The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rainbow</strong> <strong>Swastika</strong> - Human History According to the New Age<br />

"good of society"? <strong>The</strong> sacred assumption of "woman's right to choose" was suspended years ago in China, where a nationwide forcedabortion<br />

program is funded by the UN "Fund for Population Assistance" [sic]. What about the newer movement for assisted suicide,<br />

respecting an individual's "right to die with dignity"? <strong>The</strong> World Health Organization reported that at least 50 million "missing" Chinese<br />

women are possible euthanasia victims in a country that chooses to place higher value on its males. (WHO Regional Committee for the<br />

Western Pacific, in a UN report released Sept. 26, 1997) How could this take place with the knowledge and approval - and assistance - of<br />

that global champion of Human Rights, the United Nations?<br />

Page 5 of 8<br />

<strong>The</strong> answer is alarmingly simple. In the New Age Plan to which the UN is dedicated,"quality of life" is a collective value, not to be<br />

interpreted by the selfish desires of an individual or group. Certain forward-looking global figures have been telling us for decades that the<br />

individual's "quality of life" is secondary to that of the community: "Life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness are basic rights. But they are<br />

the rights of the individual and were listed [in the Declaration of Independence] at such a time when the literatures of freedom and dignity<br />

were concerned with the aggrandizement of the individual. <strong>The</strong>y have only a minor bearing on the survival of a culture." (B.F. Skinner,<br />

prominent Harvard psychologist and writer). "<strong>The</strong> ill-conceived 'love of neighbor' has to disappear, especially in relation to inferior or<br />

asocial creatures... in order to secure the maintenance of a hereditarily sound and racially pure people.... <strong>The</strong> life of an individual has<br />

meaning only in the light of that ultimate aim." (Dr. Arthur Guett, Nazi Director of Public Health) "We have seen more than once that the<br />

public welfare may call upon the best citizens for their lives. It would be strange if it could not call upon those who already sap the strength<br />

of the State for these lesser sacrifices." (U.S. Supreme Court Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes, in Buck v. Bell) "Society as the trustee of life is<br />

responsible to [collective] life for every botched [individual] life that comes into existence... [therefore society should] make it impossible for<br />

them ever to see the light of day." (Friedreich Nietzsche) [in all of the above, emphasis is mine to show parallels]<br />

3d. Balance with the Earth is a NA principle which reminds mankind that in the midst of all his advances, he must not forget that he is also<br />

part of a Bigger Design in the cosmos. We might assume that this is meant to offset the eugenic mentality of omnipotence and impart a<br />

humbler perspective of man's position - and so it is at the grassroots level. However, it is a two-tiered philosophy which further serves the<br />

eugenics policy with regard to the upper ranks of NA leadership.<br />

Part of man's enlightenment is to realize his responsibilities to care for the Earth. [Please note that New Agers are not speaking here about<br />

ecology, although they use genuine ecology to attract caring, responsible people. We are now examining a religion in which man serves the<br />

Earth, capital "E", as a goddess/mother.] While man is certainly obligated to take better care of the planet's resources, in the NA value<br />

system the Earth does not exist to serve and sustain man; nor is man, for all his uniqueness in nature, to be regarded as superior to nature in<br />

any way. Both concepts, derived from Judaism, are arrogant and wrong. "To give preference to the life of a being simply because it is a<br />

member of our species would put us in the same position as racists." ("bioethicist" Peter Singer, _Animal Liberation_. Significantly,<br />

Professor Singer is now Chairman of Princeton University's "Center for Human Values".) In the same spirit, U.S. Supreme Court Justice<br />

Oliver Wendell Holmes (champion of compulsory sterilization laws as noted in theeugenics section) commented, "I see no reason for<br />

attributing to man a significance different in kind from that which belongs to a baboon or a grain of sand."<br />

But it is not enough that man is no longer to be considered the crowning achievement in creation, or even that "Mother Earth's needs" must<br />

come before those of global humanity. By some peculiar reverse logic, man in his newly-found godhood begins his divine "at-one-ment"<br />

with Nature by admitting that he is an alien, an intruder, a blight on Nature: "Human happiness and certainly human fecundity are not as<br />

important as a wild and healthy planet. I know social scientists who remind me that people are part of nature, but it isn't true.... We have<br />

become a plague upon ourselves and upon the Earth.... Until such time as homo sapiens should decide to rejoin nature, some of us can only<br />

hope for the right virus to come along." (U.S. National Park Service biologist David Graber, reviewing Bill McKibben's _<strong>The</strong> End of Nature_<br />

in _<strong>The</strong> Los Angeles Times_, Oct. 22, 1989) "<strong>The</strong> real enemy [which humanity must unite to fight] is humanity itself." (_<strong>The</strong> First Global<br />

