The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rainbow</strong> <strong>Swastika</strong> - <strong>The</strong> Gods of the New Age<br />

Page 7 of 9<br />

the past we have had to withdraw our support from those who were given the opportunity to represent us. <strong>The</strong> one who for a time had the<br />

opportunity of representing the master Djwal Kuhl soon lost that authority through intellectual pride and the brittleness of the lower mental<br />

body, which can never be the channel of the mind of God. Thus I expose to you the false teachings subtly woven into the work of Alice<br />

Bailey, whose failure to surrender totally rendered her unfit as an instrument of the Tibetan Master." ("Master Kuthumi", "An Expose of<br />

False Teachings", _Pearls of Wisdom_ 19/5, Feb. 1, 1976, p.28) [This is a warning to NA channels everywhere to expect no thanks for their<br />

years of service if they should fall from favor for any reason. It also represents a crisis of confidence for those who base their lives on<br />

"transmissions from the Masters". If Bailey's works are shot through with "false teaching", then the Hierarchy did not show a basic level of<br />

responsibility by stopping the UN, Lucis Trust, Robert Muller and all the other NA missionaries now spreading Bailey's teachings in their<br />

entirety. On the other hand, if Bailey teachings are still valid, then there must be false Masters roaming about, feeding disinformation to<br />

gullible NA audiences... in which case one might ask why all transmissions and "Masters" should not be considered suspect.]<br />

9b. Judging Human Development - <strong>The</strong> "Masters" have an iffy track record in prediction as well, even when they blame humans in advance<br />

for any potential error. Ruth Montgomery relayed from her "Guides" the warning that a nuclear World War III would take place in 1987,<br />

unless enlightened humanity banded together to "send forth the energies toward peace." <strong>The</strong>y gloomily predicted, however, that this war was<br />

"unlikely to be averted." (_Strangers..._ p.191) "Were there millions of Walk-ins working in unison, that catastrophe could perhaps be<br />

prevented, but in this present age of prosperity how many luxury lovers are likely to say to a disincarnate, 'Take my place.'" (p.53-54) [Here,<br />

compared to only 10 pages earlier, we see an abrupt switch from the compassionate offer to relieve discouraged individuals of their<br />

burdensome lives, to a guilt-trip laid on those who are not discouraged, castigating them as "luxury lovers" for not sacrificing their bodily<br />

rights for the Cause.] <strong>The</strong> "Guides" also predicted that the then-President Jimmy Carter would be succeeded by another Democratic president<br />

who would try to right things, "but this will come too late, as war will already have broken out." (p.195) Although there was still no mass<br />

recruitment for the homeless walk-ins, 1987 came and went without World War III, and the White House did not see another Democratic<br />

president for the next three terms. [Perhaps this statement was not meant to be a prediction, but rather an attempt to instruct enlightened<br />

voters in America. If so, it revealed both a misunderstanding of voter priorities and a powerlessness to influence human decisions. If they<br />

cannot "guide the little wills of men" in such a minor issue, how can they be trusted to steer a safe global course?]<br />

9c. <strong>The</strong> Masters' handling of the "Master Jesus" is of special interest to Jews, since their most famous son is the only Jew honored with the<br />

title of "Master of the Wisdom". He is identified by Bailey as a 5th degree initiate. In _From Bethlehem to Calvary_, she claims he attained<br />

it at his death, resulting in his release from physical restraints (what onlookers interpreted as a "resurrection"). For reasons unspecified,<br />

however, he was found unworthy of this level and was returned to the 4th degree, as evidenced by his later reincarnation in a teacher Bailey<br />

calls "Appollonius of Tyana" where he [again] received the 5th degree. (_Initiation_ VI, p.56-57) But even then, Bailey's (that is, Djwahl<br />

Kuhl's) description of him in the "<strong>The</strong> Lodge of Masters" marks him as something of a failure, in that "his pupils are frequently distinguished<br />

by... fanaticism". [Summary: Jesus is the only "master" known to have been demoted from the 5th degree, and certainly the only "master"<br />

whose service is described with disapproval, be it ever so faint. This implies a grave error of judgment by the Masters who are responsible for<br />

promoting souls to a "Teacher" level. Or it implies open prejudice against the only "master" with a Jewish background. Neither possibility<br />

speaks well of the Hierarchy.]<br />

9d. <strong>The</strong> War on Evil - Since all is god, this includes good and evil, which are merely different sides of the Divine. David Spangler<br />

