condensable gaseous<br />

pollutants, mainly carbon dioxide, hydrogen sulphide, sulphur dioxide and<br />

methane. Carbon dioxide is a natural compound present in the fluids used in<br />

geothermal power plants. However, the level of CO2 discharge from these<br />

plants is much lower than from fossil-fuelled power stations. The condensed<br />

geothermal fluid also contains dissolved silica, heavy metals, sodium and<br />

potassium chlorides, and, sometimes, carbonates; but, modern emission<br />

controls and re-injection techniques have reduced these impacts to a<br />

minimum. Geothermal energy has a net positive impact on the environment<br />

because it pollutes less than conventional energy.<br />


Wastewater: Discharge of wastewater is also a potential source of chemical<br />

pollution. Spent geothermal fluids with high concentrations of chemicals<br />

such as boron, fluoride or arsenic should be treated, and/or re-injected into<br />

the reservoir. However, the low-to-moderate temperature geothermal fluids<br />

used in most direct-use applications generally contain low levels of<br />

chemicals and the discharge of spent geothermal fluids is seldom a major<br />

problem. Sometimes these fluids can be discharged into surface water after<br />

cooling. The water can then be cooled in special storage ponds or tanks to<br />

avoid modifying the ecosystems of natural bodies of water.<br />

Ground subsidence: Extraction of large quantities of fluids from geothermal<br />

reservoirs may result in ground subsidence. Subsidence should be<br />

monitored systematically, as it could damage the geothermal plant and other<br />

buildings in the area. In many cases, subsidence can be prevented or reduced<br />

by re-injecting the geothermal wastewater.<br />

Seismic activity: The withdrawal and/or re-injection of geothermal fluids<br />

may trigger or increase the frequency of seismic events in certain areas.<br />

However these are micro-seismic events that can only be detected by<br />

instrumentation. Exploitation of geothermal resources is unlikely to trigger<br />

major seismic events.<br />

Sustainability: Geothermal energy is usually classified as renewable and<br />

sustainable. “Renewable” describes a property of the energy source, whereas<br />

“sustainable” describes how the resource is used. On a site-by-site basis,<br />

geothermal energy is renewable if the use of energy is adapted to the natural<br />

rate of energy recharge. Usually geothermal power plants can operate for<br />

about 50 years at a site (sometimes longer), implying a decline of the heat<br />

content of the geothermal reservoir, which subsequently needs a recovery<br />

period of several decades.<br />

Noise: Geothermal plants produce noise pollution during construction, e.g.<br />

by drilling of wells and the escape of high-pressure steam during testing.<br />

Noise is usually negligible during operation with direct-heat applications.<br />

However, electricity generation plants produce some noise from the cooling<br />

tower fans, the steam ejector and the turbine.<br />

Visual impact: Geothermal plants are often located in areas of high scenic<br />

value, where the appearance of the plant is important. Fortunately,<br />

geothermal power plants take up little area and, with careful design they can<br />

blend well into the surrounding environment. Wet cooling towers at plants<br />

can produce plumes of water vapour, which some people find unsightly. In<br />

such cases, air-cooled condensers can be used.<br />

6<br />



136<br />

Prospects for Geothermal Power<br />

Geothermal plant capital cost in 1999 USD/kW<br />

● Cost Reduction Opportunities<br />

6500<br />

6000<br />

5500<br />

5000<br />

4500<br />

4000<br />

3500<br />

3000<br />

2500<br />

2000<br />

0<br />

Because costs are closely related to the characteristics of the local resource<br />

system and reservoir, costs and cost reductions cannot be easily assessed on<br />

a general level.<br />

Binary-cycle power plants or Hot Dry Rock systems are more expensive in<br />

terms of kWh generated (see Figure 51) than conventional geothermal<br />

systems, but these new techniques use resources that would have been<br />

uneconomical in the past. Binary-cycle power plants are suitable for smallscale<br />

applications and lower-temperature resources.<br />

Major contributions can be expected from R&D for new approaches or for<br />

improving conventional approaches and smaller modular units will allow<br />

economies of scale on the manufacturing level. Within the power plant,<br />

considerable economies of scale occur on the level of component and plant size.<br />

Figure 51<br />

Capital Costs for US Geothermal Plants, 1999<br />

Binary Empire<br />

(1987)<br />

Double Flash<br />

Desert Peak (1985)<br />

Source: Data from Di Pippo.<br />

Binary Stillwater<br />

(1989)<br />

Single Flash Blundell<br />

(1984)<br />

Double Flash Brady<br />

Hot Springs (1992)<br />

Binary Stillwater<br />

(1989)<br />

Double Flash Brady Hot Springs<br />

(1992)<br />

Double Flash Beowawe<br />

(1985)<br />

Double Flash Heber<br />

(1985)<br />

Double Flash Dixie Valley<br />

(1988)<br />

10 20 30 40 50 60 70<br />

Geothermal plant size in MW<br />


The following are areas where R&D can improve the techno-economic<br />

performance of geothermal power:<br />

● Plant refurbishment can increase the plant’s efficiency and availability,<br />

taking account of the thermodynamic characteristics of the geothermal<br />

fluid for any given site.<br />

● Generating electricity from low-to-medium temperature geothermal<br />

fluids and from the waste hot water coming from the separators in waterdominated<br />

geothermal fields has made considerable progress. By<br />

selecting suitable secondary fluids, binary systems have recently been<br />

designed to utilise geothermal fluids temperatures of 85/90°C to 175°C.<br />

For example, one company is exploring the use of the Kalina cycle, a<br />

binary cycle that uses a mixture of ammonia and water as the working<br />

fluid. This cycle has the potential to extract one-third more energy from<br />

the geothermal fluid than a conventional cycle.<br />

● More automation to decrease labour costs for O&M.<br />

● Reservoir management aimed at increasing the production rate and<br />

lifetime will thus improve the sustainability of the resource (e.g. injection,<br />

re-injection, well stimulation). An example is the reservoir depletion<br />

problem at The Geysers (USA) where reclaimed wastewater is<br />

transported from several communities and injected into the reservoir.<br />

This approach not only prolongs the life of the geothermal resource by<br />

slowing the loss of the reservoir volume over time, but also provides a<br />

solution to wastewater disposal problems.<br />

● Expansion of the explored zone, which in general is less risky than<br />

exploring a brand-new area.<br />

● Development of more accurate and lower-cost methods for finding and<br />

mapping geothermal resources. Recent accomplishments include<br />

instrumentation that can operate in hotter environments, and more<br />

accurate field survey procedures. Before drawing up a geothermal<br />

exploration programme, all existing geological, geophysical and<br />

geochemical data should be collected and integrated with any data<br />

available from previous studies on water, mineral and oil resources in the<br />

study area and adjacent areas. This information frequently plays an<br />

important role in defining the objectives of the geothermal exploration<br />

programme and leads to a significant reduction in costs and less financial<br />

risk for project development. In general, only a small portion of an area’s<br />

geothermal potential has been explored and exploited.<br />

6<br />



Geothermal electricity costs in USD2000 cents per kWh<br />

138<br />

● Drilling: The cost of drilling a well can be a significant portion of the<br />

overall plant cost. Drilling research has focused on means to reduce the<br />

costs of drilling through hard rock in high-temperature, corrosive<br />

environments. Recent accomplishments include the development of<br />

slim-hole drilling that reduces costs by up to 50%, and improved drilling<br />

control and tools.<br />

● Enhanced geothermal systems: R&D is expected to bring about new and<br />

improved processes and designs like Hot Dry Rock (HDR), currently being<br />

tested in several areas.<br />

Grouping generation plants can result in considerable economies of scale. By<br />

bundling efforts, project costs per geothermal power plant can be lowered.<br />

For smaller plant units under 5 MW, and especially below 1 MW (see Figure 52),<br />

the cost per kW goes up significantly because of a loss in economies of scale<br />

(equipment, component size), and because the fixed costs associated with<br />

exploring a site and drilling wells are divided by a smaller number of<br />

kilowatts. In addition, some minimum fixed O&M costs associated with<br />

operating a plant become significant when divided by a smaller plant capacity.<br />

However, small-scale plants can be built in a factory as skid-mounted units<br />

and shipped anywhere in the world. Thus, quantity (manufacturing volume)<br />

and quality can be increased and costs lowered.<br />

Figure 52<br />

Generation Costs in Relation to Plant Size in USD cents /kWh (in USD 2000 )<br />