Revolution_, Club of Rome, p.115) "[Mankind is] the cancer of the planet." (U.S. Department of State Bulletin, Jan. 31, 1966, p.176)<br />

Accordingly, the U.S. government is currently setting aside huge tracts of American land which will be off-limits to human beings, including<br />

locations where forcible population transfer will be necessary. Clearly the much-publicized NA creed of "returning to Nature" can mean<br />

something not anticipated by many who have jumped on the "Earth First" bandwagon.<br />

To deal with this "cancer" which is humanity, not only is the quality of human life to be strictly controlled, but the quantity as well. Drastic<br />

reduction of the human "plague" is a NA mandate of the highest order, and therefore (human) over-population is sold by the Western media<br />

and government as the greatest menace facing the Earth today, beginning with the landmark <strong>book</strong>, _<strong>The</strong> Population Bomb_, by Paul Ehrlich:<br />

"We must cut out the cancer of population growth. Coercion? Perhaps, but coercion in a good cause." (p.11) <strong>The</strong> Georgia Guidestones, a<br />

tourist site dubbed "America's Stonehenge", is a monument to New Age priorities, and over-population gets attention from first to last -<br />

literally. Engraved on huge granite slabs in 12 different languages (including Hebrew) are a NA equivalent to the Ten Commandments, said<br />

to be dictated by anonymous "guides". Guideline Number One specifies that earth's population must be reduced to 1/2 billion in order to<br />

"balance with Nature", implying that at least 80% of humanity must be eliminated. Guideline Number Ten reads: "Be not a cancer on the<br />

earth - leave room for nature, leave room for nature." While the Guidestones were erected by an anonymous group which cannot claim to<br />

represent NA leadership worldwide, prominent figures concur that catastrophic population reductions are necessary for humanity's<br />

advancement: "<strong>The</strong> total world population should be not more than 2 billion, rather than the current 5.6 billion [in 1994]." (Cornell<br />

University professor David Pimentel, speaking at the American Association for the Advancement of Science) <strong>The</strong> UN was even more<br />

specific: "A reasonable estimate for an industrialized world society at the present North American material standard of living would be 1<br />

billion. At the more frugal European standard, 2 to 3 billion would be possible." ("UNEP Global Assessment Report", Phase One Draft,<br />

sec.9) [According to the UN Population Census table, its 1 billion limit would take us back to the global population of the year 1804, and 2<br />

billion to 1927.] At the "State of the World Forum", sponsored by the Gorbachev Foundation and attended by many world leaders (San<br />

Francisco, 1995), Dr. Sam Keen, a respected NA philosopher, proposed the more stringent Georgia Guidestones level of 1/2 billion: "Cut the<br />

population [of roughly 5.8 billion that year] by 90% and there aren't enough people left to do a great deal of ecological damage." (William<br />

Jasper, "Global Gorby", _<strong>The</strong> New American_, Oct. 30, 1995) Al Gore, U.S. Vice President at the time, went so far as to blame overpopulation<br />

in Third World countries for global warming. (_Washington Times_, "Third World Birth Control Tops Gore's List of 'Global<br />

Warming' Cures", Oct. 1997) [How an abundance of dark-skinned babies can affect global temperatures more than an abundance of<br />

American cars, power plants, shopping malls and air conditioners is a mystery I'm still pondering. <strong>The</strong> fact that the man wasn't laughed out of<br />

office provides yet more food for thought.]<br />

[Note: Reputable scientists have been offering proof that the earth is not overpopulated at all, but that the available land, food and<br />

populations are not being managed efficiently. Consider Colin Clark, former Director of the Oxford University Agricultural Economic<br />

Institute, who determined that with today's technology enough food can be produced to feed 35.1 billion people with "an American-type diet"<br />

using only 50% of the earth's land mass. Or Roger Revelle, former Director of the Harvard Center of Population Studies, who came up with a<br />

http://philologos.org/__eb-trs/naB.htm<br />


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