The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rainbow</strong> <strong>Swastika</strong> - Introduction<br />

3. Prominent individuals who publicly laud(ed) the New World Order described by Bailey include world-class figures (some of whom have<br />

since passed away): Willie Brant (German ex-chancellor), Prof. J. Tinbergen (Nobel Prize winner), George Bush (ex-U.S. president), Robert<br />

Kennedy (veteran U.S. Senator, former Attorney General), Margaret Mead (anthropologist), Carl Rogers (psychotherapist), Eric Fromm<br />

(psychologist), Barbara Marx Hubbard (Democratic nominee for VP in 1984), Robert Muller (former Asst. UN Secretary General), U Thant<br />

(Muller's UN boss and mentor), Donald Keys (founder of Planetary Initiative and pivotal UN figure), Aurelio Peccei (founder of the Club of<br />

Rome), Isaac Asimov (scientist and sci-fi writer), Alvin Toffler (author of 'Future Shock'), George Christie (founder of Intelsat Consortium<br />

of 106 countries), pop singers John Denver and Judy Collins, historians William Irwin Thompson and <strong>The</strong>odore Roszak, actress Shirley<br />

MacLaine, psychic Edgar Cayce. [Actually, the list is getting so long it would be easier to list those who actively oppose NA goals.]<br />

4. Aggressive promotion of the New Age agenda, besides through the above organizations, is going on through the following more general<br />

groups and activities: Montessori, Greenpeace, Sierra Club, Zero Population Growth, Planned Parenthood, Hunger Project, Voluntary<br />

Simplicity, Bread for the World, most disarmament groups, the Council on Foreign Relations, the Club of Rome, Skull and Bones (Yale<br />

fraternity), the International Legal Commission (UN consultant), UNESCO (key UN agency), World Council of Churches (ecumenical<br />

Christian), Unitarian churches, Bahai and Sufi sects (Moslem), <strong>The</strong> Door (NYC medical facility), many interfaith dialog projects, most<br />

health food stores, the entertainment industry.<br />

[Note: many well-meaning people participate in these, simply from a desire to further international understanding or make the world a better<br />

place. For the innocent souls who have not learned what "planetary initiation" and "global cleansing action" mean to New Agers, a rude<br />

awakening is coming, especially if they are Jewish.]<br />

5. According to Ferguson, governmental groups (U.S.) which have embraced New Age include: the Department of Defense (invited<br />

Ferguson as keynote speaker at their annual dinner in 1982, shortly after her <strong>book</strong> circulated), the National Institute of Mental Health, the<br />

Department of Health, Education and Welfare. Industrial giants which require their managers to attend New Age seminars: General Motors,<br />

AT&T, Chrysler Corporation, several oil companies, Lockheed, Blue Cross-Blue Shield. [Ferguson's list is 20+ years old at this point; we<br />

can assume the NA influence to be significantly wider by now.] New Age teaching has entered the school systems through the World Core<br />

Curriculum, written by Robert Muller, promoted by the UN, and acknowledged to be based on "the teachings set forth in the <strong>book</strong>s of Alice<br />

A Bailey by the Tibetan Teacher, Djwhal Khul." (WCC Manual, Preface)<br />

How Can Something This Big Function?<br />

Described by Ferguson (_Aquarian Conspiracy_) as the opposite of a beaurocracy, "Its organizational chart would resemble a badly knotted<br />

fishnet.... Its center is everywhere.... Its life does not hinge on any one [group or leader]." <strong>The</strong> networks take the same action, she said, not<br />

because they collude together, but because they share the same assumptions. "<strong>The</strong> shared assumptions are the collusion." (p.217) In other<br />

words, they are evidence of design, but not human design.<br />

NA spokesmen have no anxiety about their movement being sabotaged from within, due to their deliberate structure of the "badly knotted<br />

fishnet". Each network is independent of the others and no one organization or leader is indispensable; therefore, anyone causing a PR<br />

disaster or deciding to fight the Plan can be eliminated without damaging the network, with others taking over the function. [<strong>The</strong> Jim Jones<br />