60<br />

50<br />

40<br />

30<br />

20<br />

10<br />

0<br />

100 200 300 400 500 600 700 800 900 1000<br />

Sources: Vimmerstedt and Entingh.<br />

Plant size in kW<br />

High Medium Low<br />


● Market Opportunities<br />

Market Potential<br />

Like the energy of the sun, the energy within the earth is immense and has a<br />

lifetime measured in billions of years. However, geothermal energy is<br />

accessible in limited areas, and unlike the use of sunlight, tapping into local<br />

sources of the earth’s heat can result in a temporary decrease in the amount<br />

of energy locally available. Even with re-injection of the geothermal fluid, the<br />

heat content of the reservoir gradually declines. The recovery period for a<br />

geothermal resource depends on how it is used. Resources tapped for<br />

electricity generation could provide energy for 50 years or more if properly<br />

managed. Typically, the plant equipment reaches the end of its useful life<br />

before the resource is depleted. Continuous long-term use of geothermal<br />

energy for electricity generation would require the periodic construction of<br />

new plants at new sites, while previously-used reservoirs recover.<br />

About 0.2% of the surface in Europe has “very good suitability” for<br />

geothermal power (Iceland, Azores, Canaries, pre-Apennine belt of Tuscany<br />

and Latium, Aeolian islands, Aegean islands and Western Anatolia). About<br />

2.5% presents “good suitability” (areas on the border of the abovementioned<br />

regions, Massif Central, Rhine Graben, Campidano Graben,<br />

Pannonian Basin and the island of Lesbos). In these areas, several GW of<br />

geothermal power capacity could be installed in the coming decades and<br />

support rising power demand.<br />

The geothermal potential capacity over the next 30 years is more than ten<br />

times the capacity currently installed. The U.S. Geothermal Energy<br />

Association predicts for several world regions the potential capacity for the<br />

next 30 years as 22 GW in Central America, 10 GW in East Africa, 16 GW in<br />

Indonesia, 8 GW in the Philippines and 23 GW in the U.S. World potential<br />

capacity for geothermal power generation is estimated at 85 GW over the<br />

next 30 years, about 10 times current installed capacity.<br />

<strong>Technology</strong> Factors<br />

Geothermal power plants supply more than 10% of the national power in<br />

some countries, in those countries where geothermal resources are<br />

abundant and competitive. In addition to these large-scale, cost competitive<br />

applications, small-scale applications are approaching the cost range where<br />

geothermal can compete for special applications and/or power supply in<br />

remote areas. In these areas, geothermal plants might provide base-load<br />

electricity. Following are areas for market growth:<br />

6<br />



140<br />

Large-scale applications (usually > 5 MW): As shown above, geothermal<br />

power can play a particularly significant role in the energy balance of some<br />

areas in developing countries (with rapidly increasing energy demand)<br />

because geothermal is competitive with conventional alternatives.<br />

Additionally there is a large technical potential in some areas in the<br />

industrialised world. Several dozen megawatts will be installed every year in<br />

Europe and the US over the next decades, due to energy security or<br />

environmental benefits of geothermal power.<br />

Developing countries and remote areas: Opportunities for small<br />

geothermal projects exist in many areas of the developing world, including<br />

Latin America, the Caribbean, Indonesia and the Philippines as outlined by<br />

Vimmerstedt. Small-scale geothermal power plants (< 5 MW) could supply<br />

electricity in remote areas. However, governmental support is needed for<br />

small geothermal projects because they face special financial and<br />

operational challenges, for instance, relatively high project finance costs and<br />

difficulty in establishing and supporting an operation and maintenance<br />

infrastructure for small plants in remote areas. These difficulties may be<br />

mitigated by bundling small projects. The widespread use of small<br />

geothermal units demonstrates the technological feasibility of small systems,<br />

but does not demonstrate operational or economic feasibility for remote<br />

applications.<br />

Small-scale plants (usually < 5 MW, sometimes < 1 MW): Despite their<br />

higher energy costs, small-scale plants offer a number of potential<br />

advantages. Skid-mounted, modular units can be built in a factory and<br />

shipped anywhere in the world. A plant owner can start with a small<br />

investment and add modules as needed. Small plants can be designed<br />

to operate automatically in order to reduce O&M costs. Small plants<br />

can become attractive in regions where low-cost shallow wells are<br />

possible and where the exit brine from the plant can be used for<br />

direct-heating applications. The advantage of small mobile plants is most<br />

evident for areas without ready access to conventional fuels or where<br />

alternative systems are costly. For example, a 300-kW geothermal binary<br />

plant at Fang, Thailand, supplies power at 6.3 to 8.6 USD cents per kWh, as<br />

reported by Lund, compared to the alternative of diesel-generated power at<br />

22 to 25 USD cents per kW. Another opportunity is for small communities<br />

that may be near a thermal reservoir, but are by-passed by high-voltage<br />

transmission lines. The expense involved in serving these communities is<br />

prohibitive, since the step-down transformers needed to tap electricity from<br />

high-voltage lines cost some USD 675,000 each, including installation, and<br />


the simplest form of local distribution of electricity, at 11 kV using wooden<br />

poles, costs a minimum of USD 20,000 per kilometre, as reported by<br />

Aumento.<br />

Mini-grid applications: Small plants may be especially well-suited to minigrid<br />

applications in developing nations where the competing generation is by<br />

imported diesel fuel, as mentioned above.<br />

The multi-purpose approach was originally used in the earliest geothermal<br />

power plants in Larderello which extracted boric acid from the waters.<br />

Combining geothermal power production with other processes may provide<br />

sufficient financial incentives to make geothermal plants economic. The<br />

recovery of minerals and metals from geothermal brine can add value to<br />

geothermal power projects. For example, a new plant at Salton Sea in<br />

California extracts zinc from the heated brine that is brought to the surface to<br />

generate electric power.<br />

Illustration: Geothermal Power in Mexico<br />

Geothermal development in Mexico is a joint effort between the Mexican<br />

Electric Company (CFE) and the nation’s Electrical Research Institute (IIE).<br />

Substantial progress has been made over this period in the development<br />

and application of the geothermal resource. Around 550 geothermal<br />

zones have been identified in the whole national territory of around two<br />

million square kilometers, where over 1400 geothermal points can be<br />

seen in 27 out of the 31 states in the country.<br />

Three geothermal fields are currently being commercially exploited: Cerro<br />

Prieto in Baja California, Los Azufres in Michoacán and Los Humeros in<br />

Puebla. Total installed capacity for electricity generation is 758 MWe,<br />

which represents around 2.3 % of the total generating capacity in Mexico.<br />

Estimates by the national electric utility (CFE) set proven high temperature<br />

(temperature higher than 150°C) hydrothermal reserves at around<br />

2000 MWe. Reserves with good probability are estimated at 4000 MWe,<br />

while possible reserves are in the range of 6,000 MWe.<br />

Exploitation of high temperature geothermal resources offers Mexico a<br />

number of benefits, including generating costs in the range of 0.04-<br />

0.05 USD/kw, and plant factors above 80%. Non-electrical applications<br />

are also consideration to improve project profitability.<br />

6<br />



142<br />

<strong>Technology</strong> Development<br />

Geothermal power technology has been steadily improving. Although no<br />

clear trend toward lower energy costs can be shown for the plants producing<br />

electricity in the low-cost range of USD 0.02 per kWh, new approaches are<br />

helping utilise resources that would have been uneconomic in the past. This<br />

is true for both the power generation plant and the field development.<br />

Drawing an experience curve for the whole geothermal power sector is<br />

difficult, not only because of the many site-specific features having an impact<br />

on the technology system, but also because of poor data availability. Despite<br />

the fact that Larderello has the most experience with geothermal power<br />

plants, no reliable, installation cost data are available covering the long term.<br />

Geothermal technology development, related cost reductions and improved<br />

performance depend on R&D and on a supportive market framework. In the late<br />

1970s and 1980s, geothermal development was given special stimulus in the US<br />

where DOE funding for geothermal research and development was for some<br />

time over USD 1995 100 million per year. In addition, the Public Utility Regulatory<br />

Policies Act (PURPA) mandated the purchase of electricity from facilities meeting<br />

certain technical standards regarding energy source and efficiency. PURPA also<br />

exempted qualifying facilities from both state and federal regulation under the<br />

Federal Power Act and the Public Utility Holding Company Act. Furthermore,<br />

California’s Standard Offer Contract system for PURPA-qualifying facilities provided<br />

renewable electric energy systems with a relatively firm and stable market, allowing<br />

the financing of capital-intensive geothermal energy facilities. When R&D funding<br />

decreased and programmes were changed or halted, geothermal progress slowed.<br />

