The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rainbow</strong> <strong>Swastika</strong> - <strong>The</strong> Transformation of Society<br />

the triune "Logos" of Sanat Kumara, Maitreya and Lucifer . This Plan was dictated verbatim to Alice Bailey. "Plan" is one of Sanat's<br />

attributes, "Love" is the Divine Principle attributed to Maitreya, and "Light" is Lucifer's trademark (his name means "light-bearer"). To<br />

"work out" is to "externalise" from the spiritual plane to the physical.<br />

- "Let Light descend on Earth" (or in an alternate version, "from the Morning Star... let Christ stream forth") - let Lucifer (also known as the<br />

Morning Star) "externalise" and "anchor the Plan" on the planet, functioning as the Initiator of mankind into the next level toward godhood,<br />

taking the position of supreme mediator between humanity and the Hierarchy.<br />

- "May Christ return" - a prayer for Maitreya to overshadow as many people as possible, and finally to inhabit one person in order to act<br />

publicly.<br />

- "Let purpose guide the little wills of men" - let the Planetary Logos redirect the reluctant and/or unaware segments of humanity. Bailey<br />

consistently refers to the unitiated as "those with little wills".<br />

- "<strong>The</strong> purpose which the Masters know and serve" - "purpose" is equated with "plan" and "will", the initiative of Sanat Kumara; the<br />

"purpose" as Bailey describes it emanates from "the Council Chamber of Shamballa [which] seeks to influence human will." (_Discipleship_<br />

II, p.172)<br />

- "Seal the door where evil dwells" (or in another version, "bolt and charge the corridor where evil spirits tarry") is to shut out the "Black<br />

Lodge", those workers of "cosmic evil" who block the Plan, by eliminating their human tools, those who plunged the world into monotheism<br />

(see Bailey, _<strong>The</strong> Rays and the Initiations_, p.754-5). In other words, all identifiable Jews.<br />

- "Let Light and Love and Power restore the Plan on Earth" - permit Lucifer (Light), Maitreya (Love) and Sanat Kumara (Power) (this is the<br />

order of their "externalisation" or appearance on earth, which must take place in stages) to reactivate the Plan, which was interrupted by the<br />

victory of the Black Lodge. <strong>The</strong> reactivation involves a deified Earth (capital "E") goddess.<br />

According to researcher Gary Kah ("<strong>The</strong> Occult Roots of Global Education"), an earlier (1940) version of <strong>The</strong> Great Invocation exists, parts<br />

of which express the Hierarchy's purpose in clearer language:<br />

----------------------<br />

Come forth, O Mighty One.<br />

<strong>The</strong> hour of service of the Saving Force has now arrived.<br />

Let it be spread abroad, O Mighty One.<br />

Let Light and Love and Power and Death<br />

Fulfill the purpose of the Coming One.<br />

----------------------<br />

<strong>The</strong> addition of "Death" here probably refers to the "Shamballa" force which comes in the wake of Sanat (Power). Apparently, society wasn't<br />

quite transformed enough to accept such candor; it was revised accordingly in 1945. But the progress of education is such that we can expect<br />

the earlier version to be re-introduced without undue risk sometime soon.<br />

5. Children's Entertainment and the Plan<br />

<strong>The</strong> most vigorous efforts at transformation by far are directed at the children, Jewish and non-Jewish alike. Bailey and the Hierarchy<br />

recognized that child education is central to the transformation of society. So much effort has been focused on that arena that Bailey wrote<br />

an entire <strong>book</strong> on the subject (_Education in the New Age_).<br />

This is a vast subject which cannot be covered in the limited space here. [I devote an entire section to describing the NA educational<br />

program in the schools alone.] But a spot-check of the popular cartoons, movies, toys, pop and rock songs, magazines, computer games,<br />

public school activities and literature will reveal almost universal reinforcement of the NA teachings mentioned in this series. [Anyone can<br />

easily verify this: survey the most widely promoted TV shows, electronic games, children's movies, public library <strong>book</strong>s and toys; use as a<br />

control group the best of these produced before 1968. You will notice the radical "paradigm shift" around that time towards Eastern and<br />

occult orientations, radiating from certain landmarks such as _Star Trek_, _2001, A Space Odyssey_ and the Beatles. This of course means<br />

that those who have innocently absorbed NA religion include today's young adults who matured during the last 30 years, with everything this<br />

implies.] It is hard to find children's entertainment today which does not revolve around religious (other than Jewish or Christian) customs<br />

and heroes, occult legends (such as Atlantis, UFO aliens, dragon lore), psychic powers or magic rites (even using real spells, as in "Dungeons<br />

& Dragons"). Virtually all of these have in common a presentation of disembodied spirits as guides and power sources. As Western society<br />

has become conditioned, NA religious orientation is becoming so pervasive that those who reject it are seen as unreasonable (the "sheer<br />

weight of public opinion" which Bailey mentions is a calculated part of the Plan - _Discipleship_, p.175).<br />

<strong>The</strong> ruthlessness which which this transformation is being carried out is obvious in recent remakes of classic tales, "modernized" by inserting<br />

New Age scenes, often without concern for the original story line. For example, a new version of "William Tell" (dubbed in Hebrew on<br />

Israeli educational TV) had Tell and his famous arrows empowered by spirit guides - it so disrupted the original plot that half the story had to<br />

be rewritten, with several new characters. [Why didn't the producers simply write a new story? I'm guessing that such reworked films are<br />

deliberately targeting the families who are trying to filter out overt NA doctrine, but who relax when they see the title of an old favorite<br />

which they remember from their own childhood as safe viewing. I personally would never have suspected the violence that had been done to<br />

this old story of Swiss bravery in the face of tyranny - I just happened to spot it on my way through the TV room.] Other examples are<br />

multiplying as the TV and movie industries recycle old stories with a NA slant at an increasing rate.<br />

Radically altering a famous story while keeping the former title amounts to false advertising and calculated deception. But rather than<br />

denying or defending such duplicity in dealing with children, NA spokesmen respond with the counter-accusation that children must be<br />

"cured" of the "sick" values they learn in a traditional home. NA culture is being exported to children all over the world, including Israel,<br />

with this "cure" in mind.<br />

Page 6 of 10<br />

6. Neutralizing Opposition to the Plan<br />

NA requires the death of self-identity and personality to implement its Plan. <strong>The</strong>refore the spiritual systems which attach intrinsic value to<br />

the individual soul will undermine this scheme: what H.G. Wells called the "personal immortality" religions. Only historical monotheism (all<br />

three versions of which sprang from Judaism) honors the human being as G-d's crowning achievement, views each person as an eternally<br />

unique entity, and teachs individual accountability to (the only) G-d, who Himself is pure, just and merciful. [It is logical that only a G-d<br />

whose own personhood is well defined could accept an "I - Thou" relationship with individual humans, and affirm their personalities rather<br />

than swallow them up. It's a fact worth pondering, especially by dedicated humanists.] Since these values erect a serious obstacle to the Plan<br />

for obliterating individuals in a total Group identity, a way had to be found to delegitimize the monotheistic faiths.<br />

http://philologos.org/__eb-trs/naG.htm<br />


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