The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rainbow</strong> <strong>Swastika</strong> - <strong>The</strong> Transformation of Society<br />

religions, animal/tree worship, mind-altering drugs like LSD (endorsed by Bailey and Ferguson as "tools for transformation"), hypnosis,<br />

alternative healing such as homeopathy and acupuncture (these two favored by Creme as "part of the great shift in consciousness"), yoga,<br />

TM, kundalini and chakras, martial arts, science fiction, witchcraft, Freemasonry, Kabbalah, UFOlogy, black or white magic, spiritism,<br />

psychic powers, guided imagery, hypnotherapy, EST, psychological rebirthing, self-actualization, Jungian psychology, sex orgies, and the<br />

"magick" of Aleister Crowley - to name a few.<br />

Page 3 of 10<br />

1c. Global Rallying Points: While most people are left to their own devices in choosing paths of enlightenment, the New Age sponsors group<br />

reinforcement at the global level. Besides a show of strength which has PR value and lends legitimacy to the movement, this global activity<br />

also serves to coordinate indoctrination efforts, and takes advantage of the "contagious" nature of crowd psychology to spread altered states<br />

of consciousness. <strong>The</strong> more well-known of these rallying points are: "Harmonic Convergence" days (to meditate or pray for world<br />

transformation - the first and best publicized was in 1987), "Earth Day" (celebrating the personhood of the Earth and our relations with<br />

"Her"), "Mind-Body-Spirit Festivals" (to experience oneness in diversity), "World Instant of Cooperation" (Dec. 31st of each year, one hour<br />

of meditation and "harmonic resonance" for "the oneness of life"), and "Declaration of World Thanksgiving" (interfaith effort "honoring the<br />

spirit of human gratitude" as a "healing force"). [Prominent orthodox rabbis like Rabbi Adin Steinsaltz have participated in World<br />

Thanksgiving, according to their full-color brochure - no doubt unaware that they were the only participants whose "Lord of creation" is not<br />

Maitreya or Lucifer! We might ask, why are they even invited? <strong>The</strong>ir endorsement is solicited to build credibility in the Jewish community<br />

which implicitly trusts in its leaders. More in the Missionizing section.]<br />

2. <strong>The</strong> "<strong>Rainbow</strong> Bridge" or the "Spiral Tower"<br />

<strong>The</strong>se individual and group efforts are ultimately intended to collectively build what is called the "antahkarana", defined as a mystical<br />

"planetary rainbow bridge", created by the upward thrust of spiritual/mental energies from humanity at one end and the downward response<br />

of the Hierarchy at the other, which will eventually "unite Humanity and the Hierarchy". This rainbow bridge is built by a "science of<br />

manipulating [incoming] energies and [outgoing] forces." (fully dissected in Bailey's _Education in the New Age_ chap.V) Once it is<br />

completed, the bridge will be "electrified" or "energised", and will serve as the avenue by which the Hierarchy can carry on "full planetary<br />

inter-communication" in order for Sanat Kumara to direct world affairs. Curiously, "the Masters cannot and do not work [on building this<br />

bridge] without <strong>The</strong>ir chosen physical plane focal points", which Bailey goes on to explain are the human channels: New Age change agents,<br />

working to bring "new and desirable trends in education." (p.109) Clearly, the focus of the spiritual Hierarchy is on the children, and these<br />

"trends" are exclusively religious in nature: "Education is a deeply spiritual enterprise." (_Problems of Humanity_, p.34)<br />

[<strong>The</strong> omnipresence of the rainbow in modern decor, jewelry, animated media, children's toys and stories, organizational titles and logos, etc.,<br />

now takes on new meaning - especially those symbols which are designed to light up. <strong>The</strong> attentive reader will remember that the rainbow as<br />

a spiritual symbol also appears in the Jewish Bible as a sign to Noah after the Flood, and here the parallels are intriguing. In the Torah, it is a<br />

Divine covenant with humanity. <strong>The</strong> Hierarchy has claimed it as different kind of pledge to humanity. Both sides even agree on the context of<br />

the rainbow's first appearance: as Torah relates, G-d's creation of the rainbow was in the context of a global catastrophe in which the<br />

Hierarchy admits being directly involved - and inexplicably defeated by a nameless Opponent. What the Hierarchy has done, then, is to<br />

confiscate this Biblical symbol of their final defeat and reassign it to symbolize their return from defeat.]<br />