Although the US is still the world leader in geothermal power, project<br />

development stalled because geothermal could not compete with<br />

conventional power, which became cheaper when fossil fuel prices declined.<br />

Future technology development depends greatly on enhanced exploitation of<br />

new resources and applications. R&D concerning the Kalina cycle and HDR<br />

can help reduce costs of the binary-cycle power plant and exploit additional<br />

resources. Up-scaling of the plant and the manufacturing process can also<br />

help. However, the lowest energy costs already achieved are not likely to drop<br />

dramatically in the future — only incremental improvements are foreseen.<br />

Market Growth Factors<br />

Geothermal power might be expected to grow at a steady pace between 5%<br />

and 10% annually, thanks to competitive and attractive applications (mainly<br />

large-scale in energy-driven markets and small-scale in remote areas).<br />

Assuming an average growth rate of 6%, global cumulative geothermal<br />

power capacity would reach 14 GW in 2010.<br />


Based on country update papers for the World Geothermal Congresses held<br />

in 2000 and 2003 worldwide geothermal capacity could be projected to<br />

reach 20.7 GW in 2020 (Lund). In another assessment, the combined efforts<br />

of the US DOE and industry could result in 15 GW of new capacity installed in<br />

the US within the next decade, assuming that a cost level of USD 0.03 per<br />

kWh can be achieved. For Europe, forecasts for installed capacity range from<br />

1.5 to 2 GW by 2010 and from 2 to 3 GW by 2020. These figures are optimistic<br />

and can only become reality if leading countries commit themselves to<br />

support geothermal power. The regions of Asia and the Americas are likely to<br />

contribute most to the development of geothermal capacity.<br />

Table 41<br />

Cost-Reduction Opportunities for Geothermal Power (%)<br />

R&D Economy of scale I Economy of scale II Economy of scale III<br />

(components size) (manufacturing volume) (plant size)<br />

Geothermal<br />

power Up to 10 Up to 5 Up to 5 Up to 10<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland. Data shown in % within a decade based on expected technology learning and<br />

market growth.<br />

Table 42<br />

Cost Figures for Geothermal Power<br />

Current investment costs • Low investment costs: 1,200<br />

in USD per kW • High investment costs: 5,000<br />

Expected investment costs • Low investment costs: 1,000<br />

in USD per kW in 2010 • High investment costs: 3,500<br />

Current generation costs • Low cost generation: 2-5<br />

in USD cents per kWh • High cost generation: 6-12<br />

Expected generation costs • Low cost generation: 2-3<br />

in USD cents per kWh in 2010 • High cost generation: 5-10<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland.<br />

6<br />



144<br />

Table 43<br />

Key Factors for Geothermal Power<br />

Factor Fact<br />

Factors influencing energy output • Enthalpy<br />

(temperature gradient)<br />

Limiting factors • Site availability<br />

Capacity installed in 2002 in GW • 8.5 GW<br />

Potential in 2010 in GW • 14 GW<br />

Future potential beyond term year given • Moderate to good<br />

Rule of thumb for conversion ratio* (installed<br />

power to electric output)<br />

• 1 kW --> 6,100 kWh<br />

* Based on global capacity of around 8 GWp and electricity generation of 49 TWh in 2000.<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland.<br />

Issues for Further Progress<br />

● Technical Issues<br />

Exploration Techniques<br />

Exploration can be improved by the use of enhanced geophysical methods,<br />

integrated modelling, slim-hole drilling for reservoir characterisation and<br />

high-temperature tracer technology.<br />

Resource Assessment<br />

Resource knowledge should be updated, using new, harmonised assessment<br />

techniques, computational methods and site selection tools. Constraints<br />

such as land-use restrictions, other relevant legislation and market<br />

availability should be identified.<br />

Field Development<br />

Drilling costs can be reduced by the use of new techniques and hightemperature<br />

tools.<br />

Reservoir Development Techniques<br />

Reservoir development can be improved through the use of submersible<br />

pumps and new methods to limit scaling and corrosion of equipment.<br />


Power Generation <strong>Technology</strong><br />

Combined cycles can be integrated in order to enhance utilisation of the<br />

intense heat associated with electricity production. New power cycles should<br />

be developed or existing ones optimised in order to improve efficiency and<br />

reliability, with special focus on small units for low-temperature cycles.<br />

Environment<br />

Methods to mitigate environmental impact should be developed and applied<br />

in order to increase local public acceptance and improve the eco-balance.<br />

System<br />

Perhaps the most challenging technical problem is the corrosion and scaling<br />

of those parts of the system that come into direct contact with the<br />

subterranean medium. New materials and techniques must be developed<br />

to lower the cost of replacing corroded parts. Hot Dry Rock/Enhanced<br />

Geothermal System technology should be intensively researched and tested,<br />

especially the aspects of artificial fracturation, reservoir monitoring, and<br />

circulation loop.<br />

● Non-technical Issues<br />

A number of non-technical issues will also impact future market<br />

development. Information on geothermal energy should be disseminated at<br />

various levels, from decision makers to potential consumers and the general<br />

public. Local markets should be identified in order to take advantage of<br />

opportunities. Import/export rules for equipment need to take into account<br />

the fact that geothermal equipment is servicing renewable energy. Codes<br />

and standards should be developed with respect to grid access and<br />

connection. Local restrictions concerning permits and land use could be<br />

reduced by clear rules.<br />

Local geothermal resource potential for power generation and for direct uses<br />

should be assessed. Policies, laws and regulations should be developed to<br />

allow investment in the development of indigenous geothermal resources.<br />

Continued government-funded research and close collaboration with<br />

industry in exploration of reservoirs, drilling and energy conversion are<br />

needed to further lower the cost of geothermal power production, although<br />

in the best locations geothermal is now competitive with conventional<br />

energy.<br />

6<br />




A Brief History of Wind Power<br />

7<br />


147<br />

The use of wind energy dates back many centuries, perhaps even thousands<br />

of years. In many cultures, windmills were built for milling grain and<br />

pumping water. Some windmills became typical of the cultural landscape in<br />

many areas especially in Europe. The step from mechanical to electrical use<br />

of wind energy was made in the USA. In 1888, Charles F. Brush developed an<br />

automatically operating wind machine performing a rated power of 12 kW<br />

direct current. The rotor had a diameter of 17 metres and 144 blades made of<br />

cedar wood. Small-scale stand-alone systems continued to be the main focus<br />

of wind power applications for another five decades. The first AC turbine was<br />

built in the 1930s in the USA. At first, further use of wind power suffered from<br />

the less expensive grid power but interest in wind energy grew through<br />

energy emergencies such as World War II and the oil crisis in the early 1970s.<br />

The development of modern wind power machines has been led by<br />

Denmark, Germany, the Netherlands, Spain, and the USA. Through these<br />

developments, wind power has become an important electricity option for<br />

large-scale on-grid use.<br />

<strong>Technology</strong> <strong>Status</strong><br />

The main components of a wind turbine are the rotor, generator, directional<br />

system, protection system and tower. Wind spins the rotor blades, driving<br />

the turbine generator. Sometimes gearing is used to increase the rotation<br />

speed for electricity generation. The generator transforms the mechanical<br />

energy from the rotating blades into electricity. Electricity is then transferred<br />

to the grid or a storage system. Generator designs vary according to the<br />

system and wind regime. A directional system enables horizontal axis<br />

machines to swing into the wind: a tail assembly is often used for small<br />

machines, whereas a “servo mechanism” orients large machines to the<br />

direction of maximum power. Modern wind turbines are usually equipped<br />

with a protection system (variable orientation of blades, mechanical brakes,<br />

shut-down mechanisms) to prevent damage during excessive wind loads.<br />

The tower raises the turbines well above the ground in order to capture wind<br />

with higher speed and less turbulent currents.

