The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rainbow</strong> <strong>Swastika</strong> - Human History According to the New Age<br />

straight at the viewing audience, inviting them to join him in this kind of "freedom... where everything is possible". <strong>The</strong> same tactic was used<br />

with more subtletly in _<strong>The</strong> Truman Show_, where Truman ("true man") finally catches on to his illusory "life", defies his manipulative<br />

"creator" Christoff (also named deliberately) and steps right out of his "existence" - to the cheers of his vast audience waiting for him on the<br />

"outside".]<br />

We have evolved through several "root-races" (the 1st was the "Lemurian", and the 2nd the "Atlantean", the latter dated by NA mythology<br />

as ending 26,000 years ago). We are nearing the end of the 3rd, the "Aryan root-race" [Yes, it's the same Aryan race found in Nazi doctrine -<br />

except they identified the location not as Atlantis but Hyperborea]. Each root-race goes through stages which produce "subraces",<br />

representing stair-steps upward toward the next race in which mankind acquires new attributes and abilities. According to Alice Bailey, these<br />

ages change every 2000 years, and are reflected in the astrological signs. We are currently at a transition stage between two ages in our<br />

"planetary evolution": about to enter the "6th subrace" of the Aryan root. [This is only one example of the strange math which plagues New<br />

Age history - to pass through 5 ages of Aryan race-history since Atlantis would only take 10,000 years, leaving another 16,000 unaccounted<br />

for....] To complicate human history even further, <strong>The</strong>osophist G. de Purucker claims that we are witnessing the birth of "the 6th subrace of<br />

our present 5th [rather than 3rd] root-race"; according to him, the Lemurian and Atlantean are the 3rd and 4th; root-races 1 and 2 are<br />

unidentified. He names the Aryan race as "one of the very first subraces of our own 5th root-race" [not the root-race itself, which remains<br />

nameless], noting that the Aryan race is declining but will rise again [revived subraces are not mentioned by Bailey]. Meanwhile, our current<br />

subrace won't die out for another 427,000 years, and by his "Brahmanical" calculations, a single root-race lasts not 26,000 years but "8.6<br />

million years"! (See _<strong>The</strong> Fountain-Source of Occultism_, published by the <strong>The</strong>osophical Society.) [Before we laugh, we must remember<br />

that these histories - both versions, in fact - are not attributed by NAers to confused humans, but to disembodied spirit beings who propose to<br />

guide mankind to higher wisdom. In view of their track record on "wisdom" so far, I wouldn't trust them with my personal bank account, let<br />

alone mankind's future....]<br />

In order to reach each new subrace, the highest form of mankind must make a collective "quantum leap" across an evolutionary gap; other<br />

inferior strains are left behind and eventually die out as the newly empowered root (sometimes called the new "starseed") takes over.<br />

[Anyone who remembers the classic movie, _2001: A Space Odyssey_, will recall the unexplained scenes with the obelisk that mysteriously<br />

appears, and the sudden leap of higher consciousness in those who touched it. This was one of the earliest media efforts to introduce the NA<br />

"quantum-leap evolution" doctrine to Western society at large. But at that time (1970) New Age "change agents" were still under orders by<br />

the "Hierarchy" to keep a low profile; thus viewers were shown nothing but a visual riddle, the keys to which were shared only with the<br />

initiated.]<br />

<strong>The</strong> new subrace is considered literally a new, "mutated" species of man. John White (_International Cooperation Council Directory_, 1979,<br />

p.13-15) coined the namehomo noeticus which is "a newer and higher form of humanity taking control of the planet... while the older species<br />

[homo sapien] dies out from a massive dose of irrationalism." This concept of the old species dying out to make way for the new was also<br />

held by Hitler (see him quoted in _Spear of Destiny_, Trevor Ravenscroft, p.250). White continues, "Outwardly these mutant humans<br />

resemble the earlier forms. <strong>The</strong> difference is inward, in their changed mentality, in their consciousness." In de Puruker's words, "Its<br />

forerunners are very few; they are strange people... freaks of nature." [<strong>The</strong> idea of humans mutating upward is also being sold nonstop to our<br />

society through entertainment, especially for children - you will be hard-pressed to find a kiddie cartoon, computer game, toy or popular<br />

movie where the "hero" is not some mutant blend of human/non-human elements, either visibly or "spiritually" or both. This, of course, flies<br />

in the face of real life on our planet; all branches of science have shown that mutations are never an advantage to a species and always die out<br />

quickly. Positive mutations simply do not exist on earth - let alone a single extra-terrestrial composite remotely like the _Star Trek_ or _Star<br />

