The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rainbow</strong> <strong>Swastika</strong> - Nazism and the New Age<br />

Page 5 of 11<br />

forest of 860,000 trees to be planted in honor of the estimated number of Jews saved by this Righteous Gentile. Surviving guardians of the<br />

Gnosis must have realized that Pacelli's continuing influence on the Jewish people could do great damage to the future of the Plan if they<br />

came to comprehend his analysis of Nazism. This is the only reasonable explanation for the total reversal of his reputation within five short<br />

years, after unknown parties financed and heavily promoted a reconstructed pseudo-history of Pius XII on the stages of Europe. Today, not<br />

many Jews are interested in anything this Nazi "deputy" had to say.]<br />

3. Hitler and the Mufti<br />

And what about Islam, the third monotheistic religion? While Hitler ranted against Christianity and Judaism, expressing "a violent feeling<br />

of anger at the idea that some Germans were able to be taken in by theological doctrines devoid of any depth," he contrasted these hated<br />

teachings with "those of Confucius, of Buddha and of Mohammed" which provided spiritual "sustenance". (Angeberts, p.246) In this context,<br />

Hitler's friendship with Haj Amin al Husseini, Mufti of Jerusalem - which included asylum in 1941, the honorary rank of SS Major and an<br />

acceptable racial "genealogy" - can be understood as more a sign of respect than political expedience. <strong>The</strong>re were even cases of Nazis<br />

relocating to Arab countries and converting to Islam. (p.275-276 note 14) In this opinion, Hitler had the backing of the Thule Society, whose<br />

founder Sebottendorf praised Islam for having a "vitality greater than that of Christianity" which flowed "from a torrent which nourished<br />

everything" - that same "thread of lost knowledge" which was the goal of the Nazi quest. (Angeberts, p.165-166) [This raises other ideas for<br />

why Hitler's Mein Kampf is so popular among some Moslems; besides the expected political admiration for brute force, there may also be a<br />

consensus of spiritual worldviews.]<br />

4. <strong>The</strong> Nazi Mentality - Group Mind<br />

<strong>The</strong> Nazi goal was group-think, or the eradication of private conviction and dissent. As stated above, the "burden" of free choice and<br />

decision-making could be entrusted only to the few with the enlightenment and courage to implement the new age without flinching. For the<br />

masses, it was enough that they submit to the leadership, which would weld them into one entity through a common psychic experience.<br />

[Today this would be called a guided group "light experience", practiced by most NA channelers on their followers. See the parallels in the<br />

"Transformation" Section.]<br />

[Eerily, this group-think is the stated goal and the practical outcome of the UN-sponsored World Core Curriculum, as well as the American<br />

OBE (Outcome Based Education) which incorporates the WCC into US public schools. Alice Bailey disciple Robert Muller, author of the<br />

WCC, presents planetary group-think as the proper goal for all enlightened individuals. <strong>The</strong> first principle of the WCC Manual clearly states<br />

that "the group idea, group good and group understanding" are to "replace all limited, self-centered objectives, leading to group<br />

consciousness". <strong>The</strong> UN Global Governance Commission goes farther, branding "some assertions of particular identities" as nothing less<br />

than "intolerance", a cardinal sin in the New Age. (See the massive report by the Commission on Global Governance, "Our Global<br />

Neighborhood", and search for the "Core Value" of "mutual respect".) Obviously, someone at the top will have to bear the "burden" of<br />

dictating the parameters for group-think. Yet the question of who will wield this immense power over the rest of mankind, and whether they<br />

might abuse it, is never brought up - seemingly not worth troubling ourselves about. <strong>The</strong> New Age global forum known as "Planetary<br />

Initiative for the World We Choose" is an example of those who have donned the mantle of choice for the group, as is the "State of the World<br />

Forum", but as usual the question is never answered how the "We" who "choose" were themselves chosen.]<br />

Hitler's contention that free will is a burden to the masses was confirmed by the popular reaction. Said one young Nazi to the press in the<br />

glory days of the Reich: "We Germans are so happy - we are free of freedom." (Sklar, p.152) For many, it was a relief not to be saddled with<br />

personal convictions and responsibility for what was happening, as a perceptive professor reflected after the war: "I suppose we were<br />

grateful. Who wants to think?" (see _<strong>The</strong>y Thought <strong>The</strong>y Were Free_, Milton Mayer)<br />