148<br />

Commercial and technological development has been closely related to turbine<br />

size (see Figure 53). From ten metres in diameter (typically with 22 kW to 35 kW<br />

of installed power) in the mid-1970s, wind turbines have grown to diameters of<br />

80 metres and more (with multi-MW installed power). <strong>Technology</strong> development<br />

has resulted, furthermore, in variable pitch (as opposed to fixed blades), direct<br />

drives (as opposed to classical drive trains), variable-speed conversion systems,<br />

power electronics, better materials and better ratio of weight of materials to<br />

capacity installed. One major trend is toward increasing rotor diameter in order<br />

to develop turbines and wind farms for offshore applications. The other major<br />

trend is toward larger markets for small-sized systems, e.g. in developing<br />

countries. The use of small grid-connected machines (10 kW) in the built<br />

environment and farms in the US is relatively new.<br />

Figure 53<br />

Average Turbine Size at Market Introduction<br />

1985:<br />

20 kW<br />

● Costs<br />

1990:<br />

170 kW<br />

1995:<br />

473 kW<br />

1999:<br />

919 kW<br />

2002:<br />

1395 kW<br />

Sources: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland. Raw data is from Durstewitz (1999) and Systèmes Solaires/EurObserv’ER (2003).<br />

Investment Costs<br />

Costs of wind turbines and plants depend on the system (components and size)<br />

and the site. Typical turnkey installation costs * are around USD 400 per m2 of<br />

swept area or USD 850 to 950 per kW for on-land wind turbines and farms, of<br />

*. There is some difference of opinion about the correct way to benchmark energy technologies. For wind turbines, for<br />

instance: price per square meter of rotor area or price per kWh produced are both used.<br />


Table 44<br />

Commercial and Technological Development of Wind Turbine<br />

<strong>Technology</strong> in the Last Three Decades<br />

Phase Manufacturing Research Codes and Standards<br />

Before 1985 Pioneering and conceptualisation Focus mainly on Absence of<br />

Rotor diameter phase with small enterprises and theoretical international<br />

< 15 m companies from different problems and standards, quality<br />

backgrounds (shipbuilding, technology, e.g. control, detailed<br />

gearboxes, agriculture machinery, horizontal and load analyses, grid<br />

aerospace, etc.) developing and vertical axes, size quality<br />

producing turbines based on between 5 kW and requirements<br />

simple design rules. Large firms 3 MW, different<br />

contracted for developing MW numbers of blades<br />

turbines failed because of non- (1 to 4)<br />

viability of this size machine at<br />

this early date.<br />

1985 to 1989 <strong>Technology</strong> maturing (California First design codes Basis for all current<br />

Rotor diameter boom, then collapse) and national design codes laid in<br />

15-30 m Production of small series<br />

Many start-up enterprises and<br />

restructuring partly concurrent<br />

with California boom and collapse<br />

standards this period<br />

1989 to 1994 Mass production of the successful Programmes for Codes and<br />

Rotor diameter 500/600-kW turbine class developing the standards<br />

30-50 m Industry reconstructed 500 kW to 1 MW established. Several<br />

turbine class international<br />

benchmarks<br />

Since 1994 Acceleration towards multi-MW Focus on weak Design codes<br />

Diameter rotor classes of turbines - entirely spots in design essentially<br />

greater than market driven knowledge, R&D unchanged<br />

50 m Steady growth in industry on new topics like Recent codes for<br />

short-term wind short-term wind<br />

forecasting power prediction<br />

Sources: EUREC Agency/Beurskens, Neij/EXTOOL (2003) and Johnson.<br />

which USD 600 to 800 per kW are for the turbine, including the tower but<br />

excluding the transformer. Project preparation costs, excluding costs for grid<br />

reinforcement and long-distance power transmission lines, can average 1.25<br />

times the ex-factory costs, as experienced with 600-kW machines in Denmark.<br />

7<br />



150<br />

Table 45<br />

Average Investment Costs of an On-land Wind Turbine (600 kW)<br />

€ 2000 /kW<br />

Machine frame, including ring 52.7<br />

Blades 123.8<br />

Hub, including main shaft 56.3<br />

Gear, including clutch 156.0<br />

Generator/controller 85.0<br />

Tower, including painting 112.5<br />

Hydraulics, including hoses 22.5<br />

Yaw gear 16.9<br />

Nacelle cover 32.2<br />

Insulation/cables, etc. 26.0<br />

Estimated assembly cost 22.5<br />

Total machine cost 715<br />

Civil engineering infrastructure and grid connection 185<br />

Total investment cost 900<br />

Source: DRKW.<br />

Investment costs differ considerably between on-land and offshore<br />

applications in both relative and absolute terms. For offshore<br />

installations, the foundation amounts to one-third (or more) of turbine<br />

costs. Typical turnkey installation costs are now in the range of USD<br />

1,100–2,000 per kW for offshore wind turbines and farms, i.e. 35% to<br />

100% higher than for on-land installations. The investment costs for the<br />

Middelgrunden offshore wind farm in Denmark (see Table 46) were €<br />

1,233 per kW, but costs are often higher due to construction and<br />

interconnection issues. The relative investment costs for offshore and onland<br />

wind turbines also differ. For on-land, turbines account for 75-80% of<br />

the total investment, with the remaining 20% to 25% related to civil<br />

engineering, infrastructure and grid connection. In the case of the<br />

Middelgrunden wind farm, turbines accounted for 55% of the total<br />

investment, and foundations accounted for 19%.<br />


Costs in €<br />

2500<br />

2000<br />

1500<br />

1000<br />

500<br />

Table 46<br />

Investment Costs of Middelgrunden Offshore Wind Farm<br />

Component M€ €/kW %<br />

Turbines 27.0 675 55<br />

Foundations 9.5 238 19<br />

Internal grid 4.6 115 9<br />

External grid 4.1 103 8.5<br />

Others 4.1 103 8.5<br />

Total 49.3 1,234 100<br />

Source: CADDETre.<br />

Turbine size is a key factor. A size effect can easily be detected in the 100-kW<br />

turbine class. In the MW class, no clear trend exists due to, among other<br />

factors, the higher development costs for new and better turbines that can<br />

yield higher electrical output in specific applications (see Figure 54).<br />

0<br />

0 500 1000 1500 2000 2500<br />

Investment cost in €/kW Generation cost in €/MWh<br />

Turbine size in kW<br />

Note: Based on list prices of turbines, excluding installation/project costs, divided by their annual electricity<br />

output; average wind speed 5.5 m/s at hub height of 30 m.<br />

Sources: Junginger, based on data from BWE.<br />

7<br />

Figure 54<br />

Average Costs of Wind Turbines in Germany, 2001<br />



152<br />

Generation Costs<br />

Generating capacity is primarily determined by the rotor-swept area and the<br />

local wind speed (regime), not by installed power. The installed power<br />

should be matched to the wind speed and rotor-swept area in order to<br />

achieve optimum energy output and the best economy. Machines with the<br />

lowest cost per unit of installed power are not necessarily the most economic<br />

ones for a particular site. As a rule of thumb, the annual energy output, of<br />

modern and properly matched wind turbines is about e = 3.2 x V 3<br />

x AV (where<br />

V is the annual average wind speed (m/s) at hub height and A is the rotorswept<br />

area in m2 ). Doubling the wind speed means roughly an eight-fold<br />

higher energy output due to the cubic relation between wind speed and wind<br />

power. O&M costs for modern turbines can be up to half a USD cent per kWh.<br />

For wind turbines located on difficult terrain, such as offshore or in<br />

mountainous regions, this cost is likely to be higher. Availability, defined as<br />

the capability to operate when the wind speed is higher than the wind<br />

turbine’s cut-in wind speed and lower than its cut-out speed, is typically<br />

higher than 98% for modern machines.<br />

Based on system investment needed and electrical output yielded annually,<br />

generation costs can be given for a range of applications (see Figure 55). Very<br />

low generation costs (slightly above 3.5 USD cents per kWh) occur with<br />

installations characterised by low investment costs (around USD 800) and<br />

high energy output (over 2,000 kWh per kW per year). These installations<br />

are found onshore, with excellent accessibility and wind regime. The<br />

economics are generally less favourable for inland installations with lower<br />

average wind speed and for offshore installations with higher investment<br />

costs. As general economic indicators, power generation costs are USD cents<br />

4 to 7 per kWh on land and USD cents 7 to 12 per kWh offshore. In the best<br />

locations, wind power can cost less than USD cents 3 per kWh.<br />

The best cost-competitiveness is in areas with strong wind regimes and<br />

where development and installation costs are low. Generation costs are<br />

below USD cents 4 per kWh in many coastal and some inland areas with<br />

intense but regular wind regimes and good accessibility for plant<br />

construction and grid connection.<br />

● Industry<br />

The commercial development of grid-connected wind generators started after<br />

the oil crisis in the mid-1970s in countries like Denmark, the Netherlands and the<br />

