The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rainbow</strong> <strong>Swastika</strong> - <strong>The</strong> Plan of the New Age<br />

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meant to.] NAers confirm that this knowledge is what Lucifer offered to Eve in the Garden, and it's being offered again today. Only it's been<br />

misunderstood, due to fear inherited from the superstitious Jews. Since God has both a good and an evil side, and one cannot attain complete<br />

godhood with only one side. "Lucifer comes to give us the final gift of wholeness. If we accept it, then he is free and we are free. That is the<br />

Luciferic initiation. It is one that many people now, and in the days ahead, will be facing, for it is an initiation into the New Age." (Spangler,<br />

_Reflections_, p.45)<br />

As NA leader Dr. Jose Arguelles puts it, this initiation is a passive "surrender to the higher galactic intelligence", involving "receptivity" and<br />

something he calls "a galactic imprinting" [not specified if this is spiritual or physical]. This imprinting will be done in groups and will<br />

trigger "an actual evolutionary shift of major proportions... homo sapiens on the evolutionary scale will be ended." (_Meditation Magazine_,<br />

published by the Intergroup for Planetary Oneness, Summer 1987) Arguelles indicates that individuals must make the choice. But the<br />

channeler for the spirit guide "Alder" says that the "world Initiation... is being brought to birth by a universal access [sic, application?] of<br />

Pain and of Pressure", which she/he says is "leading naturally" to the right choice. (Vera Alder, _<strong>The</strong> Initiation of the World_, p.109) [So<br />

much for voluntary cooperation... but this fits in with what we are told about the tactics of spirits hoping to become "walk-ins".]<br />

Foster Bailey made it clear that the NA initiation would not only be mandatory but would create a caste system: "[Young and old alike] will<br />

have to live with the New Age standards. Those who do not will end up as irreconcilable outcasts." (_Things to Come_, p.39) Those who<br />

cannot surrender (having no souls), or who will not (not sufficiently developed in their spiritual journey), will simply be "sent on to their next<br />

life" in a global "cleansing action" (Alice Bailey, _<strong>The</strong> Rays and the Initiations_ p.754-755). Barbara Marx Hubbard puts it even more<br />

bluntly: "People will either change or die. That is the choice." (_Happy Birth Day Planet Earth!_ p.32) Hubbard makes it clear, however, that<br />

the human agents of the Plan of Love and Light will never be guilty of murder, or even of mercy-killing: "New Choices enter history. Death<br />

by choice. Life by choice.... <strong>The</strong> dignity of humans requires death and life, by choice not coercion", giving rise to a "new science [called]<br />

thanatology, the art of dying with grace." ("<strong>The</strong> Future- Previews of Coming Attractions" _First Foundation News_ Aug.1995, p.4)<br />

"Death by choice" hints at the fact that the "misfits" who reject NA will not be the only ones required to face death. "Dying with grace" is<br />

the message of the "death education" curriculum taught as part of New Age Education; the underlying concept being "the beneficient nature<br />

of death" to remove that which has outlived its time. (_Externalisation_ II, p.75) [For more on this, see the "Humanity" section and also<br />

below.] This being taught to NA disciples as preparation for the predicted "cleansing cycle of Nature", which will remove the majority of<br />

humanity which suffers from "lower vibratory rates", as told to John Randolph Price by his spirit guide "Asher". When Price, founder of<br />

"World Healing Day", balked a bit at the mass involuntary death of billions of people, his guide replied, "Who are we to say that these people<br />

did not volunteer to be a part of the destruction and regeneration." (see _Practical Spirituality_ by Price) [Part of the social transformation<br />

process concentrates on educating humanity that the "global purge" is necessary and beneficial; any opposition to the idea will be silenced in<br />

the clean-up operation itself, and then presented as people who subconsciously wanted to be purged.]<br />

Hubbard's spirit guides gave her a similar picture of things to come: "Out of the full spectrum of human personality, one fourth is electing to<br />

transcend... one fourth is destructive [and] they are defective seeds. In the past they were permitted to die a 'natural death'.... Now as we<br />

approach the quantum shift from the creature-human to the co-creative human - the human who is the inheritor of god-like power - the<br />

destructive one fourth must be eliminated from the social body.... Fortunately, you are not responsible for this act. We are. We are in charge<br />

of God's selection process [note the recycled Nazi term] for planet Earth. He selects, we destroy. We are the riders of the pale horse,<br />

Death." (_<strong>The</strong> Revelation: Our Crisis is a Birth_, p.235) <strong>The</strong> "selection process" is necessary, we are told, because of the danger that the<br />

