The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rainbow</strong> <strong>Swastika</strong> - <strong>The</strong> Gods of the New Age<br />

aspiring to godhood. In order to block man's ascension, the demiurge deliberately (and quite unfairly) leaves mankind ignorant of good and<br />

evil, the first initiation into spiritual awareness. He leaves man with only materialistic life, "physical immortality - a kind of static<br />

immortality that would have transformed man into an undying 'Wandering Jew'." [Implied here is that the Jews, whom Bailey does not<br />

hesitate to label as still "wandering", are a living example of the uninitiated who have no place of "rest" in the new humanity.] One third of<br />

the angelic gods refused to go along with this creator's scheme to withhold enlightenment from his creatures; they "rebelled", and led by<br />

Lucifer, they approached man to offer him god-consciousness. (See more in her chapter, "<strong>The</strong> Secret of the Fall of the Angels", II, p.75) "It<br />

is but natural," HPB concludes (p.243), "to view Satan, the Serpent of Genesis, as the real creator and benefactor, the Father of Spiritual<br />

mankind. For it is he who was the 'Harbinger of Light,' bright radiant Lucifer, who opened the eyes of the automaton created by Jehovah, as<br />

alleged." [See how the Nazis adopted this idea, in that section.]<br />

Bailey also describes the G-d of the Jews, but some effort is needed to identify Him beneath the occult terminology (_A Treatise on Cosmic<br />

Fire_ D, p.947-951). In the abstract terms reserved for highly placed Entities, she first calls him a "great manifestation". But, unlike the<br />

"manifestations" of the Logos, he was erroneously created by the mind of man - a misguided attempt which resulted in "distortions of the<br />

astral light". This manmade entity is also personified as "<strong>The</strong> Dweller on the Threshold", a being who is blocking the doorway to<br />

enlightenment, and who must be done away with. "A gigantic thought form hovers over the entire human family... energized by the insane<br />

desires and evil inclinations of all that is worst in man's nature, and kept alive by the prompting of his lower desires.... It is this piece of<br />

creative bungling, if so it might be called, which the Great Ones are occupied in destroying." While she at first refers to this "product of<br />

man's ignorance and selfishness" as though discussing a figment of the imagination, she finally calls Him the "evil entity". [We therefore<br />

have an "Entity War". See Robert Muller's strategies in such a war.] Moreover, the "Great Ones" are training humans to be "cooperators in<br />

the work of destruction," by directing the "interplanetary force" created by "certain mantrams and words" against this Being and against those<br />

who follow Him. [<strong>The</strong> Great Invocation is the most widely used example.] This force in turn empowers the "solar Gods" [and here, either<br />

Bailey or the editor notes that these are identified in _<strong>The</strong> Secret Doctrine_, II, p.287 as "the Fallen Angels"] to descend and manifest on the<br />

physical plane and wage a "war in heaven". Finally, Bailey says, "<strong>The</strong> hated 'Dweller on the Threshold' thus gradually dies for lack of<br />

sustenance." [Here the true nature of the Hierarchy momentarily peeps out: their desire to destroy the "Dweller" has its source in hatred, an<br />

evil motive attributed to only the most unenlightened of humans. Jews, for instance. It also betrays fear, another unenlightened attribute.]<br />

Bailey names three things by which this evil Entity "is kept alive and vitalized": (1)"wrong" and "selfish" thoughts ["selfish" is translated as<br />

refusal to surrender one's identity to the Group]; (2)"the fostering care of the brothers of the shadow, and thoserepresentative of what may be<br />

called 'cosmic evil'"; (3)the energy remaining from "an earlier solar system, and an emanation form which is no longer considered in this<br />

solar system to be a principle." Seeing that Bailey counts the current solar system as only the "second", we have only one other. <strong>The</strong> race<br />

hailing from that system is clearly guilty for bringing their unwelcome "Emanation form" along with them - one who in that age was<br />

considered a "principle", in other words a God. So when she relates: "Under the Law of Karma it [the entity] has to be dissipated by those<br />

who have created it," all NA disciples know exactly whose job it is to put to death this outdated "god thought". In summary, the "Great<br />

