The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rainbow</strong> <strong>Swastika</strong> - Human History According to the New Age<br />

Page 3 of 8<br />

decaying race are given over to less developed egos which enter them... [until they will] finally be the vehicles for only the least developed<br />

egos of the human stock." (_Fountain_, "Racial Cycles and Yugas") At the bottom of de Purucker's soul-barrel are a "few Lemurian bodies<br />

still going on and on - so-called because they are of direct Lemurian descent - [which] offer vehicles to the very lowest class of the human<br />

stock." (Bailey identified theLemurian race as the Jews.) <strong>The</strong> lack in certain circles of "openness to the light" of NA teaching is explained as<br />

one clue that these are the ones lacking developed souls. Other "symptoms" mentioned by <strong>The</strong>osophical Society co-founder W.Q. Judge are<br />

genetic, physical or mental deformities, anti-social behavior and Chinese nationality [sic]; egos may even "desert" their bodies, leaving<br />

functioning but soul-less shells. ("Why Races Die Out", _Path_, Oct. 1891) For Anthroposophist (former <strong>The</strong>osophist) Rudolf Steiner, the<br />

under-developed souls were found in dark-skinned bodies (taught in all Waldorf Schools under "Racial Ethnography").<br />

What then would be the most humane response, given our "overcrowded" planet and the beneficial effect of physical death? <strong>The</strong> benevolent<br />

NA program is already underway.<br />

3b. Karma [Hindu term] means that this life contains rewards or punishments for good or bad deeds done in your previous lives, meted out<br />

by an impersonal mechanism called "the universal law of harmony, which unerringly maintains equilibrium in the cosmos" (William Q.<br />

Judge, "<strong>The</strong> Ocean of <strong>The</strong>osophy"). Not only individuals, butraces and even planets are affected by karma, as Alice Bailey discusses in<br />

_Initiation, Human and Solar_ (p.41). It is not explained how the punishment for a certain individual's actions can be passed on to another<br />

(innocent) individual through genetics, nor is it explained how that would be fair, but anyone who inherits a genetic defect is assumed to<br />

merit the punishment. Similar rules apply to "racial" karma and to explain the suffering of the Jews. In other words, descendents inherit the<br />

payment for their ancestors' behavior as well as for their own.<br />

This "cosmic law of nature" literally never makes a mistake. "<strong>The</strong>re is no such thing as pure innocence, even in a tiny babe. Every soul<br />

carries within it the scars of centuries of wrong thinking and wrong doing." (Dr. Rodney Romney, _Journey to Inner Space_, p.127) Past<br />

lives which are lived wrongly bring about karma which must be worked off without complaint. Flying in the face of all New Age social<br />

activism, the purist interpretation of karma logically concludes that no one should try to alleviate their own or another's suffering, lest we<br />

interfere with the outworking of their karma, upset the balance of cosmic justice, and prolong someone's dreary journey through future lives.<br />

[This rationale has long been followed in India, where sick and starving people 'of low caste' are left to die in the streets.] W.Q. Judge taught<br />

extensively on this theme ("<strong>The</strong> Ocean of <strong>The</strong>osophy") and commented on its application to the Jews. <strong>The</strong> cosmic balance maintained by<br />

karma is alternately described in Oriental terms of "yin-yang" where light and darkness (good and evil) are needed in equal portions for a<br />

person, an ethnic race or the cosmos to be whole. [Like its twin doctrine, reincarnation, the "evidence" for karma is always subjective, and it<br />

is always self-serving for those already living well. <strong>The</strong> iron rule that "everyone has got exactly what they deserve" cannot help but<br />

legitimize the status quo for those who like things as they are: a classic example of circular reasoning.]<br />

3c. Eugenics (improving the race through breeding): It is agreed that theoretically it is "immoral" for spiritually or physically inferior<br />

creatures to use up space and limited resources on our "overpopulated Spaceship Earth", which should be used to nurture the people who are<br />

better equipped to carry the human race to higher levels. Moreover, the purity of the human race becomes downgraded as such "lower egos"<br />

reproduce and interbreed with the "better stock"; this in turn jeopardizes the success of the next quantum leap to a new subrace. In such a<br />

context, eugenicists see themselves not as racists, but responsible leaders working for the good of humanity, undertaking a noble and<br />

necessary (but misunderstood) task - even a holy task: "<strong>The</strong>re is now no reasonable excuse for refusing to face the fact that nothing but a<br />

eugenics religion can save our civilization from the fate that has overtaken all previous civilizations." (George Bernard Shaw quoted by Mark<br />

