The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rainbow</strong> <strong>Swastika</strong> - Nazism and the New Age<br />

Page 4 of 11<br />

Noll's <strong>book</strong>s.] As for the destruction being wreaked by the Nazis, Noll notes that Jung viewed them as the necessary precursors to the great<br />

"light", those whose task was to destroy to make "rebirth" possible. [Compare with Bailey's assessment below.] It took until 1945 for Jung to<br />

finally denounce the Nazi extermination of the Jews, but he never retracted his proposal for a "Germanic, Jew-free psychotherapy". (Sklar,<br />

p.138-139)<br />

To remove the "bad seeds" of Christian (that is, Jewish) thinking, Nazi preparation of children for the new humanity would be diligent from<br />

cradle to grave, centered around the notion that they were born to die for their god, wmbodied in their Fuehrer. <strong>The</strong> education began with<br />

revised fairy tales teaching new-humanity principles of heroes struggling and dying to set their race free. <strong>The</strong>n group membership started at<br />

age 10, followed by continuous reinforcement in group settings for the remainder of their lives, "so that they shall in no case suffer a relapse,<br />

and they don't feel free again as long as they live," as Hitler bluntly put it. (Sklar, p.110) <strong>The</strong>re was non-stop activity which required passive<br />

participation, allowing no time for reflection or discussion.<br />

And what did Christian leaders think of Hitler? Although many Christians eventually bought into "positive Christianity", apparently there<br />

was enough opposition to necessitate an early purge of that community. Before launching his "final solution", Hitler made an effort to<br />

remove all churches and pastors who showed the least resistance to policies already in operation. For example, refusal by a church to sponsor<br />

a Hitler Youth chapter was sufficient grounds to close it down. Leaders whose integrity would not yield to political expediency, who could<br />

not be discredited by scandal, and who had the potential to influence Christians at large, were imprisoned indefinitely (Dietrich Bonnhoefer<br />

for example). Although Hitler did not close down many Catholic churches, especially where local support was strong, he vented his rage on<br />

Pope Pius XI, who had issued an encyclical condemning him as "a mad prophet possessed of repulsive arrogance" ("Mit Brennender Sorg",<br />

March 14, 1937).<br />

2a. Hitler and the Pope<br />

This Catholic leader and his successor, Pius XII, have long been the subject of controversy for their publicly ambivalent statements regarding<br />

the Jewish genocide taking place in their times. However, in the eyes of the Third Reich, Pius XI had already gone too far with his encyclical,<br />

and Nazi General Ludendorf was convinced that Cardinal Eugenio Pacelli, then the Vatican Secretary of State and soon-to-be Pope Pius XII,<br />

was behind the wording of this document and "behind all the anti-German activities of Rome's policy". (Pinchas Lapide, _Three Popes and<br />

the Jews_, p.120) <strong>The</strong> Nazi government lodged a harsh protest with the Vatican shortly afterward (April 12, 1937- see Georg May,<br />

_Kirchenkampf oder Katholikenverfolgung_, p.582). When Pius XII came to power in 1939, he appeared to adopt a more diplomatic tone,<br />

making his position much harder to identify. [It is not my aim here to evaluate whether Pius XII did or did not do enough to oppose the<br />

Holocaust. <strong>The</strong>re is a great number of published papers which come to conflicting conclusions, but the prevailing opinion today is that Pius<br />

XII failed abysmally by remaining silent in the face of Nazi genocide. For open-minded readers, I recommend a documented rebuttal from<br />

the Catholic side, which ironically relies on the research of several Jewish scholars, especially Israeli historian Pinchas Lapide. My goal here<br />

is to show the Nazi response to what Pius XII did say, and to suggest motives for it.] Yet the so-called "Silent Pope" came under attack in<br />

Nazi political cartoons published in _Der Stuermer_, which showed the pontiff kissing rabbis. (reported to me by German researcher Robert<br />

Jesolowitz, who has them on file)<br />

In what most historians consider a vague protest, Pius XII referred to "those hundreds of thousands who, without any fault of their own,<br />

sometimes only by reason of their nationality or race, are marked for death or progressive extinction" (Christmas Message 1942). Vague or<br />

not, his message was not missed by the Nazi leadership. Himmler's deputy Reynhard Heydrich responded with: "<strong>The</strong> Pope has repudiated the<br />

