The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rainbow</strong> <strong>Swastika</strong> - Nazism and the New Age<br />

the "ascended masters". A colony of Tibetan Buddhists flourished in Berlin (Angeberts, p.215). <strong>The</strong> translator of Angeberts' work, Lewis<br />

Sumberg, notes that the Russian troops entering Berlin in May 1945 found "the corpses of a thousand men of Himalayan origin, in German<br />

uniform, but carrying no papers or identification." (p.281-282) [One wonders what today's Dalai Lama might be conveniently forgetting in<br />

relation to his community's Nazi affiliations, each time he proclaims the Tibetan Buddhist's identification with the suffering of the Jews.]<br />

A virtually unknown component in Nazism is the glorification of homosexuality as a path to higher consciousness and superhuman power.<br />

In accordance with widespread occult practice dating back to the Greeks, promotion in the SS brotherhood was conditional on adopting<br />

"warrior" or super-masculine homosexuality. <strong>The</strong> homosexuals who were despised and were sent to the camps were exclusively the<br />

effeminate kind. [See _<strong>The</strong> Pink <strong>Swastika</strong>: Homosexuality in the Nazi Party_, Scott Lively & Kevin Abrams, on line via the Web. I<br />

recommend an annotated version, an interesting blend of the original, somewhat flawed text with a reader's hostile comments; the end result<br />

is a welcome correction of minor points and an unintentional confirmation of the authors' main contentions.] It is interesting to note the<br />

rising popularity of "warrior" images in entertainment (both male and female-Amazon types) which combine occult powers with subtle<br />

homosexual or anti-heterosexual attitudes. [A good, blatant example is the cheesy "Xena" TV series newly arrived on Israeli TV - read the<br />

character histories.]<br />

10. Nazi and American Eugenicists Working Together<br />

<strong>The</strong> agreement among eugenicists from these two vastly different societies (for more details, see the eugenics section) reveals yet another<br />

thread borrowed from ancient occult-based societies both in the East (India) and West (classical Greece). While the Nazis were open about<br />

the necessity of "blood purity" to elevate the human race, Americans were more circumspect, veiling their goal of "racial thoroughbreds" in<br />

more acceptable social/humanitarian terms - undesirables in the U.S. were ostensibly targeted because they were "uneducated and poor", not<br />

because they were racially inferior. <strong>The</strong> Nazis understood the restrictions to which their U.S. colleagues were subjected and did not protest.<br />

<strong>The</strong>y closely followed the writings of Madison Grant, associate of American Birth Control League director Stoddard, who advocated the<br />

ancient Spartan practice of infanticide as a natural weeding-out process. <strong>The</strong> Nazis publicly thanked both Grant and Stoddard for "awakening<br />

in Germany the movement for the preservation and increase of the Nordic race." <strong>The</strong> U.S. League likewise took a great interest in ongoing<br />

Nazi developments, and published an article in May 1933 entitled "Eugenic Sterilization, an Urgent Need", by Ernst Rudin, Director of<br />

Genetic Sterilization and founder of the Nazi Society for Racial Hygiene. A group of American eugenists sat as guest judges in the German<br />

"eugenic courts" in the 1930's, and returned with highest recommendations: "<strong>The</strong> [Nazi] sterilization law is weeding out the worst strains in<br />

the Germanic stock in a scientific and truly humanitarian way." (Lothrop Stoddard, 1940, after spending 4 months in Germany) [For<br />

excellent source material, see Professor Stefan Kuhl's _<strong>The</strong> Nazi Connection: Eugenics, American Racism, & German National Socialism_]<br />

11. Never in a Vacuum...<br />

Countless historians and sociologists have tried to analyze how Nazism became the new value system for a civilized, humanistic people<br />

seemingly overnight. <strong>The</strong> fact is that Nazi doctrine was introduced to an entire generation of Germans raised on magic, cosmic mythology,<br />

medieval lore, tales of secret guardians of the Ancient Wisdom and mystical god-men. <strong>The</strong> titles being published and devoured were<br />

reminiscent of today's blockbuster movies in the science fiction, mythology and "world disaster" genres: _Ulysses' Bow_, _<strong>The</strong> Great<br />

