The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rainbow</strong> <strong>Swastika</strong> - New Age Missionizing Among Jews<br />

Page 14 of 15<br />

schools there. Germany's High Court in 1989 ruled that TM is neither religion nor science, but a destructive cult. In India, the Maharishi's<br />

huge NOIDA ashram was plagued by scandal when workers went on a 3-month strike, protesting malnutrition, unsanitary conditions and<br />

neglect which resulted in the deaths of several ashram children. <strong>The</strong> TM leader resolved that unpleasantness by closing the ashram for "a<br />

vacation", firing or transferring all 200 teachers, and turning the children loose to find their way home across India (some of whom never<br />

made it). [See thetestimony of Indian physician Govind Sharma.]<br />

<strong>The</strong> Maharishi's "technique" nevertheless continues to generate millions of dollars for his organization, with Israelis being the largest national<br />

group among his trainees. Journalist Esther Hecht notes that the Israeli TM disciples, including educated professional people, treat their guru<br />

much the same as Habad devotees treat their Rebbe Shneerson: having his picture in every room and on every publication, and invoking his<br />

name repeatedly in everyday conversation. ("Peace of Mind", _Jerusalem Post_, Jan.23, 1998. Also source of other details in this paragraph.)<br />

As of 1997, "His Holiness" had hoped to exit Holland (which was pressuring him to take his "dangerous activity" elsewhere) and relocate<br />

personally to Israel, setting up court at his pilot TM village of Hararit. To date he has not done so [perhaps the Interior Ministry is being<br />

stubborn about proof of Jewishness...] At that time Hararit had a long-term plan to also absorb 7000 sidhis (advanced meditators) to effect<br />

cosmic changes and help usher in the "dawn of the Age of Enlightenment". This plan was blocked by the Israeli watchdog group, "Forum<br />

Against Cults". However, the TMers did manage to form a new kibbutz, "Yahad", and an Ayurveda (TM-based medical) clinic.<br />

6i. <strong>The</strong> Kabbalah Centre: Jerusalem, Haifa, Tel Aviv.<br />

Philip Berg's black-kippahed, fast-talking salesmen make the rounds door to door on a regular basis, trying to sell the Zohar to religious and<br />

secular, Jews and non-Jews, housewives and teens, promising instant spiritual profit (and collecting healthy profits of the more worldly kind).<br />

[See the main entry above for more details.]<br />

As is clear in this handful of examples, NA missionaries to the Israelis are equally comfortable in Eastern garb, Western business suits, or<br />

kippah and tsitsit. <strong>The</strong> fact that they have found easy entry into Israeli society, in spite of other countries rejecting them, indicates either high<br />

sophistication on their part or astonishing naivete on the part of Israel (or both). [But what their success really shows is the persistent<br />

spiritual hunger among Israelis, who are grabbing at every new spiritual fad that drifts by, one after another. Why do they fall for them -<br />

manipulative mystical con games, deceptions that promise enhanced Jewishness while systematically destroying every reason for being<br />

Jewish? That which sustained the Jewish people for thousands of years, and has seen us through every attempt to erase us, is still available.<br />

But many Israelis - out of disappointment, anger, or ignorance - have given up on Torah and gone on a restless search for a substitute for<br />

Jewish faith in the Jewish G-d. Yet the reason they keep switching "spiritual paths" is that they will never really be satisfied with anything<br />

less than that for which they were created. This constitutes both a challenge and a hope for our future.]<br />

6j. Israeli Media and Entertainment<br />

None of this takes into account the daily indoctrination coming through the myriad "healers" and channelers offering peace and<br />

enlightenment on the streets of Israel, who receive mostly positive publicity in local papers. And we have yet to mention the governmentsponsored<br />

Israeli TV, especially children's entertainment. A casual sampling of Israel's "educational network" will show a steady diet of<br />

heroes who rely on psychic powers, alien helpers, personal transformations (symbolized in physical changes) and even actual pagan deities.<br />

From "Digimon" to Disney, from "X-Men" to "X-Files", in 10-minute cartoons and full feature movies, in fantasy plots and real life plots,<br />

