The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rainbow</strong> <strong>Swastika</strong> - New Age Missionizing Among Jews<br />

tradition". But as if to make sure enlightened readers appreciate his skill as a change agent, Reb Zalman describes how his disciples have<br />

"mainstreamed" his teachings into regular orthodox synagogues "without explicitly attributing the source", and have successfully "blended<br />

into the acceptable scene". As an example [and perhaps as yet another coded signal] he mentions the "rainbow colored tallit" he personally<br />

designed. [Watch below for how many leaders in various organizations turn out to be Reb Zalman disciples, and you will see his boast is not<br />

an idle one.]<br />

Schachter-Shalomi's personal view of "Divinely revealed tradition" mirrors that of other Jewish groups discussed in this section. Similar to<br />

CLAL's ever-changing Torah, he proclaims that Divine revelation is still unfolding, well beyond Torah boundaries. And like the Kabbalah<br />

Centre, he doesn't hesitate to teach Kabbalah to students who have no grounding in basic Torah - he too is confident that if Jewish Renewal<br />

students "follow the inclination of their own inner core", this will compensate for the lack of Torah. Reb Zalman even castigates the old<br />

school of Kabbalah, "esoteric teachers [who] demanded that the seekers relinquish and deny their sacred encounters outside of the tradition<br />

[that is, required them to turn from idolatry] and begin basic [Torah] observances." [Schachter consistently uses "tradition" or "traditional<br />

Torah" where orthodox rabbis would say simply "Torah".] In harmony with this attitude, one of Schachter-Shalomi's main responsibilities is<br />

chairing the "World Wisdom Department" at the Naropa Institute, a private college where Buddhist meditation is required daily and "each<br />

class or degree program integrates varying degrees of Buddhist philosophies and traditions". Naropa's Fall 1997 course schedule listed Reb<br />

Zalman's "Core Texts of Jewish Mysticism", alongside studies of Aztec death celebration (student is instructed to bring an offering of<br />

flowers, bread and fruit), Yoruban ancestor-worship, Druid shamanism, Sufi trance music, Taoist religion, the "Shambhala Tradition" of<br />

meditation (taught by Naropa's founder), Kundalini Yoga, and about a dozen Tibetan Buddhist courses.<br />

Other JR-related groups are springing up too fast to document. Here is a short-list of the older centers:<br />

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3a. Aleph Alliance for Jewish Renewal: This organization, centered in Philadelphia, is under the direct leadership of Zalman Schachter-<br />

Shalomi. Prominent members of Aleph regularly appear in the forefront of the other groups listed in this section, especially Elat Chayyim.<br />

Conversely, the latter is promoted with equal fervor on the Aleph website. <strong>The</strong> 3-fold vision of Aleph Alliance explicitly calls for "Jewish<br />

spirituality" and never mentions any spiritual path outside of Judaism. Quite the contrary, the FAQ asserts: "It is an important part of Aleph's<br />

mission to make the 'hidden' treasures of Judaism known and accessible" to all those "spiritually sensitive Jews [who] have sought spiritual<br />

expression in other faith traditions." However, a brief survey of the Elat Chayyim faculty [see below] and Schachter-Shalomi's own spiritual<br />

journey [see also the summary above] will show that the "treasures" they themselves have studied and now offer are from many other faiths<br />

besides Judaism, principly from Buddhism. [Thus, instead of attracting Jewish seekers to authentic Judaism, they give added encouragement<br />

to look elsewhere for the "treasures", just as they have. Reb Zalman's allegiance to the Naropa Institute, whose "learning philosophy is rooted<br />

in Buddhist tradition", is alone enough to discredit historical Judaism as self-sufficient.] Aleph, like Schacter-Shalomi, clearly accepts the<br />

"universality of spiritual truths" and is proud of its "synthesis of these wide-ranging experiences", not to reaffirm Judaism but to create a<br />

"unique" teaching. [Actually, "universality" is used advisedly. <strong>The</strong> Aleph FAQ notes one exception to their acceptance of all spiritual paths:<br />

an entire heading is inexplicably devoted to their "position" on the miniscule sect of "Messianic Judaism", where the tone switches<br />

momentarily from free-spirited liberality to a rather prim disapproval of groups "which actively target Jews for recruitment" and which use<br />

"deceptive practices" to present Christian teaching in a Jewish context. A rather curious stand for a movement whose leader proudly<br />