US. In the early 1980s, most commercial wind turbines were assembled using a<br />

number of standard components such as gearboxes, generators, hydraulic<br />


Electricity generation cost in USD cents per kWh<br />

15.0<br />

12.0<br />

9.0<br />

6.0<br />

3.0<br />

0.0<br />

Figure 55<br />

Approximated Generation Costs for Wind Power<br />

motors for yaw systems, standard bearings for the main shaft and yaw rim, etc.<br />

Only blades and control systems were specially tailored for the wind turbine<br />

industry. With increased market volume, more specialised suppliers, including<br />

larger companies, are providing tailored components.<br />

Countries with a large installed wind turbine capacity, e.g. Denmark,<br />

Germany and Spain, which currently account for 19 of the 30 GW installed<br />

wind capacity in the world, also account for most of the world’s largest wind<br />

turbine manufacturers. The seven biggest manufacturers had a market share<br />

of 86% in 2001 with a revenue of € 4.8 billion.<br />

Danish and German wind turbine manufacturers export relatively high<br />

shares of their total output. In order to minimise transport costs, more and<br />

more turbines are being manufactured by subsidiaries of European<br />

companies in other countries. Most of the leading manufacturers of large<br />

wind turbines are developing systems for offshore applications.<br />

The top three suppliers for different wind energy segments ( 1500 kW) are given in the Table 48.<br />

7<br />

USD 750 USD 1,000 USD 1,250 USD 1,500 USD 1,750 USD 2,000<br />

System investment per kW installed capacity<br />

1,500 kWh per kWp and year<br />

2,000 kWh per kWp and year<br />

2,500 kWh per kWp and year<br />


3,000 kWh per kWp and year<br />

3,500 kWh per kWp and year<br />

Note: Based on system investment needed and electrical output yielded annually. O&M costs are assumed to be<br />

4% of system investment. Amortisation period is 15 years, and the discount rate is 6%.<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland.<br />


154<br />

Table 47<br />

Top Ten Suppliers, 2001<br />

Company Country MW sold Market share Employment<br />

Vestas Denmark 1630 23.3 % 5,500<br />

Enercon Germany 989 14.1 % 4,100<br />

Neg Micon Denmark 875 12.5 % 1,805<br />

GE Wind Energy USA 861 12.3 % 1,500<br />

Gamesa Spain 649 9.3 % 1,114<br />

Bonus Denmark 593 8.5 % 500<br />

Nordex Germany 461 6.6 % 725<br />

Made Spain 191 2.7 % n.a.<br />

Mitsubishi Japan 178 2.5 % n.a.<br />

REpower Germany 133 1.9 % 300<br />

Source: Systèmes Solaires/EurObserv’ER.<br />

Table 48<br />

Top Three Suppliers for Different Wind Energy Segments, 2001<br />

Position Small-scale turbine Medium-scale turbine Large-scale turbine<br />

class < 750 kW class 750 kW to 1,500 kW class > 1,500 kW<br />

1 Vestas GE Wind Energy Enercon<br />

2 Gamesa Neg-Micon Vestas<br />

3 Enercon Bonus Bonus<br />

Sources: Systèmes Solaires/EurObserv’ER.<br />

Two distinct trends can be observed. First, the manufacturing industry<br />

concentration is driven by economies of scale in turbine manufacturing.<br />

Second is the advent of new suppliers in emerging wind energy countries<br />

whose governments combine energy policy with industrial policy objectives<br />

(Spain, India, Japan).<br />

● Market<br />

The installed capacity of wind energy in Europe has increased by a factor of 30<br />

in the last decade (see Figure 56). Europe is a forerunner in terms of technology,<br />

industry development and market deployment. The global installed capacity of<br />


Installed capacity in MW<br />

18000<br />

15000<br />

12000<br />

9000<br />

6000<br />

3000<br />

wind energy technology at the end of 2002 has reached over 30 GW. Installed<br />

wind power is distributed very unevenly around the world - 78% of total<br />

installed capacity is in only four countries: Germany, Spain, the US and<br />

Denmark (see Table 49). Although Europe has taken the lead with strong R&D<br />

and price incentive schemes in support of wind investments, other countries<br />

such as the US, China and India have enormous wind energy potential and are<br />

working hard to establish industries to exploit them.<br />

0<br />

1985 1990 1995 2000<br />

Sources: Systèmes Solaires/EurObserv’ER.<br />

7<br />

Figure 56<br />

Worldwide Development of Wind Power, 1985-2000<br />

Figure 57<br />

Distribution of Installed Capacity of Wind Energy, 2002<br />

North<br />

America<br />

16%<br />


Asia<br />

8%<br />

Sources: Systèmes Solaires/EurObserv’ER.<br />

Rest of<br />

World<br />

1%<br />

155<br />

Europe<br />


156<br />

Table 49<br />

Installed Capacity (in MW) of Wind Energy, 2002<br />

Europe 22,558<br />

Germany 12,001<br />

Spain 4,144<br />

Denmark 2,889<br />

Italy 785<br />

The Netherlands 677<br />

UK 562<br />

Sweden 310<br />

Greece 276<br />

Rest of Europe 914<br />

North America 4,929<br />

USA 4,708<br />

Canada 221<br />

Asia 2,466<br />

India 1,702<br />

China 399<br />

Japan 351<br />

Rest of Asia 14<br />

Rest of World 426<br />

Total 30,379<br />

Source: Systèmes Solaires/EurObserv’ER.<br />

Until the mid 1980s, wind turbine size was typically less than 100 kW, then in<br />

the range of a few hundred kilowatts up until the mid 1990s, when turbine<br />

sizes began to range from 0.5-1.5 MW (see Figure 58). Such large scale<br />

turbines are often used by on-land wind farm operators and owners of<br />

individual, mostly grid-connected wind turbines. In countries with less<br />

developed transport and power transmission and distribution infrastructure,<br />

this size class remains, or is becoming, dominant. In Germany, average wind<br />

turbine size reached 1.4 MW in 2002 and this large-scale turbine size class is<br />

becoming very competitive. Virtually all of the capacity is grid-connected.<br />

A relatively recent phenomenon in the segment of the smallest turbines is the<br />

so-called urban turbine.<br />


Percentage of annual sales in numbers<br />

100%<br />

80%<br />

60%<br />

40%<br />

20%<br />

0%<br />

Figure 58<br />

Market Share of Seven Generations of Wind Turbine <strong>Technology</strong><br />

78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98<br />

Year<br />

22 to 30 kW 55 to 75 kW 90 to 100 kW 150 to 250 kW<br />

300 to 400 kW 450 to 750 kW > 1,000 kW<br />

Source: Danish Energy Agency.<br />

Wind turbines smaller than 500 kW are commonly used for off-grid<br />

applications. Especially, but not exclusively, in developing countries,<br />

applications for the smallest capacity turbines (typically < 50 kW) include not<br />

only power supply for off-grid users but also dedicated services such as<br />

mechanical water pumping (still the most common type of wind system<br />

application), desalinisation and battery charging.<br />

Offshore wind power generation is taking off in Europe. As the best on-land<br />

locations are becoming more difficult to develop, coastal countries are<br />

beginning to investigate and exploit near-shore and offshore resources.<br />

Denmark, the Netherlands, Sweden and the UK have already amassed<br />

experience with near-shore wind farms. New offshore wind farms are<br />

expected to have turbines exceeding 1.5 MW. New capacities totalling several<br />

GW may be installed in Germany, the UK, Ireland, Denmark, Canada,<br />

Belgium and other countries in coming years.<br />

● Environment<br />

For many years, wind energy was considered environmentally sound.<br />

But recently, major social objections (NIMBY – Not In My Back Yard) and landuse<br />

concerns related to operation and siting of turbines have been raised. Social<br />

acceptance is one of the limiting factors of wind’s potential growth.<br />

7<br />



158<br />

On the positive side, no direct atmospheric emissions are released during the<br />

operation of wind turbines. The emissions during the production, transport and<br />

decommissioning of a wind turbine depend mainly on the type of primary energy<br />

used to produce the steel, copper, aluminium, plastics, etc. used to construct the<br />

turbine. The energy payback time is comparatively short – usually only three to<br />

six months. Electricity from wind turbines has very low external or social costs.<br />

Almost all parts of a modern wind turbine can be recycled. Wind energy density<br />

is low and thus harvesting significant amounts of energy involves large areas of<br />

land. As a rule of thumb, wind farms require 0.06 to 0.08 km 2 /MW (12 – 16<br />

