The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rainbow</strong> <strong>Swastika</strong> - <strong>The</strong> Gods of the New Age<br />

6a. Who is the Head of the Logos? According to Bailey, Sanat Kumara is the only one known to man who attained the 7th initiation, placing<br />

him at the summit of the Logos pyramid as the one who "alone is self-sufficient". (_Initiation_, p.92) Bailey waxes eloquent in describing<br />

SK's purity and sinless state (_Initiation_, p.28-29). She characterizes him as the incarnation of "one of the 7 spirits before the Throne- the<br />

greatest of all Avatars". She also borrows liberally from Christian imagery, even quoting New Testament passages to describe him. In this<br />

passage, she even goes so far as to say that Sanat is "literally the Planetary Logos Himself", and describes the Logos as taking "the form of<br />

Sanat Kumara", the other two being "the outcome of the triple nature of the Planetary Logos." <strong>The</strong>se call into question whether Maitreya and<br />

Lucifer have a separate identity at all, or are to be considered emanations of Sanat Kumara. For the sake of comparison [or confusion], when<br />

Bailey charts the "three great planetary centers" (_<strong>The</strong> Destiny of Nations - <strong>The</strong> Influence of the Rays Today_, p.23-24) she lists<br />

"Humanity" (Lucifer's domain) as the first "expression of divine livingness", having been manifested "in the first solar system";<br />

chronologically this makes Lucifer the senior partner in the Logos. <strong>The</strong>n "Hierarchy" (Maitreya's responsibility) appeared "in the second<br />

solar system" (our present era) but is yet to "come into full manifestation upon the physical plane". "Shamballa" (Sanat's rule and "the<br />

directing center for the Hierarchy") is not due to manifest until "the next solar system"; however, for reasons unexplained, it is only now that<br />

the three "meet simultaneously at various stages of livingness." Even more curious, "it is only through human beings that these centers can<br />

ever come into true functioning activity." [From this it may be concluded that puny, unascended man is actually in control of the mighty<br />

Logos, who is/are dependent on his invitation and involvement in order to truly function.]<br />

However, according to Bailey disciple Benjamin Creme, it is Maitreya who is the only being to have evolved to a 7th degree initiation, as<br />

opposed to Buddha (6th) or Jesus (4th/5th). <strong>The</strong> lines between Maitreya, Sanat and Lucifer are even more blurred in the teachings of Creme,<br />

who has urged people to address the New Age messiah aseither Maitreya or Sanat Kumara. Since 1997, Creme has further revised his<br />

presentation of Maitreya on his websites. Whereas Maitreya was always the name of the spirit speaking through Creme, whom no one was<br />

allowed to see "until he chooses to reveal himself", now a photograph of "Maitreya" is displayed, while the "master" now speaking through<br />

Creme "has a name known only to an inner circle" and goes by "Master ___" [sic with a blank line], or the "Avatar [manifestation] of<br />

Synthesis". Until recently Maitreya was the highest initiate (7th degree) in the cosmos; Creme now claims that Master ___ is so much higher<br />

that his level cannot be revealed; "we wouldn't comprehend it." [This shift may be a stage toward uniting all the diverse titles and images<br />

mentioned above under the name Lucifer, a necessary step for the planned Luciferic initiation where allegiance to this name alone will be<br />

allowed.] Creme still speaks of Maitreya, but his relationship to "Master ___" is unclear.<br />

Blavatsky is more direct in identifying the head of the Logos: for her it is "Satan". He is "one with the Logos" which is ultimately one force.<br />

He also bears the title "Kumara" and is the oldest and highest of the angelic gods. (_Doctrine_ II, 103, 234-235) (For more on Satan's<br />

centrality in <strong>The</strong>osophy, see HPB's chapter, "Satan, a Centripetal Force", p.245)<br />

7. <strong>The</strong> NA gods "overshadowing" humans: from teachers to tenants.<br />

Humans are gods, if only they knew it. But Creme clarifies that when people pray, they are not to pray to themselves, but to "the God within"<br />

or the "God immanent". This is their higher god-self whom they do not yet know as their self. God being in all, this higher self is in union,<br />

or "at-one-ment", with other selves higher up in their spiritual evolution - ancient spirits who have mastered their godhood and "ascended"<br />

into "a higher vibration" (no longer needing bodies). <strong>The</strong>se beings, who already know their higher selves as god, are divine from our<br />

standpoint. <strong>The</strong>y know of our race's condition and have offered mankind their help in evolving into godhood. So in practical terms, prayer is<br />

directed to these higher beings as though to "God", and responses are "transmitted" from them. Since they are united with the Divine, the<br />

enlightened worshiper is expected to accept their every word as Divine Truth, even if it seems like nonsense or contradicts what they said<br />

yesterday. If he does so, the recipient will gain knowledge, power, health and inner peace, and come closer to his own godhood.<br />

