PATH 372 Diseases of Horticultural Crops

PATH 372 Diseases of Horticultural Crops

PATH 372 Diseases of Horticultural Crops


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Symptoms:<br />

The disease attacks leaves, twigs and fruits.<br />

The lesions on leaves in early stages consist <strong>of</strong> small, semi-translucent dots<br />

which become sharply defined pustular elevations usually on the underside, flat or<br />

somewhat depressed at the center. The opposite surface corresponding to the<br />

warty growth shows a circular depression with a pink to red centre. In later<br />

stages, leaves <strong>of</strong>ten become distorted, wrinkled, stunted and mis-shapened.<br />

The twigs also develop similar lesions and the affected twigs are ultimately killed.<br />

On the fruit, lesions consist <strong>of</strong> corky projections which <strong>of</strong>ten break into scab<br />

affecting larger areas on the fruits. The surface becomes rough and distorted.<br />

The market value <strong>of</strong> the fruits is considerably reduced, though the fungus rarely<br />

affects the fruit flesh below the skin.<br />

Favourable conditions<br />

Young leaves are highly susceptible.<br />

The fungus infects tissues only when the surface is wet and prefers temperature <strong>of</strong><br />

16 to 23 0 C. The disease is a problem under low temperature and high humidity<br />

conditions<br />

Mode <strong>of</strong> survival and spread<br />

The fungus survives the <strong>of</strong>f-season as ascospores<br />

The secondary spread is through air borne conidia<br />

Management:<br />

The diseased leaves, twigs and fruits should be collected and destroyed<br />

Spray with 0.3% COC or 1.0% Bordeaux mixture or 0.2% Difolaton or 0.2%<br />

chlorothalonil at 15 days interval.<br />

5) Citrus canker: Xanthomonas axonopodis pv. citri<br />

Economic Importance: In India, citrus canker is endemic and occurs in all the citrus<br />

growing areas. It is reported from Punjab, Tamil Nadu, Andhra Pradesh, Karnataka,<br />

Rajasthan, Madhya Pradesh, Assam, and Uttar Pradesh. Acid lime is highly<br />

susceptible to canker.<br />

Symptoms:<br />

Canker appears on leaves, twigs, petioles, branches, fruit stalks, fruits and thorns.<br />

When it is severe, trunk and roots are also affected.<br />

But the symptoms are most conspicuous on leaves, twigs and fruits.<br />

The lesions appear as minute water soaked round, yellow spots which enlarge<br />

slightly and turn brown, eruptive and corky.<br />

On acid lime and sweet orange they are about 2 to 3 mm in diameter. These<br />

pustules are surrounded by a characteristic yellow halo.<br />

Canker lesions on the fruit do not possess the yellow halo as on leaves. Several<br />

lesions on fruit may coalesce to form a patch. The crater-like appearance is more<br />

marked on fruits than on leaves.<br />

The market value <strong>of</strong> the fruits is considerably reduced by the canker spots, though<br />

such infections are mostly confined to the fruit skin.<br />


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