The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rainbow</strong> <strong>Swastika</strong> - <strong>The</strong> Plan of the New Age<br />

Page 6 of 7<br />

<strong>The</strong> areas in most "dire need" were discussed, leading gradually to the bottom lines found at every NA forum. (1) From Gorbachev: "To<br />

change the nature of consumption." [Oddly, none of Gorbachev's well-heeled listeners, much less Gorby himself, "redefined" any<br />

"parameters" by refusing to pay $5,000 a head to stay at the luxurious Fairmont Hotel and enjoy the fabulous dinners created by a flock of<br />

famous chefs recruited for the Forum....] (2) To "address the problem of controlling the world's population." [See therecommendation of Dr.<br />

Keen, another Forum participant.] (3) From Brzezinski: To move toward "eventual globalization [by] progressive regionalization," since<br />

"national sovereignty is no longer a viable concept." [Precisely the UN's multi-stage goal of Global Governance, already in progress.] (4)<br />

From Kassa Kebede, former UN ambassador: To transfer armaments (especially those of the US) to "international control" and form a<br />

standing army under UN command. [More goals of the UN - see "Our Global Neighborhood: <strong>The</strong> Report of the Commission on Global<br />

Governance" mentioned above.] (5) From Willis Harman, President of Noetic Sciences: To usher in "a new social order" which<br />

acknowledges "the connectedness of everything, an emphasis on intuition and the assumption of inner divinity." (6) From Rupert Sheldrake,<br />

<strong>The</strong>osophist: To tap into the "morphogenic field" which connects all life and thought and provides access to "the Ageless Wisdom".<br />

Last, but in NA priorities definitely not least: Fritjof Capra, author of an essay distributed free to all participants ("<strong>The</strong> Turning of the Tide",<br />

printed in _ReVision: A Journal of Consciousness and Transformation_, Fall 1993) condemns "the Judaeo-Christian tradition" for supporting<br />

male domination and the superiority of rational thinking, for "anti-ecological" attitudes, and for hindering the proper understanding of<br />

nature. Its "image of a male god [sic], personification of supreme reason and source of ultimate power, who rules the world from above by<br />

imposing his divine law on it", and the view that natural laws are "reflections of this divine law, originating in the mind of God", must<br />

inevitably make way for the new spiritual path of the future.<br />

6b. Special military branches are being prepared to help maintain order on behalf of the Hierarchy, using not only conventional force but<br />

also psychic powers acquired by initiation. Among these are the "First Earth Battalion" of "guerilla gurus" founded by Barbara Marx<br />

Hubbard; and the "Task Force Delta", a strategy-planning division of the US Army utilizing psychologists and parapsychologists (where<br />

Hubbard is also a member). Colonel John B. Alexander, co-author of _<strong>The</strong> Warrior's Edge_, advocates psychic weapons for mind<br />

manipulation of the "enemy" and discusses the use of "remote viewing" (clairvoyance and mind-reading) with the casual attitude of someone<br />

long past the introductory stage of initiation: "[<strong>The</strong>] ethical difficulties [of remote viewing] are not unlike those involved with the<br />

introduction of any other new, invasive technology [sic]." (p.154) <strong>The</strong> Colonel's concern for ethical standards is heartening- until we read<br />

how he "resolves" the difficulties: "All intelligence techniques require ruthlessness, duplicity, and absolute integrity. No, these are not<br />

contradictions in terms. If you are using influence technologies correctly, you can and will achieve your objective by the manipulation of<br />

others. Recognize what you are doing; we do. If this manipulation is for the eventual benefit of these others as well as yourself, then you are<br />

adhering to the warrior ethic." (p.216)<br />

6c. <strong>The</strong> working class of the new humanity is organized as "<strong>The</strong> New Group of World Servers", often shortened to NGWS. [Please acquaint<br />

yourself with the NA notion of "service", which is not what most people associate with the word.] Not all World Servers are consciously<br />

serving the Plan, however - this group is multilevel, ranging from full initiates "who are consciously part of the Great White Lodge" to<br />

ordinary folks who "respond to the idealism" and know nothing of the Hierarchy. (_Discipleship in the New Age_ II, p.204) All individuals<br />

who are considered fit for the New Age will be required to "serve" as an expression of their "love". Those who are not considered eligible<br />

include "those people who, clinging to reactionary methods of finding and expressing truth, prefer obedience to authority to clear thinking<br />

and self-imposed guidance of their own soul." (_<strong>The</strong> New Group of World Servers_, Lucis Trust, p.3) [Read that one again, friends: Those<br />

who refuse to totally surrender to the Masters' absolutist authority are accused of clinging to an outmoded "obedience to authority", and<br />

people who insist on the freedom to form and follow their own individual convictions rather than unquestioning NA group-think are guilty of<br />

rejecting "clear thinking" and the "guidance of their own soul". George Orwell's 1984 "Double-Speak" has arrived.]<br />

