The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries

The Rainbow Swastika (PDF book) - Scattered Seed Ministries


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<strong>The</strong> <strong>Rainbow</strong> <strong>Swastika</strong> - <strong>The</strong> Gods of the New Age<br />

4a. Lucifer and "Christ": One of the earliest outspoken promoters of Lucifer is David Spangler, one of the original leaders of Findhorn (in<br />

Scotland) and now a lecturer and author in the U.S. <strong>The</strong> back cover of one of his <strong>book</strong>s promotes him as "the shaman of the New Age<br />

Movement". (_Emergence: <strong>The</strong> Rebirth of the Sacred_, 1984) Spangler, a staunch Bailey disciple, is noteworthy for his articulate weaving<br />

of the various NA concepts of Lucifer into a single presentation, a 1977 <strong>book</strong> with the interesting title, _Reflections on the Christ_. <strong>The</strong> title,<br />

far from indicating confusion, emphasizes Spangler's conviction that Lucifer and the Christ are "twin sides" of the same "power" (see<br />

Spangler's recent <strong>book</strong>, co-authored with Professor William Irwin Thompson, _<strong>The</strong> Reimagination of the World_); therefore, Lucifer is to be<br />

considered literally a "reflection of the Christ", and vice versa. This energy may or may not be personified, as the situation demands. In<br />

_Reflections_ Lucifer is variously described (all in the same sentence) as "an angel, a being, a great and mighty planetary<br />

consciousness." (p.38) According to Spangler, "the light that reveals to us the path to the Christ come from Lucifer. He is the light giver." His<br />

task is to "prepare man in all ways for the experience of Christhood." (p.43) Conversely, "Christ is the same force as Lucifer but moving in<br />

seemingly the opposite direction." (p.38) [I would caution Jews not to apply this understanding to the Christian "Christ". Spangler would be<br />

the first to agree that his "Christ" is not a Jew from the 1st century.]<br />

4b. Lucifer, aka Satan, aka "Jehovah": Blavatsky, unlike later <strong>The</strong>osophists, has no difficulty in reconciling Lucifer and Satan as the same<br />

being: "Lucifer is the LOGOS in his highest, and the "Adversary" [Satan] in his lowest aspect - both of which are reflected in our<br />

Ego." (_<strong>The</strong> Secret Doctrine_, II, p.162) About Satan himself, HPB (_SD_ II, p.388-389) sets aside her contempt of orthodox Judaism long<br />

enough to cite the "Rabbins" [sic] and the Talmud which records that "'the evil Spirit, Satan, and Samael, the angel of Death, are the same' -<br />

(Babba Battra [sic], 16a)." She also relies on "the Rabbins [sic] teaching that 'Kin [sic] (Cain), the Evil, was the Son of Eve by Samael, the<br />

devil who took Adam's place'". <strong>The</strong>se two rabbinic quotes are [somehow] seen by her to support a revised, "correct reading of verse 1<br />

(chapter iv, Genesis) in the original Hebrew text" which proves that "Cain is identical with Jehovah". HPB refers here to Eve's declaration,<br />

"Kaniti ish et Hashem", translated as, "I obtained a man with G-d".<br />

[For the real rabbinic interpretation, see Rashi's simple comment, "b'zeh shutafim anu imo" - "in this [act of creation] we [Adam and Eve] are<br />

partners with Him [G-d]." At any rate, it's strange that HPB should fuss over the "original Hebrew" when she writes, "<strong>The</strong> Hebrew Bible<br />

exists no more [except as] garbled falsifications." Stranger still that the all-knowing "Masters" related to her that the "square letters Jews rely<br />

on are characters of an unknown, dead language" which cannot be traced farther back than "the fourth century A.D." <strong>The</strong> discovery of the<br />

Dead Sea Scroll of Isaiah must have come as a nasty shock to the enlightened ones. Yet HPB has Israeli disciples studying at the<br />

<strong>The</strong>osophical Society center in Tel Aviv.]<br />

Confident of her line of reasoning, HPB then forms the following conclusion (_Doctrine_ II, p.389): "It becomes easy to see that Jehovah<br />

(mankind, or 'Jah-hovah') [sic - a sample of HPB's Hebrew proficiency] and Satan (therefore the tempting Serpent) are one and the same in<br />

every particular." [a sample of her blatant contradictions - or shall we say, those of the "Masters" who dictated to her. For her other<br />

comments on "Jehovah", see below.] She goes on: "Satan represents metaphysically simply the reverse or the polar opposite of everything in<br />

nature. He is the 'adversary', allegorically, the 'murderer', and the great Enemy of all, because there is nothing in the whole universe that has<br />

not two sides... But in that case, light, goodness, beauty, etc., may be called Satan with as much propriety as the Devil, since they are the<br />

adversaries of darkness, badness, and ugliness." Elsewhere, she neatly sums up: "Lucifer is divine and terrestrial light, the 'Holy Ghost' and<br />