[Why did NA steal the "logo" of their archenemy rather than simply adopting a symbol of their own? <strong>The</strong> implication is not only the<br />

reliability of Torah, but several other interesting ideas: (1) <strong>The</strong> rainbow reminder in Torah must be so humiliating and dangerous to the<br />

defeated ones that it is imperative to overwrite its meaning, even at the risk of being considered unoriginal. Perhaps one of the dangers is: (2)<br />

<strong>The</strong> Torah context surrounding the rainbow may have more to say about that Cosmic War that merits further study, and can expose the<br />

strategies of these self-declared enemies of the Jewish G-d. Along this line there is the possibility that (3): <strong>The</strong> Hierarchy views G-d's<br />

promise to man, to never destroy the earth again on their account, as a limitation that will work in their favor; hence their flaunting of the<br />

symbol by which G-d bound Himself to that enduring promise. Last but not least: (4) It shows that this is a War in which covenantal<br />

symbols are hotly contested; Jews would do well to appreciate the power of the symbols entrusted to us as much as our enemies apparently<br />

do.]<br />

Bailey cited the "New Group of World Servers" as the best example of <strong>Rainbow</strong> Bridge builders on a global level. Not all members of the<br />

NGWS are conscious of this process, or even aware of the existence of the Hierarchy. (_Discipleship_ II, 204) <strong>The</strong> only requirement is that<br />

they practice the occult traditions of group meditation and seek to "serve". <strong>The</strong>ir main service consists of "constant and uninterrupted group<br />

meditation" on the Plan; specifically the next stage of the Plan to be put into operation. As the beginners practice this group-think, they are<br />

introduced to their "Ashram" or inner group; in time, they will be increasingly aware of their spiritual counterpart, the "greater Ashram of<br />

Sanat Kumara", which is building from the other end of the <strong>Rainbow</strong>. In their function as bridge builders, the NGWS are also conduits to<br />

receive "impressions" from the Hierarchy, as well as radars for homing in on unaffiliated individuals who can receive those "impressions"<br />

through meditation. <strong>The</strong> resulting "Path of Light" will allow the "Christ" to come. (p.206-207)<br />

Teilhard de Chardin, a NA philosopher who influenced Robert Muller, Barbara Marx Hubbard, Peter Russell and many other NA leaders of<br />

today, expressed the same bridging process in the symbol of a spiral tower: representing human evolution revolving in cycles, with a<br />

periodic "leap" in consciousness continually taking humanity higher. His underlying assumption is a process of "complexifying" which<br />

ultimately will manifest itself as an interrelated whole with the upper realms (of the spirit), which are symbolically but also physically trying<br />

to descend. <strong>The</strong> goal at the end of this process is to meld minds into an intangible dimension which De Chardin calls the "noosphere", a<br />

mystical planetary consciousness equivalent to Bailey's "Group Mind". (See de Chardin's <strong>book</strong>, _<strong>The</strong> Phenomenon of Man_) As a result,<br />

some prominent NA organizations have adopted the Spiral as an alternate symbol of ascension. Examples are "<strong>The</strong> Templeton Foundation"<br />

which uses it in their logo, and "<strong>The</strong> Center for World Thanksgiving" which has actually built spiral structures at their headquarters. [<strong>The</strong><br />

eerie resemblance of this "modern architecture" to ancient ziggurats and towers left by extinct pagan cultures suggests that the symbolism of<br />

the spiral structure is as old and widespread as NA doctrine itself, and that the design of many pagan temples may indeed have reflected the<br />

same theories of human evolution. It also makes for interesting conjectures about the design and purpose of the Biblical Tower of Babel,<br />

since NA marks its own beginnings in Babylon.]<br />

2a. What happens once this <strong>Rainbow</strong> Bridge is established?<br />

As Barbara Marx Hubbard puts it, the completion of the <strong>Rainbow</strong> Bridge will mean the completion of planetary consciousness, in which all<br />

individuality will be surrendered. <strong>The</strong> transformation will trigger a kind of "birth". However, like the physical birth process, it's "dangerous,<br />

and there's nothing guaranteed"; it could lead to "a baby that kills the mother", in other words, "Armageddon". Or it could result in a "normal<br />

[collective mass consciousness] baby". But meanwhile, even progress towards it completion is believed to have an effect on human events.<br />

Hubbard implies that the Harmonic Convergence of 1987 made a great contribution toward the Bridge building, resulting in (among other<br />

http://philologos.org/__eb-trs/naG.htm<br />


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