The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rainbow</strong> <strong>Swastika</strong> - <strong>The</strong> Gods of the New Age<br />

Philologos<br />

by Hannah Newman<br />

philologos.org<br />

Bible Prophecy Research Reference Guide<br />

Bible Prophecy Research<br />

Religious Online Books<br />

C. <strong>The</strong> Gods of the New Age<br />




by Hannah Newman -- freeway@netvision.net.il<br />

"One of the biggest advantages we have as New Agers is,<br />

once the occult, metaphysical and New Age terminology is removed,<br />

we have concepts and techniques that are very acceptable to the general public.<br />

So we can change the names... demonstrate the power...<br />

open the door to millions who normally would not be receptive."<br />

(Dick Sutphen, "Infiltrating the New Age into Society,"<br />

_New Age Activist_, Summer 1986, p.14)<br />

Philologos Religious Online Books<br />

Philologos.org<br />

[Important note to orthodox Jewish readers: Jews are commanded in the Torah to shun the study of idolatrous religions. However, the law<br />

of pikuach nefesh requires us to make an exception here -- ignorance on this subject is destroying our people. <strong>The</strong> main tenets of NA religion<br />

are important to grasp, not least because familiar religious terms are given radically different meanings while allowing outsiders to define<br />

them as they like (for example, theGreat Invocation). This ploy has allowed NA "change agents" (as they are known to insiders) to infiltrate<br />

the unsuspecting Jewish community in the Trojan Horse of semantics. <strong>The</strong>y say all the "right" things, work hard in service and scholarship,<br />

win leadership positions, and only then do they set out to reshape the old concepts to fit the "new paradigm". So please do not skip this<br />

section under any circumstances.]<br />

[One other note about quotes below relating to "Jehovah": Readers will notice that I am quite careful about spelling "G-d" in such a way as<br />

to avoid writing it out. Those familiar with Orthodox Jewish custom will understand it as a mark of reverence for the One we worship, and<br />

therefore may be confused by the fact that I spell out the name "Jehovah", assumed by many to be the phonetic Name of G-d. According to<br />

rabbinic authorities, this is actually a misnomer based on an uninformed transliteration of the Tetragrammaton (G-d's four-letter Name in the<br />

Hebrew Bible has the vowels deliberately changed to avoid making the correct pronunciation available). Because "Jehovah" is not the actual<br />

Name, I decided to quote it in this section as it appears - and because it is a name used only for the G-d of Israel, it serves us well here.]<br />

New Age Religion is based on a blend of practically every religious and occult philosophy found in the world, rejecting only Torah-based<br />

Judaism and early (pre-Constantine, pre-gnostic, Judaic) Christianity. <strong>The</strong> blend is known as "<strong>The</strong> Ancient Wisdom" and harmonizes<br />

surprisingly well; it is outlined methodically in a 19th-century Western system called "<strong>The</strong>osophy". Following are the spiritual principles by<br />

which NA groups can be identified, no matter which label they give themselves. [As elsewhere, I concentrate on Alice Bailey's writings,<br />

since she is the single most prominent NA theologian vis a vis the UN; those of Helena Blavatsky are a close second, since so many groups<br />

trace their worldview to <strong>The</strong>osophy.]<br />

1. <strong>The</strong> highest "God".<br />

http://philologos.org/__eb-trs/naC.htm<br />

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