The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rainbow</strong> <strong>Swastika</strong> - <strong>The</strong> Transformation of Society<br />

changes) the collapse of Communism. (see Hubbard'sinterview with "Thinking Allowed" host Dr. Jeffrey Mishlove, 1998)<br />

Page 4 of 10<br />

From Hubbard's point of view, the Bridge is being irrevocably pieced together, and its completion will be as irreversible as a birth. But from<br />

a different source, we learn that the complete Bridge may also materialize briefly in history, only to dissolve again. Alice Bailey writes of a<br />

temporary formation of the <strong>Rainbow</strong> Bridge, and proudly points to an example of what happens when the "Shamballa" force has this kind of<br />

"unimpeded" access to humanity: "the planetary crisis" of "the World War (1914-1945) [sic]." That crisis was "beneficent" in several ways<br />

from a NA point of view, principly in that it flushed out "evil from its hidden place and brought the opposing forces [challenging the<br />

Hierarchy] to the surface of existence, prior to their 'sealing'." (_Externalisation_ IV, p.535-536 - See related comments where this evil is<br />

likened to a germ and the War to surgery.) From Bailey's, or Djwahl Kuhl's, other remarks, we can be sure that Hitler's Nazism was not the<br />

"evil" being referred to here. We are told that the "sealing" of evil is "still being carried slowly forward", as the "antahkarana" nears its final<br />

completion.<br />

3. <strong>The</strong> Role of the Media in Transformation<br />

Of course, no global indoctrination could get far today without cooperation from mass media. NAers claim that the major news networks are<br />

firmly in their camp, not as chroniclers of human events but as educators of the masses. Global leader Robert Muller enthusiastically<br />

supports such a role for the media, urging "all schools of journalism" and "all media directors" to make use of his masterpiece on NA<br />

education, the World Core Curriculum, which is already set up in "a framework for World Media Coverage". ("A Letter to All Educators in<br />

the World")<br />

This gives vital context to comments like the following: "Our job is to give people not what they want, but what we decide they ought to<br />

have." (Richard Salant, ex-President, CBS News) "We are going to impose our agenda on the coverage by dealing with issues and subjects<br />

that we choose to deal with." (Richard Cohan, Sr. Producer, CBS political news) "I do have an ax to grind... I want to be the little subversive<br />

person in television." (Barbara Pyle, CNN Environmental Director) "I've become even more crafty about finding the voices to say the things I<br />

think are true. That is my subversive mission." (Dianne Dumanoski, _Boston Globe_ reporter) "We in the press like to say we're honest<br />

brokers of information, and it's just not true. <strong>The</strong> press does have an agenda." (Bernard Goldberg, CBS "48 Hours") [Most of these quotes are<br />

relayed by Dr. Henry Lamb, "<strong>The</strong> Rise of Global Governance", University of Texas College of Engineering website.]<br />

[Dr. Lamb was referring here to the media hype about impending environmental disasters, but an equally subversive media agenda exists<br />

regarding specific religious orientations, revealed in widespread media bashing of those religions slated for extinction. I will present my<br />

documentation in a later piece. Here I merely present evidence that key players in the media admit to shaping our perception of reality<br />

following a specific agenda. To all appearances it is <strong>The</strong> Agenda of the NA "Masters". A worthy sidenote: the corresponding attempts of the<br />

Israeli media to implement this global "educational" agenda has had far less success with the Israeli public than their counterparts overseas.]<br />