Dream_, _<strong>The</strong> Seventh Ring_ (an actual end-of-the-world novel), _<strong>The</strong> Star of the Alliance_. (See Angeberts, p.253-255 for a list of German<br />

bestsellers between 1896 and the 1930s.) Astrology, <strong>The</strong>osophy, experiments in "animal magnetism", clairvoyance and other ESP,<br />

combinations of "white" sorcery and science, seances, and other occult pursuits were widespread and trendy. Some were involved purely for<br />

entertainment or psychological manipulation, but others took it quite seriously as a door to enlightened knowledge and spiritual power. <strong>The</strong><br />

reasons for this stampede away from reason and into mysticism have been attributed to a complex environment: the upheaval in German<br />

society and economy, an inner emptiness and fatalism which stifles personal initiative, an erasure of moral and spiritual boundaries which<br />

leaves youth with nothing to believe in and nowhere to belong, disintegration of traditional family authority, a social devaluation of<br />

personhood which makes one ashamed of having private values and goals at variance with the group. (Sklar, p.150) [I would propose that all<br />

these conditions are not the cause for the abandonment of rational thinking, so much as the result of a society accepting theosophical<br />

principles like Karma and Group Mind.]<br />

What happens then is inevitable. Out of the chaos and apathy (the destruction of the old order) rises a mass movement (a new order). It<br />

feeds on the loss of individual thinking, but in return promises a secure, responsibility-free place in the Group Mind where thinking is done<br />

for you. It removes all rights to family autonomy, but guarantees a lifelong brotherhood; outlaws all religions except its own, but provides<br />

ego-friendly answers for all life's questions. It requires you to die, but offers a Supreme Opportunity to give up your life with honor and<br />

dignity, and a sense of intrinsic value as a tiny cog in the Vast Plan. It's better than being lost and lonely. And after all, there is no real death,<br />

nor is there any particular reason to hang onto this life; why not pay the karma sooner than later? At the head of the movement is an<br />

enlightened individual who apparently has a direct connection with that which the whole society has been seeking: Asgard, home of the<br />

Hierarchy across the <strong>Rainbow</strong> Bridge. And he declares that the time has come for the new humanity, for a return to our long-lost god<br />

consciousness, and he has been "overshadowed" and sent to guide us there. Only first, there is a "virus" that must be removed from the body<br />

of humanity so that it does not endanger the pure "seeds". And now you have a Cause to fight for - a personified yet dehumanized Darkness<br />

on which to vent your righteous rage as Sons of Light.<br />

[Thus a whole generation of German youth was prepared to receive a NA messiah and obey his every command. How did it happen that a<br />

vulnerable society at its lowest point had the misfortune to cross wires with a loser, an obscure little man, and inexplicably welcomed him<br />

hysterically as an "avatar" - a divine channel? And how did he proceed to turn the "Shamballa force" loose across a continent and rip through<br />

the Jewish community, with millions to help him and no one to stop him? Was it just a ghastly conjunction of random social trends? If so,<br />

we are witnessing an eerie repeat coincidence - the same occultic atmosphere, and another mass movement based on the same foundations,<br />

calling for unity against the same "virus". This time it is on a far wider scale and has a global media-driven culture to accelerate its spread. At<br />

this point, the movement appears to be securely entrenched; only its "avatar" is lacking. And all this within two generations of the last<br />

nightmare encounter. <strong>The</strong> evidence suggests that we should not only acknowledge the familiar face of this movement, but stop viewing it as<br />

a "repeat" and recognize it as a continuation of something that never really went away.]<br />

This concludes Segment F. [next segment, please...]<br />

Links to the rest of the series: THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA<br />


http://philologos.org/__eb-trs/naF.htm<br />

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