On the other hand, cultivation of personal will and initiative is a noble duty incumbent on the high-level occult initiate destined to lead the<br />

pliant, group-conscious new humanity. Hitler was obsessed with the potential of the human will. So was Helena Blavatsky: "...that<br />

mysterious and divine power latent in the will of every man, and which, if not called to life, quickened and developed by Yogi training,<br />

remains dormant in 999.999 men out of a million." (Sklar, p.51) It was likely this fascination which lay behind the title of that definitive<br />

Nazi propaganda piece in 1934, _<strong>The</strong> Triumph of the Will_. [<strong>The</strong> reader will remember that "Will" is not a mere human effort but is deified<br />

in NA as an attribute of Sanat Kumara.] A German youth interviewed by a French writer in 1937 explained the Nazi triumph of will not in<br />

militaristic but in gnostic terms: "I am studying the conception of the world.... We refuse to think and to be; we refuse to stand by helplessly<br />

under the determinism of the so-called laws of matter. What we want is inside, an inner structure.... We shall not let anyone stop us from<br />

building before God and before men that which must be built!" <strong>The</strong> writer then remarked on the similarity of Nazi sentiment to the (as he<br />

thought) extinct French Templar philosophy. (Alphonse de Chateaubriant, quoted in Angeberts, p.175)<br />

5. New Age Leaders Commenting on the Nazi Experiment<br />

And what is the opinion in the NA community to this infamous historical figure who so closely resembles them? Ambiguous, to say the least.<br />

When pressed to comment publicly about Nazism, most will say the politically correct thing and applaud the fact that "the monster" Hitler<br />

failed. [It takes a bit of sleuthing to find out what they say to one another.]<br />

New Age references to Hitler are sometimes veiled in positive generalities. Examples are Alice's husband Foster Bailey, and David Spangler,<br />

a Findhorn leader (a NA community in Scotland where the goat-god Pan is worshiped). F. Bailey tactfully does not name Hitler but<br />

describes a disciple who tried to put the Plan of the New Age gods into action "on a regional scale in the Rhine River valley" (_Running<br />

God's Plan_, p.14). Spangler, dedicated to "anchor the Plan on earth" by establishing other NA communities like Findhorn, distances the<br />

New Age Aryans from Nazi Aryans only in that the "blond, blue-eyed Germanic race which Hitler spoke of" was unnecessarily narrow - the<br />

Aryans "are actually a more wide-ranging and ancient super-race". (quoted by Constance Cumbey, _Hidden Dangers of the <strong>Rainbow</strong>_,<br />

p.107) As an avowed disciple of Bailey and Blavatsky, he can be assumed to hold the same views about need to safeguard the "purity" of the<br />

Aryan race.<br />

<strong>The</strong>n there is the schizoid response to Hitler - condemning his brutality while justifying his philosophical premises. This describes Alice<br />

Bailey (_<strong>The</strong> Externalisation of the Hierarchy_ II, p.122-127), who called Nazism a "peculiarly distorted blend of Fascism and<br />

Communism", yet included it in "the great world ideologies" birthed by the "Shamballa force" (a flow of energy from the Hierarchy directed<br />

at the world). Says Alice, "<strong>The</strong> objective [of the Hierarchy] was to stimulate the free will of the masses; the result upon them has been<br />

relatively good." And what prompted the "masters" to trigger these beneficial ideologies, including Nazism? "It was the acuteness of the<br />

situation and the wide extent of the cleavage." Which cleavage is that? "<strong>The</strong> cleavage between the two groups... the forces of materialism<br />

and... the energy of light." <strong>The</strong> forces of materialism are known to Bailey as the "Dark Forces", which "work to preserve that which is<br />

ancient and material... and feed... separateness." <strong>The</strong> Jews' insistance on retaining their chosen-people identity "made it possible for the<br />

http://philologos.org/__eb-trs/naF.htm<br />


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