MW/km 2 ). However, the actual structures occupy only about 1% of the land on<br />

which the turbines are built and the area can still be used for other purposes,<br />

such as agriculture and livestock. In most countries, wind power developers are<br />

obliged to minimise any disturbance of vegetation (possibly leading to erosion)<br />

during the construction of wind farms and their infrastructure in sensitive areas.<br />

The International Electrical Committee (IEC) has issued an international standard<br />

on wind turbine safety and the wind industry has a good safety profile, to date.<br />

Some negative impacts also need to be addressed. Acoustic emissions from wind<br />

turbines have both a mechanical and an aero-acoustic component, both of which<br />

are a function of wind speed. Reducing noise originating from mechanical<br />

components is a straightforward engineering exercise, whereas reducing aeroacoustic<br />

noise is a rather difficult process of trial-and-error. In modern wind<br />

turbines, mechanical noise rarely causes problems. The acoustic-source noise<br />

from wind turbines needs attention because it is one of the main obstacles to<br />

siting wind turbines close to inhabited areas. The turbines’ visual impact also<br />

limits social acceptance. Wind turbines may disturb the habits of birds and other<br />

animals, mainly in coastal breeding and resting sites close to migration routes.<br />

Submarine installation works have a considerable impact on the environment<br />

during construction, but probably not in the long term. Furthermore, wind<br />

turbines may affect the propagation of electromagnetic waves from navigation<br />

and telecommunication systems. This possibility requires further study, but<br />

preliminary experience suggests that the problem can be managed.<br />

Prospects for Wind Power<br />

● Cost Reduction Opportunities<br />

Since the appearance of the first commercial grid-connected wind turbines<br />

(typically 22 kW to 35 kW) at the end of the 1970s, the generating cost of wind<br />

electricity has been reduced roughly by a factor of 10. Between 1981 and 1995,<br />

the generating cost in Denmark was reduced from DKK 1.1/kWh to DKK<br />


0.4/kWh. Investment cost decreased in Germany by 35% and dropped from<br />

€ 1,400 per kW in 1990 to € 1,120 per kW in 1999. Significant cost reductions<br />

were possible in the early phases during the transition from prototypes to<br />

medium-scale production. These reductions slowed during the 1990s after<br />

design improvements were implemented. The long experience of the Danish<br />

wind industry shows that about 75% of cost reductions in the past were due<br />

to design improvements and more efficient manufacturing and about 25%<br />

were due to improved siting.<br />

Table 50<br />

Average Capacity of Wind Generators in Three Leading Countries (kW)<br />

Year Germany Spain United States<br />

1995 473 297 327<br />

1996 530 420 511<br />

1997 623 422 707<br />

1998 783 504 723<br />

1999 919 589 720<br />

2000 1,101 648 761<br />

2001 1,281 723 881<br />

2002 1,395 790 1,000<br />

Source: Systèmes Solaires/EurObserv’ER.<br />

The commercial and technological development of wind power is closely<br />

related to turbine size. Each generation has been larger than the preceding<br />

one, measured in either rated capacity or rotor-swept area. The effect on<br />

costs of the installation of larger wind turbines is especially pronounced.<br />

Relatively small wind turbines (55 to 75 kW) were overtaken by increasingly<br />

larger and more economical turbines, especially the 600 kW and 750 kW size<br />

classes. This substitution accounted for a 35% reduction in the specific<br />

investment cost of the turbines installed in Denmark between 1990 and<br />

1998. Up-scaling and cost reductions can be achieved by incremental<br />

changes and “up-scaled design” on the same platform or by building a new<br />

platform with increased capacity, rotor diameter and new technological<br />

features. Not surprisingly, the first machines of a new generation can be<br />

more expensive per kW of rated capacity but they later become more<br />

7<br />



DKK (1999)/kWh/Year<br />

Productivity<br />

3<br />

2.8<br />

2.6<br />

2.4<br />

2.2<br />

160<br />

competitive, thanks to higher electrical output and increased experience and<br />

manufacturing volume. Their successful market introduction and learning<br />

investments will only happen in an environment of sustained market growth.<br />

Danish data (see Figures 60 and 61) reflect the growing optimum size of<br />

turbines and indicate that within a specific class, wind turbines improved<br />

their technological performance (e.g. with advanced blades). Up-scaling and<br />

design improvements are strongly interrelated. Usually, a new generation of<br />

turbines is designed conservatively with some extra safety margins.<br />

Figure 59<br />

Specific Investment Cost over Time for Different Turbine Size Classes<br />

3.2<br />

2<br />

1990 1992 1994 1996 1998 2000<br />

225 kW<br />

Installation Year<br />

500 kW<br />

750 kW<br />

300 kW<br />

600 kW<br />

3000<br />

2000<br />

1000<br />

Source: DEA.<br />

Figure 60<br />

Productivity of Wind Turbines in kWh per m 2 Rotor-Swept Area and<br />

kWh per kW Capacity Installed<br />

0<br />

81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88<br />

Year<br />

89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98<br />

Productivity in kWh/m2 Productivity kWh/kW<br />

Source: DEA.<br />


Cost in € (1999) per kW<br />

1600<br />

1400<br />

1200<br />

1000<br />

800<br />

600<br />

400<br />

200<br />

0<br />

Figure 61<br />

Specific Investment Cost of Danish Wind Turbines as a Function of<br />

Capacity [kW]<br />

Source: DEA.<br />

The following facts illustrate the up-scaling and design improvements worldwide<br />

from 1985 to 2000:<br />

● the average hub height rose from 28 m to 55 m;<br />

● the installed swept area increased from 1.7 m2 to 2.5 m2 per kW;<br />

● the average installed capacity grew from 3 MW.<br />

R&D activities by government and industry have contributed to major design<br />

improvements and increased the techno-economic performance of wind<br />

turbines. The overall system efficiency of present commercial wind turbines<br />

is close to what is theoretically feasible. Such improvements to overall<br />

system efficiency have been achieved by greater aerodynamic efficiency of<br />

the rotor blades, the use of high-efficiency electric conversion systems and<br />

better matching of the wind turbine rating to the local wind regime.<br />

7<br />

150 225 300 500 600 750<br />

Capacity in kW<br />

Turbine cost in € 1999 per kW Other Cost in € 1999 per kW<br />



Productivity in kWh per m 2 per year<br />

1000<br />

800<br />

600<br />

400<br />

200<br />

162<br />

Figure 62<br />

Development of Energy Output<br />

0<br />

81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98<br />

Installation year<br />

Source: Energistirelsen; Miljø- og Energiministeriet<br />

Note: per m2 Rotor-Swept Area of Danish Wind Turbines.<br />

Ex-factory cost reductions of 15% to 20% can be expected from a<br />

combination of the following features in advanced wind turbines:<br />

● Reduction of loads through the use of flexible blades, flexible hubs and<br />

variable-speed generator systems. This leads to lower weights and lower<br />

machine cost;<br />

● Reduction in the number of components;<br />

● Improved materials featuring higher strength-to-mass ratios and better<br />

internal damping.<br />

Specific R&D and design improvements are needed for offshore applications<br />

to cope with different challenges and to reduce costs, allowing for large-scale<br />

use.<br />

Wind energy in Denmark has benefited mainly from the up-scaling of turbines and less<br />

from mass production of turbines of a certain size. Mass production will play a small<br />

but nonetheless important role in further cost reductions. Mass production has certain<br />

constraints: for example, the size of towers can make local production preferable to<br />

transport over large distances. On the other hand, economies of scale can be achieved<br />

in turbine manufacturing. Furthermore, standardisation of sub-systems to increase the<br />

modularity of systems allows for cost reductions in manufacturing and engineering.<br />

Examples of potential modular and non-turbine-specific components are inverters,<br />

switch cabinets, control systems, sensors and software.<br />


Cost of order / List price<br />

1<br />

0.9<br />

0.8<br />

0.7<br />

0.6<br />

0.5<br />

Considerable economies of scale can be achieved by increasing the size of<br />

the power generation plant, especially for offshore production. Project<br />

preparation costs as a percentage of total costs decreased from 29% to 20%<br />

in Denmark from 1989 to 1996 and have averaged 1.25 times the ex-factory<br />

cost since then. Wind farms decrease the preparation costs per machine<br />

significantly. Furthermore, wind turbine investment costs tend to be lower,<br />

due to rebates for greater numbers of machines ordered. An example for<br />

Vestas V47 machines is given in Figure 63.<br />

0.4<br />

1 10 100 1000 10000<br />

● Market Opportunities<br />

Market Potential<br />

Theoretically, the potential of wind energy is enormous. Suitable areas/sites<br />

which may prove economically feasible in the foreseeable future are<br />

characterised by higher-than-average wind speed and are depicted on the<br />

wind resource maps (See Plates 5 and 6 (Page 101). Favourable wind<br />

conditions are mainly found in coastal areas and some regions with<br />

mountains or plains.<br />

Some areas that already use wind for a large share of power generation have<br />

few suitable sites remaining or face resistance to further expansion from the<br />

local population (e.g. a few locations in Germany). Considerable uncertainty<br />

exists about the penetration levels that can be attained by wind electricity<br />