'Satan', at one and the same time." (p.513) Interestingly, Blavatsky repeatedly quotes Jewish "Kabalists" who support the idea that Satan is to<br />

be honored as the "cosmic reflection of God". (p.234) [See more under Kabbalah in the Missionizing section.] However, she dismisses any<br />

enlightenment on the part of the Jews; they merely learned it "from the Chaldeans and Egyptians". (p.240)<br />

In the end (p.513), however, HPB clings to a sort of monotheism of her own: "Satan is the god ofour planet, andthe only god." (p.234,<br />

emphasis hers) She also resorts to the same labels later used by Alice Bailey: "And now it stands proven that Satan, or the Red Fiery<br />

Dragon... and Lucifer, or 'Light-Bearer,' is in us: it is our Mind... the emanation of the very essence of the pure divine principal Mahat<br />

(Intelligence), which radiates direct from the Divine mind."<br />

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5. <strong>The</strong> god who "created" man: Sanat Kumara.<br />

NA messages to the public encourage "faith in the loving Creator" or "thanksgiving to the Lord of Creation", phrased to allow everyone his<br />

own interpretation. For themselves, however, the Creator is the head of the Hierarchy, known as Sanat Kumara [SK]. He has other titles as<br />

well: "Ancient of Days", "Lord of the World", "Youth of Endless Summers" and "<strong>The</strong> One Initiator" (ie, the one who initiates mankind to<br />

higher evolutionary levels). Bailey calls his "Council Chamber" by the term found in the Jewish <strong>book</strong> of Psalms, "the secret place of the<br />

Most High". (_Education in the New Age_, p.62) SK is credited as the "founder and initiator of all the most important movements." Bailey<br />

claims (_Externalisation_, p.465) that both Christians and Jews are actually worshiping him in their attempts to identify "God". [This shows<br />

her ignorance of Judaism; even while calling him "the Most High", she place SK far below the Ultimate God on her charts, automatically<br />

eliminating from him the central attribute of the G-d of Israel. On the other hand, it shows her intent to deceive, since elsewhere she writes<br />

that her "Lord of the World" is "totally otherwise" compared to the Adon Olam of the Jews - see _Externalisation_, p.551] Although SK's<br />

level of enlightenment earned him the right to enter into "Nirvana", he instead made the "supreme sacrifice" of turning back to creation and<br />

taking the responsibility to create us into gods. Bailey relates that he "came down" to earth in the middle of the Lemurian age, taking physical<br />

form, and although he later returned to the spirit plane, he "has remained with us ever since." (_Initiation_, p.28-29) [As we saw above,<br />

Bailey disciple Benjamin Creme makes identical claims for Lucifer, but this is not accidental, as we will see.]<br />

6. <strong>The</strong> New Age Trinity, or Logos.<br />

Sanat Kumara [SK], Maitreya the Christ [M], and Lucifer [L] are presented to the world as a trinity. Known as the Planetary Logos, they<br />

administer 3 spiritual Energies: respectively, [SK] Shamballa, the planetary Head, with the principles of Will-Power-Plan; [M] Hierarchy,<br />

the planetary Heart, Love-Wisdom-Unity; and [L] Humanity, the planetary Throat, Intelligence- Self-Conciousness- Creativity. Elsewhere<br />

(p.109) Bailey calls them "<strong>The</strong> Departmental Heads... three great Beings", using Hindu terms and assigning to them 3 respective spheres of<br />

activity: "Manu" (SK - matter, form, body, not-self; relating to governments and races), "Bodhisattva" (M- spirit, life, self; realized in<br />

religions and beliefs) and "Mahachohan" (L - intelligence, mind, soul; expressed in science, civilization and education). Notice that matter is<br />

equated with "not-self"; this follows the ancient gnostic idea that the physical must be destroyed to bring forth the true "self". Bailey affirms<br />

that Sanat Kumara's job is indeed to destroy, using the Shamballa energy, to make room for the new (_Externalisation_ II, p.89). She saw<br />

the devastation of the Nazis as an outworking of this destructive Shamballa force, calling it "right and good, provided we understand why it is<br />

taking place and by what it should be succeeded." (_From Bethlehem to Calvary_ p.463) Lucis Trust, the organization dedicated to<br />

distributing Bailey's writings, considers the Shamballa force to be "a demonstration of the beneficent will of God", in that it "tends to destroy<br />

all forms that hinder the emergence of a new and better world [especially in] the political field." (from Lucis Trust essay explaining<br />

Shamballa, Sept. 1999. <strong>The</strong>y also expected a "release of the Shamballa force" in the year 2000.) [I would assume that if it happens, this<br />

would be triggered by a "new" UN. But since the "new UN" is way behind schedule, we needn't set our watches.]<br />

http://philologos.org/__eb-trs/naC.htm<br />


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