The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rainbow</strong> <strong>Swastika</strong> - Nazism and the New Age<br />

hard-core Gnostic teaching on the Grail, immortality and godhood. Many neo-Nazi groups continue to pursue these topics with devotion.<br />

But under it all was the invisible presence of "Unknown Superiors" (Angeberts, p.178, quoting Rudolf Olden, _Hitler the Pawn_, written<br />

1936. Rauschning used the same term - p.233) who taught Hitler himself and who were assumed by his associates to endow him with his<br />

uncanny hypnotic power.<br />

Page 3 of 11<br />

Concerning Hitler's relationship with these Unknowns, there is not much known besides his reference to a guiding voice of "Providence".<br />

However, we do have a vivid account related by an unnamed associate of Hitler to Rauschning (both were not sure what to make of it), in<br />

which Hitler wakes up in the middle of the night in total panic at some unseen visitation: "Hitler was standing there in his bedroom,<br />

stumbling about, looking around him with a distraught look. He was muttering: 'It's him! It's him! He's here!' His lips had turned blue. He<br />

was dripping with sweat. Suddenly he uttered some numbers which made no sense, then some words, then bits of sentences. It was<br />

frightening. He used terms which were strung together in the strangest way and which were absolutely weird. <strong>The</strong>n, he again became silent,<br />

although his lips continued to move. He was given a massage and something to drink. <strong>The</strong>n all of a sudden, he screamed: '<strong>The</strong>re! Over there!<br />

In the corner! Who is it?' He was jumping up and down, and he was howling." (Rauschning, p.285-286) [Whatever the reader may conclude<br />

about the Unknown Superiors, whether a figment of a sick mind or real entities, please remember that both Nazi cosmology and NA religion<br />

view(ed) them as real and independent beings- and also as extensions of one's own untapped divinity. No provision is made in either system<br />

for the possibility of ascended beings who first seduce their channels and then torment them. Yet stories similar to the above are not<br />

uncommon in NA circles. From those who leave the New Age after such an experience, the verdict is uniform: the Guides are clever<br />

deceivers with evil motives. For those who stay, the solution is to blame oneself for the "bad trip" and blindly dive in deeper; this was<br />

apparently Hitler's choice.]<br />

Hitler's personal devotion to occult principles was proven ultimately by his self-inflicted death. His choice of April 30 for his suicide may<br />

well have been meant as a sacrifice; it was the eve of Beltane (known in Germany asWalpurgisnacht), identified on popular Wiccan websites<br />

as a Druid feast in honor of the deity Bel. In witchcraft, this "power-point" day is regarded as a "great sabbat" equal in potency to Halloween.<br />

According to Wiccans, Bel is derived from the Canaanite Baal; but Helena Blavatsky goes farther in _<strong>The</strong> Secret Doctrine_ (vol.2),<br />

reconstructing an astrological trinity of Bel/Baal (sun-god, father), Christos (Mercury, son) and Lucifer (Venus, holy spirit). [more on the<br />

Lucifer connection in "Gods of the New Age"] As for Hitler's suicide itself, this was not a cowardly act from an occultist viewpoint, but<br />

rather an honorable practice known among the Druids, as well as among the Cathari "Perfects", those medieval guardians of the Grail, who<br />

called it the rite of "Endura". A curious requirement of the "Endura" was that it was always to be done by pairs of intimate friends, a detail<br />

known by the Nazis (Angeberts p.28) which makes sense of Hitler's joint suicide with his new wife Eva Braun. Incidently, Hitler's associates<br />

Karl Haushofer and Goebbels also killed themselves in ceremonial fashion along with their wives. (Angeberts, p.275, note 11)<br />

2. Hitler and Christianity<br />

Not only did Hitler regard Christianity as a defective, failed enterprise, he saw himself as replacing both its God and its Christ. At one of the<br />

huge Nuremberg rallies hung a gigantic poster of himself, with the caption stolen from the Christian gospel of John: "In the beginning was<br />

the Word." German youth were indoctrinated from infancy to pray to Hitler, who they were taught was sent from heaven to protect them.<br />

(Sklar, p.56) Nazi-approved sermons in German churches proclaimed, "Adolf Hitler is the voice of Jesus Christ." And lest some readers<br />

