The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rainbow</strong> <strong>Swastika</strong> - <strong>The</strong> Gods of the New Age<br />

Strangely, what Bailey calls "the great plan [of the Logos] for the self-conscious unfoldment of life" (_Initiation_, p.29), which starts with<br />

affirming our own godhood, is destined to end in "no-name-ness", as NA leader Dr. Jose Arguelles puts it. (_Meditation Magazine_,<br />

published by the Intergroup for Planetary Oneness, Summer 1987) To participate in theGroup Mind requires the loss of everything that<br />

makes us unique - including the individual mind which NAers spend so much effort in developing, and all psychic powers they have labored<br />

to acquire. According to Montgomery, the human mind is "vacated" so that "the entity slips in" (_Strangers_ p.25). But NA philosopher<br />

Manly P. Hall is more honest, calling it not a vacating process but a death: "<strong>The</strong> mind... must be ultimately sacrificed in order that the Great<br />

Work be accomplished. By the death of the mind consciousness is released to complete perfection." (_Lectures on Ancient Philosophy_<br />

p.65) As Hall describes it, the only difference between Eastern and Western paths to godhood is that the latter teaches "the perfection of the<br />

mind before its rejection, whereas the Eastern schools are prone to regard the mind as a hindrance, to be discarded at the very beginning of<br />

spiritual growth." <strong>The</strong> Eastern path "slays the mind", while in the Western path the mind comes to "a realization of its own insufficiency",<br />

and commits suicide "as a willing sacrifice." (p.67) [Don't look now, but the bottom just fell out of the NA "unlimited potential of the human<br />

mind".] Bailey describes the loss of individuality as well, where "the lesser light... of the personality (personal self) is absorbed into the<br />

greater light of the Angel or soul." <strong>The</strong> original personality becomes only a "shell" which has undergone "the fires of purification".<br />

(_Glamour - A World Problem_, p.269-270) <strong>The</strong> implication is that personhood is a defilement, an illusory "glamour" which blocks one from<br />

godhood. [So much for the popular conception that NA supports the quest for individual freedom... "I gotta be me" is the very antithesis of<br />

NA enlightenment.]<br />

8. Masters of God-Men or of Puppets? <strong>The</strong> Hierarchy promotes the idea that every possible universe is equally "real" in your mind, where<br />

as an enlightened person you can "create your own reality" at will. But once the individual mind is "sacrificed" to oblivion as a "hindrance",<br />

where is reality to be found? <strong>The</strong> answer must be that reality is being createdby other minds, pre-determined and presented for the nowmindless<br />

NA initiate to follow without alteration. All NA plans for world domination (known in the UN under the euphemism "Global<br />

Governance") and all NA evaluations (who is "more highly evolved" than others, how one moves up, who is to be considered unsalvagable<br />

for the "quantum leap") are set exclusively by "revelations" from the above-mentioned "masters of wisdom". <strong>The</strong>se spirits have chosen<br />

certain physical spokesmen to transmit their knowledge to the world without critique; this is why they are known as "channelers". (In Tenach<br />

days they were called witches, spiritists and mediums, and were unfairly persecuted by a few of the Jewish leaders and by many Christians<br />

but welcomed by many others.) <strong>The</strong> New Age is densely populated with such human transmitters. [When they are quoted throughout this<br />

series it should be kept in mind that they themselves do not take credit for their statements or <strong>book</strong>s, and some even prefer anonymity.<br />

Skeptics may insist that these channelers are conjuring up "messages" from their own minds, which is likely in many cases. However, there<br />

are too many instances of such people conveying real, verifiable information that is not accessible to them on a human level; some are<br />

undeniably receiving knowledge from a source outside themselves. <strong>The</strong> curious thing is that only one remarkable instance is enough to<br />

validate a channeler in the eyes of NA psychic-junkies: any subsequent mistakes or contradictory directives are excused, as well as outright<br />

transgression of noble NA principles. For examples, read on.]<br />

Even global events were/are directed on the order of these unseen beings: World Healing Day, which John Randolph Price relates was in<br />

obedience to his spirit-guide's instructions to activate a "critical mass" for a "simultaneous global mind link." Within a year, he enlisted<br />

support from over 500 million people in 77 countries, including political leaders, and by the appointed date (31/12/86), he estimated that one<br />

billion took part. (It is possible that the warning of Ruth Montgomery's guides of aworld war in 1987 provided extra motivation to rally<br />

around this particular date.) Price also took direct dictation from his guide "Asher" in writing his <strong>book</strong>s, _<strong>The</strong> Planetary Commission_ (see<br />

"John & Jan's Excellent Adventure", _Earthlight Magazine_, 1996) and _Practical Spirituality_. <strong>The</strong> "World Healing Meditation" written for<br />