Haller, _Eugenics_, p.19)<br />

<strong>The</strong> outer defects which are taken to be outworkings of negative karma make it easier to identify the spiritually "inferior" strains of humanity<br />

which will "endanger" human progress. Two strategies can then be employed: to strictly segregate the superior humanity from contact and<br />

mingling with inferior strains, and to hasten the demise of the undesired strains by preventing reproduction and by cutting short their natural<br />

lifespans wherever possible. Both strategies have been institutionalized in this century on a nationwide level, most notably in the Hindu caste<br />

system and in the Nazi racial purity laws. [<strong>The</strong>osophy was the conduit from the former to the latter - more in the Nazism section]<br />

A look at the history of "Planned Parenthood" (until 1942 called "<strong>The</strong> American Birth Control League") will reveal that its founders,<br />

Margaret Sanger, Madison Grant and Dr. Lothrop Stoddard, advocated a strong eugenicist worldview, proclaimed on the masthead of the<br />

_Birth Control Review_ as "Creating a Race of Thoroughbreds". [Americans of that era were quite receptive to racial purity ideas, and the<br />

masthead did not create the furor it undoubtedly would today.] "For race betterment is such an intensely practical matter: when peoples come<br />

to realize that the quality of the population is the source of all their prosperity, progress, security and even existence; we shall see muchabused<br />

'eugenics' actually moulding social programmes and political policies... we or the next generation..." (Stoddard, _<strong>The</strong> Rising Tide of<br />

Color against White World Supremacy_, 1930) Sanger advocated not only the "elimination of human weeds" in a social context, but<br />

approved of the "sterilization of genetically inferior races." (_<strong>The</strong> Pivot of Civilization_, p.101,108,123) Although she proposed a peaceful<br />

path to "racial purification," in which people would be educated and paid to foster "more children from the fit, fewer from the unfit", Sanger<br />

had no quarrel with the Nazis' compulsory sterilization program. Another BC League member, Harry Laughlin, received an honorary MD<br />

degree from the University of Heidelberg, in appreciation of his "contributions to the Third Reich". (Richard Hertz, _Chance and Symbol_,<br />

p.107) In return, a number of American eugenicists urged the Eugenics Record Office (a BC League enterprise) to make Adolf Hitler an<br />

honorary member. (see Robert Proctor, _Racial Hygiene_, p.103) Although this was not done, Nazi articles were printed and Nazi<br />

sterilization policies were praised in the _Birth Control Review_, even after American eugenicists were invited to witness their coercive and<br />

often brutal methods. [see more under Nazism section].<br />

Has Planned Parenthood distanced themselves from the unsavory history of their organization? Not if their Annual Report of 1985 is the last<br />

word: "Proud of our past, and planning for our future." <strong>The</strong> "planning" has included birth control and/or sterilization of the "mentally<br />

retarded" [Project 3], the "physically handicapped" [Project 4] and "psychiatric patients, criminals, and prisoners" [Project 6]. (Planned<br />

Parenthood Federation of America, "A Five Year Plan 1976-1980")<br />

[While it is true that PP circulated a statement in Feb. 1998 ("<strong>The</strong> Truth About Margaret Sanger", see the PPFA on-line Library & Resource<br />

Center) to "refute" Sanger's "alleged racism", their efforts are embarrassing. For example, Sanger is exonerated from the racist masthead of<br />

the _Birth Control Review_ because she did not personally invent the slogan; and then for "proof" they quote her assessment of "the raising<br />

of human thoroughbreds" as "the noblest and most difficult art". <strong>The</strong>re are also cases of outright denial. One example: claiming that the<br />

review by Havelock Ellis of Stoddard's _Rising Tide_ was published by Sanger in order to denounce Stoddard's racism, while ignoring the<br />

fact that Stoddard remained a co-leader in good standing at the BC League. Another: refuting Sanger's motto, "More children from the fit,<br />

less from the unfit" by attributing it to the editors of _American Medicine_ who were summarizing her article published therein, omitting the<br />

http://philologos.org/__eb-trs/naB.htm<br />


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