National Socialist New European Order... He is virtually accusing the German people of injustice toward the Jews and makes himself the<br />

mouthpiece of the Jewish war criminals." (quoted by Lapide, p.137) In Italy, the editor of _Regime Fascista_ wrote: "<strong>The</strong> Church's<br />

obstruction of the practical solution of the Jewish problem constitutes a crime against the New Europe." (Michael Schwartz, _<strong>The</strong> Persistent<br />

Prejudice: Anti-Catholicism in America_, p.246) [Besides the obvious Nazi conviction that Catholics were heeding a covert call from the<br />

Pope for resistance, note the familiar phrase "New European Order", its only difference being on a regional scale rather than today's global<br />

goal.]<br />

[It can be - and usually is - argued that Pius XII did not do enough, given his vast resources and global influence. On the other hand, Lapide<br />

shows that he did substantially more than other leaders who were not caught in Hitler's hammer-lock, such as the U.S. government which<br />

turned away Jewish refugees even though immigration quotas left room for over one million between 1933 and 1943. (Documentation of<br />

American inaction is available in _While Six Million Died_, by Arthur D. Morse.) This sense of perspective is often lost by over-reliance on<br />

the 1963 German drama, "Der Stellvertreter" (performed as "<strong>The</strong> Deputy" in London that same year), which repeats Heydrich's charge of<br />

"war criminal", only this time presenting the Pope as an accomplice for the Nazi side by his "silence". Aside from the fact that the charge<br />

itself is debatable, I have yet to see anyone portray then-President Roosevelt as a "war criminal" for his refusal to get involved at a much<br />

lower risk.]<br />

[Four points about "<strong>The</strong> Deputy" which reflect on the NA-Nazi connection: (1) This play focusing on Pius XII to the exclusion of many other<br />

silent "Deputies" was introduced by playright Rolf Hochhuth as a "fantasy", yet it has come to be regarded by many as a definitive "work" on<br />

the Holocaust Pope. In sharp contrast, many students of the Holocaust have never heard of Pinchas Lapide's assessment of Pius XII, based<br />

not on fantasy but on solid research. (2) This initiative to elevate Pius to "war criminal" status did not come from the Jewish community but<br />

from post-Nazi Germany, where no small number of unrepentant war criminals were able to continue their lives - and their occultic beliefs.<br />

(3) "<strong>The</strong> Deputy" was strongly criticized by Lapide, who said that world Jewry did not endorse this view of Holocaust history. For some<br />

reason, few Jews are aware of this disclaimer, let alone in agreement. Point (2) conveniently serves the NA divide-and-conquer strategy<br />

toward Jewish-Christian relations, manipulating this painful history of the Church failing the Jews while covering up their own designs<br />

against both groups. Points (1) and (3) show the unapologetic history revision commonly seen in the New Age framework- not merely a<br />

retroactive application of create-your-own-reality, but disinformation with an agenda.]<br />

[But Point (4) is perhaps the most telling: One of the earliest records of Pius XII denouncing the Nazi movement dates back to April 1935,<br />

when Pacelli was still a Cardinal: "<strong>The</strong>se ideologues are in fact only miserable plagiarizers who dress up ancient error in new tinsel." (address<br />

at Lourdes to 250,000 pilgrims) By recognizing the return of the "ancient error" which the Church had repeatedly battled in the past -<br />

occultic Gnosticism - this pope declared himself a formidible enemy in the arena most important to the Nazis: the ancient cosmic-religious<br />

War of Light against Darkness. I would submit that his evident knowledge of the occult roots of Nazism disturbed Hitler and his fellowinitiates<br />

far more than anything Pius did later, for they were in the process of burying all such traces [see below]. This is the best explanation<br />

for the hysterical tirades reportedly directed personally at Pacelli by Hitler, and even a plot in 1940 to kidnap him. <strong>The</strong> threat from this pope<br />

did not end with the Third Reich, because the real "War" was - and is - still in progress. On the contrary, Pius XII was so highly esteemed<br />

that at his death (1958), Israel's Foreign Minister Golda Meir eulogized him in the name of the Jewish State, and the Israeli public called for a<br />

http://philologos.org/__eb-trs/naF.htm<br />


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