Ones" have arrived to help mankind "break loose from the influence" of this "persistent vampire". [Many kids' cartoons feature godlike<br />

villians who are "persistent vampires": for example the huge demon in the immensely popular "Dijimon" called "Myotismon" who keeps<br />

returning after being vanquished by the 7 energized spirit-guides.]<br />

11. <strong>The</strong> Black Lodge, Repository of Cosmic Evil<br />

Bailey's theories of human evolution and Jewish history have cosmic roots in the ancient war of the "Great White Lodge" against the [not so<br />

Great] "Black Lodge", the latter using the "Dark Force" as their power source. [Yes, look again at the "Darth Vadar" character of _Star<br />

Wars_ fame. In the most recent episode in this series, _Episode One: <strong>The</strong> Phantom Menace_, we are taken back in time and introduced to<br />

him as a child who is identified as the "chosen one" who would "bring balance to the Force". But, as we already know, he later turns to the<br />

"dark side" through events which will no doubt be revealed in a future episode. As Bailey taught, the Jewish people were also "chosen" in<br />

the distant past, destined to "produce that balancing" in their pivotal position between the "Dark Forces" on one side and the Hierarchyhumanity<br />

alliance on the other (_Externalisation_, p.74) But they too turned to the Dark Side after rebelling against the "service of light",<br />

and were condemned to wander.]<br />

It was the last round of this war between Light and Dark that ended the Atlantean Age and forced the Hierarchy, champions of the White<br />

Lodge, to withdraw into space and leave earth in the hands of the inexplicably victorious Black Lodge. While great detail is devoted to the<br />

White Lodge, much information on the Black Lodge leaders is withheld: "<strong>The</strong>y are not the problems of humanity but of the Hierarchy".<br />

(_Externalisation_, p.74) <strong>The</strong> goals of these other "Masters", Bailey writes, "are as inscrutable to you as are the plans of the Ruler of<br />

Shamballa [Sanat Kumara]." (p.76) [This places the Spirit(s) opposing the New Age at the same evolutionary level of the Logos, if not<br />

higher. Thus we are faced with a NA admission that it is possible for highly evolved beings to be evil - in spite of Blavatsky's statement that<br />

those who exist beyond the physical plane are perfected beings, united with "the whole shining host." (Blavatsky, _Isis Unveiled_ II, p.159)<br />

In light of such a situation, why should we accept that the Hierarchy is good simply because they exist at a higher plane?] Although the<br />

Black Lodge remains nameless, their activities are described: "<strong>The</strong> Forces of Darkness are powerful energies, working to preserve that which<br />

is ancient and material.... <strong>The</strong>y consequently block deliberately the inflow of that which is new and life-giving; they work to prevent the<br />

understanding of that which is of the New Age; they endeavor to preserve that which is familiar and old... to bring blindness to the peoples<br />

and to feed steadily the existing fires of hate, of separateness, of criticism and of cruelty." (_Externalisation_ II, p.75) [How interesting that in<br />

a war waged in the name of freedom of thought, "criticism" must be considered every bit as evil as "hate". Also interesting is the fact that<br />

"familiar and old" disqualifies Judaism, but not <strong>The</strong>osophy or the "Ageless Wisdom".]<br />

<strong>The</strong> only ways NA disciples can fight the Forces of Darkness are to refuse to entertain any thoughts which their agents promote, to faithfully<br />

recite the Great Invocation, and to try to make contact with "the forces of Shamballa or of the Hierarchy." (p.73, 76) Meanwhile, "the forces<br />

of separateness and of hate... use the Jewish race to stir up world difficulty." (p.77) [Just how these tools of Darkness stir up trouble is<br />

detailed in the Views on Jews.] It is only when "the mind aspect (the third [Lucifer] aspect of the personality) is more fully developed, then<br />

the focus of the effort of the Dark Forces will change and the problem of the Jews will disappear." (p.88) [Elsewhere, Bailey makes it clear<br />

that for the "problem of the Jews" to disappear, the Jews themselves have to disappear.]<br />

This concludes Segment C. [next segment, please...]<br />

Links to the rest of the series: THE RAINBOW SWASTIKA<br />

http://philologos.org/__eb-trs/naC.htm<br />

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