Noam Chomsky - Turning the Tide U.S. intervention in

Noam Chomsky - Turning the Tide U.S. intervention in

Noam Chomsky - Turning the Tide U.S. intervention in


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Notes<br />

Classics <strong>in</strong> Politics: <strong>Turn<strong>in</strong>g</strong> <strong>the</strong> <strong>Tide</strong> <strong>Noam</strong> <strong>Chomsky</strong><br />

400<br />

worst massacres took place) was over 400,000, from all causes, with<br />

wide variations from place to place—are unacceptable; see also<br />

Vickery, letter, Far Eastern Economic Review, Feb. 7, 1985. On <strong>the</strong><br />

media fabrications at <strong>the</strong> time, <strong>in</strong>clud<strong>in</strong>g Lacouture’s <strong>in</strong> <strong>the</strong> New York<br />

Review of Books, <strong>the</strong> ignored US <strong>in</strong>telligence estimates, and <strong>the</strong><br />

scandalous avoidance of <strong>the</strong> US role, see PEHR, II.<br />

42. Rep. Gerry Studds, Central America, 1981, Report to <strong>the</strong> Committee on<br />

Foreign Affairs, US House of Representatives, March 1981; report of a<br />

three-person congressional delegation.<br />

43. David Blundy, Sunday Times (London), April 26, 1981; Édouard Bailby,<br />

Le Monde diplomatique (Jan. 1981).<br />

44. Report on Human Rights <strong>in</strong> El Salvador, compiled by Americas Watch<br />

and <strong>the</strong> American Civil Liberties Union, Jan. 26, 1982 (V<strong>in</strong>tage, 1982).<br />

45. New England Journal of Medic<strong>in</strong>e, April 28, 1983. Capital flight is<br />

estimated at $1 billion as compared with total US aid of $1.7 billion;<br />

see <strong>the</strong> bipartisan report by Representatives Jim Leach and George Miller<br />

and Senator Mark Hatfield, “U.S. Aid to El Salvador,” Feb. 1985.<br />

46. Ross Gelbspan, BG, Sept. 23, 1985.<br />

47. Moe Snell, In These Times, Oct. 2, 1985; George Will, “ACLU swerve to<br />

<strong>the</strong> left,” BG, Sept. 28, 1985; NYT Oct 23, 1985.<br />

48. John Loftus, “Secrets of State,” Boston Review, July, 1985; William<br />

Doherty, BG, Feb. 19, 1985.<br />

49. William Shannon, BG, Feb. 2, 1983.<br />

50. Ambrose Evans-Pritchard, St. Louis Post-Dispatch, May 12, 1985; Mary<br />

Jo McConahay, Pacific News Service, Feb. 25-March 1, 1985.<br />

51. Elizabeth Hanly, In These Times, April 17, 1985.<br />

52. Alexander Cockburn, Nation, June 1, 1985. See Dra<strong>in</strong><strong>in</strong>g <strong>the</strong> Sea . . .<br />

(Americas Watch, March 1985), Free Fire (Americas Watch, Aug.<br />

1984), and earlier reports. On Operation Speedy Express, one of <strong>the</strong><br />

many US Vietnam atrocities beside which My Lai pales <strong>in</strong>to<br />

<strong>in</strong>significance, see PEHR, I, 5.1.3. See TNCW, chap. 5, for discussion of<br />

<strong>the</strong> treatment of this and o<strong>the</strong>r atrocities by Guenter Lewy, an American<br />

scholar whose falsifications and vulgar apologetics for mass murder are

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