3a. <strong>The</strong> Media schedules involve more than programming:<br />

Not only are specific agendas fed to the public by the media, but their timing appears to be a factor. David Rockefeller confirmed this by<br />

thanking "_<strong>The</strong> Washington Post_, _<strong>The</strong> New York Times_, _Time Magazine_, and other great publications whose directors have attended<br />

our [Bildenberger] meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years. It would have been impossible for us to develop<br />

our plan for the world if we had been subject to the bright lights of publicity during those years. But the world is now more sophisticated and<br />

prepared." (recorded at a Bildenberger meeting, Baden Baden, June 1991, emphasis mine) NA personality and "leading spokesman for<br />

awakened warriorship" Dr. Jose Arguelles, indicated in a 1987 interview: "<strong>The</strong>re are a number of moves occurring right now attempting to<br />

establish global programming." (_Meditation Magazine_, published by the "Intergroup for Planetary Oneness", Summer 1987) Today, the<br />

results of those "moves" are obvious and need no elaboration.<br />

Arguelles went as far as to predict that within 5 years (by 1992), global media would be receiving instructions telepathically from "the<br />

mediarchy" controlled by "the planetary information council." [Note: "the" is in the original quote in both cases, as though their existence<br />

were a given rather than a potential or a theory.] He continued: "From that then, as we move through the next 20-25 years [roughly until<br />

2010], the role of what we now have been referring to as paranormal faculties or qualities or powers will become not only increasingly<br />

important but increasingly dominant...." To which the interviewer added: "A real science of the spirit will develop, which will no longer be<br />

treated as a strange religious or occult realm." In a nutshell, the NA-oriented global media hopes to function as a teacher of occult ideas,<br />

eventually progressing to a direct channel for the Hierarchy's directives and displays of power.<br />

4. Use of "<strong>The</strong> Great Invocation" for Transformation<br />

<strong>The</strong> most widely known of the rallying points is "<strong>The</strong> Great Invocation", a poetic prayer now in over 50 languages, distributed by World<br />

Goodwill (a division of Lucis Trust, a Roster NGO member of the powerful UN group known asECOSOC). Its promoters promise<br />

"transforming life changes" and "healing" if the Invocation is recited often enough. <strong>The</strong> stanzas were given in their present form to Bailey's<br />

disciples by her guide "Djwahl Kuhl" [DK] in 1945. (See _Discipleship in the New Age II, Part VII) <strong>The</strong> wording is so vague that any<br />

religion can live with it, but Bailey/DK was quite clear that "it embodies the divine intent and summarizes the conclusions of the thinking of<br />

the planetary Logos." (_Discipleship_, p.156)<br />

It was emphasized at the time that the masses were not ready for the true nature of this incantation. (p.149) To help its gradual infiltration,<br />

the ambiguity of the Invocation is carefully calculated to gain public cooperation: "It can be so presented that the masses everywhere, the<br />

general public, will be prompted to take it up and will use it widely.... <strong>The</strong> meaning of this Invocation has been expressed in terms which are<br />

understandable, in a measure, to the average person because of its familiar wording, based on many Scriptural terms. But the true inner<br />

implications and significances are... not superficially apparent.... <strong>The</strong>y mean one thing to the ordinary man...; they mean another thing to the<br />

man upon the Probationary Path [en route to enlightenment]...; these words mean still another thing to the disciple...; to initiates and to the<br />

senior Members of the Hierarchy, they convey a still higher and more inclusive significance." (p.150, 156)<br />

4a. Deceptive use of <strong>The</strong> Invocation:<br />

This "universal prayer" was to be explained in conflicting ways, depending on one's "evolutionary status". Misinterpretation is not only<br />

allowed, but encouraged. <strong>The</strong> following instruction is from _Discipleship_, starting p.165 (emphasis mine. Portions are repeated by Lucis<br />

Trust, _<strong>The</strong> Use and Significance of the Great Invocation_, p.8): "First, the general public will regard it as a prayer to God Transcendent<br />

[something which NAers themselves do not believe in]...; as a demand for the working out of the will of God - a will of which they can know<br />

nothing.... <strong>The</strong>y will regard it finally as a prayer that some equally vague primeval condition of blissful happiness may be restored.... This is,<br />

for them, entirely good and helpful.... I [Djwahl Kuhl] have so worded and rendered the Invocation that the Christian world, through its<br />

churches, may not find it impossible to use." <strong>The</strong> "Tibetan Master" even advised temporarily altering part of the third stanza (from "Masters"<br />

http://philologos.org/__eb-trs/naG.htm<br />


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