7<br />

Figure 63<br />

Reduction of Purchase Price for Vestas V47<br />

Source: Junginger.<br />


Number of turbines ordered<br />


164<br />

before the intermittent nature of wind energy destabilises the reliability and<br />

performance of the grid. This is a major issue confronting the economically<br />

feasible potential of wind energy in each country or power grid.<br />

<strong>Technology</strong> Factors<br />

Depending on market structure, incentive framework and maturity, learning<br />

curves for wind energy show progress ratios between 68% and 92%:<br />

● 68% in the USA, 1985-1994;<br />

● 82% in the EU, 1980-1995;<br />

● 92% in Germany, 1990-1998.<br />

The global progress ratio remained fairly constant at 80% from 1980 to 1995,<br />

but has slowed since. More recent ratios have ranged from 87% to 94% in<br />

several European countries (e.g. Denmark and Germany). The lower learning<br />

rates can be attributed to various, often country and segment specific<br />

circumstances, for instance:<br />

● maturity of the market;<br />

● reluctance to invest in innovations (e.g. new and bigger turbines) due to<br />

uncertain market conditions;<br />

● less suitable sites (e.g. more difficult access or lower average wind speed);<br />

● too comfortable feed-in tariffs and high demand that might delay price<br />

reductions.<br />

However, other results based on specific installation costs and cumulative<br />

global wind capacity show progress ratios of 80% to 85% and corresponding<br />

learning rates from 15% to 20%. Wind power is an interesting case for<br />

experience curve tool and technology learning, for which the work at IEA<br />

EXCETP provides good insight.<br />

Table 51<br />

Cost Reduction Opportunities for Wind Power (%)<br />

R&D Economy of scale I Economy of scale II Economy of scale III<br />

(components size) (manufacturing volume) (plant size)<br />

On-land up to 10 up to 10 up to 5 up to 10<br />

Offshore up to 15 up to 10 up to 5 up to 10<br />

Note: Table is in % within a decade based on expected technology learning and market growth.<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland.<br />


Table 52<br />

Cost Figures for Wind Power<br />

Current investment costs • Low investment costs: 850<br />

in USD per kW • High investment costs: 1,700<br />

Expected investment costs • Low investment costs: 700<br />

in USD per kW in 2010 • High investment costs: 1,300<br />

Current generation costs • Low cost generation: 3-5<br />

in USD cents per kWh • High cost generation: 10-12<br />

Expected Generation costs • Low cost generation: 2-4<br />

in USD cents per kWh in 2010 • High cost generation: 6-9<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd., Switzerland.<br />

Table 53<br />

Key Factors for Wind Power<br />

Factors Fact<br />

Variable influencing energy output • Wind speed (E = 3.2 V 3 )<br />

Limiting factors • Site availability<br />

• Grid (load) capacity<br />

Capacity installed in 2002 in GW • 30 GW<br />

Potential in 2010 in GW • 130 GW<br />

Future potential beyond term year given • High<br />

Rule of thumb for conversion ratio* (installed • 1 kW --> 1,500 kWh-<br />

power to electric output) 2,300 kWh per year<br />

* European average based on 26.8 TWh production and 17.5 GW capacity in 2001 for the lower value<br />

(Systèmes Solaires data) and IEA data for the higher value based on production of 57 TWh and capacity of 24.3 GW.<br />

Source: <strong>NET</strong> Ltd. Switzerland.<br />

Market Growth Factors<br />

Demand for larger machines is growing for different reasons:<br />

● economies of scale;<br />

● lessened visual impact on the landscape per unit of installed power;<br />

● multi-MW machines are needed to exploit offshore potential.<br />

7<br />



166<br />

The 2 to 3 MW power class will probably become established in the coming<br />

years assuming generation cost in the USD cents 3-6 range. Experience with<br />

these machines will contribute to the optimisation of offshore wind farms<br />

with the next generation of turbines between 3 and 5 MW.<br />

Wind energy can be used for both very specific, localised energy services and<br />

for bulk power, on-grid production. Provided the wind and site conditions<br />

are suitable, applications from autonomous energy supply to grid-connected<br />

wind farms are possible. Some of the applications contributing to sustained<br />

market growth include:<br />

On-land wind energy in industrialised countries: Single operating<br />

machines and wind farms connected to the grid currently have the largest<br />

market share (about 85%). Wind turbines and farms are growing rapidly in<br />

size and number (grid-connected, on-land for single turbines from 1 MW to<br />

several MW and wind farms from 10 MW to several hundred megawatts).<br />

The phenomenal growth of wind energy markets has happened in those<br />

countries which provide financial support (such as feed-in tariffs or<br />

production tax credits), encourage R&D, and /or facilitate regulatory<br />

measures to further support wind development .<br />

Offshore wind energy in industrialised countries: Based on growth<br />

expectations for the offshore wind park market, leading wind turbine<br />

manufacturers consider the multi-MW class to be the most promising market<br />

segment. Large turbines are generally more cost-effective.<br />

On-land wind energy in developing countries: Countries with rapidly increasing<br />

electricity demand and good sites (see Plate 5 page 101) should consider wind<br />

power to be a relatively competitive energy source to add to their energy mix.<br />

Renovation: A lot of decentralised and single operating machines connected<br />

to the grid, especially in the pioneer countries like the US and Denmark, face<br />

increasing maintenance costs due to wear and tear. These machines will<br />

either be replaced with larger state-of-the-art models or refurbished.<br />

Isolated systems in developing countries: Opportunities for village-scale<br />

systems, particularly hybrids with a conventional generator, are expected to<br />

increase in coming years. Components that in the past were too expensive or<br />

unreliable, such as electronic control components, have improved<br />

considerably so that a revival of autonomous systems is probable.<br />

Small stand-alone turbines: Small battery-charging wind turbines for water<br />

pumping, heating and other applications are commercially very successful in<br />

certain niche markets.<br />


Cost in DKK 1999 per kWh<br />

1.4<br />

1.2<br />

1<br />

0.8<br />

0.6<br />

0.4<br />

0.2<br />

0<br />

Issues for Further Progress<br />

● Technical Issues<br />

Turbine Concepts<br />

Turbines can be improved through reduced loads, fewer components and<br />

enhanced materials and tools. Loads can be reduced by less conservative design<br />

and by using flexible blades and hubs and variable-speed generator systems.<br />

This leads to lower weights and lower machine cost. Furthermore, the use of<br />

improved materials will provide higher strength-to-mass ratios and better<br />

internal damping. The number of components can be reduced by incorporating<br />

direct-drive generators, passive blade pitch control in combination with<br />

variable-speed drive trains and passive yaw combined with a rotator located<br />

downwind. The use of direct-drive generators and power electronics eliminates<br />

the need for a heavy and expensive gearbox, reduces noise emission and can<br />

improve power quality at the connection to the grid. Dedicated turbine types<br />

should be developed for a variety of areas with special wind conditions, e.g.<br />

inland locations with low wind speed, locations with high wind speed, high<br />

turbulence, cold climates (heated, ice-free components), and offshore.<br />

7<br />

Figure 64<br />

Estimated Costs of Wind-Generated Electricity Over Time<br />

1980 1985 1990 1995 2000<br />

Year<br />

Source: Danish Energy Authority.<br />



168<br />

Grid Integration and Intermittency<br />

The intertwined problems of intermittency and impacts on grid reliability<br />

present two of the strongest challenges to wind energy’s future prospects.<br />

When wind is providing too much or too little power, the reliability of the grid<br />

is affected. Because wind is based on natural forces, it cannot dispatch power<br />

on demand. Because utilities must supply power in close balance to demand,<br />

intermittency can limit the amount of capacity of highly intermittent<br />

technologies that can be integrated into the grid. Thus, as the share of wind<br />

energy increases, integration of wind turbines into the electrical network will<br />

need both more attention and investment.<br />

To an extent, technical solutions and business and regularity practices can<br />

extend the penetration of wind, though these require not only significant<br />

research and development, but also new management techniques. There are<br />

two sets of issues: first, the short-term fluctuations and second, the medium<br />

and long-term issues of grid reliability when wind power exceeds a certain<br />

level of total power supply. On the short-term issues, fluctuations in power<br />

output caused by wind gusts may affect the power quality of the network.<br />

Short-term power fluctuations may be reduced using variable-speed turbines.<br />