Guyana fiasco was a good example: the _Spiritual Community Guide_ of 1972 listed his People's Temple as a 'New Age spiritual center';<br />

after the mass suicide, _New Age Magazine_ branded him as "a dangerous example of Christian fundamentalism" and he was quietly<br />

removed from the Guide. <strong>The</strong> switch is documented by Cumbey, _Hidden Dangers of the <strong>Rainbow</strong>_, p.60]<br />

Although it is claimed that New Age has no central core or structure, there are numerous organizational charts, a world center (Findhorn<br />

Community in Scotland), and several "holy sites" where "masters" can be found - including Jerusalem [which helps explain world pressure to<br />

delegitimize this city as Israel's capital and the seat of Judaism]. NA has its priesthood too, certain spokesmen whose words are received as<br />

law. <strong>The</strong>y include: Helena Blavatsky, Alice Bailey, Benjamin Creme, David Spangler, Marilyn Ferguson, Mark Satin, Peter LeMesurier,<br />

Maharishi Yogi, George Gurdjieff, Pierre Teilhard de Chardin, H.G. Wells, Nicholas Roerich, Buckminster Fuller, George Trevelyan. [One<br />

of the most popular and influential priests today is Robert Muller, who I consider to be Alice Bailey's direct heir. Keep an eye on him if you<br />

want to track new developments in global-level NA.] Certain popular spirit guides being channeled today are taken so seriously that they are<br />

hosted at the United Nations, through an unpublicized group called SEAT, the "Society for Enlightenment and Transformation" - these spirits<br />

include: Kryon, Lord Maitreya and "<strong>The</strong> Group" .<br />

New Age "Bibles" (<strong>book</strong>s studied and meticulously applied) are where one can find detailed New Age goals and instructions. Some of these<br />

are: _Reappearance of the Christ and the Masters of Wisdom_ (Creme), (Bailey) _<strong>The</strong> Secret Doctrine_ (Blavatsky) [Aryan race theory],<br />

_Revelation: the Birth of a New Age_ (Spangler) [describing the 'Luciferic initiation' as a NA requirement], _<strong>The</strong> Open Conspiracy,<br />

Blueprints for a World Revolution_ (Wells) (calls for "destructive criticism of personal-immortality religions"), _<strong>The</strong> Critical Path_ (Fuller)<br />

[plans for undermining monotheistic religions by use of computers], _<strong>The</strong> Armageddon Script_ (LeMesurier) (plans to stage a "second<br />

coming of Christ" to satisfy Christian expectations), _<strong>The</strong> New Genesis: Shaping a Global Spirituality_ (Muller) (calls for the New Age to<br />

begin in 2000, p.186). Other, more ancient <strong>book</strong>s which are studied include _<strong>The</strong> Aquarian Gospel_ (a gnostic work) and the _Urantia_<br />

series (source unknown). All of Alice Bailey's works are studied, including _Externalisation of the Hierarchy_, _<strong>The</strong> Rays and the<br />

Initiations_, _Education in the New Age_ and _<strong>The</strong> Problems of Humanity_ [these give information about the Plan for the New World Order,<br />

the problem of the Jews and the evils of their G-d].<br />

Regardless of claims that the movement has no basic required doctrine, there is no group calling itself "New Age" that does not revere "<strong>The</strong><br />

Plan" and "<strong>The</strong> Great Invocation" (the New Age prayer for the Plan's success), both transmitted by Bailey from her 'spirit guide', an entity<br />

called "Djwhal Khul" (often shortened these days to "DK"). While the Invocation is marketed as a generic prayer adaptable to all religions<br />

and deities, its careful wording has been handed down from Alice Bailey's spirit guide and explained to higher-level initiates as an invitation<br />

to the 'Hierarchy of Ascended Masters' to "anchor the Plan on earth" and to return the "ruler of humanity" (Lucifer) to his rightful place at the<br />

head of an adoring world.<br />

<strong>The</strong> following parts in the series describe in more detail the doctrine supported by New Age leaders in key positions today, its tenets traced<br />

back to the writings of Alice Bailey and/or Helena Blavatsky.<br />

This concludes Segment A. [next segment, please...]<br />

http://philologos.org/__eb-trs/naA.htm<br />

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