Wars_ heroes we all grew to know and love. But hard evidence is no barrier to NA thought, which holds the imaginary to be as valid as the<br />

real.]<br />

2. <strong>The</strong> term "New Age" refers to the (astrological) Age of Aquarius which is about to begin, as soon as there is a "critical mass" of<br />

"initiates" or enlightened ones ready to make this leap to the next subrace. <strong>The</strong> pop group Fifth Dimension released their hit, "Age of<br />

Aquarius" around 1970, whose lyrics explain in detail the astrological signs of its arrival. [<strong>The</strong> 40-something crowd will remember the<br />

seemingly unrelated song that was awkwardly tacked onto the end of this song, urging us all to "let the sunshine in" - another clear<br />

indoctrination effort.] <strong>The</strong> term "fifth dimension" itself is a code phrase referring to "the plane of the spirit guides". (See NAer Jose<br />

Arguelles, interviewed by <strong>The</strong> Intergroup for Planetary Oneness, _Meditation Magazine_ Summer 1987.) <strong>The</strong> "old age" being replaced is<br />

named by Alice Bailey as the "Age of Pisces", which ushered in the "Christian dispensation". Conservative Christians are creating an<br />

obstacle to mankind reaching this critical mass, since they are unreasonably attached to their old dispensation, and their influence must be<br />

neutralized. <strong>The</strong> Jews, who refused even to leave their "Age of Aries" (the time of the Torah) to enter the Age of Pisces, (to merge with<br />

Christianity) are doubly behind in their evolutionary development (Bailey, _Reappearance of the Christ_, p.81) - and as a result, double<br />

trouble is caused by the lingering influence the Jewish religion has on society. [Enacting a solution to this is central to the NA Plan]<br />

3. This 'evolutionary progress' depends on four major concepts, handed down, it is taught, mainly from Babylonian and Hindu religion:<br />

reincarnation, karma, human eugenics, and balance with the Earth.<br />

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3a. Reincarnation (each soul returning many times into different bodies). This concept is so popular that not much needs to be explained<br />

here. [However, note that the "evidence" for reincarnation is problematic: it is always subjective (based on someone's narrative which cannot<br />

be verified or falsified); and it is always self-serving. Everyone's "past-life memory" is fascinating, rather than mundane as we might expect<br />

billions of lives to be. And a past life invariably justifies what one already wants to do in this life.] We are encouraged to embrace our past<br />

lives, to build upon them rather than regret them - no matter how unsavory we "were". <strong>The</strong> one exception is the Jews. Only Jews are<br />

expected to reject their present identity as Jews, which is the unfortunate result of a shameful past incarnation as... what else?... Jews again.<br />

(See _Externalisation_ II, p.78).]<br />

Classic reincarnation holds that there is a limited number of souls being recycled over eons through thousands of lives. Obviously there is a<br />

problem with this theory, as there are far too many people on earth today to tally with the smaller number of reincarnated souls from the<br />

past. To resolve this, one theory holds that souls have had to "split" in order for each person on earth to carry a "spark" of something human.<br />

Jewish proponents of reincarnation usually hold this view. [<strong>The</strong> very idea of one soul being shared by many people clashes with the central<br />

Jewish doctrine of the resurrection of the dead at the End of Days, when each soul is restored to its original body. Who will be resurrected<br />

with which body, and from which life? As a doctrine which no one can find clearly spelled out in the Torah or Prophets, reincarnation enjoys<br />

an undeserved reputation as a pillar of Judaism.] But the more popular explanation is that there must be subhumans walking around, bodies<br />

without viable souls inhabiting them. [Compare with Nazi propagandist Rosenberg's statement.] As de Purucker of the <strong>The</strong>osophical Society<br />

explains it: "All the stronger, more advanced egos [or, reincarnating souls]... take embodiment in the new race, whereas the bodies of the<br />

http://philologos.org/__eb-trs/naB.htm<br />


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