PATH 372 Diseases of Horticultural Crops

PATH 372 Diseases of Horticultural Crops

PATH 372 Diseases of Horticultural Crops


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Survival and spread<br />

P.I: Survives through teliospores in cooler regions and on collateral hosts<br />

S.I: Wind borne Uredospores<br />

Host range: French beans, green gram, black gram and cowpea<br />

Management<br />

Adjust sowing dates to avoid severe infection <strong>of</strong> plants in the field<br />

Protect the crop with mancozeb or zineb @ 2 kg/ha or wettable sulphur @0.3%<br />

3) Yellow mosaic: Bean Yellow Mosaic Virus, Mungbean yellow virus or Phaseolus<br />

virus-2 (ss DNA virus)<br />

Symptoms<br />

Bright yellow patches appear on leaves. Yellow areas alternate with dark green<br />

areas <strong>of</strong> the leaf blade.<br />

Younger leaves show more severe mottling and chlorosis.<br />

Leaves completely turn yellow and gradually becomes necrotic<br />

Plants are stunted and flower and pod set is reduced<br />

Pod formation is reduced and if produced, they are deformed having shrivelled and<br />

undersized seeds<br />

Survival and spread<br />

P.I: Collateral hosts<br />

S.I: Whitefly, Bemisia tabaci<br />

Not transmitted by sap, seed and pollen<br />

Host range: French bean, Soybean, Red gram, Xanthium strumarum, Eclipta alba,<br />

etc.<br />

Management<br />

Remove collateral hosts and destroy<br />

Use resistant varieties<br />

Spray metasystox@0.1% for vector control<br />

4) Common bean mosaic virus/ Green mosaic – Bean common mosaic virus (ss<br />

RNA)<br />

Symptoms<br />

Affects only beans (Phaeolus vulgaris & other Phaseolus species)<br />

Symptoms vary according to the variety <strong>of</strong> bean affected, time <strong>of</strong> infection and<br />

environmental conditions<br />

Leaves show mosaic pattern, i.e., light green areas alternate with dark green areas.<br />

Diseased leaves become rough, and show blisters on the leaf lamina<br />

Leaf size, petiole length and plant height reduced. Leaves curl downward<br />

Diseased plants produce fewer pods which are smaller in size<br />

Seeds become smaller, malformed and aborted<br />

Survival and spread<br />

Seed, sap, graft and aphid transmissible. Infected seeds are primary means <strong>of</strong><br />

spread.<br />


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