The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rainbow</strong> <strong>Swastika</strong> - <strong>The</strong> Transformation of Society<br />

by "soul-controlled men" on earth; all men being at different stages in this evolution towards the goal of "godness"; some beings having<br />

achieved soul-control already, approaching perfection or godhood; these god-beings having a Plan to get all men to their level if we will<br />

cooperate.<br />

1a. Introductory Encounters: Unlike the East, where these pagan teachings are familiar, in Western society there is a need to break down<br />

traditional monotheistic (and/or atheistic) resistance to them. To ease penetration, NA encourages"light encounters", psychic experiences<br />

which seem to carry the individual beyond normal consciousness into a new realm of spiritual sensation. Also known as "a doorway to higher<br />

consciousness", the suitably impressed person will be encouraged to seek this experience on a regular basis. <strong>The</strong> only way to achieve it,<br />

however, is through passivity and a willingness to submit one's mind to outside control of a "guide" [a technique which the same NAers call<br />

"brainwashing" when denouncing fundamentalist cults].<br />

This "encounter" can be arrived at by individuals making efforts within themselves, but guided groups are the preferred context. In this<br />

environment, the "higher consciousness" experience is triggered by willing submission to a leader or moderator who becomes the "energy<br />

channel". (He or she usually remains detached from the group experience as a facilitator - or as some would view it, as a manipulator.)<br />

Participants at the New Age lectures of Bailey disciple Benjamin Creme have reported that he functions in this manner, silently panning the<br />

audience with a glassy stare, until people begin to exhibit symptoms of a passive trance state. One observer even witnessed a visible energy<br />

manifestation during Creme's channeling session, which was explained as "overshadowing by Maitreya" and which had a mind-numbing<br />

effect on the audience. (See "What I Saw in Atlanta", by freelance writer Jeff Eastwood) In many other group settings, gurus and teachers<br />

lead students into self-induced trances before beginning "learning sessions". For those who want to learn how to lead groups into these<br />

encounters, step-by-step videos are available, such as "<strong>The</strong> Complete Guide to Channeling", narrated by NA leader Barbara Marx Hubbard<br />

(1988).<br />

<strong>The</strong> master occultist Adolf Hitler was also known for his eerie ability to trigger in people what could be called altered states of<br />

consciousness, either one-on-one or in a crowd. Outsiders who watched him guide crowds to hysterical euphoria attributed it to his study of<br />

mass psychology (Sklar, _<strong>The</strong> Nazis and the Occult_, p.119). Others who encountered this phenomenon at close range- beginning with<br />

Hitler's early friend August Kubizek (see _<strong>The</strong> Young Hitler I Knew_, quoted in Sklar, p.50) - were convinced that his power did not come<br />

from himself but from channeling a supernatural presence, which eventually was referred to in Nazi circles as the "Unknown Superiors".<br />

Described as a "gift" to "impose his will" on listeners, "moving them" and drawing them "into his hidden interior", the effect was "a sort of<br />

dizziness, which it took some doing to shake off." (Jean & Michel Angebert, _<strong>The</strong> Occult and the Third Reich_, p.232-233)<br />

This experience becomes a doorway to various "paths of enlightenment". <strong>The</strong> "door" and the "enlightenment" remain uniform, but the<br />

choice of "path" can be tailored to individual tastes: high-tech, intellectual, well-mannered; or primitive, bizarre, brutal. <strong>The</strong> common goal is<br />

an almost-continual "altered state of consciousness". <strong>The</strong> mind is trained to shut out all independent ideas and initiatives, and to passively<br />

welcome a state of "group-think" which follows the Hierarchy's directives and is freed from any other restraint (such as traditional morality).<br />

Disciples with no patience for plodding toward enlightenment can "accelerate on their path" through drugs, blood sacrifices or deviant sex<br />

acts. (In Hindu tradition this path is Tantra Yoga, among Jewish Kabbalists it's the Sabbateans and Frankists, and under the generic label it is<br />