NA religion is being aimed at Israeli children aged 1 to 18. <strong>The</strong>se programs are usually dubbed in Hebrew, and appear most often during the<br />

hours when working parents are away from the home. <strong>The</strong> same thing can be said for the movie and home video offerings, after-school<br />

activities, computer games and bestselling Hebrew <strong>book</strong>s, and even acquisitions at the public library. [Imagine the predictable Israeli reaction<br />

if Christian missionaries were to target Jewish children using any one of these methods, and we see how well NA has done its work - Israeli<br />

kids sit in front of the TV cheering for spirit-guide heroes, devour library <strong>book</strong>s full of pagan mythology in Hebrew, or trot off to yoga<br />

classes where they bow to Indian deities, and no one notices.]<br />

7. <strong>The</strong> Goal of Converting the Jews to NA Thinking<br />

All these tremendous efforts to bring both secular and traditional Jews, diaspora and Israeli Jews alike, over to NA doctrine have but one<br />

goal, judging by NA sources. It is not in order to "liberate" Jews from their identity so as to receive them into the spiritual family of Man<br />

[although that would be bad enough]. As we have seen, the Jews as a group are flatly considered unsuitable material for the New Age. <strong>The</strong><br />

goal of converting Jews is to make them voluntarily accept the "cleansing action" which is to remove them from this "physical plane of<br />

existence". [See the end result of "right human relations" in the "Views on Jews" section.]<br />

In accordance with Alice Bailey's analysis on the Holocaust, other NA spokesmen continue to preach that the Jews always bring on their own<br />

suffering. In other contexts (such as Christian denunciation of the 'Christ-killers') this is highly offensive to any Jew. But after accepting the<br />

twin NA concepts of reincarnation and some form of "karma" [such as "tikkun", a Kabbalistic doctrine which only differs from standard<br />

karma in teaching that G-d rather than a cosmic force sends a Jew into multiple lives to repair mistakes or cosmic imbalance], it will begin to<br />

sound logical that if Jews are being repeatedly singled out for suffering and untimely death, they as a group must indeed owe some collective<br />

karmic debt. <strong>The</strong> NAers are confident that Jews who accept the karmic view of suffering will also accept the karmic requirement of passive<br />

submission to whatever befalls themselves and their loved ones - especially if appropriate spirits of their "luminaries" [the ranking system for<br />

advanced practitioners of Kabbalah, corresponding to the NA ranking of their "Iluminati" or "enlightened ones"] appear to them with<br />

promises of a favorable future life as a reward for voluntary submission. Such visitations will be credited by NA teachers to the activity of<br />

Maitreya - his merciful contribution to help ease the passage of the Jewish race from this dimension.<br />

7a. A NA-Manufactured Messiah<br />

For those who cling tightly to Torah-from-Sinai Judaism, even "Messiah" is scheduled to appear, to command them to obey Maitreya whom<br />

he also serves. Leading occultist Peter LeMesurier, in his <strong>book</strong> _<strong>The</strong> Armaggedon Script_, outlines the "script" for a simulated arrival of the<br />

Jewish Messiah (p.231-233) tailored for Jewish acceptance. He is to arrive in Israel incognito, and devote himself to studying everything<br />

expected of the Messiah: Tenach prophecies, Dead Sea Scrolls, current Jewish expectations, prophecies from other religions. He must then<br />

harness the science of earthquake prediction to show up on the Mount of Olives during an earthquake. He will proceed to Jerusalem from the<br />

east, accompanied by a procession in shining white, enter the tomb of King David, and come out miraculously dressed in perfumed royal<br />

robes, as David reincarnated. His ascension to the Temple Mount to be crowned King of Israel will be a matter of course, given his popular<br />

support. What about resistance from suspicious Jews and/or Christians? "<strong>The</strong> massed forces of the Old Age, however, will be unable to<br />

check their headlong onrush. In large measure they will go on to destroy each other in a massive, mutual venting of long pent-up<br />

aggression." (p.237) [This confident assumption shows awareness of the NA plan to keep Jews and Christians mistrustful of each other. Or<br />

perhaps it refers to the ongoing conflict between Jews and Moslems, which more accurately displays a seemingly unstoppable "aggression";<br />

that rift also serves the Plan.] Meanwhile, this messiah will go on to lead the "youth of the world" in "spreading the already developing ideas<br />

http://philologos.org/__eb-trs/naI.htm<br />


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