The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rainbow</strong> <strong>Swastika</strong> - Introduction<br />

"Well, okay -- there is the Jewish people, and then there's Judaism." <strong>The</strong> fact that orthodox Judaism is targeted for elimination in the<br />

coming new age will come as a shock to some involved in New Age groups which preach 'tolerance for all religions of the world'. Others are<br />

aware of it, but feel that Judaism really is a separatist, arrogant religion, based on an outmoded, narrow code called Torah which has been<br />

needlessly restricting humanity; of course it has to go, or at least be overhauled until its distinctives are removed. But as far as hostility<br />

toward ethnic Jewish identity, most New Agers will say with confidence: "No way! Jews are fully accepted in New Age circles."<br />

If you believe this, you've been had! Two things to think about:<br />

1. An assault on Judaism is an attempt to eliminate the Jews. At the risk of stating the obvious, if there were no actual Abraham, Isaac and<br />

Jacob; no event in history called the Exodus; no Sinai experience, or "Promised Land", or "chosen people"; and especially no "God of Israel"<br />

who did the choosing and the promising... then there is no legitimate basis for carrying on about descendants called "Jews". In this<br />

framework, Jewish heritage can no doubt be appreciated for its edifying fables. But Jewish heritage cannot be allowed to intrude on realworld<br />

politics, religious consensus or social conscience -- anymore than Little Red Riding Hood can file assault charges in a court of law<br />

against the Big Bad Wolf.<br />

If the Jewish Bible does not chronicle a real history of the Jews, then all that we have are people living in delusions of identity, and insisting<br />

that the rest of the world play along. (This is exactly what New Age architect Alice Bailey concluded.) Like a deranged individual who can't<br />

separate fantasy from reality, the Jews are dysfunctional at best, and possibly dangerous to themselves and others. In dealing with those who<br />

refuse to give up the fantasy, isolation and confinement may be necessary for the good of all.<br />

You have just had a glimpse into the internal logic of "<strong>The</strong> Plan" (the unassuming title New Age leaders have given their agenda). <strong>The</strong><br />

Jewish people, whether they know it or not, are a dysfunctional segment of humanity. Anyone who humors them is not doing them or the<br />

world any favors. <strong>The</strong>ir rehabilitation must begin by eliminating the religion which gave them these delusions -- a religion so powerful that it<br />

unfortunately has infected other religions and peoples with a belief in the One G-d as revealed to Israel.<br />

To set things right, part of New Age "transformation of society" involves spreading disinformation about the Jewish religion. <strong>The</strong>re is no<br />

concern here for factual accuracy. Truth is irrelevant to the art of molding public opinion in an Entity War (as New Ager and UN leader<br />

Robert Muller has described it). <strong>The</strong> goal behind delegitimization of this religion is to remove its influence from other spiritual systems<br />

(especially from Christianity, the daughter religion of Judaism and the most "corrupted" by it). If possible, the goal is to remove Jews from<br />

its influence as well; and those who crave to be accepted by the world will eagerly help them trash Judaism... and their peoplehood along<br />

with it. As for Jews who refuse to give up this "identity" delusion, <strong>The</strong> Plan has a final solution (benevolent of course).<br />

If you support the "progressive" idea that Jews have a future without the "old-age" Judaism, then dare to test it. Go out and see if you can find<br />

Jewish children raised without loyalty to Torah, who still care to identify themselves as Jews. You will find some - but then search for their<br />

children.... Talk to the many who have left the Jewish label behind as irrelevant, and you will find them both intelligent and brutally honest.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y have simply faced the truth more squarely than their parents: "the new Judaism" cannot justify itself to the next generation. (This is not<br />

to be confused with those who reject Judaism for hypocrisy, lukewarm worship, racial arrogance, all of which are sins against Torah - this is<br />

a completely different issue which is legitimate and will be discussed elsewhere. Here I mean the "new Judaism" which rejects Torah itself<br />

as the sin.)<br />

2. <strong>The</strong> New Age is founded on spiritual racism. If you believe Jewish people are accepted as equals in the coming Age of Aquarius, you are<br />

uninformed concerning the doctrine of "racial karma". This is a basic teaching of <strong>The</strong>osophy, the mainspring of the New Age Movement,<br />

and is expanded in the writings of Alice A. Bailey. It limits all Jews to inferior spiritual status, regardless of their "enlightened behavior".<br />

Never heard of it? This series of articles is dedicated to acquainting you with this and other foundational teachings of New Age philosophy<br />

which are "overlooked" in courses for seekers, seminars for world servers, and low-level initiations into esoteric schools and societies. <strong>The</strong><br />

truth of my claims can be verified by anyone with access to the unabridged works of key New Age leaders quoted in the series.<br />

Facts for Debunkers and Skeptics:<br />

Page 2 of 6<br />

1. "Is this another hysterical conspiracy theory?" Your skepticism is understandable and necessary. However, to my knowledge this is the<br />

first conspiracy which has proudly called itself one, and gone public with details of its agenda. <strong>The</strong> ringleaders display a confidence and an<br />

openness that plainly says (rightly or wrongly) that no one can stop them. What is more unsettling, they are convinced that no one in his right<br />

mind will WANT to stop them. Not even the Jews. <strong>The</strong>ir antisemitism is presented as benevolent correction which will be embraced by the<br />

Jews themselves -- once they really understand their need. Let me be clear here: New Agers generally do NOT hate the Jews. But this<br />

makes their Plan no less antisemitic... and far more dangerous.<br />

"<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rainbow</strong> <strong>Swastika</strong>" is a condensed description of the philosophy and plans of this so-called Enlightenment - from their own sources.<br />

Everything mentioned in this series is publicly distributed by various NA groups. You can verify each statement for yourself. As I stated<br />

above, the material is either directly quoted or summarized from explanations by leading New Age spokesmen and their disciples- not what<br />

others say about them. Direct quotes are noted with the source, and sources for my summaries can be provided. Those sources which I know<br />

are available on the Internet are hot-linked for your convenience. Any comments of my own or from non-NA sources are in [brackets]. Only<br />

the last part (A Jewish Response) is completely drawn from my own thoughts.<br />

2. "Who's worried about a lunatic fringe group?" As you will see later, Alice Bailey was one of the most antisemitic occultists of this<br />

century. For those who insist that Bailey's doctrine is safely marginalized among obscure occultists, it will come as a shock to discover that<br />

she was indirectly awarded the UNESCO Peace Education Prize in 1989, and that her teachings are already incorporated in schools around<br />

the world, including U.S. public schools (via the "Goals 2000" program). "Lunatic," perhaps. "Fringe"? No longer. Especially not with<br />

global star Robert Muller openly promoting her teachings.<br />

<strong>The</strong> "Benevolent Conspiracy" (as New Age leader Marilyn Ferguson called it, back in 1980) has been so successful that today it is the<br />

standard for social, political and religious acceptability. It is consciously supported by a surprising number of prominent public figures and<br />

http://philologos.org/__eb-trs/naA.htm<br />


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