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operate in parallel.<br />

cope v. 1 manage, get along or by, make do, survive, subsist, come<br />

through: Even with seven children to care for, she copes very<br />

well. 2 cope with. be a match for, withstand, contend with or<br />

against, handle, deal with, dispose of: I cannot cope with all<br />

the work I have been given to do.<br />

copy n. 1 reproduction, replica, facsimile, likeness, imitation,<br />

double, twin, duplication, duplicate, transcript, replication,<br />

carbon (copy), photocopy, print: She found a copy of the lost<br />

manuscript. 2 example, sample, specimen: How many copies of<br />

the book have been sold? 3 text, writing: The copy is ready;<br />

we are waiting for the illustrations.<br />

--v. 4 reproduce, duplicate, replicate, transcribe: Don't copy<br />

others' work - they might be wrong. 5 imitate, mimic,<br />

impersonate, emulate, ape, parrot, echo: Ted copies the rock<br />

stars in every possible detail of their dress and behaviour.<br />

cord n. string, line, twine; rope: Tie the cord around the parcel<br />

twice.<br />

cordial adj. friendly, warm, affable, amiable, kindly, genial,<br />

gracious, welcoming, pleasant, good-natured, nice; courteous,<br />

polite: After a cordial greeting at the door, the guests were<br />

served champagne.<br />

core n. 1 centre, heart, middle, nucleus, inside(s): Remove the<br />

core of the apple first. 2 essence, marrow, heart, pith, gist,<br />

quintessence, sum and substance: The core of the problem is her<br />

refusal to consider any alternative.<br />

--v. 3 pit, seed: The pie might have tasted better if you'd<br />

cored the apples first.<br />

corps n. body of men or women, troop, cadre, unit, detachment,<br />

cohort, division, battalion, brigade, platoon, squad, column,<br />

squadron: We delivered supplies to the medical corps.<br />

corpse n. body, remains, cadaver, Slang stiff; (of an animal) carcass:<br />

The corpses were buried in a mass grave.

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