[especially Jews] should conclude from this that Nazi Christians viewed Hitler as the mouthpiece of the New Testament Jesus, the statement<br />

is clarified to leave no doubt: "If Jehovah has lost all meaning for us Germans, the same must be said of Jesus Christ, his son.... He [Jesus]<br />

certainly lacks those characteristics which he would require to be a true German. Indeed, he is as disappointing, if we read the record<br />

carefully, as is his father [the G-d of Israel according to Christian tradition]." ("What the Christian Does Not Know About Christianity",<br />

quoted by Sklar, p.56)<br />

In Hitler's words, Christianity "only added the seeds of decadence such as forgiveness, self-abnegation, weakness, false humility and the very<br />

denial of the evolutionary laws of survival of the fittest [social Darwinism]," and would obviously be a handicap to the new species which he<br />

was personally commissioned by the "masters" to see properly birthed and nurtured. But Hitler perceptively placed the ultimate blame where<br />

it is due: "Conscience is a Jewish invention. It is a blemish, like circumcision.... <strong>The</strong>re is no such thing as truth, either in the moral or in the<br />

scientific sense. <strong>The</strong> new man would be the antithesis of the Jew." (Sklar, p. 57-58) Nietzsche likewise considered the Christian Bible nearly<br />

worthless because of its Jewish origin: "In Christianity, seen as the art of sacred lying, we're back with Judaism.... <strong>The</strong> Christian is but a Jew<br />

of more liberal persuasion." (_Antichrist_, quoted in Angeberts, p.126) [Compare with the NA view of how Judaism "defiled" Christianity.]<br />

In this context, antisemitism was not a starting point for the inner Nazi society as it was for the masses; Jew-hatred was the inevitable result<br />

of absorbing these bedrock occult teachings.<br />

<strong>The</strong> nurture of the new humanity included the need to "encourage the growth of a violent, domineering, intrepid, cruel youth... nothing weak<br />

or tender in it." (Angeberts, p.209, Rauschning quoting Hitler) This reached its climax in SS training, and it corresponded to the Nazi view<br />

of "pure" Gnostic, Hindu and Buddhist philosophy, which did not teach compassion and gentleness, but Aryan duty and honor above all<br />

(Angeberts, p.220-221). [This would seem confirmed by thepresence of Tibetan Buddhists in Hitler's Berlin, as well as Bailey's prediction<br />

that Buddhism is destined to drop its image of gentle pacifism.]<br />

But there was an obstacle to sweeping away the Jew and raising this cruel new generation, in the person of that "Jew of more liberal<br />

persuasion", the Bible-believing Christian. Knowing that Christian Germany would not easily accept an open return to paganism, Nazism<br />

attempted to wean the masses from standard Christianity by removing the Jewish-influenced "negative" parts, that is the Old Testament and<br />

most of the New Testament, imposing gnostic meanings on key passages, adding colorful pagan legend, and repackaging it in their 1920<br />

platform as "positive Christianity" (Angeberts, p.202-203). [This term is freely used today by many groups, some of them fervent NAers<br />

offering the same package to naive Christians, for the same purpose.]<br />

Hitler's vision of returning to "pure" pagan religion was echoed, or more accurately anticipated, by psychoanalyst Carl Jung in 1923: "We<br />

[Germans] need new foundations. We must dig down to the primitive in us, for only out of the conflict between civilized man and the<br />

Germanic barbarian will there come what we need: a new experience of God." (Sklar, p.134) When esotericist Jakov Wilhelm Hauer founded<br />

the Nordic Faith movment, Jung urged participation on the part of Germans who were "intelligent enough not only to believe but to know that<br />

the god of the Germans is Wotan and not the Christian God." ("Wotan", essay by Jung - emphasis his, quoted by Sklar, p.134) <strong>The</strong> Nazis<br />

reciprocated by making Jung President of the German Medical Society for Psychotherapy in 1933, at which time he finally found a forum<br />

from which to expound a belief he had held since 1918: the need to distinguish between "German" and "Jewish" psychology. (<strong>The</strong> Society's<br />

Dec. 1933 issue) In his view, such a distinction was not antisemitic, it was liberating for both Aryans and Jews. (Sklar 136-137) When the<br />

Jews were fleeing Nazi Germany in ever-increasing numbers, Jung advised his followers in England to keep up their "negative feelings"<br />

about Jews and resist allowing them to participate as colleagues, as he also did. [See further details about Jung in Harvard Professor Richard<br />

http://philologos.org/__eb-trs/naF.htm<br />


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