World Servers, in direct contrast, are those who affirm "the fundamental truths by which humanity has evolved", truths which will eventually<br />

"lead humanity into a new age of peace and plenty." One way to bring about this "peace" is to "repudiate violently the unproven". [Apart<br />

from this interesting new strategy for making "peace", we see here that even though NAers view their version of human evolution as<br />

"proven", it is preferable to convince the skeptics through "violent repudiation" than simply presenting the vast evidence in its favor.] <strong>The</strong><br />

World Servers placed in leadership will "recognise no authority save that of their own souls." (_<strong>The</strong> NGWS_, p.7) ["<strong>The</strong>ir own souls" by that<br />

point will no longer be their own, of course, in the accepted sense of autonomy and ownership, but NA redefinition of these concepts has<br />

neatly solved that dilemma.] <strong>The</strong> primary function of these World Server leaders is to "utilize all the known methods to reach the general<br />

public. <strong>The</strong>y stir the middle class to activity and, through them, arouse the masses." (p.6) [Leaving the rank-and-file servers among "the<br />

masses" to the "guidance of their own soul" is apparently not as trustworthy as it was only 3 pages earlier....] <strong>The</strong> very first task of the<br />

NGWS in rebuilding on the ruins of World War II was to be "the development of right human relations, through the education of the<br />

masses." (_<strong>The</strong> Rays and the Initiations_, p.88) [Learn what the term "right human relations" means for the Jews, in the "Views on Jews"<br />

section.] <strong>The</strong>ir second task will be to install the new world religion, the only one allowed in the New Age.<br />

7. <strong>The</strong> Plan for Selective Disarmament<br />

<strong>The</strong> concept of a "New World Order" was coined by Bailey's Hierarchy decades before US President George Bush made it a familiar political<br />

phrase. From the beginning, forced "disarmament" was seen to immediately precede the NWO: "In the preparatory period for the New<br />

World Order there will be a steady and regulated disarmament. It will not be optional. No nation will be permitted to produce and organise<br />

any equipment for destructive purposes." (_Externalisation_, p.191) Disarmament, in the context of a global anti-war movement, was the<br />

first order issued to "change agents" from NA leader H.G. Wells, in his strategic <strong>book</strong>, _<strong>The</strong> Open Conspiracy_.<br />

This mandatory disarmament applies especially to nuclear weapons - but not for the reason that many activists think. "<strong>The</strong> atomic bomb<br />

[was] used only twice destructively... its [constructive] uses are twofold at this time: (a) as a forerunner of that release of energy which will<br />

change the mode of human living and inaugurate the new age wherein we shall not have civilisations and their cultures but a world culture<br />

and an emerging civilisation... (b) as a means in the hands of the United Nations to enforce the outer forms of peace, and thus give time for<br />

the teaching... to take effect. <strong>The</strong> atomic bomb does not belong to [at that time, 1957] the three nations who... own the secrets at present. It<br />

belongs to the United Nations for use - or let us rather hope, simply for threatened use - when aggressive action on the part of any nation<br />

rears its ugly head... [or for use on] political groups of any powerful religious organisation, who are as yet unable to leave politics<br />

alone." (_Externalisation_, p.548) Clearly, disarmament is to be "regulated" and "steady" but not universal. Its purpose is to put nuclear<br />

weapons exclusively in the hands of the UN, for the purpose of pressuring any national, political or religious entity which tries to oppose the<br />

new worldwide political/religious blend by following their own blend. <strong>The</strong> only nations which combine religion and politics are the Vatican<br />

city-state, the radical Moslem countries, and of course the Jewish State. [Of these, the only nation possessing nuclear weapons is Israel. This<br />

puts into perspective the ever-increasing pressure from the UN on Israel to sign the Nuclear Nonproliferation Pacts and open her nuclear<br />

facilities to UN supervision. <strong>The</strong> next step will be disarmament, then use "as a means to enforce the outer forms" of a UN-sponsored, NA<br />

http://philologos.org/__eb-trs/naD.htm<br />


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