The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rainbow</strong> <strong>Swastika</strong> - A Jewish Response<br />

Philologos<br />

by Hannah Newman<br />

philologos.org<br />

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by Hannah Newman -- freeway@netvision.net.il<br />

"One key question always seemed unanswerable:<br />

'If I don't like the world government, or it doesn't like me, where do I go then?'"<br />

(Harlan Cleveland, _<strong>The</strong> Birth of a New World_, 1993, p.62)<br />

"You will hide [those who trust in You] in the secret place of Your Presence...."<br />

(David, King of Israel, _Psalms_ 31:20)<br />

Philologos Religious Online Books<br />

Philologos.org<br />

To date I have not seen a single Jewish response to the threat which the New Age Plan poses to our people, not to mention the rest of<br />

mankind. I have no idea why.<br />

Truth be told, I feel like David might have felt watching Goliath taunt "the armies of the living G-d" with no one to answer the challenge.<br />

More accurately, I'm blown away with the realization that hardly anyone has even noticed that there's a Goliath standing there.<br />

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I realize that some Jews are going to squirm uneasily at my personal response. Some will accuse me of "preaching", as though propheticstyle<br />

warnings and urgings were the sole domain of evangelical Christians. Whose prophets are they, anyway? Some will say it is not a<br />

"Jewish" response because it is too "spiritual". To these, I can only suggest that we listen carefully to the New Agers, who may see our<br />

weaknesses better than we do: Alice Bailey always said that the Jews tend to deal with a spiritual problem on a rationalistic, material level.<br />

And we do. Throw money at it, convene a conference, set up committees, file the reports. Maybe even launch an educational program. But<br />

meanwhile the real battlefield, which begins and ends in the individual spirit, remains abandoned to our sworn cosmic enemies... to their<br />

smug delight.<br />

It wasn't always that way with the Jewish people. Our own Book is filled with stories of battles waged by Jews who knew how to fight on<br />

the ground and in the spirit as well. Our most celebrated king, David son of Jesse, did not hesitate to combine the two strategies, a discipline<br />

which he learned long before his ascension to the throne. To his dying day, he attributed his success to a relationship with that same Entity<br />

who is so hated by our New Age adversaries. <strong>The</strong>re were prophets too, whose bold words and acts of faith we all look upon as some kind of<br />

inheritance, whether we believe them or not. But today's Jews who take those Bible stories as historical fact, who relate to its advice and<br />

promises like money in the bank, are considered a bit out of touch by their more "rational" brethren.<br />

Well, as humbling as it may be, a realistic grasp on life - particularly Jewish or Israeli life - requires acknowledging that some of what we<br />

Jews experience supersedes rational comprehension. <strong>The</strong> presence of an identifiable Jewish people, through 4000 years and repeated<br />

attempts at annihilation, is itself a historical fact that defies rational explanation. It has no historical parallel. Let's consider for a moment all<br />

http://philologos.org/__eb-trs/naJ.htm<br />


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