Electricity flow controls and supplemental generation from distpatchable<br />

systems or storage can be used to further improve power quality. This<br />

supplemental generation could include another renewable technology such<br />

as hydropower. Better power quality from wind requires technical<br />

improvements to deal with harmonic distortion, reactive and inrush currents<br />

and instability, as well as grid adaptation.<br />

As to the medium and long-term issues of grid reliability when wind power<br />

provides a great deal of the total power supply, further study is required to<br />

understand better how to manage intermittent supply and what level can be<br />

absorbed. Wind power is one of the intermittent renewable technologies<br />

where penetration rates on the grid have caused technical problems<br />

(bioenergy CHP is the other). In Denmark, some local regions in Spain, and<br />

in Northern Germany, penetration rates of over 15 % (and even up to 50% for<br />

a few minutes) have been seen. In some instances, this has caused grid<br />

control and power quality problems, but not in other cases. The local<br />

conditions that determine at what level intermittent wind will cause<br />

problems on the grid need to be studied further. Regardless, these problems<br />

require that renewable energy producers, utilities and regulators come<br />

together to find optimal solutions.<br />

Wind intermittency is also an issue for off-grid installations. Improving the<br />

usefulness of off-grid systems calls for “hybridising” the wind machines with a<br />


fossil generator or adding energy storage in a battery. This process is relatively<br />

straightforward from a technical perspective; however, the trade-offs for<br />

added cost and added usefulness must be addressed on a case-by-case basis.<br />

Wind Turbine Performance Prediction<br />

There is still considerable room for improvement in wind turbine<br />

performance prediction. Anemometry, terrain calibration and methods of<br />

measuring power-wind speed curves should be improved. Improved<br />

forecasting requires real-time acquisition of climatic data and models for<br />

meteorological and turbine performance assessment.<br />

Systems<br />

Autonomous and hybrid systems should be enhanced and energy<br />

infrastructure and storage need to be addressed. With further development,<br />

a variety of technologies offer potential for storage of varying duration.<br />

Capacitors, SMES batteries and flywheels could be developed for short-term<br />

(minutes, hours) energy storage. In the future, large amounts of energy might<br />

be stored over longer periods (days, weeks) by means of pumped hydro,<br />

hydrogen and regenerative fuel cells.<br />

Standardisation of Sub-systems<br />

Sub-systems should be further standardised in order to increase modularity and to<br />

contribute to reductions in the cost of system design, engineering and production.<br />

Operation and Maintenance<br />

Wind turbines located offshore and in mountainous terrain are subject to<br />

potentially very high costs for O&M and loss of availability due to climatic<br />

influences. More intelligent wind turbines could have improved selfdiagnostic<br />

capabilities, thereby reducing downtime and maintenance costs<br />

while improving reliability and availability. Longer lifetimes for components<br />

and consumables would also be desirable, especially for wind power plants<br />

in areas that are difficult to access.<br />

● Non-technical Issues<br />

Public opposition to new wind projects has been increasingly mobilised first<br />

in dense areas and tourist locations, and now in more densely inhabited<br />

areas in Europe. NIMBY (Not In My Back Yard) is a growing social issue for<br />

new wind power. New locations, especially offshore and in non-surveyed<br />

terrain, should be mapped and assessed to reduce the visual impact on<br />

sensitive populations.<br />

7<br />



170<br />

Internationally accepted requirements for power performance, safety, noise<br />

and other environment-related conditions should be developed in order to<br />

reduce trade barriers and administrative and installation costs.<br />



€: Euro (European currency unit)<br />

AC: Alternate Current<br />

AD: Anaerobic digestion<br />

BMWi: German Federal Ministry for Economics and Labour<br />

BoS: Balance of System<br />

BWE: Bundesverband Windenergie<br />

CESI: Centro Elettrotecnico Sperimentale Italiano<br />

CHP: Combined heat and power<br />

CNRS-IEPE: Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique - Institut<br />

d’Economie et de Politique de l’<strong>Energie</strong><br />

CSP: Concentrating Solar Power<br />

DC: Direct Current<br />

DEA: Danish Energy Authority<br />

DISS: Direct Solar generation in parabolic trough collectors<br />

DKK: Danish Kroner<br />

DLR: Deutsches Zentrum für Luft-und Raumfahrt<br />

DOE: U.S. Department of Energy<br />

DRKW: Dresdner Kleinwort Wasserstein<br />

DSG: Direct Steam Generation<br />

EC: European Commission<br />

ECMWF: European Centre for Medium-Range Weather Forecasts<br />

ECN: <strong>Energie</strong>onderzoek Centrum Nederland<br />

EGS: Enhanced Geothermal System<br />

EIA: U.S. Energy Information Administration<br />

ENEL: Ente Nazionale per l’Energia Elettrica SpA<br />

EPIA: European Photovoltaic Industry Association<br />



172<br />

EPRI: Electrical Power Research Institute<br />

EREN: Energy Efficiency and Renewable Energy Network<br />

ESHA: European Small Hydropower Association<br />

EU: European Union<br />

EURELECTRIC: Union of the Electricity Industry<br />

EWEA: European Wind Energy Association<br />

EXCETP: Experience Curves for Energy <strong>Technology</strong> Policy<br />

GEF: Global Environmental Facility<br />

GW: Gigawatt (100,000 kW)<br />

HDR: Hot Dry Rock<br />

HFR: Hot Fractured Rock<br />

HTF: Heat Transfer Fluid<br />

HWR: Hot Wet Rock<br />

IEA: International Energy Agency<br />

IEA-PVPS: International Energy Agency Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme<br />

IEC: International Electrical Committee<br />

IEFE: Istituto di Economia e Politica dell’Energia e dell’Ambiente<br />

IGA: International Geothermal Association<br />

IGCC: Integrated Gasification and Combined Cycle<br />

ISCCS: Integrated Solar Combined Cycle System<br />

J: Joule<br />

KJC: Kramer Junction Company<br />

KW: Kilowatt<br />

KWh: Kilowatt-hours<br />

LEC: Levelised Electricity Cost<br />

MSW: Municipal Solid Waste<br />

MW: Megawatt (103 kW)<br />


NCEP: U.S. National Centres for Environmental Prediction<br />

NCPV: National Center for Photovoltaics (DOE)<br />

<strong>NET</strong>: <strong>Nowak</strong> Energy & <strong>Technology</strong> Ltd.<br />

NREL: National Renewable Energy Laboratory in Golden, Colorado<br />

NSTTF: National Solar Thermal Test Facility<br />

NTUA: National Technical University Of Athens<br />

O&M: Operation and Maintenance<br />

OECD: Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development<br />

PSA: Plataforma Solar de Almería<br />

PS10: Planta Solar 10 Megawatt<br />

PURPA: Public Utility Regulatory Policies Act<br />

PV: Photovoltaic(s)<br />

REBUS: Renewable Energy Burden Sharing<br />

REMAC: Renewable Energy Market Accelerator<br />

SAIC: Science Applications International Corporation<br />

Sandia: National Laboratories in Albuquerque, New Mexico<br />

SCE: Southern California Edison<br />

SEGS: Solar Electric Generating Stations. SEGS is the generic term relating to<br />

parabolic trough employing a Rankine cycle with approximately 75% solar<br />

and 25% fossil fuel input.<br />

SFOE: Swiss Federal Office of Energy<br />

SHP: Small Hydro Power<br />

SII: Solar Two / SIII: Solar Tres<br />

TSA: <strong>Technology</strong> Solar Air<br />

USD: Dollar (U.S. currency unit)<br />




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188<br />

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IEA Implementing Agreement - Photovoltaic Power Systems Programme:<br /><br />

IEA Implementing Agreement – Solar Heating and Cooling Programme:<br /><br />

IEA Implementing Agreement on Bioenergy:<br />

IEA Implementing Agreement on Ocean Energy Systems:<br /><br />

IEA Implementing Agreement on Wind:<br />

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