"defective seeds" might "reproduce their defective disconnection [and] destroy forever the opportunity of Homo sapiens to become Homo<br />

universialis." From the clear delineation here, only 25% of humanity qualifies to "transcend", and at least 25% of humanity is too dangerous<br />

to leave alive - particularly those afflicted with genetic "disconnection" like the "wandering Jew". [Hubbard, who informs interviewers at<br />

every opportunity that she was born to a Jewish family, apparently thinks her own racial karma will be overlooked by the Hierarchy because<br />

of her devotion, or else she is resigned to leaving with the "defective seeds".] But what of the remaining 50% passed over in this "selection<br />

process"? <strong>The</strong>ir destiny is "death by choice." Neither destructive nor transcendent, they will accept the initiation and then be expected to<br />

vacate the planet for the good of humanity. [Not that the 25% chosen to remain will be so lucky either; at initiation they will be expected to<br />

surrender their bodies and minds in psychic union with an "ascended" master. As powerful as they are, these spirits will have to work<br />

through the relatively weak and primitive physical plane; hence the need for initiating humans for the purpose of inhabiting their bodies. See<br />

the description of "walk-ins", in the "gods" section.]<br />

5. Who Will Direct World Affairs Under the Plan?<br />

5a. Naturally, it is the "Hierarchy" who will ultimately control world affairs when the "Christ reappears" physically, "leading to the definite<br />

restoration of the Mysteries." (Alice Bailey, _Externalisation_, p.570.) <strong>The</strong>ir closest assistants on the human plane, according to Foster<br />

Bailey, Alice's husband, are the higher-level initiates in the Masons: "When the Mysteries are restored, and Masonry resumes its true<br />

function, the G.M. [Grand Master] will also resume his ancient prerogatives, for he will be chosen for his initiate rank, and that involves<br />

initiate knowledge. He will be restored to his ancient status, and his right to authority will be recognized." (_<strong>The</strong> Spirit of Masonry_, p.79)<br />

NA philosopher and Masonic leader Manly P. Hall concurs that the Masonic Grand Master is at the final level of human contact with the<br />

"spiritual consciousness" that originates in the "spiritual hierarchy". (_<strong>The</strong> Lost Keys of Freemasonry_, p.35-36) Alice also looked forward to<br />

a future Masonic Movement which, "when it can be divorced from politics and social ends and from its present paralysing condition of<br />

inertia, will meet the need of those who can, and should, wield power. (_Externalisation_, p.511) [Note Hitler'spartiality to certain of the<br />

"old" Masonic lodges, in the Nazism section. Also, for a wealth of direct quotes confirming the Luciferian orientation of the top Masonic<br />

leadership, see Gary Kah, _En Route to Global Occupation_)<br />

5b. Mouthpiece of the Hierarchy: a "New" United Nations. This world body as it functions today is only a shadow of what NA leaders<br />

envision for it. Robert Muller, who invested at least 30 years of his life there, loses no opportunity to sing its praises, calling the UN "the<br />

meta-organism of human and planetary evolution." ("A Letter to All Educators in the World") He dedicated his landmark <strong>book</strong>, _New<br />

Genesis: Shaping a Global Spirituality_, to "the United Nations, the first universal organization of this planet." Muller expects the UN to<br />

bring nothing less than "a moral and spiritual Renaissance." (_<strong>The</strong> Temple of Understanding Newsletter_, Spring 1995) Both he and the<br />

Hindu mystical teacher-in-residence at the UN, Sri Chinmoy Kumar Ghose, go so far as to speak of the UN as a spiritual entity, or perhaps<br />

the collective channel for the Spiritual Entity expected to arrive: "No human force will ever be able to destroy the United Nations, for the UN<br />

is not a mere building or a mere idea; it is not a manmade creation. <strong>The</strong> UN is the vision-light of the Absolute Supreme.... <strong>The</strong> divine success<br />

and supreme progress of the United Nations is bound to become a reality. At his choice hour, the Absolute Supreme will ring his own<br />

victory-bell here on Earth through the loving and serving heart of the United Nations." (Muller quoting Chinmoy, "My Testament to the<br />

UN") But Muller is aware that the present UN does not have the power needed to fulfil its mission: "<strong>The</strong> world's survival requires an<br />

enormously strengthened second generation United Nations." ("Fifty Years Later: A Testimony", 1995)<br />

http://philologos.org/__eb-trs/naD.htm<br />


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