The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rainbow</strong> <strong>Swastika</strong> - New Age Missionizing Among Jews<br />

Page 11 of 15<br />

'journey' into the future has 'different roadmaps' for different Jews." (interview with Jewish Telegraph Agency, "Focus on Issues", Nov. 18,<br />

1997) In a definitivearticle called "Jewishness in a New Era: Continuity, Discontinuity or Transformation?", Kula dismisses community<br />

worries about a crisis of lost Jewish identity; what Jewish leaders take for assimilation is merely "normalization of the Jewish condition".<br />

Today's Jews, he says, have merely switched their "modes of expression": from the "institutions and practices created in another era" to a<br />

shedding of "boundary-maintaining Jewish behaviors" which no longer make sense. Not that Jews have "become like everyone else", but<br />

they are finding "new forms that are appropriate to their full and equal participation in a broader human community." And what are CLAL's<br />

red lines in the "re-imagining of Jewishness"? <strong>The</strong>re are none - not from Torah or even from CLAL itself: "<strong>The</strong> assumption that any one of<br />

us knows exactly what it is that needs to be preserved from the past becomes problematic. A new context inevitably will demand farreaching<br />

changes in the very nature of Jewishness." How far-reaching? As far as creating "new kinds of Jewish community that are more<br />

attuned to the era in which we live." In a nutshell, whatever practice or principle in Judaism is "too circumscribed for this new era in Jewish<br />

history", we are free to trash if we want - actually, the new era "will demand" it.<br />

Like Yitz Greenberg, for justification Kula points to the rabbinic cancellation of animal sacrifices after the Temple's destruction. He<br />

smoothly draws the parallel: the forced abandonment of that practice due to calamity is just like today's wholesale abandonment of the 4000year<br />

Jewish framework for its being "less attuned" to our age. [More amazing, here is a "rabbi", trained by another "orthodox rabbi", who<br />

thinks that Rabbinic Judaism left behind both the Temple sacrifice and "the belief in its continued importance". Can it be that Greenberg<br />

never taught Kula the many rabbinic prayers which anticipate the restoration of the Temple sacrifice? But since Kula insists on this parallel,<br />

let him follow it. We should now expect CLAL to compose Tisha-Be'Av-style kinot for this new and wider abandonment they are<br />

witnessing, so much like the abandonment of the Temple.] As a preview of what Kula's ideal of "Jewishness in a New Era" might look like,<br />

we can consider that in this 3-page article, there is not a single occurrence of the words "Torah", "covenant", "commandments", or any<br />

reference to the G-d of Israel in any form.<br />

Elsewhere, CLAL shows scant respect for Torah-keeping Jews, as well as an evasion of their challenges. A commentary by Andrew Silow-<br />

Carroll, spotlighted by CLAL from among "the latest thoughts and reflections by CLAL faculty and associates", quotes Orthodox writer<br />

David Klinghoffer who asks why anyone would embrace Jewish religion if they don't believe it is from a Divine Source. Rather than<br />

grappling with the question or offering an alternate religious anchor, Silow-Carroll simply rejects Klinghoffer for his "dismissal of the<br />

various ways some 83 percent of North American Jews live their Jewish lives," implying that the question of whether Jewish religion can<br />

survive without a divinely ordained Torah, or any other objective "Truth", is unworthy of a response. <strong>The</strong>n, as if to deny the possibility of<br />

"Jewish lives" without Jewish religion (a reality which Klinghoffer apparently recognizes), Silow-Carroll claims that secular Jews practice a<br />

religion of their own. He offers a list of "seemingly secular behaviors" which he knows a Torah-based Jew will call "substitutes for Judaism"<br />

but which he prefers to call a "re-invention" of Judaism. Included in this list of "religious" activities: discussing common (Jewish)<br />

acquaintances, eating lox and pastrami, scanning news reports for "Jewish" names, and idolizing the Jewish comedians, lawyers and<br />

professional wrestlers. Jewish doctors are to be "our modern priesthood". [One teeny problem. After discarding traditional Judaism, he fails<br />

to "re-invent" a way to identify "Jewish" habits and heroes, leaving us to fall back on circular reasoning: they are "Jewish" if we decide that<br />

they are.] Silow-Carroll sees these behaviors as a more than adequate replacement for the Sinai Covenant. Well, almost... his list of "secular<br />

behaviors" also includes suspiciously traditional-sounding activities: Bible classes, eating matza on Passover, Shabbat celebrations, wearing<br />

kippot, and even engaging in "Midrash, creative retelling of classic Jewish texts" - in short, many of the same behaviors practiced by<br />