"integrated" his Catholic studies into a "unique" teaching being sold as Jewish, and whose recommended list is topped by a "Jewish" Center<br />

teaching Eastern pagan practices.]<br />

3b. Arthur Waskow: One of the most active Aleph leaders is this rabbi who heads what could be called the Green JR contingent. Waskow<br />

shifts the mission of the Jewish people as "light to the nations" from spiritual revelation of the only G-d, to saving and healing the Earth-as-<br />

God. His manifesto is embodied in his article, "And the Earth is Filled with the Breath of Life". Waskow's "re-invention" of Judaism goes<br />

beyond the usual JR revisionism, in that it works retroactively back to the very origins of Torah. <strong>The</strong> ancient Temple offerings were not in<br />

obedience to the G-d of the Covenant, but in honor of a pantheistic Divinity: "<strong>The</strong> earth, the rain, the sun, the seed, and our work -- together,<br />

adam and adamah, the earth and human earthlings, grew this food. It came from the Unity of Life; so we give back some of it to that great<br />

Unity." <strong>The</strong> purpose of the Jewish people is indistinguishable from the purpose of humanity in general, which is to attain union with the<br />

universe: "For the universe to continue on this journey toward self-awareness, there needs to be a species capable of self-awareness - made<br />

up of individuals who can reflect upon their own selves, and also able as a species to reflect upon itself and to see itself as part of the Unity of<br />

the universe - on which it is also capable of reflecting. That is what it means to live in the Image of God." Throughout the article, Waskow's<br />

choice of pronouns for G-d is "It". [Compare all these elements with Bailey and the "Hierarchy" on the solution to "the Jewish problem".<br />

Waskow has apparently tried to address every Jewish "fault" named in NA literature.] Key NA concepts are used freely, such as "leaps" in<br />

cosmic and human evolution (using the imagery of aspiral), the idea that "earth is Spirit" and the equivalence of Jewish "renewal" with<br />

"transformation". <strong>The</strong> "idols" to be avoided by Jews are not foreign gods adored by the nations, but "mere carved-out pieces of the Whole,<br />

things of partial value that we elevate to ultimates," anything short of the impersonal "great Unity". Prayer is directed to the "mystery of<br />

allness in the world" - not to the G-d described by Abraham as "the most high God, Maker of heaven and earth." <strong>The</strong> covenantal signs of the<br />

Jewish people like the Sabbath and kosher dietary laws are reassigned as ways to "heal the planet".<br />

Of special relevance is Waskow's liberal [mis]use of a central pillar of Judaism - the Shema - in order to retrofit Torah to Earth-worship: "For<br />

example, look at the second paragraph of the Sh'ma, the one that says, 'And if you act on Torah then the rain will fall, the rivers will run, and<br />

the earth will be fruitful and you will live well. And if you don't act on Torah, if you reject it, if you cut yourself off from this great harmony<br />

of earth, then the great harmony will cease to be harmony and will cut itself off from you... and you will perish from all this good adamah that<br />

you grew up with.'" (emphasis mine) [All Jews who know theShema will recognize a certain artistic license being exercised here, despite its<br />

appearance as a direct quote. But Waskow goes beyond paraphrase to outright misquoting. Compare his caricature with the real Shema as<br />

translated in the Hertz Siddur (with my emphasis to highlight the removal of G-d): "If you listen diligently to My commandments which I<br />

command you this day, to love the L-rd your God, and to serve Him with all your heart and with all your soul, I will give the rain of your<br />

land in its season.... Take heed to yourselves, lest your heart be deceived, and you turn aside, and serve other gods and worship them; and the<br />

anger of the L-rd be kindled against you, and He shut up the heavens, that there be no rain... and you perish quickly from off the good land<br />

which the L-rd gives you." (Deuteronomy 11:13-17) Such misquoting by an educated Jew like Waskow can only be deliberate. It is an<br />

attempt to hide the fact that Torah condemns Jewish "Renewal". <strong>The</strong> question then is: If Torah must be mutilated to lend support to this<br />

system, why doesn't JR just leave Torah behind - as they actually have among themselves? For whose benefit is this pretense of a Torah<br />

framework?]<br />

If the "re-invention" of the Shema is not enough, consider the Torah account of Cain murdering Abel. Waskow's "renewal" process<br />

"transforms" it into an example of G-d as the failing Parent, whose love is so limited He "can respond fully to just one brother." Waskow<br />

invites us to "share Cain's initial anger at his 'parent's' favoritism" which so provoked poor Cain that he could not express it verbally; "only<br />

http://philologos.org/__eb-trs/naI.htm<br />


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