(_Reflections on the Christ_) labels them the "light side" and the "dark side," or "the Christ side" and the "Lucifer side," which are equally<br />

necessary for wholeness. Spangler calls this union "the Luciferic initiation" (p.43). (<strong>The</strong> negative feedback Spangler received for being so<br />

outspoken back in 1977 apparently caused him to later downplay this comment, saying he had meant the Lucifer label "as a joke, really"; but<br />

he reaffirmed the need to unite with one's "shadowy side" to attain "balanced energies". See _Reimagination of the World_, David Spangler<br />

and William Irwin Thompson, p.7) Bailey wrote that the Atlantean war against the Black Lodge was in reality the Hierarchy's attempt to<br />

lead humanity into union of the cosmic opposites: spirit/matter, good/evil, light/dark, right/wrong. (See _Initiation, Human and Solar_, IV,<br />

p.35) Yet the Hierarchy has been carrying on acosmic war with the "Black Lodge" for ages, and has every intention of continuing. [But why<br />

declare eternal war on an entity - and in _Externalisation_ (p.76) even order their disciples to avoid any contact with the "efforts" of that<br />

entity - when by their own doctrines such an entity must be as much "God" as the Hierarchy are? It appears that there is a place for the<br />

unforgivable cosmic sins of "fear" and "separation", when it suits the Hierarchy. What or Who could trigger such a fit of spiritual regression<br />

in these "perfect beings"?]<br />

[We can understand it best in this way: In NA reality, "evil" is clearly not a problem to eradicate if it is merely the "dark side" of the<br />

cosmos. As we have seen, the "evil" which must be eliminated in the New Age is identified as "separation". It is no accident that the Jewish<br />

concept of holiness means to "separate oneself" or "turn away" from evil deeds and evil men; as the Vilna Gaon and other sages pointed out,<br />

the ceremonial laws of separation in the Torah are symbolic of the spiritual separation which is the essence of holiness (see commentaries on<br />

Parashat Kedoshim). <strong>The</strong> NA path to personal godhood requires the direct opposite: spiritual union with evil. So it is actually holiness<br />

which is the evil targeted for elimination.]<br />

9e. Ethics and Justice - Because karma has taken over the dispensing of reward and punishment, morality and victims are obsolete concepts<br />

from the old "dualist dispensation". All injury and suffering is merited, whether the sufferer is aware of his offense or not. On the other<br />

hand, since good and evil are both necessary for spiritual perfection, those who injure or wrong others need only to be taught that man is his<br />

own satan just as man is his own salvation, and that evil is not moral guilt but spiritual imbalance. Evil energies, as Spangler says, are simply<br />

energies used out of timing or out of place, or just not suited to the needs of evolution. In accordance with this idea, prisons and mental<br />

hospitals are investing heavily in "higher consciousness" training as rehabilitation. Due to reincarnation, there is also no such thing as<br />

murder, so in the New Age no one can be prosecuted for being the instrument of karma in sending someone on to their next life; on the<br />

contrary, it can be counted a service. [All this being established NA doctrine, what of the NA groups working for "human rights"? See the<br />

Humanity section which shows that "human rights" is interpreted as the rights of "humanity", not individual human rights.]<br />

10. <strong>The</strong> "other" creator: the G-d of the Jews.<br />

Gnosticism forms the base of <strong>The</strong>osophical belief about the G-d of the Jewish Bible (discussed at length by HPB, _<strong>The</strong> Secret Doctrine_, II<br />

p.243-244) She identifies him as a gnostic "Demiurgos" (a minor deity) named "Ilda-Baoth, whom several sects regarded as the God of<br />

Moses." Curiously, she goes out of her way to add that Ilda-Baoth is the "Demiurge of the Nazarenes" as well. [This is the historical term for<br />

the earliest disciples of Jesus, who were all Jews.] She describes him as "not a pure spirit, he was ambitious and proud, and rejecting the<br />

spiritual light of the middle space offered him by his mother Sophia-Achamoth, he set himself to create a world of his own." He successfully<br />

"created" the physical universe, but only with help from "Sophia", who immediately regretted her part in the endeavor. HPB goes on to<br />

describe his creation of man as "a failure", resulting in "a monster, soulless, ignorant and crawling on all fours." Sophia steps in again, and<br />

endows man with a soul, which fills Ilda-Baoth with "rage and envy" as he watches his creature set out to follow the divine ray within,<br />

http://philologos.org/__eb-trs/naC.htm<br />


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