World Healing Day, focuses on humanity's godhood and visualizes that "all false beliefs and error patterns are dissolved. <strong>The</strong> sense of<br />

separation is no more, the healing has taken place, and the world is restored to sanity." [It sounds great until we remember who is responsible<br />

for the "false belief" and "separation" in the world.] <strong>The</strong> Prices are dedicated disciples of the "Ancient Wisdom Teachings", as was Alice<br />

Bailey, and they regularly teach at "Mystery Schools" around the world. Hillary Clinton, US First Lady for two terms and candidate for New<br />

York Senator, revealed in 1996 that she regularly consults with "the spirit of Eleanor Roosevelt" for advice. (_<strong>The</strong> Skeptic Magazine_, "Ten<br />

Years of Skeptism") [Hillary is solidly behind NA educational principles - see that section for details.]<br />

Foundational documents which are attributed to dictation by the "ascended masters" are zealously studied by NA disciples. <strong>The</strong>y include<br />

_<strong>The</strong> Urantia Books_, _<strong>The</strong> Cosmic Gospel_, _<strong>The</strong> Secret Doctrine_ (actually a rewrite of the _Book of Dzyan_), _<strong>The</strong> Externalisation of<br />

the Hierarchy_, _<strong>The</strong> Rays and the Initiations_, to name only a few. You will remember that these are listed in the introduction with human<br />

authors, but each of the authors in question claimed to merely have taken dictation from "supermortal personalities". Prime players were "El<br />

Morya" and "Master Kuthumi", both of them "5th degree initiates" who dictated _Isis Unveiled_ to Helena Blavatsky - as claimed in a "direct<br />

testimony" attributed to the spirit (El Morya, _<strong>The</strong> Chela and the Path_, p.122) <strong>The</strong>re are other works for which spirits are directly named as<br />

the authors: examples are _<strong>The</strong> Mahatma Letters to AP Sinnett_ (<strong>The</strong>osophical Publishing House, Adyar, India); "A Message to the<br />

Members of the <strong>The</strong>osophical Society from an Elder Brother" (_<strong>The</strong> <strong>The</strong>osophist_ 47/4, p.7). Possibly the single most widely-read "ghostwriter"<br />

[sorry for the pun, it was irresistible] is the "<strong>The</strong> Tibetan Master", aka "Djwhal Khul" or just "DK", the source of all of Alice Bailey's<br />

<strong>book</strong>s (except for _From Bethlehem to Calvary_, which he did not dictate but fully endorsed). Since these classic works were published,<br />

many more have been produced with credits given to spirit guides, through human authors like John Randolph Price (writing for "Asher"),<br />

Barbara Marx Hubbard (for "the elders"), David Spangler (for "John", "Pan" and simply "God") and Ruth Montgomery.<br />

<strong>The</strong>re is one all-inclusive document that does not exist on the physical plane, which occultists say may be briefly glimpsed only at the<br />

'highest level of consciousness': this is called the "Akashic Record", said to be an imprint of all past and future events.<br />

Page 6 of 9<br />

9. How good are the NA gods as Guides? A sample of their track record:<br />

9a. Joint Cooperation and Responsibility - Although the "Masters" revealed to Blavatsky that they are "bound together in one spiritual<br />

solidarity of thought and deed," (_Isis Unveiled_ II, p.159), their united deed does not always bring about the promised results. <strong>The</strong>y have<br />

even admitted making errors in choosing their vehicles - repeatedly - after confirming the wisdom of their choices. If these were indeed<br />

errors of judgment, not only is the specific "Master" to blame, but the entire Hierarchy, since "there is the closest co-operation in all<br />

departments... Owing to the Unity of consciousness of those who are free from the three lower planes, what transpires in one department is<br />

known in the others." (Alice Bailey, _Initiation Human and Solar_, p.106) Yet when an earthly channel proves disappointing, it is not the<br />

infinitely more advanced god-entity who takes responsibility, but the hapless human who had previously been promoted as a Light to the<br />

enlightened. For example, Krishnamurti was hailed as a true vehicle of Maitreya by the <strong>The</strong>osophical Society, and he asserted with obvious<br />

devotion in 1927, "I am blending into the consciousness of the one Teacher... He will completely fill me." (_Krishnamurti: <strong>The</strong> Years of<br />

Awakening_, p.241). Only 5 years later, his "Teacher" publicly disowned him in a most humiliating manner: "It became all but impossible<br />

for him to be used any longer as my medium." ("Lord Maitreya", _Through the Eyes of the Masters: Meditations and Portraits_, p.66) Even<br />

Alice Bailey herself, who dedicated her life as a channel for the "Masters", got the ax nearly 30 years ago in a similarly ungrateful tone: "In<br />

http://philologos.org/__eb-trs/naC.htm<br />


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