Klinghoffer's narrow-minded community and so resented by Silow-Carroll.<br />

How influential is CLAL? Most of CLAL's faculty members are simultaneously teaching at other institutions (both overtly NA and<br />

conventionally Jewish), and/or leading one or more congregations/study centers, and/or publishing and lecturing, which greatly amplifies the<br />

scope of this one organization's influence.<br />

6. New Age Missionaries in Israel<br />

As a stronghold of Jewish identity, Zionist nationalism and monotheism, Israelis must be viewed by NA change-agents as totally hopeless,<br />

and we would assume that our tiny homeland would be avoided by NA teachers looking for disciples. On the contrary. Israel has become<br />

something of a plum pie, where NA cults are jostling one another for bigger shares. And it has proven to be easy pickings, as long as no one<br />

mistakes them for Christian missionaries. While Christians would be deported for the tricks these NA zealots use, the latter enjoy apparent<br />

immunity here and lavish support from abroad. <strong>The</strong>y have unobstructed access to Israeli Jews (even among the orthodox and children) to<br />

openly teach various brands of paganism -- often charging top price for it. Some of these neo-pagans will even castigate the Jews for<br />

rejecting Jesus Christ. Meanwhile, the guardians of Jewish identity in Israel do nothing.<br />

6a. Our Dangerous Double Standard: Following are two examples.<br />

A magazine for religious Israeli youth (Otiot, Aug. 8, 1997) accepted a full-color, full-page ad for an animated movie based on famous tales<br />

of a man who did exploits as the "son of God". Produced in the U.S., was voice-dubbed in Hebrew [just for Israeli kids] and was shown all<br />

over Israel. <strong>The</strong> movie was advertised and screened for almost the entire year. If it had featured Jesus Christ, the country would have erupted<br />

with protests; but the star was "only" Hercules. [Now stop and ponder why the god-man revered by Constantine and the Christians is a<br />

dangerous threat, while the god-man revered by Antiochus and the Hellenists is only an amusing fairy tale. <strong>The</strong> Maccabeans, who gave their<br />

lives to resist Hellenism, must have turned in their graves. Score one easy success for New Age indoctrination, thanks to our double<br />

standard.] We should note that Hercules is not a fairy tale in NA thought, but a sun-deity from the Grail legends (_<strong>The</strong> Occult and the Third<br />

Reich_, Jean & Michel Angebert,, p.263 note 7) and respected "ascended master" to whom one can pray for enlightenment. Blavatsky not<br />

only identified Hercules as a sun-god, but also as an image of Satan. (_Doctrine_ II, p.237, note) [After that great movie, Israeli kids will<br />

certainly remember the name of Hercules with affection as they grow.]<br />

A group of sweet-faced, modestly dressed girls filed into a large Tel Aviv company several years ago. <strong>The</strong>y went from desk to desk offering<br />

<strong>book</strong>s for sale. Most workers glanced at them curiously, thinking they were an orthodox group, and returned to their work. Some bought<br />

<strong>book</strong>s. Only one worker noticed the Krishna picture inside the <strong>book</strong>. He approached some of the girls and asked where they were from; they<br />

smiled without answering and glided away from him, continuing their activity. When he alerted his nearest colleague, an orthodox Jew who<br />

had just bought a <strong>book</strong>, she looked at him blankly. <strong>The</strong> "Jews for Krishna" left the building at their leisure, without being challenged, and<br />

with more funding for their next missionizing campaign. This happened the same week that a mass-mailed Christian tract "HaShalom" was<br />

being zealously gathered by orthodox community leaders for burning. (Source: my husband, the one who recognized the Krishna photo)<br />

Lesson to be learned? Israel has become an oasis for NA cults because of the one-track mentality in dealing with missionary activity. <strong>The</strong><br />

word has gotten around the Aquarian network.<br />

http://philologos.org/__eb-trs/naI.htm<br />


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