Satanism). Once a person receives spirit guides, who go by various names borrowed from the seeker's background, the paths merge into one<br />

"Path" and the personalities merge into one "Group Mind", preparing everyone for the "mass planetary initiation" into the New World Order<br />

under Lucifer's guidance. <strong>The</strong> "doorway" swings both ways. Guides actually prefer eventual control of both mind and body, which<br />

necessitates the human tenant to "leave" in a psychic manner of speaking so that the disembodied spirit can exercise full control (see the<br />

concept of a "walk-in" in the "Gods" section).<br />

1b. "Let your mind go, trust your instinct." This message is repeated endlessly through the major entertainment, medical and educational<br />

spokespeople in today's society, beginning with TV programs for the very young and intensifying the message to the teen approaching<br />

adulthood. <strong>The</strong> process for inviting a "walk-in" to take over begins with, "Blank your mind and listen to your intuition. Don't try to reason<br />

with logic." (Ruth Montgomery, _Strangers Among Us_, p.154) "Star Wars" creator George Lukas tells his millions of fans in all sincerity:<br />

"Ultimately the Force is the larger mystery of the universe. And to trust your feelings is your way into that." ("Of Myth and Men," _Time<br />

Magazine_, Apr.26, 1999)<br />

<strong>The</strong>y have taken up their cue from the "Masters", who gave this particular principle as the necessary starting point on the "path" to<br />

"initiation": "In past instructions we have seen that teaching upon the subject of initiation is given by me [Djwahl Kuhl] (as by all the<br />

Masters) in three ways: 1. By Hints.... Initiation is never taken unless the intuition is becoming active. Spiritual instinct, the lowest aspect of<br />

the intuition, indicates readiness for the first initiation...." (_Discipleship_ II, p.267) It becomes clear why rational thinking must be<br />

substituted for "instinct", when we look at the methods of indoctrination which follow this initial stage:<br />

2. By the use of certain great Formulas (one of which [<strong>The</strong> Great Invocation] has already been given to you), certain definite<br />

revelations become possible. <strong>The</strong>se formulas are six in number; they contain the six prerequisites for initiation... [and] deal with<br />

the six relationships: [<strong>The</strong> six relationships in summary are] [1]group feeling, alignment [and] the group antahkarana [or<br />

"rainbow bridge" which channels the inflow from the Hierarchy], [2]changes in the soul nature [living in] the Eternal Now, [3]<br />

the nature of life [and] the circulation and interplay of energy, [4]divine Purpose [of] Shamballa, [5]the nature of death [and 6]<br />

the constructive work of the Destroyer.<br />

3. Through the presentation of Points of Revelation.... [the three Points summarized, followed by my translation to everyday<br />

terms:] [1]<strong>The</strong> present vision must become... a habit... below the threshold of consciousness [shutting off rational thinking<br />

becomes unconscious habit]; [2]A new and totally different recognition must assume control.... [inability to return to rational<br />

thinking]; [3]<strong>The</strong> disciple realizes that initiation is not a process of soul-personality fusion but of Monad-personality integration<br />

[pretense of "self-actualization" can then be dropped for the reality of initiation: having one's identity engulfed by that of a<br />

"Master" - the simplest translation of "Monad"]. (_Discipleship_ II, p.267-268)<br />

[Note also the six-six-six motif in point no.2, which periodically crops up in NA doctrine. See my notes on this "number of the<br />

beast" in the "Gods" section.]<br />

Page 2 of 10<br />

People who are not eager to shut off their minds, or who are less than enthusiastic about death and destruction, can be prepared to accept the<br />

Plan in gradual increments. <strong>The</strong>y are introduced to the Ageless Wisdom teachings through less unsettling "spiritual paths", but still working<br />

toward the first prerequisite for initiation: the point of abandoning cognitive thinking and passively receiving guidance on an "intuitive" (noncritical)<br />

level. Some of the more subtle avenues that lead its practitioners to this point are: holistic health, global unity, pagan and eastern<br />

http://philologos.org/__eb-trs/naG.htm<br />


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