In response to human need, some of these Masters become "Avatars" by occasionally taking up residence on the physical plane within a<br />

human host, known as "incarnation" (in their own body) or "overshadowing" (sharing the body with another soul). <strong>The</strong>re are different<br />

degrees of overshadowing, ranging from divine impressions (resulting in channeling and dictation of "wisdom" literature) to the host actually<br />

"stepping out" of his body to allow the "master" full control. (see Bailey's _A Treatise on Cosmic Fire_, p.756-757) This last stage<br />

transforms the outwardly normal-looking person into a body hosting an alien resident; the human owner is known in NA parlance as a "walkout",<br />

and the spirit-tenant is a benevolent "walk-in". [Interesting that not even the toughest NA cynics question the motives or integrity of<br />

these strangers who ask us to surrender our rightful property to them. Is there such a thing as a spiritual "free lunch"? Read on.] A detailed<br />

explanation of the phenomenon is available in the landmark 1979 <strong>book</strong>: _Strangers Among Us: Enlightened Beings from a World to Come_,<br />

by Ruth Montgomery, a walk-in enthusiast. [Although outdated, it is useful in presenting the basics of this belief.] Montgomery, who claims<br />

to have received her information through channeling, writes: "Most Walk-ins zealously guard the secret of their altered identity, because<br />

people tend to fear" the phenomenon (p.47) and would launch "witchhunts" (p.125). But walk-ins can be identified by their unusual powers,<br />

including mind-reading, the power to "forestall" human activity (p.30) and the ability to insert thoughts into a human mind which he thinks<br />

are his own (p.71). ["Star Wars" fans will recall the ability of the "Jedi knight" to do all of these.] Montgomery was told that walk-ins<br />

number into the "tens of thousands [as of 1979]" (p.13), and she prophesies of a walk-in US President at some point (p.207).<br />

It is common for disincarnate spirits to approach a human host and ask for entry. But step-by-step instructions are provided in _Strangers_<br />

for people who don't want to wait to be propositioned. Montgomery elaborates on the reasons a human host decides to "check out" of his<br />

body and permit an "exalted one" to move in: a reluctance to face "the coming holocaust" (p.71), being "discouraged or heartsick" (p.34), and<br />

"wishing for a long period of rest from worldly cares" (p.44). <strong>The</strong>se voluntary walk-outs will be exempt from the "bad karma" normally<br />

incurred by failing to fulfill one's life purpose, since they are contributing to the good of others. [What a deal.... Who doesn't want "a rest<br />

from worldly cares"?? As society becomes more chaotic, "walk-out volunteers" can be expected to increase exponentially. How convenient<br />

for the disembodied spirits who admittedly crave a human vehicle - especially when other "walk-ins" have the power of thought control to<br />

induce a sense of discouragement into a desirable potential host!]<br />

[No one seems disturbed at this peculiar situation. Here are perfected beings, who "when unburthened [sic] of their terrestrial tabernacles,<br />

their freed souls [are] united forever with their spirits [and] rejoin the whole shining host." (Blavatsky, _Isis Unveiled_ II, p.159) Now they<br />

suddenly need a primitive vehicle again - and cannot acquire one by simple reincarnation, but insist on confiscating a body already<br />

inhabited. As for the ostensible intention to help mankind, an ulterior motive for a spirit entering a human host is inadvertently identified:<br />

self-advancement in the "Brotherhood". See _Strangers_ p.31, 94-95.] <strong>The</strong> one queer exception to the "walk-in" possibilities is Mr. Logos<br />

himself, Sanat Kumara, who for all his great power is "not able" [or should that be, not permitted ?] to function in a physical body. (See<br />

_Initiation, Human and Solar_, p.28.) <strong>The</strong> take-over of spirits "entering directly into adult bodies" is apparently a ticklish maneuver and must<br />

be coordinated by certain "Brotherhoods" specializing in this service (_Strangers_ p.96).<br />

8. <strong>The</strong> "self-conscious unfoldment" leads to death of mind and personhood.<br />

http://philologos.org/__eb-trs/naC.htm<br />

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